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  • #799975

    Hi david,

    “The heart (mushy emotional somewhat irrational part of the brain) is deceitful above all things.”

    So men can trust what they want to believe is the largely rational part of their brain?

    Rubbish. Such vainglorious trust in themselves is the problem.



    Do you ask and seek from God or do you rely on your own understanding?



    Miia…. Well put, you have put it correctly, GOD MUST CHANGE OUR HEARTS BEFORE WE CAN “TRULY” WALK IN HIS WAYS AND DO THE THINGS THAT PLEASE HIM. “For he (GOD), works in us “both” to “will” and “do” of his good pleasure”.

    peace and love to you and yours. ………….gene

    Gene, yes that’s right. We agree on that 🙂



    What at doesn’t happen is amputees being miraculously healed, no matter how much they pray.  Why is that.


    If God healed amputees, then there would be NO DOUBT, and without doubt, we would ALL BELIEVE. Every single person almost (if we had all the truth as well) would be a Christian. Do you really think God would make it THAT EASY?  The Word of God searches the thought and intentions of the HEART. Faith is the CONVICTION of things NOT seen.

    I do, however believe God has given us TOOLS, medical gifts and also natural healing….

    I could tell you so much more, David I have only told you two/ three things so far. But no.


    There are are many many scriptures that say we should pray to God for healing and he will answer your prayer.  It talks of moving mountain like obstacles and says nothing is impossible.  Whatever you ask I will do it.  Nothing will be impossible.

    And there is one scripture that seems to have a qualifier saying: whatever you ask in faith, believing, he hears you.

    Yes so, don’t doubt. Doubt is your enemy, Peter.

    Pots true that some of these things seem highly improbable and to the individual they must seem that way. But when you step back, a 1/1,000,000 chance of something happening, might happen 7000 times a day on earth.  And to those people it’s miraculous because the odds were 1/1,000,000.  But given 7 billion people, these rare occurrences are happening all the time.

    If you had a personal relationship with me, you would know me better than most people. If we have a personal relationship with God, we know Him.

    BTW, scripture doesn’t say ask only the Father. Jesus said we can ask him (Jesus), and if it is in accordance with his will, HE (Jesus) will do it. We have to KNOW the son and the Father God.

    But – Trinity/ No Trinity…. it’s all God, what difference does it make? Father and Son are AS one.


    Going by feeling is playing Russian roulette and sometimes you shoot yourself.

    Kerwin, I am salt intolerant. Eating a pie is playing Russian roulete with my life – however, an Intolerant person can eat a pie with no problem.

    Going by our feelings is playing Russian roulete if we do not have the “new heart”. If we have the new heart, then we can trust our feelings imo.



    Even those that live by the Spirit can fall and live the flesh. It is required to test yourself and your teachings.


    Hi KW,

    Those in Christ can be invested with a portion of the Spirit.

    The throne of grace supplies all we need to develop that investment.

    Only those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.

    Yes many are stillborn by assuming they do not need more to walk.


    Ask seek knock



    Hi KW,

    We can repent and be be baptised into Christ.

    Here is the prophetic word


    “For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus.

    For all of you who were baptised into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ”


    That is the easy part



    “My children, with whom I am again in labour until Christ is formed in you-”


    Christ is filled with grace and truth.[jkn 1.14]

    Become the source of the waters of salvation for others[jn12, Heb 10.29]

    The grace that made him useful to God is available from the throne of Grace in prayer.[heb 4.16]



    Hi KW,


    But the master answered and said to him

    ‘You wicked lazy slave, you knew that I reap where I did not sow, and gather where I scattered no seed. Then you ought to have put my money in the bank, and on my arrival I would have received my money back with interest, therefore take away the talent from him, and give it to the one who has ten talents.”

    The Money is the Spirit

    Unless we build we fall down



    The money is the gifts of the Spirit.

    The money is the fruits of the Spirit.

    Don’t hide your light.



    I see nothing I disagree with.


    Hi KW,

    If you have the Spirit and you seek more grace you may be given  gifts of the Spirit.

    If you do not allow the Spirit to use you, you can have the Spirit taken away.

    The gifts and calling of God are without repentance. Rom 11.29

    David prayed this would not happen to him. Ps 51.11




    You must be able to tolerate salts in some way as it is an electrolyte human bodies require.

    Do you mean salt sensitive or is it a particular type of salt. Human beings have a lot of salt in them.


    kw and nick

    The money is the gifts of the Spirit.

    The money is the fruits of the Spirit.

    Don’t hide your light.

    the money his your own soul and your qualities

    the question was what you are doing with it during your life time



    I assume you mean those thing that God gives each of us, so we boast in him and not ourselves.



    yes its our life that we received from God and all the qualities we also receive and so can develop into doing good or bad ,the boasting is part of a rejection of God wisdom

    those that receive the most money are those that are the most born in a privilege environment ,but understand what ever they receive is to be invested for the interest of the master not for ourselves


    “What at doesn’t happen is amputees being miraculously healed, no matter how much they pray. Why is that.

    “If God healed amputees, then there would be NO DOUBT, and without doubt, we would ALL BELIEVE. Every single person almost (if we had all the truth as well) would be a Christian. Do you really think God would make it THAT EASY? The Word of God searches the thought and intentions of the HEART. Faith is the CONVICTION of things NOT seen.

    I do, however believe God has given us TOOLS, medical gifts and also natural healing….

    I could tell you so much more, David I have only told you two/ three things so far. But no.”–miia



    God apparently DID make it that easy in the Greek scriptures.  No yet somehow not everyone believed back then.   <span style=”line-height: 1.5;”>TODAY, “miraculous” healings seem to be mostly psychogenic.  It just seems odd that the only miracles today are things that may have happened with or without any supernatural influence.  </span>


    I think perhaps because since I was 7, having been keenly interested in all forms of deception, watching and taking in and studying magicians and illusionists the way the average person listens to music, I am not so easily impressed by anecdotes or stories.

    One of my hobbies is dissecting things that appear impossible.  I think everyone should study the methods psychics use and understand, truly understand why people are deceived by them, how they almost beg to be deceived, and how the psychic uses weaken eases in the mind to achieve economic his goal.   If you studied psychics and their methods, and how well they work I really think you would be more understanding of why I find it harder to believe than most.

    The argument from ignorance fallacy is something that bugs me.

    “I don’t know how that happened therefore I know it was X.”

    The idea that you don’t know, therefore you know, is bad thinking.

    One person doesnt know how something happened   But another person might know.

    When you add in desired comfort beliefs or bias, you are setting yourself up for deception.  If you have no defence mechanisms in place to protect yourself from self deception, then you are as good as deceived by your own treacherous heart.




    I do not know why God does not heal amputees but I do know that when human beings heard God speak from the Holy Mound they freely chose to worship a false god a few days later.

    I see God as restraining Satan and his agents from the worst they want to do but they are allowed is quite a bit. When we sin we take part the actions of Satan and his agents. If a human being cares about the result then why does that person sin? In part it seems addictive behavior where we hurt those we love because of cravings for those things we do not have.

    The closest case I know in Scripture is the regeneration of a limb that was withered. Jesus healed a withered hand for sure and possibly withered legs.

    There is a few parts of the human body that regenerate commonly. Medical practices have been shown to prevent regeneration of finger tips in children.

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