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- October 22, 2012 at 1:51 am#317098
Quote The healing is always to just get the peoples attention. Then the Word comes and weeds out the unbelievers and make believers. Mt 24:4 Jesus answered: “Watch out that no one deceives you.
Mt 24:5 For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many.Mt 24:10 At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other,
Mt 24:24 For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect—if that were possible.
read those scriptures and you will learn that doing miracles does not mean you are a prophet of God almighty
October 22, 2012 at 5:47 am#317116Ed J
ParticipantQuote (Marlin1 @ Oct. 22 2012,12:00) Quote Moses was told to speak to the rock and he hit the rock. For this mistake, he was not allowed to go into the promise land. The way I understood it, Moses' mistake was that he took credit for providing the water, when it was God who provided it. (Numbers 20:10)
Quote (Marlin1 @ Oct. 20 2012,18:03)
2. Abraham lied.
GEN 12:13 † Say, I pray thee, thou art my sister: that it may be well with me for thy sake; and my soul shall live because of thee.Sarai really was Abraham's sister. So he didn't really “lie” as much as he “withheld some of the truth”.
I agree with the rest of your examples.
Brother Mike,
God told Moses to speak to the rock 20:8, Moses hit the Rock 20:11, God said, because you believed me not, didn't do what I told you to do. 20:12…
I don't see where it says he toke credit, but he may of, because he did hit it.Yes Sarai was Abraham's sister, but what was his motive? Was he trying to deceive.
God Bless
bro. Marlin
Hi Marlin,“Be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.” (Matt 10:16)
God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34)
http://www.holycitybiblecode.orgOctober 22, 2012 at 11:45 pm#317179Marlin1
ParticipantQuote Hi Marlin, “Be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.” (Matt 10:16)
God bless
Ed JThanks brother Ed,
Do you believe there ever was a rapture (catching away)?
God Bless
bro. MarlinOctober 22, 2012 at 11:55 pm#317185Marlin1
ParticipantQuote You have no first hand knowledge of him at all do you? I also do not have first hand on the scriptures because I was not alive when Christ walked the earth,
instead of blaming me for your believe why do you not show me wrong with facts but you just talk and do not demonstrate it,
Brother Pierre,
So what you are saying is that you have not read the bible, you have just listened to what some MAN told you. If you have read the bible, then you have the kind of 1st hand knowledge that I am talking about. For you read it for yourself and made your own decision. But you have only taken what someone told you and from that you decided, because the man agreed with your teachings. Which is exactly 2Tim 4:3-4
And by that you choose your path?
God Bless
bro. MarlinOctober 23, 2012 at 1:07 am#317191terraricca
ParticipantQuote (Marlin1 @ Oct. 23 2012,05:55) Quote You have no first hand knowledge of him at all do you? I also do not have first hand on the scriptures because I was not alive when Christ walked the earth,
instead of blaming me for your believe why do you not show me wrong with facts but you just talk and do not demonstrate it,
Brother Pierre,
So what you are saying is that you have not read the bible, you have just listened to what some MAN told you. If you have read the bible, then you have the kind of 1st hand knowledge that I am talking about. For you read it for yourself and made your own decision. But you have only taken what someone told you and from that you decided, because the man agreed with your teachings. Which is exactly 2Tim 4:3-4
And by that you choose your path?
God Bless
bro. Marlin
m12Ti 4:3 For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.
2Ti 4:4 They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.
2Ti 4:5 But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry.what I have ask you is to show me that the man you defend is not what others say, this is open a door to you from me to be able to correct my view on the man ,that you believe his a prophet of God almighty .
October 23, 2012 at 3:07 am#317198Marlin1
ParticipantQuote what I have ask you is to show me that the man you defend is not what others say, this is open a door to you from me to be able to correct my view on the man ,that you believe his a prophet of God almighty . Edited by terraricca on Oct. 23 2012,12:08
PierreI told you that he was God's Prophet, he had an open vision ministry. Tell me have you ever seen an open vision ministry.
Here is a story about a Mohammedan woman in Africa. He doesn't even know the language.
The first one was a Mohammedan woman. She couldn't speak English. She had a red dot, an Indian dot here in between her eyes. She was Mohammedan. And through the interpreter, fifteen different interpreters or more had to interpret through Africa, the different tribes…
And I said to this woman, I said, “Why are you a Mohammedan coming to me as a Christian? Why don't you go to your priest at the temple?”
And she said, “I believe that you can help me.” Through the interpreter of course.
“Oh,” I said, “have you ever read the New Testament?”She said, “Many times.”
I said, “If Jesus Christ is alive today here in Africa and will do the same things here that He did to the woman at the well, will you renounce Mohammed and receive Jesus?”
She said, “I will.”
And then I prayed. The Holy Spirit come with a vision.
It showed the woman and told her that she had a cyst on the womb.
And she had been to a Mohammedan doctor.
Her husband had taken her was a short man with a black mustache, and he waited out in the hall while she had her examination.
And the doctor told her she'd have to be operated on.She raised her hands and said, “That is the truth.”
And she said, “I now accept Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour.”
Hundreds and thousands of Mohammedans begin to scream. What does it take?
The commission of the Lord Jesus.
Obey His Word; go into all the world and demonstrate the power of the resurrection.
===========================================================================Who was it that touched these Mohammedans?
It was the Holy Ghost, For only God knows the thoughts and intents of the heart.
Brother Branham had an OPEN VISION ministry. He had thousands just like the one above.
God Bless
bro. MarlinOctober 23, 2012 at 3:50 am#317204terraricca
ParticipantQuote (Marlin1 @ Oct. 23 2012,09:07) Quote what I have ask you is to show me that the man you defend is not what others say, this is open a door to you from me to be able to correct my view on the man ,that you believe his a prophet of God almighty . Edited by terraricca on Oct. 23 2012,12:08
PierreI told you that he was God's Prophet, he had an open vision ministry. Tell me have you ever seen an open vision ministry.
Here is a story about a Mohammedan woman in Africa. He doesn't even know the language.
The first one was a Mohammedan woman. She couldn't speak English. She had a red dot, an Indian dot here in between her eyes. She was Mohammedan. And through the interpreter, fifteen different interpreters or more had to interpret through Africa, the different tribes…
And I said to this woman, I said, “Why are you a Mohammedan coming to me as a Christian? Why don't you go to your priest at the temple?”
And she said, “I believe that you can help me.” Through the interpreter of course.
“Oh,” I said, “have you ever read the New Testament?”She said, “Many times.”
I said, “If Jesus Christ is alive today here in Africa and will do the same things here that He did to the woman at the well, will you renounce Mohammed and receive Jesus?”
She said, “I will.”
And then I prayed. The Holy Spirit come with a vision.
It showed the woman and told her that she had a cyst on the womb.
And she had been to a Mohammedan doctor.
Her husband had taken her was a short man with a black mustache, and he waited out in the hall while she had her examination.
And the doctor told her she'd have to be operated on.She raised her hands and said, “That is the truth.”
And she said, “I now accept Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour.”
Hundreds and thousands of Mohammedans begin to scream. What does it take?
The commission of the Lord Jesus.
Obey His Word; go into all the world and demonstrate the power of the resurrection.
===========================================================================Who was it that touched these Mohammedans?
It was the Holy Ghost, For only God knows the thoughts and intents of the heart.
Brother Branham had an OPEN VISION ministry. He had thousands just like the one above.
God Bless
bro. Marlin
M1this is not the way ;you have to show me in or with scriptures that that man was who he says he was ;
I do not want you to tell me second hand stories ,stories that i can't verrivied
October 23, 2012 at 4:03 am#317210Marlin1
ParticipantHere is another one that was very interesting.
a blind man come through. And he was totally blind, and his eyes were as white as my shirt.
And I said, “Now here is a blind man, anyone can see he's blind.”
And I said, “If I could help him I would do so, but the only way I could do would be by a gift, to maybe say something that he has done;
and that would give thought that if God know what he has done, He certainly would know what he's going to do.”
So I said, “Now, looking at him,” I said, “now, he's a worshipper of the sun.
He's been blind twenty years.”And, when the interpreter said it, that was right.
I said, “He's a married man. He… his wife is rather small, and he has two sons, one about seven, one nine.” That was exactly right. Called their names, what it was.
Then out in the audience, in the place where the people were, there come that wave in, “It's mental, it's something on the order of–of a psychic reading of their mind.”
Then I thought, “Lord, if You'll just help me. I–I need Your help, Lord.
These people are trying to class this a telepathy.
And it's not, and You know it, Lord.”
Yet, I'd give them the Scripture that Jesus said He did nothing till the Father showed Him.And then, turning to look at the man again, I saw him just above there in a vision, with just as good of eyes as I have. I thought, “Now is the time.”
I said, “This man is a worshipper of the sun, now, and he's gone blind.”
And I said, “Now, There's the Mohammedan priests, and there's the priests of the Shiites, Jains, and the different types of religion, Buddha.
Now this man wants to receive his sight.
Now, you would say that he–he worshipped the creation instead of the Creator. I believe that, too.But here we sit tonight.” I said, “And we been… today I was entertained in the Jains temple where seventeen different religions was there to interview me, and every one of them against Christ,
every one!” And I said, “Now, and many of you man was down there.
Now, if Christ is so wrong, then this man wants to be right, and surely the God of creation Who made the world will be the only One Who can give him his sight.That's reasonable.” And I said, “Now, if any of you people, the Mohammedan here is the leading religion.
If the Mohammedan priest will come here and give him his sight, then I'll follow Mohammedan.
If the Buddha priest will come give him his sight.
But let the God Who made him, the God, somebody's God somewhere, 'cause there has to be, we can't have a creation without a Creator. And it'll take a Creator to create sight in these eyes.
He had been blind twenty years from looking at the sun, thinking he'd go to Heaven if he did it.
The man ignorantly done that.”I said, “Now, if the One, let's let Him be God, come give him his sight.”
And I said, “Now I challenge any priest or Raja, or holy man or any what it might be, come give him his sight, and I'll follow your philosophy, you've made a convert.”
And that was the quietest bunch of people I ever heard. See? Nobody did it.
And I said, “What you so quiet about?”
I said, “The reason you are, is because you can't do it, and neither can I.
But the God of Heaven Who raised up His Son Jesus Christ, Whose servant we are, has just showed me a vision that the man's going to receive his sight.”See? I said, “Now, if that be not so, then you can order me out of India.
But if it is so, every one of you owe your life to Jesus Christ. I would like to ask you, how many in here will give your life to Christ if this blind man receives his sight?You see your priests, nobody comes up here. Why don't they come, if they've told you their religion is so big and so great?
Why don't somebody come and say something?” Nobody come.I said, “Then you people out there, if you see this blind man standing here…”
And up come a doctor to examine his eyes. He shook his head, he said, “He's blind.”
And so I said, “Certainly, he's blind.” But I said, “If God gives him his sight, how many of you will serve Jesus Christ?”
And just as far as I could see, oceans of black hands.
I turned to the man, and said, “Lord Jesus, let it be known that Thou art God.” The man grabbed me around the neck, and there set the mayor of Bombay sitting there, grabbed him around the neck, see as good as anybody could.
And in that miracle that our Lord Jesus performed, that what caused the thousands at one time to come to the Lord Jesus.
God Bless
bro. MarlinOctober 23, 2012 at 4:11 am#317211Marlin1
ParticipantI feel sorry for you my brother.
You just can not receive light.You want me to ARGUE scripture with you and I grow tire of playing your game.
You don't believe true scripture, you have your OWN belief of scripture.So I showed you the PROPHET that GOD sent and because you don't want light, you can't even believe that.
God Bless you in your search
bro. MarlinOctober 23, 2012 at 2:58 pm#317285terraricca
ParticipantQuote (Marlin1 @ Oct. 23 2012,10:11) I feel sorry for you my brother.
You just can not receive light.You want me to ARGUE scripture with you and I grow tire of playing your game.
You don't believe true scripture, you have your OWN belief of scripture.So I showed you the PROPHET that GOD sent and because you don't want light, you can't even believe that.
God Bless you in your search
bro. Marlin
m1Quote I feel sorry for you my brother.
You just can not receive light.You want me to ARGUE scripture with you and I grow tire of playing your game.
You don't believe true scripture, you have your OWN belief of scripture.So I showed you the PROPHET that GOD sent and because you don't want light, you can't even believe that.
God Bless you in your search
bro. Marlinthis is no game my friend ,you say that you have showed me the prophet of God
Mk 13:5 Jesus said to them: “Watch out that no one deceives you.
Mk 13:6 Many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am he,’ and will deceive many.Mk 13:22 For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform signs and miracles to deceive the elect—if that were possible.
October 23, 2012 at 3:56 pm#317289Marlin1
ParticipantBrother Pierre,
I showed you the proof, as to what the bible said. the thoughts and intents of the heart.
And what did you say, I WASN'T THERE !!!!!!!!!!!
Well my brother, you were not there when Jesus walked on the earth and did the same thing.
You were not there when Peter, Paul and the others did what they were called to do.
Jesus came back as the 'son of man' and you say you don't believe.
for each must, “work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.”
God Bless
bro MarlinOctober 23, 2012 at 6:32 pm#317298mikeboll64
BlockedQuote (Marlin1 @ Oct. 21 2012,18:22) Brother Mike, Can God the Father have a different will then God the Son or can God the Son have a different will then God the Holy Ghost.
The answer is NO. For these are three titles of the same God.
John 6:38
For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me.Luke 22:42
“Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.”These scriptures verify that Jesus had a DIFFERENT will than God's. Yet you say “God the Son” CAN'T have a different will than “God the Father”.
October 23, 2012 at 10:39 pm#317323terraricca
ParticipantQuote (Marlin1 @ Oct. 23 2012,21:56) Brother Pierre, I showed you the proof, as to what the bible said. the thoughts and intents of the heart.
And what did you say, I WASN'T THERE !!!!!!!!!!!
Well my brother, you were not there when Jesus walked on the earth and did the same thing.
You were not there when Peter, Paul and the others did what they were called to do.
Jesus came back as the 'son of man' and you say you don't believe.
for each must, “work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.”
God Bless
bro Marlin
m1you are a little twister ;
this is not what my quote was saying ,and you know it ,but you did what you like to do ,to cover your false prophet,
I give you scriptures you give me your words I know Jesus,Peter and Paul,John and James but who are you
October 24, 2012 at 5:24 am#317354Ed J
ParticipantQuote (Marlin1 @ Oct. 23 2012,10:45) Quote Hi Marlin, “Be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.” (Matt 10:16)
God bless
Ed JThanks brother Ed,
Do you believe there ever was a rapture (catching away)?
God Bless
bro. Marlin
Hi Marlin,What do you mean? …please be more specific; OK?
God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34)
http://www.holycitybiblecode.orgOctober 25, 2012 at 12:03 am#317497Marlin1
ParticipantQuote Thanks brother Ed, Do you believe there ever was a rapture (catching away)?
God Bless
bro. MarlinHi Marlin,
What do you mean? …please be more specific; OK?
God bless
Ed JBrother Ed,
When I say Rapture, I mean a catching away. So that being said, do you believe that there ever was or will be a rapture.
I was just trying to understand why you said a rapture is false doctrine.
bro. Marlin
October 25, 2012 at 12:46 am#317504Marlin1
ParticipantQuote Brother Mike, Can God the Father have a different will then God the Son or can God the Son have a different will then God the Holy Ghost.
The answer is NO. For these are three titles of the same God.
John 6:38
For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me.Luke 22:42
“Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.”These scriptures verify that Jesus had a DIFFERENT will than God's. Yet you say “God the Son” CAN'T have a different will than “God the Father”.
Hi Brother Mike,
Jesus, talking to the Jews one day, said, “Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day: and he was glad.” Then said the Jews unto Him, ‘thou art not yet fifty years old and hast thou seen Abraham?’ Jesus said unto them, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, before Abraham was, I AM” (John 8:56-58).
Who was the great “I AM”? Remember the burning fire that talked with Moses on the holy mountain? That was the “I AM”, the self-same Jesus speaking to the Jews. They could not see that Jesus was their own God VEILED IN FLESH.
“The Jews answered him saying, “For a good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and because that Thou, being man, makest Thyself God” (John 10:33). They really failed to see that He was the Emmanuel – both MAN and GOD. Jesus also is the WORD that became FLESH and dwelt amongst us (John 1:1,14).
JESUS certainly was a man weeping at the grave of Lazarus. But when He shouted, “Lazarus, come forth!”, and a dead man, four days and stinking, arose and lived again – that was more than a MAN! Who can raise the dead but God alone.
After Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection, Jesus ascended up into the heavens. And when SAUL of Tarsus was on His road to Damascus to persecute the Christians (Read Acts 9:1-5), a BIG LIGHT, a PILLAR of FIRE struck him.
And he asked, “LORD, who are You?” SAUL knew that It was the same Pillar of FIRE that appeared to Moses, but that Pillar of FIRE answered him, saying, “I AM JESUS, whom thou persecutest.”
See, He had TURNED BACK, exactly back to THE SAME FORM before He took on a tabernacle of FLESH – the Pillar of FIRE that met Moses in the wilderness.
Remember, It was the SAME Pillar of Fire that came to PETER that night and loosed him out of the prison cell (Read Acts 12:5-7).That SAME Pillar of Fire (Cloven Tongues of Fire) appeared on the Day of PENTECOST and set on each of those at the upper room, dividing Himself, giving part of His Spirit among His church (Acts 2).
Peter declared in Acts 2:36, “Let all the house of Israel know assuredly that God hath made that SAME JESUS, whom ye have crucified, BOTH LORDAND CHRIST”.
There He is – LORD (Fatherhood), JESUS (Sonship), CHRIST (Anointed Holy Ghost) – The LORD JESUS CHRIST, the complete manifestation of the ONE TRUE GOD.Jesus also said this,
JOHN 8:24 †……..for if ye believe not that I am He, ye shall die in your sins.
God Bless
bro. MarlinOctober 25, 2012 at 1:02 am#317508Ed J
ParticipantQuote (Marlin1 @ Oct. 25 2012,11:03) Quote Thanks brother Ed, Do you believe there ever was a rapture (catching away)?
God Bless
bro. MarlinHi Marlin,
What do you mean? …please be more specific; OK?
God bless
Ed JBrother Ed,
When I say Rapture, I mean a catching away. So that being said, do you believe that there ever was or will be a rapture.
I was just trying to understand why you said a rapture is false doctrine.
bro. Marlin
Hi Marlin,OK Rapture means: 'a catching away'
But what does 'a catching away' mean?God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34)
http://www.holycitybiblecode.orgOctober 25, 2012 at 8:00 pm#317630mikeboll64
BlockedHi Marlin,
Your post didn't actually address the fact that the Son had a DIFFERENT will than his Father and God. Why not?
You've also listed a bunch of claims that you believe the scriptures make. I won't address all of them in one post, but will be happy to address them all, one at a time, if you'd like. I will address the first one with this post:
Quote (Marlin1 @ Oct. 24 2012,18:46) Hi Brother Mike, Jesus, talking to the Jews one day, said, “Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day: and he was glad.” Then said the Jews unto Him, ‘thou art not yet fifty years old and hast thou seen Abraham?’ Jesus said unto them, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, before Abraham was, I AM” (John 8:56-58).
Who was the great “I AM”?
1. YHWH most likely means “I will be”, not “I am”. It is the Hebrew word “to be”, and is usually translated as “will be” throughout scripture.2. EACH and EVERY time YHWH ever claimed to BE YHWH in the OT, the Hebrew words were “aniy yhwh”, meaning I AM Yahweh. So even if you insist that “yhwh” means “I am”, you must acknowledge that any time in the OT when Jehovah identified Himself, He said, “I AM I am”. He never just said the words “I am” to identify Himself as Yahweh.
So you must ask yourself, “Did Jesus IDENTIFY himself as I am, by saying “I AM I am” in John 8:58? Because to just say the words “I am”, which, if you think about it, is probably the most common pronoun/verb phrase in any language, really wouldn't mean squat. Well? Did Jesus say he WAS “I am”?
3. If the words “I am” in 8:58 were a secret code to point to Jehovah, then what exactly was Jesus saying ABOUT Jehovah? Let's say “I am” meant “Jehovah” in that verse……………
Truly I say to you, before Abraham existed, Jehovah!”
What would that mean, Marlin? Jehovah WHAT? Jehovah said WHAT? Jehovah did WHAT? It would be like an unfinished sentence, leaving us all wondering WHAT exactly Jesus was saying ABOUT Jehovah.
4. The present tense “I am” in John 8:58 is an example of certain idiomatic problems that occur when translating one language into a different language. It is similar to a man who speaks English as a second language saying, “I am married to the same woman for 15 years.”
Of course, we who speak English as our original language will easily understand that this man is saying he HAS BEEN married to the same woman for 15 years.
This is the same case in 8:58. Jesus is saying that before Abraham came into being, he has been.
Proof of this can be found in John 14:9, where Jesus says, “Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time?”
In the Greek language, Jesus' words are, “Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I am among you such a long time?”
Yet, in English, we all know that Jesus meant “I have been”, and that it is just one of many flukes of translation that happen throughout the scriptures. And the fact that we all know exactly what Jesus meant is the reason virtually every English translation ever made has “I have been” in 14:9, and not “I am”.
Yet, the Trinitarian translators don't want to follow the same common sense rule for John 8:58. Their common sense tells them that Jesus is saying he “has been” even before Abraham existed, but because they try desparately to force the scriptures into teaching Jesus as God Almighty any chance they get, their personal bias gets in the way of a proper translation of 8:58. Because they think they can make the words of Jesus in 8:58 into some kind of claim to be Jehovah, they translate that verse poorly, on purpose.
Yet, if they would only consider my first three points above, they would be able to see that, even with their poor translation, there is no way Jesus could have been making a claim to be Jehovah with that simple pronoun/verb phrase. (In fact, I'd be willing to bet that they HAVE considered the things I wrote in my first three points, but they are counting on the fact that YOU haven't considered them.
At any rate, you now have reason to consider them, and the rest will be up to you.
mikeOctober 25, 2012 at 10:33 pm#317651Ed J
ParticipantQuote (Ed J @ Oct. 25 2012,12:02) Quote (Marlin1 @ Oct. 25 2012,11:03) Quote Thanks brother Ed, Do you believe there ever was a rapture (catching away)?
God Bless
bro. MarlinHi Marlin,
What do you mean? …please be more specific; OK?
God bless
Ed JBrother Ed,
When I say Rapture, I mean a catching away. So that being said, do you believe that there ever was or will be a rapture.
I was just trying to understand why you said a rapture is false doctrine.
bro. Marlin
Hi Marlin,OK Rapture means: 'a catching away'
But what does 'a catching away' mean?God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34)
Hi Marlin,Debris in a tornado is 'a catching away' of debris.
An interception in football is 'a catching away'.Once you tell me what 'a catching away' is, then
I will tell you if I believe that there ever was a rapture; OK?God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34)
http://www.holycitybiblecode.orgOctober 25, 2012 at 10:40 pm#317655terraricca
ParticipantQuote (Marlin1 @ Oct. 23 2012,21:56) Brother Pierre, I showed you the proof, as to what the bible said. the thoughts and intents of the heart.
And what did you say, I WASN'T THERE !!!!!!!!!!!
Well my brother, you were not there when Jesus walked on the earth and did the same thing.
You were not there when Peter, Paul and the others did what they were called to do.
Jesus came back as the 'son of man' and you say you don't believe.
for each must, “work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.”
God Bless
bro Marlin
m1if I would feel the need to twist the quotes of others to make my case ,this would not be proven true or the truth right
why do you do it, I have treat you truthfully
lies never end up in truths
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