Mikeangels message

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  • #228399


    what we think is of little influence in Gods plan.

    it is true that God want us to be saved ,and in his love open the door to us all to recieve the forgiveness of our sins
    but it is our willingness to want ,and search for the knowledge of Gods will ,that will make us benefit of all things of the kingdom of God,

    this is not uniting with others who are seeing things the same way ,this is Gods way only ,all the benefits are supplied by God trough Christ ,NOT BY MEN ACCEPTENCE.
    your decision stand with you ,and are yours only.

    if you are truthful God will show you the way.



    what we think is of little influence in Gods plan

    strange thought in itself.


    Quote (princess of the king @ Dec. 11 2010,19:50)

    what we think is of little influence in Gods plan

    strange thought in itself.


    how you doing, how is your father??

    yes what it means is that what we think what should be and how it should be ,and what we would like it to be ect

    this does not influence Gods plan for us all.

    but if we do Gods will,the way he says it and demanded then we are becoming part of Gods plan,now there could be influence.



    Quote (mikeangel @ Dec. 10 2010,02:17)
    Whew! thats alot of typing. What led up to that letter was like I wrote, My dad had died 6/07. That summer was really a huge change in my life. After dad died, I read the bible from the beginning to the end. Then the man (my boss in the beginning) who mentored me and put me in buisness, wanted to use my company to do a job he had arranged to get, 12 storys in the air, and I discovered wanted to   use illeagal aliens to do it(I found out after the fact). When I complained at the legalities, he threw me off of it, over money(3000.00). Since it was arranged under the table, I could not do anything. The man who was a second father to be betrayed me. At the same time, My stepdaughter was rebelling at her mother and I , and told her g-pa, my father in law, alot of lies on how she was treated, He disowned both my wife and I,and moved her in with him(he promptly recieved poetic justice, and threw her out for not following the rules. Three weeks later my daughter attempted suicide. I couldn't understand why all this was happening. Then it happened. All of a sudden, in my big nice house in the burbs, I went on a spiritual journey that lasted for three days. One night sitting on the back of my truck 8/07 I had a conversation with God. He wasn't in body form, but he spoke to me from inside me, during an incredibly beautiful meteor shower. It was incredible. he warned me “things are about to get bad, you need to get ready”. It took me 6 months to talk the wife into selling the house, which we did, and moved into a small house we bought on the courthouse steps. At the same time buisness stopped, I don't mean slow down, I mean stopped. Anyway, I had completed reading the bible before that article came up in the paper, and I composed that letter during that spring and sent it 7-17-08. Since then I have watched as every feeling I had then has come to pass. I believe it. I don't know what we are in for, but there is one big change comming. Believe it or not, this is the truth.

    Greetings Mike…. I for one ….believe it and what scares me is the amount of people that are oblivious and totally unprepared….I look at this very blessed nation and the way we conduct our selves as people…It becomes very easy to understand that God is not happy with us and he is mercifully dealing with us for now but the mercy will soon turn to wrath..Here are some examples of why God is not blessing America…Pornography in this country is a business that is bigger than baseball,football and basketball combined and we are poluting the world with it….We have decimated the family with divorce,we have embraced deviate behavior and gave it legitamacy in our schools,we created and support the destruction of young lives with drugs,we murder innocence and claim a right to do it,we elect Godless people to rule over us,We have removed God from the public square….All this happened while in pursuit of our own selfish wants….If the american people do not get off their butts and turn off the game life as we know will change indeed and quikly….We can start by bending our knees and bowing our heads and ask God as a nation to have mercy….This has been done before and he heard the prayers Nineveh…




    Quote (theodorej @ Dec. 12 2010,01:02)

    Quote (mikeangel @ Dec. 10 2010,02:17)
    Whew! thats alot of typing. What led up to that letter was like I wrote, My dad had died 6/07. That summer was really a huge change in my life. After dad died, I read the bible from the beginning to the end. Then the man (my boss in the beginning) who mentored me and put me in buisness, wanted to use my company to do a job he had arranged to get, 12 storys in the air, and I discovered wanted to   use illeagal aliens to do it(I found out after the fact). When I complained at the legalities, he threw me off of it, over money(3000.00). Since it was arranged under the table, I could not do anything. The man who was a second father to be betrayed me. At the same time, My stepdaughter was rebelling at her mother and I , and told her g-pa, my father in law, alot of lies on how she was treated, He disowned both my wife and I,and moved her in with him(he promptly recieved poetic justice, and threw her out for not following the rules. Three weeks later my daughter attempted suicide. I couldn't understand why all this was happening. Then it happened. All of a sudden, in my big nice house in the burbs, I went on a spiritual journey that lasted for three days. One night sitting on the back of my truck 8/07 I had a conversation with God. He wasn't in body form, but he spoke to me from inside me, during an incredibly beautiful meteor shower. It was incredible. he warned me “things are about to get bad, you need to get ready”. It took me 6 months to talk the wife into selling the house, which we did, and moved into a small house we bought on the courthouse steps. At the same time buisness stopped, I don't mean slow down, I mean stopped. Anyway, I had completed reading the bible before that article came up in the paper, and I composed that letter during that spring and sent it 7-17-08. Since then I have watched as every feeling I had then has come to pass. I believe it. I don't know what we are in for, but there is one big change comming. Believe it or not, this is the truth.

    Greetings Mike…. I for one ….believe it and what scares me is the amount of people that are oblivious and totally unprepared….I look at this very blessed nation and the way we conduct our selves as people…It becomes very easy to understand that God is not happy with us and he is mercifully dealing with us for now but the mercy will soon turn to wrath..Here are some examples of why God is not blessing America…Pornography in this country is a business that is bigger than baseball,football and basketball combined and we are poluting the world with it….We have decimated the family with divorce,we have embraced deviate behavior and gave it legitamacy in our schools,we created and support the destruction of young lives with drugs,we murder innocence and claim a right to do it,we elect Godless people to rule over us,We have removed God from the public square….All this happened while in pursuit of our own selfish wants….If the american people do not get off their butts and turn off the game life as we know will change indeed and quikly….We can start by bending our knees and bowing our heads and ask God as a nation to have mercy….This has been done before and he heard the prayers Nineveh…

    Theo and Mark

    I understand all of your comments and agreed with them,

    except Theo,your last sentence about Nineveh.
    that is not going to happen.

    and what you say about the states ,goes for the entire world.

    it is so self destructive it is beyond imagination.

    (and Mark you are not alone it that type of experience trust me)




    Something I wanted to share with you- I had went up to Eureka to visit my friend, right by you. I was with the boss mentioned above. Mike wanted to do something with us, and he suggested the huge glass church up there, knowing how much into God I am.. We went in, and after a few short prayers I walked up with my camera to take a picture of my friends. “Church Lady” walked up to me and said “you need to leave”, and escorted me out. She literally threw me out. I hung my head and walked back to the car and waited for them, and they shortly showed up. Mike said “Are you o.k.?”. I said “yea, but I am still upset about being thrown out of a church.”. I will never forget that, but I regard it as an honor now. The lady up there in charge of that is not very nice. Peace-Mark


    Quote (mikeangel @ Dec. 11 2010,21:21)

    See. this is the way I see it- there are so many of “enlightened people” on here like that”church lady”, and seemingly some on here, they have the attitude of “we correctly believe the scriptures, we're the only ones to make it, the heathen are going to hell and the incorrect scripture observers are  worshipping in vain. HOW CAN THEY KNOW HOW GOD'S GOING TO JUDGE? Isn't that judgeing? Isn't that what Jesus said not to do and that only he can judge? Isn't that leagalizing and believing in observance of the law rather than taking it to heart? Isn't that what the scribes and pharasees did to Jesus?, Could we as God's people not lay all the infighting  and individual intrepretations aside and pray as a people like the Hebrews in Egypt for deliverance? Sadly, in reality, NO, because of the satans who divide and obscure and legalize the word of god, out of a spirit of greed and arrogance and pride, and lately, desperation, because they only have moments left……………..

    I guess this is going to be the Marks me me me thread to rant. Sorry for the vanity-Peace-Mark


    Quote (mikeangel @ Dec. 12 2010,12:36)

    Quote (mikeangel @ Dec. 11 2010,21:21)

    See. this is the way I see it- there are so many of “enlightened people” on here like that”church lady”, and seemingly some on here, they have the attitude of “we correctly believe the scriptures, we're the only ones to make it, the heathen are going to hell and the incorrect scripture observers are  worshipping in vain. HOW CAN THEY KNOW HOW GOD'S GOING TO JUDGE? Isn't that judgeing? Isn't that what Jesus said not to do and that only he can judge? Isn't that leagalizing and believing in observance of the law rather than taking it to heart? Isn't that what the scribes and pharasees did to Jesus?, Could we as God's people not lay all the infighting  and individual intrepretations aside and pray as a people like the Hebrews in Egypt for deliverance? Sadly, in reality, NO, because of the satans who divide and obscure and legalize the word of god, out of a spirit of greed and arrogance and pride, and lately, desperation, because they only have moments left……………..

    I guess this is going to be the Marks me me me thread to rant. Sorry for the vanity-Peace-Mark


    your battle is with God ,not with any of us on earth.

    we all have to stand before Gods tribunal alone,

    that is our struggle

    your friend Pierre


    Quote (theodorej @ Dec. 11 2010,18:02)

    Quote (mikeangel @ Dec. 10 2010,02:17)
    Whew! thats alot of typing. What led up to that letter was like I wrote, My dad had died 6/07. That summer was really a huge change in my life. After dad died, I read the bible from the beginning to the end. Then the man (my boss in the beginning) who mentored me and put me in buisness, wanted to use my company to do a job he had arranged to get, 12 storys in the air, and I discovered wanted to   use illeagal aliens to do it(I found out after the fact). When I complained at the legalities, he threw me off of it, over money(3000.00). Since it was arranged under the table, I could not do anything. The man who was a second father to be betrayed me. At the same time, My stepdaughter was rebelling at her mother and I , and told her g-pa, my father in law, alot of lies on how she was treated, He disowned both my wife and I,and moved her in with him(he promptly recieved poetic justice, and threw her out for not following the rules. Three weeks later my daughter attempted suicide. I couldn't understand why all this was happening. Then it happened. All of a sudden, in my big nice house in the burbs, I went on a spiritual journey that lasted for three days. One night sitting on the back of my truck 8/07 I had a conversation with God. He wasn't in body form, but he spoke to me from inside me, during an incredibly beautiful meteor shower. It was incredible. he warned me “things are about to get bad, you need to get ready”. It took me 6 months to talk the wife into selling the house, which we did, and moved into a small house we bought on the courthouse steps. At the same time buisness stopped, I don't mean slow down, I mean stopped. Anyway, I had completed reading the bible before that article came up in the paper, and I composed that letter during that spring and sent it 7-17-08. Since then I have watched as every feeling I had then has come to pass. I believe it. I don't know what we are in for, but there is one big change comming. Believe it or not, this is the truth.

    Greetings Mike…. I for one ….believe it and what scares me is the amount of people that are oblivious and totally unprepared….I look at this very blessed nation and the way we conduct our selves as people…It becomes very easy to understand that God is not happy with us and he is mercifully dealing with us for now but the mercy will soon turn to wrath..Here are some examples of why God is not blessing America…Pornography in this country is a business that is bigger than baseball,football and basketball combined and we are poluting the world with it….We have decimated the family with divorce,we have embraced deviate behavior and gave it legitamacy in our schools,we created and support the destruction of young lives with drugs,we murder innocence and claim a right to do it,we elect Godless people to rule over us,We have removed God from the public square….All this happened while in pursuit of our own selfish wants….If the american people do not get off their butts and turn off the game life as we know will change indeed and quikly….We can start by bending our knees and bowing our heads and ask God as a nation to have mercy….This has been done before and he heard the prayers Nineveh…

    Hi! Do you ever watch Glenn Beck?? He is saying that we are on the brink of inflation. The Government wants it to bring in a World Government……He was quoting that food prices are going to be double within two years. Georg started to buy more Groceries….
    But most of all He tells us to get with God for protection….
    If you watched the news, how the demonstrators attacked Prince Charles and his wife….All over Europe they are demonstrating….especially in France….will it happen here too. GB thinks so…..
    Peace and love Irene


    Quote (mikeangel @ Dec. 11 2010,21:21)

    Greetings Mike…..We are good to go…if God, through his mercy and goodness allows us to survive there will be a herculan task before all the true believers and that will be to educate and show by example just who God is and that he loves us all….my prayer is one of survival and to have the strength and courage to perform this task…


    Quote (terraricca @ Dec. 11 2010,21:50)

    Quote (theodorej @ Dec. 12 2010,01:02)

    Quote (mikeangel @ Dec. 10 2010,02:17)
    Whew! thats alot of typing. What led up to that letter was like I wrote, My dad had died 6/07. That summer was really a huge change in my life. After dad died, I read the bible from the beginning to the end. Then the man (my boss in the beginning) who mentored me and put me in buisness, wanted to use my company to do a job he had arranged to get, 12 storys in the air, and I discovered wanted to   use illeagal aliens to do it(I found out after the fact). When I complained at the legalities, he threw me off of it, over money(3000.00). Since it was arranged under the table, I could not do anything. The man who was a second father to be betrayed me. At the same time, My stepdaughter was rebelling at her mother and I , and told her g-pa, my father in law, alot of lies on how she was treated, He disowned both my wife and I,and moved her in with him(he promptly recieved poetic justice, and threw her out for not following the rules. Three weeks later my daughter attempted suicide. I couldn't understand why all this was happening. Then it happened. All of a sudden, in my big nice house in the burbs, I went on a spiritual journey that lasted for three days. One night sitting on the back of my truck 8/07 I had a conversation with God. He wasn't in body form, but he spoke to me from inside me, during an incredibly beautiful meteor shower. It was incredible. he warned me “things are about to get bad, you need to get ready”. It took me 6 months to talk the wife into selling the house, which we did, and moved into a small house we bought on the courthouse steps. At the same time buisness stopped, I don't mean slow down, I mean stopped. Anyway, I had completed reading the bible before that article came up in the paper, and I composed that letter during that spring and sent it 7-17-08. Since then I have watched as every feeling I had then has come to pass. I believe it. I don't know what we are in for, but there is one big change comming. Believe it or not, this is the truth.

    Greetings Mike…. I for one ….believe it and what scares me is the amount of people that are oblivious and totally unprepared….I look at this very blessed nation and the way we conduct our selves as people…It becomes very easy to understand that God is not happy with us and he is mercifully dealing with us for now but the mercy will soon turn to wrath..Here are some examples of why God is not blessing America…Pornography in this country is a business that is bigger than baseball,football and basketball combined and we are poluting the world with it….We have decimated the family with divorce,we have embraced deviate behavior and gave it legitamacy in our schools,we created and support the destruction of young lives with drugs,we murder innocence and claim a right to do it,we elect Godless people to rule over us,We have removed God from the public square….All this happened while in pursuit of our own selfish wants….If the american people do not get off their butts and turn off the game life as we know will change indeed and quikly….We can start by bending our knees and bowing our heads and ask God as a nation to have mercy….This has been done before and he heard the prayers Nineveh…

    Theo and Mark

    I understand all of your comments and agreed with them,

    except Theo,your last sentence about Nineveh.
    that is not going to happen.

    and what you say about the states ,goes for the entire world.

    it is so self destructive it is beyond imagination.

    (and Mark you are not alone it that type of experience trust me)


    Pierre….I tend to agree with you…but let us not forget that every one us have the ability to change,I know this through personal experience and where there is life there is hope….


    Quote (theodorej @ Dec. 13 2010,05:48)

    Quote (terraricca @ Dec. 11 2010,21:50)

    Quote (theodorej @ Dec. 12 2010,01:02)

    Quote (mikeangel @ Dec. 10 2010,02:17)
    Whew! thats alot of typing. What led up to that letter was like I wrote, My dad had died 6/07. That summer was really a huge change in my life. After dad died, I read the bible from the beginning to the end. Then the man (my boss in the beginning) who mentored me and put me in buisness, wanted to use my company to do a job he had arranged to get, 12 storys in the air, and I discovered wanted to   use illeagal aliens to do it(I found out after the fact). When I complained at the legalities, he threw me off of it, over money(3000.00). Since it was arranged under the table, I could not do anything. The man who was a second father to be betrayed me. At the same time, My stepdaughter was rebelling at her mother and I , and told her g-pa, my father in law, alot of lies on how she was treated, He disowned both my wife and I,and moved her in with him(he promptly recieved poetic justice, and threw her out for not following the rules. Three weeks later my daughter attempted suicide. I couldn't understand why all this was happening. Then it happened. All of a sudden, in my big nice house in the burbs, I went on a spiritual journey that lasted for three days. One night sitting on the back of my truck 8/07 I had a conversation with God. He wasn't in body form, but he spoke to me from inside me, during an incredibly beautiful meteor shower. It was incredible. he warned me “things are about to get bad, you need to get ready”. It took me 6 months to talk the wife into selling the house, which we did, and moved into a small house we bought on the courthouse steps. At the same time buisness stopped, I don't mean slow down, I mean stopped. Anyway, I had completed reading the bible before that article came up in the paper, and I composed that letter during that spring and sent it 7-17-08. Since then I have watched as every feeling I had then has come to pass. I believe it. I don't know what we are in for, but there is one big change comming. Believe it or not, this is the truth.

    Greetings Mike…. I for one ….believe it and what scares me is the amount of people that are oblivious and totally unprepared….I look at this very blessed nation and the way we conduct our selves as people…It becomes very easy to understand that God is not happy with us and he is mercifully dealing with us for now but the mercy will soon turn to wrath..Here are some examples of why God is not blessing America…Pornography in this country is a business that is bigger than baseball,football and basketball combined and we are poluting the world with it….We have decimated the family with divorce,we have embraced deviate behavior and gave it legitamacy in our schools,we created and support the destruction of young lives with drugs,we murder innocence and claim a right to do it,we elect Godless people to rule over us,We have removed God from the public square….All this happened while in pursuit of our own selfish wants….If the american people do not get off their butts and turn off the game life as we know will change indeed and quikly….We can start by bending our knees and bowing our heads and ask God as a nation to have mercy….This has been done before and he heard the prayers Nineveh…

    Theo and Mark

    I understand all of your comments and agreed with them,

    except Theo,your last sentence about Nineveh.
    that is not going to happen.

    and what you say about the states ,goes for the entire world.

    it is so self destructive it is beyond imagination.

    (and Mark you are not alone it that type of experience trust me)


    Pierre….I tend to agree with you…but let us not forget that every one us have the ability to change,I know this through personal experience and where there is life there is hope….


    you now talking for individuals ,if so yes this i agree totally


    Ed J

    Hi Mark,

    How are you doing?
    Glad to see your back!

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Hey Ed,

    I'm fine. Work is slow. I wanted to stay away from some of  the critical condemning sprits on here, but now I miss the people I love on here. I tried you tube bloopers and pranks but that got old fast, so I did some more research on Memphis. You know, there is a high society group I found that has been together here since the 30's I think. Believe it or not they are based on the same Egyptian dietys already discussed. It even list them as secret societys, and they elect a King and Queen every year. I even looked on the member list of the ones that do list them, and I actually know some of them, being as I do higher scale painting. The personalitys match the vanity of wanting to be a King and Queen. They even have courts. Like other freaky organisations, they do some charity work, but mostly they just party. The “Mystic Memphis Memphi” kinda raised a flag with me. It doesn't come close to the spritual worship of “The King” Evils P, but it seems very strange to me.

    Check it out-http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carnival_Memphis

    Also one of the Krews was for “Patah” who they consider the creator. this swings eerily close to masonry to me, as it is very closely tied to the buisness leaders of the community.

    Also, have you ever checked out  http://www.phoenixmasonry.org/duncans_ritual/entered_apprentice.htm Thsi is the ritual guide to the masons up to the 6th degree, and there are so many blasphemys you can't count them all, just if your curious. You have the spirit of God to protect you so it won't suck you in. I had two uncles who were masons, up to 32 degree, an dI can;t judge them, but I am worried about them. There even buried in the mason section of a cematary. They too also have elements of Egyptian dietys intertwined in thier rituals, and God's temple, yet deny it is a religion. At the most expensive cemetary in amemphis, there is a huge mosaleum, and I was hired once to install fire extinguisher boxes. I couldn't get over the fact that on most crypts, it went one of two ways- There was either something representing church ie. folded hands or more common was a cross, or that mason symbol with a sword joined to a pentagram by a spinx. that was in the mans side. On the womans side there was just a plain ol pentagram, thier supposed representation of the order of the eastern star. As for me, eternally I wouldn't choose that. If you still aren't sure google Jim Shaw-Deadly deception. He describes the entry into the 33 degree.  Hope you are well bro-Mark


    Quote (mikeangel @ Dec. 14 2010,12:05)
    I wanted to stay away from some of  the critical condemning sprits on here, but now I miss the people I love on here.

    Hi Mark,

    2 Timothy 3:16 NIV
    All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,

    2 Timothy 4:2 NIV
    Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction.

    Maybe I need to work on the encourage part.  And maybe I need to practice more patience.  But I wasn't condemning you.  I just wanted to show you SCRIPTURALLY how worshipping Jesus was going against our God's very first commandment.

    On the other hand, if you are so sure you have it right, then you should have felt blessed and been eager to educate me so I too could worship correctly.  

    All I tried to do was to show you how your “Jesus is God” scriptures really don't say that at all.  And for that, YOU condemned ME!

    peace and love,



    Here is the deal. I never told you that you worship God in Vain. Spin-King, no matter how you spin it, that is judgement. I had stated my opinion on it, and you challenged me and gave examples on how I was wrong. I posted a list, that as written, proves to me that Jesus is God the son. You proceed to spin the scriptures, make your point, and end it by proclaiming it disproved. Then move on to spin another one, all the wile proclaiming to me I worship In vain. You seem to have the same problem to me as alot of church leaders, giving the impression “I am right, I got the real deal and you don't”. That is the very reason I first posted on here, in that all the while you and people like you and the churches argue about who has a monopoly on grace, the devil is semingly slaughtering souls with out a fight, because pride and arrogance take precidence over love.  You do not know my heart. lYou do not know what trials God has tested me with and I passed. Tell me , do you know how it feels to be picked up by your ear ,literally, and kicked in the behind for not hearing a request? Do you know how it feels to be sat next to your retarded little sister and told” Look what God gave CCC , Now what are you doing? Do you know how it feels to be molested be a mason, and the police won't touch him because they are too? Thats just the beginning. Someone said I had given my autobiography, and thats an understatement, because there is so much more. God is hard on those he loves and he mus tlove me a heck of a lot, and you have no clue. You go on thinking whatever you want, and argue and try to build youself up.  My opinion will always be what my deserterada said ” be at peace with God “. My peace includes avoiding arguers and self rightious people. I said it before and I'll say it again, please please please leave me alone. I love you- Mark


    Mark, God cannot be His own Son. God cannot be His own Priest. God cannot be His own Mediator between Himself and another party. God cannot be His own Anointed One. God cannot be His own Messenger. God cannot be His own Servant.-Mikeboll

    God can do anything he wants too, nothing is impossible for God. Like I said before, Anyone who claims to know everything-including defining and comprehending God-Is fooling themselves, God can't be wholly defined by a human. Also, I believe there are things that he has left as a mystery on purpose, and we will find out one day. Our job now is to obey his son's commands, first of which is to show love to everyone regardless of what they believe, and be a light in a dark world, not to win arguements over scripture.


    Quote (mikeangel @ Dec. 14 2010,19:28)

    Here is the deal. I never told you that you worship God in Vain. Spin-King, no matter how you spin it, that is judgement. I had stated my opinion on it, and you challenged me and gave examples on how I was wrong. I posted a list, that as written, proves to me that Jesus is God the son. You proceed to spin the scriptures, make your point, and end it by proclaiming it disproved. Then move on to spin another one, all the wile proclaiming to me I worship In vain. You seem to have the same problem to me as alot of church leaders, giving the impression “I am right, I got the real deal and you don't”. That is the very reason I first posted on here, in that all the while you and people like you and the churches argue about who has a monopoly on grace, the devil is semingly slaughtering souls with out a fight, because pride and arrogance take precidence over love.  You do not know my heart. lYou do not know what trials God has tested me with and I passed. Tell me , do you know how it feels to be picked up by your ear ,literally, and kicked in the behind for not hearing a request? Do you know how it feels to be sat next to your retarded little sister and told” Look what God gave CCC , Now what are you doing? Do you know how it feels to be molested be a mason, and the police won't touch him because they are too? Thats just the beginning. Someone said I had given my autobiography, and thats an understatement, because there is so much more. God is hard on those he loves and he mus tlove me a heck of a lot, and you have no clue. You go on thinking whatever you want, and argue and try to build youself up.  My opinion will always be what my deserterada said ” be at peace with God “. My peace includes avoiding arguers and self rightious people. I said it before and I'll say it again, please please please leave me alone. I love you- Mark

    Mark, this is a forum where we debate Scriptures. We are not here to idle….. Yes God is love. But there are clear Scriptures that tell us that there is no trinity. The Catholic Church is big on that, you do know that right?????…..
    You can't find the trinity in the Bible……If you can't take some criticism, you are in the wrong place….What Mike has said is mild against what some others have said to me because I believe in the preexisting of Jesus….hang in there ……Peace and Love Irene .


    Quote (mikeangel @ Dec. 14 2010,19:28)
    I said it before and I'll say it again, please please please leave me alone. I love you- Mark

    Wait a minute there mister!  I resurrected the “worship” thread to discuss some things with Kathi.  I didn't “invite” you over there.  But don't think for a minute I'm going to just read your posts about how it's okay to worship someone other than God and remain silent.  It's the first commandment you're breaking Mark.  Unless…………Jesus IS God, right?

    So at that point, we actually agreed that to worship someone OTHER THAN GOD would be to worship IN VAIN, right?

    So that prospect urged you to “show me” that Jesus was God.  And you “showing me” urged me to answer your “Jesus is God” reasonings one at a time.

    So both of us agree that to worship someone other than God is bad.  It's just that you think Jesus IS God.  Scripture says he is NOT.  And really Mark?  God CAN be His own “servant” because He can do whatever He wants to?  Come on, man.  God gave us enough common sense to know that the Son of God cannot possibly be the God that he is the Son of.  It's ludicrous.

    Can YOUR son BE YOU?  Of course not.  And I'm sorry that you've had it rough.  But many others have had it way rougher than you.  It is no excuse to worship someone other than God.  In fact, that's only going to compound the problems and cause even worse results.

    Anyway, if you want me to remain silent towards you, then stop posting crap about the “evil condemning spirits” on this site when I know you refer to me as one of them.  You condemned me for trying to SCRIPTURALLY show you the truth, Mark.  I'm sorry that truth didn't align with your already made up mind.

    I'll leave you with just one of many scriptures that CLEARLY distinguish Jesus as someone other than God – and I echo this scripture's sentiments to you.

    Ephesians 1:17
    I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.

    God does NOT have a God, Mark.  I pray that you get to know both God AND His only begotten Son better.

    Be well,

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