Mikeboll64 vs francis

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  • #231951

    Kathi, I just looked up MOTHER in about 10 dictionaries and ONLY ONE (An American dictionary) said what you said.
    ALL the rest said “A [Woman] who has given birth to a child”

    But, again, don't wanna push the issue (sorry)…cos that ain't the issue (sorry!) – just a point of order during the discussion.


    Kathi, did you only look in ONE Dictionary?
    (p.s. – You know that this is what Irene did in “Do Spirits have bodies” she searched and searched until she found ONE SINGLE definition of what she wanted to say in an thesis on a UNIVERSITY Website and then REFUSED to look at the THOUSAND others that spoke against her!)



    My word picture stands true according to:

    A mother is a woman who has conceived, given birth to, or raised a child in the role of a parent.

    Luke 1:41When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the baby leaped in her womb; and Elizabeth was (AX)filled with the Holy Spirit.

    42And she cried out with a loud voice and said, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb!

    43″And how has it happened to me, that the mother of (AY)my Lord would come to me?

    Do you see that Mary was called “the mother of my Lord” by Elizabeth when Mary was pregnant, before she had given birth? Not sentiment, fact. Life begins at conception.



    I concede the point. not the issue, side tracked this is all to easy to do…

    God is not a woman.


    Back to the foreplay.

    What of what else i asked?


    kathi, tip: Never use WIKIPEDIA to try and prove anything…



    God is not a man or a woman but is a Father who begat. Your other questions you ask need to be reconsidered now that you have conceded the point.


    Quote (princess @ Jan. 05 2011,04:05)
    Group: Regular Members
    Posts: 1885
    Joined: May 2010  Posted: Jan. 05 2011,04:59

    sorry sf, one man girl, like to know who i am dealing with, with the assurance i am only speaking to him.
    the conversation of how we choose our mates you missed, it is a subject Stuart and i have discussed and agree.

    much is involved with how we choose our mates, smell, sight, health, culture, beliefs. for you to even to lift your nose my way, would be of no use, due to your belief, i would never know who i was talking to at the time, you could be either in the jesus, god or the holy ghost mood,  too crowded for me.

    anything else you have to add?

    Haha I love it,

    You dont know me, so how would you know?
    and how are you so sure about what i believe?

    Yes i would like to add something.
    I think its what God believes which is important, and what he plans in your life, Regardless of smell, sight, health, culture, or belief. your relationship with a Man should be based on the most intimate love and romantic love of all, the Love of God.

    Hosea is a great example of that,
    but even for the sinner, the fool, or the deceived has a opportunity for redemption.

    When it Comes to Love and Romance which cannot be bought, but sparkles when two people agree not on the same concept, but an agreement between the unseen connection of an open heart.

    Anyways, that all i wanted to add.
    I love your reaction though its priceless.

    You are such a flirt =P

    naaaa jk.


    Quote (Lightenup @ Jan. 04 2011,22:04)
    I agree with you that the trinity doctrine seems to indicate a triune God encompassing the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  That has not set well with me either.

    In my recent post to you, I didn't mean to indicate that the Son was a 'thought' of the Father's before He was begotten.  I will give you a word picture…when you see a woman with a baby inside of her, she is a mother and the baby is a son or daughter yet-to-be begotten but nevertheless, whether begotten or yet-to-be begotten, the woman is a mother and the baby is her son or daughter.  So I am drawing a parallel with the Father and saying that until the Son was begotten before the ages, the Father was always 'expecting,' in a unique way, the Son that existed within Him.   Then, at some point before creation, that Son became begotten/brought forth and was used to create creation through and represent the Father to that creation and then make a way to return mankind to the Father and He will sit on the throne of God forever with His Father.

    That is the simplest way I can explain the Son that always existed as a Son and the Father who always existed as a Father, yet they are truly a Son and a Father and also both eternal. I hope that helps you understand me.

    bumped for Istari to start over now that you have conceded your rebuttal as to when someone is called a mother.


    kathi, is it really that easy to get side tracked.

    What has a woman being a mother got to do with God being a Father…?
    I indulged the Mother thing to put a point that “A Mother is a mother when she has a child” I conceded because it is a mute point and distraction.

    a HUMAN WOMAN (Is there any other sort) has nothing to do with A SPIRIT SON being created. so what's your point? – or rather – don't answer please – it has nothing to do with the discussion.

    Sorry Kathi, I mean, back to the point at hand.



    ONLY GOD has existed from ETERNITY….

    And GOD CREATED a SON….and When he created a SON, he also became a FATHER…. simple as…!



    The point is the Father can be called 'Father' before the Son is actually begotten/brought forth.



    why are you fighting extreme basic scripture…?


    Quote (Lightenup @ Jan. 05 2011,09:50)

    The point is the Father can be called 'Father' before the Son is actually begotten/brought forth.

    In other Words,

    God wasn't always “the father” its not his eteranl identity nor part of it until that role was fulfilled.

    Its like haveing scuba gear to potentialy go underwater,but what for if your in dry land.

    Therefore though God always had the potential to be a father, but wasnt the father until he had a son.


    Moreover, it is TRINITY CREED we are fighting…

    God is the Father
    God is the Son
    God is the Holy Spirit

    But WHO was the one who BECAME THE FATHER – BEFORE – there was a SON for him to be a FATHER to?

    And, if there was no SON, and therefore NO FATHER, then how was there a TRINITY?


    Kathi – NO, the FATHER is NOT CALLED FATHER until he HAS a SON…

    (Ah, so that's why your were trying to FORCE the issue of the MOTHER – ah, I see, nice try – NO, Kathi, it doesn't work…)


    It is as SF says in the last line in his last post above.


    And, as SF alludes, GOD (Would be) the FATHER to Son (That would be).

    So Trinity is again broken…:
    God is the Father
    The Son is the Son of the father

    God (The Father) ———The Holy Spirit
    The Son

    Nothing more.

    But wait, there is More…see next post.


    Quote (Istari @ Jan. 04 2011,23:56)
    Kathi – NO, the FATHER is NOT CALLED FATHER until he HAS a SON…

    (Ah, so that's why your were trying to FORCE the issue of the MOTHER – ah, I see, nice try – NO, Kathi, it doesn't work…)


    you said:
    NO, the FATHER is NOT CALLED FATHER until he HAS a SON…

    I agree but if the Son always existed before being begotten before the ages, then the Father was always a 'Father.'


    God has MANY SONS, they are called ANGELS and Messengers, Sons of God.

    God (The Father) ———The Holy Spirit
    | Spirit Sons of God (ANGELS)
    |—-Senior Princes – The Principle Sons of God (Jesus /Lucifer)
    |—-The other Princes (the other Principle Sons of God – e.g. Michael)
    |—-Senior Messaging Angels, e.g Gabriel (Angels with dispute capabilities)
    |—-Other Messaging Angels (No authority except to deliver a message and return at any cost)
    |—-Minor Angels (Service Angels – no authority outside of their explicit role)

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