Mikeboll64 vs francis

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    and thank you mikeboll64.


    I am reading some of this, and why are you debating that Jesus is God?

    Hbr 1:8   But unto the Son [he saith], Thy throne, O God, [is] for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness [is] the sceptre of thy kingdom.  

    Hbr 1:9   Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; therefore God, [even] thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows.  

    Hbr 1:10   And, Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth; and the heavens are the works of thine hands:  

    Jhn 1:1 ¶ In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  

    But we should also know that  God is a title and both the Father and the Son have other names.  Jehovah God, LORD Almighty, Yeshua, Jesus and Lord of Lords and King of Kings and The Word of God….

    also Jehovah God is above all

    Eph 4:5   One Lord, one faith, one baptism,  

    Eph 4:6   One God and Father of all, who [is] above all, and through all, and in you all.  

    And by Jesus own words in
    Jhn 14:28   Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come [again] unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I.  

    Peace Irene



    It seems that to me, the ones who say Jesus is not God Almighty stick on the scripture “my Father is greater than I”, and we who believe he is God stick on him saying out of his own mouth “when you have seen me, you have seen the Father” and “The Father and I are one”.Maybe thats where you are right about the trinity. It might be wrong to call them three when he said they were one. I do not believe I ever heard him say three. But, they are described separately. I do not believe I am wrong to pray to Jesus, and hope in him, and trust him. All authority on earth was given to him.He is “The King” and will sit on his throne at judgement. He also said that to love him was to be loved by his Father. I said it before and I'll say it again, nobody can fully comprehend God, but we will someday. I can't wait. Peace and love Irene-Mark


    Quote (mikeangel @ Feb. 02 2011,23:24)

    It seems that to me, the ones who say Jesus is not God Almighty stick on the scripture “my Father is greater than I”, and we who believe he is God stick on him saying out of his own mouth “when you have seen me, you have seen the Father” and “The Father and I are one”.Maybe thats where you are right about the trinity. It might be wrong to call them three when he said they were one. I do not believe I ever heard him say three. But, they are described separately.  I do not believe I am wrong to pray to Jesus, and hope in him, and trust him. All authority on earth was given to him.He is “The King” and will sit on his throne at judgement. He also said that to love him was to be loved by his Father. I said it before and I'll say it again, nobody can fully comprehend God, but we will someday. I can't wait. Peace and love Irene-Mark


    Those who cling to the statement “My Father is gretar than I” refuse to accept that that was Christ's temporary status. He preexisted as God but then took the form of a servant. Then He was exalted to His rightful equality with God again.

    The Father is not greater than Jesus now.



    Quote (thankful @ Feb. 01 2011,19:14)
    hi all. i dont have much time to go through every point right now,

    but, all of your points are still not telling me that jesus who was here on earth is GOD the FATHER Almighty.


    Trinitarians do not believe Jesus is the Father but like the Father he is God.

    Just as you are human like your Father

    Jesus is the “Only Begotten Son of God”.

    You didn't answer my question yet I answered yours…

    In what sense is Jesus not God since Jesus has all authority and power and all the attributes and characteristics of God?



    Quote (mikeangel @ Feb. 02 2011,23:24)

    It seems that to me, the ones who say Jesus is not God Almighty stick on the scripture “my Father is greater than I”, and we who believe he is God stick on him saying out of his own mouth “when you have seen me, you have seen the Father” and “The Father and I are one”.Maybe thats where you are right about the trinity. It might be wrong to call them three when he said they were one. I do not believe I ever heard him say three. But, they are described separately.  I do not believe I am wrong to pray to Jesus, and hope in him, and trust him. All authority on earth was given to him.He is “The King” and will sit on his throne at judgement. He also said that to love him was to be loved by his Father. I said it before and I'll say it again, nobody can fully comprehend God, but we will someday. I can't wait. Peace and love Irene-Mark

    Mark!  Are we too one with God and Jesus?  By Gods Holy Spirit we are…..Sorry Mark, but because Jehovah God is above all that I only worship Him.  I will however always honor our Savior as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  The trinity was never taught by Jesus so you would not hear Him say that, you right to think so.  
    The second Commandment is:” Thou shall not have any other Gods before Me.”   I believe that includes Jesus.
    KJ says that the Scripture John `14:28 is not in tact no more, but were is that written….Jesus said;” I am going back to my Father, because my Father is greater then I.”
    Peace and Love to you too,Irene


    Quote (Kangaroo Jack Jr. @ Feb. 03 2011,01:37)

    Quote (mikeangel @ Feb. 02 2011,23:24)

    It seems that to me, the ones who say Jesus is not God Almighty stick on the scripture “my Father is greater than I”, and we who believe he is God stick on him saying out of his own mouth “when you have seen me, you have seen the Father” and “The Father and I are one”.Maybe thats where you are right about the trinity. It might be wrong to call them three when he said they were one. I do not believe I ever heard him say three. But, they are described separately.  I do not believe I am wrong to pray to Jesus, and hope in him, and trust him. All authority on earth was given to him.He is “The King” and will sit on his throne at judgement. He also said that to love him was to be loved by his Father. I said it before and I'll say it again, nobody can fully comprehend God, but we will someday. I can't wait. Peace and love Irene-Mark


    Those who cling to the statement “My Father is gretar than I” refuse to accept that that was Christ's temporary status. He preexisted as God but then took the form of a servant. Then He was exalted to His rightful equality with God again.

    The Father is not greater than Jesus now.


    KJ That is not written, if you read that Scripture what does it say?

    Jhn 14:28 Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come [again] unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I.

    I go unto the Father; for my Father is greater then I. nothing about only when He walked on earth, on the contrary, I go unto my Father?????nothing temporary about this… MMMMMMMM
    Peace Irene


    Hi Mike

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Feb. 01 2011,20:31)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Feb. 02 2011,03:44)

    So you say, but you haven’t proved that Jesus is not “God” and that he is not “Almighty” have you?

    Well, “God Almighty” basically means the same thing as “The God of gods”, right?  It means there is only ONE who is above all others, no matter how powerful the others are.

    Exactly, and who is it above all others? Jesus sits next to the Father, not beneath him, nor above him, but beside him with all authority and power being made subject to him. In fact Revelations tells us in one place he is standing in the throne of God. Take your Arian glasses off Mike, because at this time Jesus has not even subjected himself to the Father since the Father has given him all things though it was his before he emptied himself and came in the flesh.

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Feb. 01 2011,20:31)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Feb. 02 2011,03:44)

    Sure you have, for you have rejected pretty much all of the cream of Hebrew and Greek scholarship which disagrees with your “Arian” views.

    “Rejecting” is not the same as “ignoring”, Keith.  I've studied it.  I've considered what they were saying.  I've researched into it to see if what they are saying is ACTUALLY supported by the scriptures.  And upon finding out it is NOT, I rejected it.  So don't say I've “ignored it” simply because I've “rejected it”.  There's a big difference in those two words.  :)

    How so Mike? You can’t even read a single sentence of Biblical Hebrew or Greek and have no formal training in the languages or the history of the scriptures yet you tell us that you “reject” the cream of scholarship by literally hundreds of experts in Biblical Hebrew and Greek based on “2 years” of self study of the scriptures?  Ha Ha!  Call it what you want Mike, but that is simply “rejecting and ignoring” the facts, IMO.

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Feb. 01 2011,20:31)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Feb. 02 2011,03:44)

    Yes of course “Mikes” common sense and “Mikes” straight track to God above all others who could not possibly be wrong and the millions be right. Ha Ha.

    Have you forgotten I'm not alone?  Have you forgotten that millions also believe like me?

    Where Mike? Where are those who agree with you in mainstream Christianity? You must mean the Jehovah Witnesses or the Mormons. You sure have very little scholarly support. And the few you find here that do not believe Jesus is God, most of them do not believe Jesus is anything more than just a mere man. But since they do not believe Jesus is God then that puts you in their camp doesn't it?

    Mike you are in a camp within the camp for you do not believe Jesus is merely human, and yet you do not believe his is God. So that means you believe in a Jesus that is neither fully human or fully God. Your Jesus is something in between.  :)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Feb. 01 2011,20:31)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Feb. 02 2011,03:44)

    You haven’t shown us how the term “Son of God” is antithetical to the word “God”.
    Just like the term “Son of Man” is not antithetical too man.

    The question is:  Do YOU think “God” in this context refers to a SPECIES or a PERSON?

    No God is a class of being and if Jesus is not part of that class of being as the “Only Begotten Son” then what is he Mike? Some sort of half breed or demi-god? That is apparently what you believe.

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Feb. 01 2011,20:31)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Feb. 02 2011,03:44)

    Please show us again how the Scriptures are “ABUNDANTLY CLEAR” that Jesus is not “God” and how he is not “Almighty”?

    Patience Keith.

    I have been waiting for your proof since you have come here. Nope, nothing yet that say Jesus is not equal to the Father in every way.

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Feb. 01 2011,20:31)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Feb. 02 2011,03:44)

    No you don’t you teach that God had a god who was beside him and with him created all things. That is not what the scriptures teach is it Mike? Didn’t he say God alone, by himself created all things?

    What the scriptures ACTUALLY teach is that our ONE TRUE GOD created everything ALONE……………but He chose to do that THROUGH His only begotten Son, Jesus.

    Ha Ha, listen to yourself Mike.  

  • that our ONE TRUE GOD created everything ALONE
  • but He chose to do that THROUGH His only begotten Son

    It’s really going to be interesting to see how you explain away John 1:1-3 where it says Jesus is God with God and that “without him nothing came into being or existence”.

    How are you going to reconcile this? Are you going to claim John didn’t know the scriptures that say “YHVH Alone” and “by himself” created all things?

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Feb. 01 2011,20:31)

    But what we DO know is that Paul made it ABUNDANTLY CLEAR in 1 Cor 8:6 that all things came FROM God, but they came THROUGH Jesus.

    Now you are getting it. Since all things comes “though” Jesus than that means all things come from Jesus our “One Lord” also and that means that Jesus is “equal” to the Father because we cannot receive anything from God but by Jesus. Get it? If Jesus is not God then that would be “idolatry”.

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Feb. 01 2011,20:31)

    Keith, it is YOU and Francis and SF that want to insist that “elohim” MEANS “God”.

    Context Mike.

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Feb. 01 2011,20:31)

    And it is YOUR insistence about this misunderstanding that makes the Bible have MANY “Gods”.  So here you go, Keith.  Listen VERY carefully:

    Is there more than one “elohim” in scripture?  Yes?

    No, the scriptures clearly say “there is only One God”. Paul's language is “no God but one” and all others are so-called gods and lords that are of men in the world. Depending on context they were called judges, rulers or gods or God. That is the definition of the word.

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Feb. 01 2011,20:31)
    Okay, then according to YOU and YOUR “definition”, there is more than one “God” in scripture.  But if you say that only CERTAIN mentions of “elohim” in the scriptures really MEAN “God”, then where is your proof that the mentions that refer to Jesus MEAN “God”?

    Because the context of Jesus being called God in John 1:1-3 shows Jesus equally with the Father in the creation of all things, though the scriptures declare “YHVH” by himself created all things.

    Because the context of Jesus being called God in Hebrews 1:8 says by him the worlds were created and that he is the “radiance of the Fathers Glory” and that by his hands he laid the foundations of the earth and that the angels were commanded to worship him.

    Because the context of Titus 2:13, 14 reveals that not only is Jesus our Great God and Savour, but he is “the Savour” not by proxy for the verse says he redeemed us “TO HIMSELF” with his own blood, and the Hebrew scriptures clearly tell us that only “YHVH” is our Savour for himself. I could go on but I hope you get the point..

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Feb. 02 2011,03:44)

    This is the definition of Polytheism…

    The worship of or BELIEF in more than one god – American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language

    So do you believe in other gods or not?

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Feb. 01 2011,20:31)
    It is YOUR teaching that Jesus IS “God” and that we should WORSHIP him, and THAT is polytheism, Keith.

    Not at all, because I believe the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit are One God.

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Feb. 01 2011,20:31)

    You are the one teaching THREE INDIVIDUAL “GODS”, but insanely creating some being (in whose image WE are made) that is three individual persons within one being – although none of US are a being like that.  ???

    You are trying to compare us to an infinite God with your carnal mind again and not sticking to the scriptures.

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Feb. 01 2011,20:31)
    I, on the other hand teach of ONE God, whose Son is the second most powerful being in existence, and therefore an ELOHIM in his own right, but not THE ELOHIM who begot him.

    You are playing with words again Mike. That’s just another way of saying Jesus is a “little god”. It is your own words that give you away like these…

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 05 2011,18:35)
    Jesus is the god, or “powerful ruler” of all in heaven right now, and of the believer's on earth.

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 08 2011,14:05)
    Jesus is one who has been called by the title “god”, so he is also “A god”.  He has not specifically been called “THE god” of anything in particular, but knowing that “god” only means “ruler”, I can honestly say that he is “my god”.

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Feb. 01 2011,20:31)
    (Keith, I am sending a quote of this part of my post to t8, and asking him to ask you to stop referring to me as a “polytheist”.

    What is this censorship now? You just called me a Polytheist and you’re going to report me? The scriptures say that men worshipped Jesus, do they not? I suppose next we will have to agree with your definition of worship or we will get a block. Are you just looking to give me a block though I have shown by your own words that they agree with the definition of Polytheism? So is this what it has come down too? I have said there is “Only One True God” and you have said you “believe” there are many true gods spoken of in scriptures.

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 31 2011,18:08)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Feb. 02 2011,03:44)

    No I don’t know you are not a Polytheist, and you haven’t proven it by your teaching and the definition of a Polytheist.

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 31 2011,18:08)
    But as we now well know, Satan was pleasantly surprised by the results.  He now has gotten millions upon millions to worship someone OTHER THAN YHVH as God Almighty.  And in doing this, they also break DIRECT commands from God.  Yep, old Satan is “smiling all the way to the bank” on this scam.

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Feb. 02 2011,03:44)

    Which is worse Mike?

    ???  You're not even going to defend the trinitarians except to say “they're not as bad as atheists”?  ???

    I don’t have to defend them Mike. Your statement above shows that you are some kind of an elite to think that millions of believers all over the world that are doing the works of God and leading thousands of souls to Christ and feeding the world are following satan. Ha Ha. You do know that the majority of the finances to feed the poor and reach the lost and sick are Trinitarian don’t you? How sad that you speak of them as satans followers.

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Feb. 01 2011,20:31)

    The part above that I made “brown” is being sent to t8.  I await his “ruling” on the matter.)

    Yes of course, maybe that will be the next step, to silence us. After all they are already thinking of creating a thread to keep the Trinitarians and Jesus is God folks out of the believers section. What do you guys have to fear? Censorship it seems will rule, though others can claim that Trinitarians are worshippers of Satan. If you don’t like a title then change your beliefs so they don’t fit the title. I don’t care if you call me a Polytheist because my profession is Jesus is God with the Father and the Holy Spirit. They are “One” and that is scriptural.



Quote (thankful @ Feb. 02 2011,14:24)

Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Feb. 02 2011,18:42)
Look if you dont have the time to discuss scripture than whats the point of posting?
and seriously if your just going to ignore points that we are making and just say “all of your points are still not telling me that Jesus is God the Father”  without providing evidence and scriptures to REFUTE agaisnt what we are claiming than why bother?

excuse me? i have responsibilities. i have other things to take care of. so please dont tell me how i should be spending my time answering all of your points. and that i should be copying/pasting scriptures to prove every single thing i say.

thank you.

if im wrong, im wrong. im only LEARNING.

simplyforgiven, i have debated people who can quote scripture so well that they know it off by heart. this includes ex christians who have turned to islam, ex christians who have turned agnostic or athiest. iv also heard of people teaching as pastors etc in churches, who have secretly turned away from all that they believe, though the audience dont know it because they keep on preaching, by habit, as they were taught!

i use scripture when it comes to mind as im writing, theres nothing wrong with this.
i get around to posts though not instantly and not all in one login or day.  

just like now, i have answered this but now i have to go, so i dont have the time, right now, to answer any other points or any other people.

not till later.

so, byebye for now.

thats Totally understandable as we ALL are busy.
Im not telling you HOW to post, im telling you whats the point of responding or even making points when we cant discuss this thourghly.

When one is here to learn, he/she takes the time to learn.
Im mean, if your just going to post questions and not really understand what we are saying than we are not moving forward in the discussion at all.

You can post however you want too, but how can one learn in this way?

Post scriptures and lets discuss the interpretation of them.
Scruntinze the scriptures.

And let God lead you in what he wants it to mean to you.


Quote (Ed J @ Feb. 02 2011,12:43)

Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Feb. 02 2011,18:30)

Quote (Ed J @ Feb. 02 2011,10:46)

Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Feb. 02 2011,15:52)

Quote (Ed J @ Feb. 02 2011,09:48)

Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Feb. 02 2011,15:42)
How is God like a human father?  

Hi Dennison,

He engenders “Spirit” Sons.

Your brother
in Christ, Jesus!
Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

Through Jesus.

Hi Dennison,

John 12:24 Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat (Jesus=74) fall into the
ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much “fruit”=74.
It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter
will not come unto you; if I depart, I will send him unto you. (John 16:7)

God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


Hi Dennison,

In case you didn't know, my goal is to agree with truth that others hold dear!
I was merely proving what you said in your last post, using the Scriptures.

God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

Ok, cool and thank you.
But you should state that so i can understand.

because your just posting scripture and i dont know why.
now i know and thank you.


Mike said to francis:

As far as “elohim”, here's what the TWOT says:

'lh is the assumed root of 'el, 'eloah, and 'elohim, which mean “god” or “God.”

That is the first line, and seems to be par for the course with all scholars.  But look a little deeper:

Some hold that the two are distinct, deriving 'el from the root 'wl (strong). Others see 'elohim derived from the root 'lh, together with 'eloah, that root meaning “fear.”

Most frequently mentioned suggestions for an original meaning are “power” or “fear” but these are widely challenged and much disputed.

So YOU tell ME, Francis.  What is the original MEANING of the word “el” or “elohim”?  I see “fear” and “power” and “strong”.  What do YOU see?


Require Mike to give the link to the TWOT. He quoted the TWOT out of context last year and I caught him because I have the TWOT in print. Mike does not give the link so you can check him out.

Mike omits this line:

“This word [elohim] is generally viewed as the plural of 'eloah, is found more frequently in Scripture than either 'el or 'eloah for the true God (TWOT 93c, p. 44).

Last year Mike tried to manipulate the TWOT on the word “adonay” which is the proper name for God. In Psalms 110:5 David said, “My Adonay at your right hand shall execute judgment….” It is talking about Christ at YHWH's right hand using the name “adonay” which is the proper name for God. Thus David viewed the Messiah at YHWH's right hand as God.

Yet Mike cited the TWOT on “adon” which is used of men and of God but said that he was citing the TWOT on “adonay.” He did not give the link. But I have the TWOT two volume set in book form and I caught him.

Back to “elohim.” The TWOT says that the plural “elohim” is used more often for the true God than is “el or “eloah.”

Watch out for ole Mikey! And make him give the link when he cites the TWOT.

KJ Jr.


Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Feb. 02 2011,06:09)

Quote (942767 @ Feb. 01 2011,13:40)

Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Feb. 01 2011,08:33)

Quote (942767 @ Jan. 31 2011,15:54)
Jesus called the Holy Ghost, “the Third Person of a Tri-une God?


Jesus made it clear that the Holy Ghost was “another” and not the Father proceeding from himself.

And I will pray “the Father, and “he (the Father) shall give you ANOTHER Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; John 14:16

Greek for Another also means “other”.

Jesus also said…

Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of “the Father”, and of “the Son, and of “the Holy Ghost“: Matt 28:19

Do you accept Jesus words Marty, or will you continue to hold onto your false doctrine that the Holy Spirit is the Father and Jesus is the Son of the Holy Spirit?


Hi Keith:

1 Corininthians 2:7-13 tells us plainly that the Holy Ghost is the Spirit of God our Father.


That is called being selective, for you have rejected Jesus own words in both scriptures I gave you. And there are more that teach the Holy Spirit is not the Father.


Hi Keith:

And there are no scriptures, which state that the Holy Spirit is a “Third Person” of a Tri-une God.

When I show you the scriptures you always state that I am being selective.

This subject is not easy to understand. But 1 Co. 2:7-13 makes it plain that the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God, and so, if we can understand from these scriptures, then it makes it easier to understand the other scriptures relative to the Holy Ghost. We start with scriptures which are plain and easy to understand. All scriptures relative to the same subject must line up and say the same thing.

Love in Christ,


Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Feb. 02 2011,10:23)
Now can you answer a question for me? In what sense is Jesus not God since Jesus contains  all authority and power and the attributes and characteristics of  God?

hello worshippingjesus.

how im understanding it,
jesus contains all authority and power and the attributes and characteristics of God that is true.
if you have seen the son you have seen the father, that is true.
to know God the father we must look exclusivly to the son, that is true.

jesus is “God”, but God as a title.

a father is “God” over the household (that he is given to manage)
a judge is “God” over the court (that he is given to manage)
a headmaster is “God” over the school (that he manages)
and jesus is “God” over the kingdom  (that he is given to manage)
but this kingdom has an owner, and the owner of the kingdom is the father
                                                                                                    – of the son.

parable of the tenants (matthew 21:33-41)


Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Feb. 02 2011,18:42)
You say God is the Father?
Was GOD always the FATHER since Eternity?

i wont answer what i dont know.

God sent the son out to speak. and the son did well.
God spoke. so go closer.
listen to him……
“this is my beloved son, with whom, i am well pleased.”


Quote (942767 @ Feb. 02 2011,15:09)

When I show you the scriptures you always state that I am being selective.


And the scriptures I have given you do not line up with your interpretation of those scriptures.

Tell me Marty, Is John 14:16 scripture or not? If it is then please explain why Jesus said he will pray the Father to send another?

Please explain how your interpretation of 1 Cor 2:7-13 matches John 14:16.

I already know you reject Matt 28:19 as scripture.



Quote (Kangaroo Jack Jr. @ Feb. 02 2011,14:11)


Require Mike to give the link to the TWOT. He quoted the TWOT out of context last year and I caught him because I have the TWOT in print. Mike does not give the link so you can check him out.


I don't think there is a link.

I have been looking for the TWOT online but can't find it available so I purchased the book. But you are right Mike did leave that line out.



Quote (thankful @ Feb. 02 2011,15:21)

Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Feb. 02 2011,10:23)
Now can you answer a question for me? In what sense is Jesus not God since Jesus contains  all authority and power and the attributes and characteristics of  God?

jesus is “God”, but God as a title.

Hi thankful

Thanks for answering. So does this mean you serve the Father who is God but you serve Jesus who is “a god”?



Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Feb. 03 2011,08:48)

Quote (Kangaroo Jack Jr. @ Feb. 02 2011,14:11)


Require Mike to give the link to the TWOT. He quoted the TWOT out of context last year and I caught him because I have the TWOT in print. Mike does not give the link so you can check him out.


I don't think there is a link.

I have been looking for the TWOT online but can't find it available so I purchased the book. But you are right Mike did leave that line out.



Then I will have to be the “watch dog” when Mike cites the TWOT.



Quote (Kangaroo Jack @ Feb. 02 2011,17:01)

Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Feb. 03 2011,08:48)

Quote (Kangaroo Jack Jr. @ Feb. 02 2011,14:11)


Require Mike to give the link to the TWOT. He quoted the TWOT out of context last year and I caught him because I have the TWOT in print. Mike does not give the link so you can check him out.


I don't think there is a link.

I have been looking for the TWOT online but can't find it available so I purchased the book. But you are right Mike did leave that line out.



Then I will have to be the “watch dog” when Mike cites the TWOT.



Maybe, but I gave Francis the information on how to purchase it.

Blessings Keith


Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Feb. 03 2011,08:48)

Quote (Kangaroo Jack Jr. @ Feb. 02 2011,14:11)


Require Mike to give the link to the TWOT. He quoted the TWOT out of context last year and I caught him because I have the TWOT in print. Mike does not give the link so you can check him out.


I don't think there is a link.

I have been looking for the TWOT online but can't find it available so I purchased the book. But you are right Mike did leave that line out.


The red bolded part is our Mikey. You can be a “watch dog” too.


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