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  • #62129

    Quote (Laurel @ July 30 2007,03:15)
    We are in the 7th mellinium now. The 1,000 years with Y'shua will be after the first ressurection of the dead in Him, upon His return.
    The 7th millenium and the 1,000 years are separate. Although they are sepatate you can be sure that the last thousand year period of earth as we know it is now.

    Hi Laurel:

    Whether or not we are in the 7th millenium from creation or not I do not know, but I do believe that the return of our Lord is very near based on the signs of the times.

    According to the Hebrew calendar we are in year 5767 from creation if my understanding is correct.

    The following website is where I get this information:

    I was just under the impression that the millenium topic being  discussed in this thread was about the 1000 year reign with Christ.

    God Bless you and your family


    Quote (Phoenix @ Feb. 24 2007,07:11)
    Hmmm So we are going through the Great Tribulation now?


    No. Were close, though, I'm thinking. :)


    The jewish calendar is not accurate. The pharisees saw to that.
    The year now according to YHWH is 6007 which puts us into the 7th mellinium. 2000 from the creation to the flood. 2000 from the flood to Messiah. 2000 from the Messiah to now.


    I see. Quite interesting.


    Quote (Laurel @ Aug. 02 2007,17:48)
    The jewish calendar is not accurate. The pharisees saw to that.
    The year now according to YHWH is 6007 which puts us into the 7th mellinium. 2000 from the creation to the flood. 2000 from the flood to Messiah. 2000 from the Messiah to now.

    Laurel what is your source for your calendar? Just wondering because during the Millennium Satan will be bound up. His influence will be no more for a thousand years so that everyone will learn the truth.


    The Scripture tell us each generation from Adam to Y'shua and how long they lived.

    There is the 1,000 year reign with Messiah in heaven after the saved are justified, at that time Satan will be bound.

    Not the same as the mellenial years which are now.

    The mellenium of the ages now it began on the first day of the 7th mellienium., or Month one, Day one of 6001, which was around March in 2001 I think.


    Laurel Where in scripture can you prove that the Millenium will be in Heaven for the Saints? Isaiah speaks of the lamb will peacefully lie with the Lion, the Leopard will down with the Kid, the Wolf and the Bear are no longer be wild. and a child is leading them by the Hand. None has happened yet. The Millenium will start when Christ will come. The dead will be raised that are sleeping in Christ and those that are alive will be changed in a twinkling of an eye. Satan has been bound and each one of will be
    resurrected in their order. It will all happen here on earth. Heaven is Gods Throne and the Earth is His footstool. But before all that will be the tribulation like we have never seen before, we better be ready to be worthy to be protected by God when that happens. How God will protect us, He has not revealed to us how, tho.
    Peace Mrs.


    Just a quick note about the mellinial reign in heaven, this is not the new earth. The new earth comes after the 1,000 years in heaven. More later, I need to do some preparation for the weekly Sabbath.


    Laurel I guess you cant find an answer to my question, he


    I'm not at liberty to discuss the weightier matters with you untill you learn the simpler matters which are the 10 commandments and what they mean.


    Laurel What your imagination?


    Iam4 you are the most sarcastic peoson in Heaven Net.


    Laurel You better put that label on Ken not me


    Quote (IM4Truth @ Aug. 13 2007,01:51)
    Laurel  You better put that label on Ken not me

    Thanks MIM :) Once again you show your REAL self. Every now and then from behind all the LOVE stories the real you peeks out :laugh:


    to all…..lets stop the name calling, we all get caught up in at times, I gess it shows we all got salt,” ha ha.”
    But laruel, I do have a question in regardes to the reign of Jesus on earth, it has to do with theprophesy of Dainel, where he was talking about the large image that the King of Baboloyn Nebocanazar saw. It gives a progression of world ruleing Kingdoms on the earth and the last was a kingdom the had ten toes mixed with iron and clay, which pictures us today. The image had two feet which shows two world ruling Kingdoms like the United Stated and Russia and were made us of mingled races Just like Us and Russia are, and it say's in the days of these kingdoms the God of Heavenwill set up a kingdom that will never be destoryed, It also say's that a rock came out of heaven and smote the beast on the feet and all the image calasped and the Kingdom shall be given to the Saints of the Most High and they shall posses it for ever. It seems to piont to a earthly rule and not a heavenly one.
    Just my take thats all…….gene


    Ken The real me, brother you have never known, because you still are doing what you have from the beginning and then laurel comes in the middle of all and is no better. Til today neither one of you have seen what you did, or that you are wrong in doing so.

    Gen I agree that I would love if everyone would stop calling others names and having a self righteous attitude. Not til then nothing will settle this, and once in awhile I just get to much of it and reply.
    Romans 14:13 ” Therefore let us not judge one another anymore, but rather resolve this, not to put a stumbling block or a cause to fall in our brother's way.


    Quote (IM4Truth @ Aug. 13 2007,11:06)
    Ken  The real me, brother you have never known, because you still are doing what you have from the beginning and then laurel comes in the middle of all and is no better. Til today neither one of you have seen what you did, or that you are wrong in doing so.

    Gen I agree that I would love if everyone would stop calling others names and having a self righteous attitude. Not til then nothing will settle this, and once in awhile I just get to much of it and reply.
    Romans 14:13 ” Therefore let us not judge one another anymore, but rather resolve this, not to put a stumbling block or a cause to fall in our brother's way.

    I DON'T judge. Can we point out scripture without judging? That's all I do, it is scripture that does the talking not me! What should I do deny scripture because some are being judged by them! Should we change the bible or allow the bible to change us?

    In case you didn't read MRS I did not apologize for defending scripture and I never will! Ever since I disagreed with your husband about his bible prophecy you have been on my case. But that's alright do what you will :)

    BTW where is your husband?


    Ken My Husband has nothing to do with this, He is smarter then I am , He doesn't answer someone that disagrees with Him. You don't judge? And I have been on your case? I think that is the opposite. Now let me see what you said to me!
    These are all nice compliments??????????????
    The Holy Spirit is not in my Heart.
    I don't understand spiritual things
    God has used me like He used Pharaoh.
    I keep the Sabbath were you don't in my heart.
    Whats wrong with my answer? I'll tell you whats wrong it shows your error.
    I must be rich and have people working for me, either that or I am lazy.
    well Mim I have things to do. It's not the Sabbath you know or do you?
    You know I haven't much money so since I keep the forth and you only have to keep nine I think I'll break the eight commandment. We keep the one we want. Sort of reminds me of they started to say that the Red Sea was only 8″ deep. So everyone said Wow! God drowned People and horses in eight inches of water.
    This is what you have said to me in between scriptures. And probable more.
    These are all scriptures? Boy you could have fooled me!!!!!! Right You do not judge????????What do you call this? This is the last time I am going to say anything else to you, I do not want to continue in Sin. You see you don't even see, what you do to others, and others have pointed it out to you too.
    Peace and Love to you


    Ken Message from my Husband:” Ask Him a question, and He will come to Post.

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