Mistakes and sins

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  • #201730

    This discussion of sin, is it of us or of God? I would like your opinion of scripture Proverbs-16:4…
    Yahweh has made everything for its own pertinent end,
    Yea, even the wicked for he day of evil.

    If God makes the wicked ones, are they condemned, or do they have the power to “choose”?

    God Bless, Jerry.



    We are told that common vessels are made for destruction, Romans 9:21-22.

    Your fellow student,



    To all,
    i kindof lost track the thread. been busy.
    i see that many are already off topic.

    Here is the basis,

    are SIN and MISTAKES the same thing.

    for example,

    “i dropped a plate and it broke”

    getting into a car accident

    while running one trips and falls,

    a person murdering another person,

    sins or mistakes,

    whats the differense?????????????

    Tim Kraft

    SF: IMO sins have to do with ones relationship with God. Sin is an error or mistake of ones mind that could make him believe that he is separated, for any reason, from God. Sin is a mental mistake. Mans relationship with God is mental. Mans earthly trek is completely controled by man. Only through prayer or asking God for help can God move for the benefit of man. Man rules the earth. God gave it to him. Mistakes here on earth have nothing to do with ones relationship with God! This is an extremely important thread. Bless you, TK

    Tim Kraft

    Quote (chosenone @ July 05 2010,13:16)
    This discussion of sin, is it of us or of God?  I would like your opinion of scripture Proverbs-16:4…
    Yahweh has made everything for its own pertinent end,
    Yea, even the wicked for he day of evil.

    If God makes the wicked ones, are they condemned, or do they have the power to “choose”?

    God Bless,  Jerry.

    chosenone: For me Jesus is the way. Jesus did not tell us about Yahweh or use that name. Yet Jesus is the true way to God. Jesus revealed God as our Father in Heaven. He revealed him as love. Since it is our choice how we believe God to be I choose love. I must say I also do not understand that scripture nor do I care to. We all choose. God Bless you, TK

    Tim Kraft

    Quote (kerwin @ July 05 2010,18:16)

    We are told that common vessels are made for destruction, Romans 9:21-22.

    Your fellow student,


    Kerwin: If the word of God has created the inner image in you as a common vessel made for destruction, then I pity you.
    With an honest heart, who would choose to believe that? I choose the Gospel, THE GOOD NEWS from God. I could be wrong but that scripture doesn't sound like good news.
    Thank God for the truth, Jesus. The God I serve builds up and heals. There is another that tears down and destroys. I guess some will choose destruction. Choose life! Bless you, TK


    Tim Kraft,

    I choose to believe that God does not lie.  He states that the wicked are reserved for day of destruction and therefore it is true, Job 21:30 and Job 31:3.  Since you choose to call God a liar the results are on your head.

    The good news is that God is just and therefore those that love evil will receive the just punishment of their actions and those who hunger and thirst to stop sinning will do so by the power of God and thus enter the kingdom of God. The wise choose to be the later and not the former.

    Your fellow student,



    Quote (kerwin @ June 27 2010,14:31)
    To all.

    I will say no since God put limits on us and what we call mistakes stem from those limits.  

    On the other hand people have been know to call a mistake a sin and a sin a mistake and doing so is displeasing to God.  

    I admit that sometime I have difficulty telling the difference because a sin can often masquerade as a mistake and the difference is a matter of heart.  In these cases I pray to God to give me the wisdom to tell the difference and if it is a sin to purify my heart of the unrighteousness that leads to it.  God can and will do it if you truly seek him.

    Your fellow student,


    I posted this earlier and since Dennison would like us to return to the topic of this thread I decided to repost it.  Does anyone have any comments about my opinion?  

    My new comment is a sin is a sin because it violates the command love your neighbor as yourself.  If one makes an error that does not violate that command then it is mistake and not a sin.

    Your fellow student,



    Kerwin…………Sin is to miss the mark, of the high calling as i understand it. But there are (types) of sins, there sins of omissions and sins of admissions, sin we are aware of and sins we are not aware of, but none the less sin. The bible separates these, the Sin of (admission) being aware of, and Iniquities (sins of omission) being unaware of, but both are sins. Someone can really think he is doing right and is sinning, this is an iniquity as in the case where they will come to Jesus and say Lord ,Lord , in your name we did all these wonderful works, and he tells them to depart from me you workers of iniquity. A person can literally say something that is right and still be sinning , it depends on how he is saying what he is saying and those hidden motives behind his word. However both types are forgivable by God. God said he would forgive our Sins and Iniquities.

    peace and love to you and yours………………gene


    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ June 27 2010,19:09)
    Hi All,

    Lets dicuss these differences if there is any according to scripture,

    Mistakes and Sins.

    Is making an imperfect choice based on an individuals own will, a Sin?

    God cant make mistakes.. so if we commit a mistake its because me made an imperfect choice.

    Is that a sin, a trespass before God?

    what say you?

    If, as you describe a mistake, it would not be a “sin”, but the consequences may not be a blessing.


    Quote (Tim Kraft @ July 05 2010,14:27)
    SF: IMO sins have to do with ones relationship with God. Sin is an error or mistake of ones mind that could make him believe that he is separated, for any reason, from God. Sin is a mental mistake. Mans relationship with God is mental. Mans earthly trek is completely controled by man. Only through prayer or asking God for help can God move for the benefit of man. Man rules the earth. God gave it to him. Mistakes here on earth have nothing to do with ones relationship with God! This is an extremely important thread.  Bless you, TK

    Sin is more than a mental state,
    first of all its in our nature to sin,
    not about the mind in the end, its about the intentions of your heart.
    sin is the by product of hate,
    incorrect, man does not rule the earth, that was given up to the devil when man fell.
    Jesus gave us our rights back to rule the earth per say.
    I think your scratching the surface of sin,

    i see you post alot about the mind and choices, there is more depth than that. God HATES sin, study Gods reaction to such a thing, its more than just thuoghts and actions.

    Mistakes can cost you your life fyi.

    Mistakes can cause other to fall, can cause others to die.
    lets say one made a mistake by using raw meat in a fast food restuarnt, a costumer ate it and died,

    sin or mistake?


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ July 05 2010,19:15)
    Kerwin…………Sin is to miss the mark, of the high calling as i understand it. But there are (types) of sins, there sins of omissions and sins of admissions, sin we are aware of and sins we are not aware of, but none the less sin. The bible separates these, the Sin of (admission) being aware of, and Iniquities (sins of omission) being unaware of, but both are sins.  Someone can really think he is doing right and is sinning, this is an iniquity as in the case where they will come to Jesus and say Lord ,Lord , in your name we did all these wonderful works, and he tells them to depart from me you workers of iniquity. A person can literally say something that is right and still be sinning , it depends on how he is saying what he is saying and those hidden motives behind his word. However both types are forgivable by God. God said he would forgive our Sins and Iniquities.

    peace and love to you and yours………………gene

    Your getting off topic

    define a mistake for me


    Quote (Arnold @ July 05 2010,19:21)

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ June 27 2010,19:09)
    Hi All,

    Lets dicuss these differences if there is any according to scripture,

    Mistakes and Sins.

    Is making an imperfect choice based on an individuals own will, a Sin?

    God cant make mistakes.. so if we commit a mistake its because me made an imperfect choice.

    Is that a sin, a trespass before God?

    what say you?

    If, as you describe a mistake, it would not be a “sin”, but the consequences may not be a blessing.



    To all,

    A individual with Alzheimer has a limit that there memory is poor and thus makes mistakes even though they are not violating the law of love your neighbor as yourself and so not sinning.

    Is there anyone here that believes that such an individual is sinning when they forget important information?

    Your fellow student.




    It is irrelevant whether a sin is know or unknown as in either case it must be a violation of the command love your neighbor as yourself in order to be a sin or an inequity.

    There are many people who think they are doing good but their action come from a heart that does not love their neighbor as themselves.   One example of this is those that do good deeds in order to please man instead of God.   Evil temptation will masquerade as righteousness just as Satan came dressed as an angel of light.

    Your fellow student,



    Quote (kerwin @ July 06 2010,11:48)
    To all,

    A individual with Alzheimer has a limit that there memory is poor and thus makes mistakes even though they are not violating the law of love your neighbor as yourself and so not sinning.  

    Is there anyone here that believes that such an individual is sinning when they forget important information?

    Your fellow student.


    To further expand kerwins point,

    We typical state that a person has to come of age to know the differense between good and bad to receive salvation.


    does this make them sinners or mistakes?



    It is my conviction that children do sin but do not have the true knowledge of good and evil and so are not held accountable. They may know that what they are doing is bad as that is what they have been told but that is not what I regard as the true knowledge of what is good and evil.

    Your fellow student,


    Ed J

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ July 05 2010,20:34)

    Quote (chosenone @ July 05 2010,13:16)
    This discussion of sin, is it of us or of God?  I would like your opinion of scripture Proverbs-16:4…
    Yahweh has made everything for its own pertinent end,
    Yea, even the wicked for he day of evil.

    If God makes the wicked ones, are they condemned, or do they have the power to “choose”?

    God Bless,  Jerry.

    chosenone: For me Jesus is the way. Jesus did not tell us about Yahweh or use that name. Yet Jesus is the true way to God. Jesus revealed God as our Father in Heaven. He revealed him as love. Since it is our choice how we believe God to be I choose love. I must say I also do not understand that scripture nor do I care to. We all choose. God Bless you, TK

    Hi Tim,

    It’s about time you learned God's real name and just how Jesus connects us up to God!

                           “The Savior”=117

    Paul’s Greek-written manuscripts (fulfills the prophesy of Isaiah 53:12) having transcribed the
    Hebrew name [יהשוע] YÄ-shü-ă into Greek as [Ιησους] Ē-Ā-Soos. Note the similarity in pronunciation
    and Theomatic values for both Ē-Ā-Soos=74 and Jesus=74.  While Theomatics (Gematria) keeps
    mathematical connections in English, it tells nothing of GOD’s name [יה] YÄ being linguistically
    distanced further and further from His Word by re-transcribing a previous translation. Specifically,
    instead of transcribing the authentic Hebrew Name (יהשוע), the King James linguistics instead
    transcribed the Greek name for Jesus (Ιησους); which is UNAUTHENTIC because it is a
    “translation of a translation”. [יהשוע] translates into “English” as [Joshua=74] YÄ-shü-ă.

    Jesus’ authentic name [יהשוע] YÄ-shü-ă has a direct connection to GOD’s name [יה]
    in that YÄ is the first part of Jesus’ “REAL” name. GOD’s name is not vocalized
    in the English translation of the name Jesus and therefore misses the precise exactness
    and direct authentic connection to God’s Hebrew name [יה] YÄ. Jesus’ Name in Hebrew
    יהשוע means: (“YÄ is salvation” [יה]+[ישע]=[יהשוע]) the salvation of “GOD the Father”.
    [יהשוע] “Jesus” REAL name authentically establishes [יהוה] “JEHOVAH” as the highest Name.

    (Phil. 2:9,11: Wherefore [Holy Spirit=151] has highly exalted [Jesus=74] giving Him a name
    which is above every name, to the glory of [GOD The Father=117].) Neither is there salvation
    in any other name: for there is no other name given among men (יהשוע), whereby we must be
    saved. (Acts 4:12) People speaking fluent Hebrew know that in essence, [יהשוע] YÄ-shü-ă
    means: “YÄ is Savior”. The Name of [GOD=26] is [“יהוה”=26] spoken as [YÄ=26]; and “YÄ-hä-vā”!

    “The Savior”=117 is “GOD The Father”=117, (117=”יהוה האלהים” YÄ-hä-vā hä ĔL- ō-Hêêm)!
    And He is Savior to all who walk the ground! And there is ‘NO’ other! (Isaiah 43:11)

                                YHVH is GOD=117
    PSALM 117 is [The Bible's Center Chapter], and
    the [smallest chapter] of the [LARGEST BOOK]!

    Witnessing to the world in behalf of YHVH (Psalm 45:17)
    117=יהוה האלהים (JEHOVAH GOD) YÄ-hä-vā  hä ĔL-ō-Hêêm!
    Ed J (AKJV Joshua 22:34 / Isaiah 60:13-15)

    Tim Kraft

    Ed J: Salvation and oneness to God through Jesus is for “whosoever will believe the truth”. What you attempt to name God makes no difference. Doing works of God in the “name” of Jesus is doing works is the same authority that Jesus had. A more descriptive name for God would be “the most high God” if you are concerned in a name or description. IMO, TK


    Hi TK,
    Were you given this authority by reading the bible?
    No you must be born again.

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