Message for the devil

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  • #206177

    I am disgusted with myself. The more I try to adapt to this crazy world the further I seem to get from peace. I really want to get to a place where I can say “you are doing the best you can, relax and enjoy life”, but I never can. I want more. I take things way too seriously. I want people to treat me as I treat them. I want God to be #1 in our world. I want him to come yesterday. I need patience RIGHT NOW. I want to quit sinning so much and being such a hypocrite. For example, When I am in public, and miss universe comes strolling by bouncing along, no matter how wrong it is I look, and notice, good griefus. Now If my wife did the same thing to Mr. Wonderful and I noticed her looking it would make me mad  as well as hurt my feelings. You might say “Thats just normal don't be so hard on yourself” Where do you draw the line? What If I felt that getting her phone number and hooking up with her was normal? Alot of guys do. How serious is too serious? How religious is too religious?
    I feel like we are swimming in evil. It has been brought on so subtilely and gradually that not many people see it that way, but I do. We have been lulled into a deep sleep. Lets look at whats going on now.Astrology is forbidden, but there is a horoscope section in the paper every day. Even though the bible is saturated with warnings about idol worship, we have a program “American Idol” that burns up the ratings. Although sorcery and wizardry are forbidden, “Harry Potter” is amazingly popular. Twilight is about a vampire. I don't care if he drinks only animal blood, thats forbidden in the bible. You might say “thats only fictional entertainment”. Did you read where kids are starting to bite each other? At NFL and NBA games, at timeout and media breaks, they sometimes play “Hells Bells”. “Won't take no prisoners,won't spare no lives, nobodys puttin up a fight, we got the power gonna take you to hell, WE'RE GONNA GET YOU, SATAN WILL GET YOU, HELLS BELLS' Also “If your into evil you're a friend of mine” also “If Gods on the left then I stickin to the right” . What about that bat-eating blasphemous Ozzy Osborne? “Leave me alone don't want your promises no more-cause rock and roll is my religion and my God. !!!!!!??????? What about that fire breathing blood spewing demon representing Gene Simmons? What about Mr. Obamanation? Lets bow down to the muslim world who stuck a shrine on Gods temple that has an inscription on it that reads “Allah has no sons” Also in the Koran that they say “nay” to Jesus being Gods son, and also we christians and jews threw Gods law behind our back, but say that Jesus is coming again? If we are condemned for disrespecting Mohammed,aside the fact that we are suppose to love our enemys, wouldn't be fair for us to vaporize them , being that the Koran was written 500 years after Jesus came and said”I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE”? What about Damien Hirst, the British artist who may very well be the richest in the world? Look him up, the abhorrent garbage and dead things he creates have made him one of the welthiest in the world, including a sculpture of the madonna in New York split open showing her guts and womb. What about the tele-evangelist who say “send ME a offering and God will bless you?” What about the masons who claim masonry is not a religion, but base thier rituals on Gods Temple? Google “Duncan's Masonic Ritual”, which outlines the degrees up to 6th degree, and get shocked. At one point, you are marked. Also you alternately spell G-O-D, Je- ho-va, and Ja-bel-on together, standing in locking formation with three other masons, Known as the three by three by three formation. A former mason who quit who went through the 33 degree iniation stated he drank wine out of a skull .Google Jim Shaw- Deadly deception.Being a former Knight , I can tell you there are no dark rituals or anything blasphemous,but the masons are ex-communicated from the Catholic Church for having secrets, yet the Knights have degrees and iniations that are secret and are bound by oath, also a “supreme master” and “master”. By the way, why aren't they called “Knights of Christ” instead of Columbus? For that reason i withdrew, thereby removing the plank from my eye, giving me the sight to say to masons- If I were you, I would pray hard, and ask God to open your eyes before its too late.Out of all these points, where are the searing messages that should be coming from the pastors/priest? Are they afraid to step on some toes and state the obvious?
    Do you see what I mean? Since I read the whole bible it seems to me to be a saga of Gods people, instead of a bunch of disconnected books that preachers and prest quote from to make a point. At times I regret it, and wish to go back to sleep. But, like drugs or losing your virginity, you can never go back once you cross that line,but, the fact remains, all that you see is passing away, and we are too with every breath, and the only thing you can take with you is faith in God and Christ and your almsgiving/works done because of and in unison with that faith, no matter what the media or society leads you to believe. So consider this: I'm not asking anyone to take my word for it, read God's word for yourself. If you already have and your a chirstian,I love you,and please say a prayer for me, that God will show me the answers to my questions in the first paragraph. If you refuse to give God a chance , and you die, and God sends you to hell, when you get there,for all the pain Satan has caused me, tell him I HATE HIM AND LOVE GOD. Thanks for reading-Me


    Hi mikeangel:

    Of course, I am praying for you that God will deliver you from whatever faults you may have.  We all have those faults that we have to learn to overcome.  The Lord did not say that you could not look at a beautful woman and admire her, but he did say that you should not look at her to lust after her flesh because in doing so you will have committed adultery in your heart.  If you could of, you would have.

    Doesn't your wife have the same equipment as Miss America, and she is your wife with whom you have a covenant relationship of love.  He said “Husbands love your wives even as Christ loved the church and gave his life for it”.  And they, Adam and Eve were naked before God, before they sinned, and they were not ashamed.  She is your wife and you don't have to run and hide from God or cover up with a fig leaf.

    And as to all that is in the World, keep your eyes on Jesus.  Let him be your example.

    Love in Christ,


    Mike, you seem to forget that the “god” of this world is still Satan, 2 Cor. 4:4.
    There is also a reason for the increase of violence, immorality, crime, and corruption, Rev. 12:9, and verse 12 says “…woe to the inhabitants of the earth and of the sea (nations)! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, BECAUSE he knoweth that he has but a short time.(and it is getting shorter)
    Satan is not only working in the minds of ordinary people, but especially in the minds of leaders of nations, Rev. 16:13,14.
    You heard the expression “it has to get worse before it gets better”? even though this may not comfort you, but it “WILL” get a lot worse, and if you have followed politics some, you know we are on the way to much worse.
    I am not surprised what comes out of Hollywood, they are Satan's salesmen.
    It is no sin to look at beautiful people, to “lust” after them is.
    And don't be discouraged, remember, even Peter took his eyes of Jesus and almost drowned.



    Both of you make good points. I know the differance between looking and lusting, and to my shame I notice the form and the frequency of movement. I would not stare or google, but I know it's more than appreciation for beauty. We are in our late 40s, and I guess youth in the mid 20s makes me miss the young days. Anyway, I have been delt some more crap from the world and I am sick of it and it's master, including the sin that is still in me. I want God to ring the bell so I can get off this bull and walk away from the rodeo. I try to be forgiving and take the high way, but lately it seems that everyones crap in my life ends up in my lap, and I am getting an attitude and needed to  put it somewhere.  P.S.  I am proud to say I have not cheated on my wife. When we were separated, I was tempted once, but after imagining her with another guy and how it would feel I came through safe,  it hurt just thinking about  it.


    Quote (mikeangel @ July 24 2010,12:21)
    I am disgusted with myself. The more I try to adapt to this crazy world the further I seem to get from peace. I really want to get to a place where I can say “you are doing the best you can, relax and enjoy life”, but I never can. I want more. I take things way too seriously. I want people to treat me as I treat them. I want God to be #1 in our world. I want him to come yesterday. I need patience RIGHT NOW. I want to quit sinning so much and being such a hypocrite. For example, When I am in public, and miss universe comes strolling by bouncing along, no matter how wrong it is I look, and notice, good griefus. Now If my wife did the same thing to Mr. Wonderful and I noticed her looking it would make me mad  as well as hurt my feelings. You might say “Thats just normal don't be so hard on yourself” Where do you draw the line? What If I felt that getting her phone number and hooking up with her was normal? Alot of guys do. How serious is too serious? How religious is too religious?
    I feel like we are swimming in evil. It has been brought on so subtilely and gradually that not many people see it that way, but I do. We have been lulled into a deep sleep. Lets look at whats going on now.Astrology is forbidden, but there is a horoscope section in the paper every day. Even though the bible is saturated with warnings about idol worship, we have a program “American Idol” that burns up the ratings. Although sorcery and wizardry are forbidden, “Harry Potter” is amazingly popular. Twilight is about a vampire. I don't care if he drinks only animal blood, thats forbidden in the bible. You might say “thats only fictional entertainment”. Did you read where kids are starting to bite each other? At NFL and NBA games, at timeout and media breaks, they sometimes play “Hells Bells”. “Won't take no prisoners,won't spare no lives, nobodys puttin up a fight, we got the power gonna take you to hell, WE'RE GONNA GET YOU, SATAN WILL GET YOU, HELLS BELLS' Also “If your into evil you're a friend of mine” also “If Gods on the left then I stickin to the right” . What about that bat-eating blasphemous Ozzy Osborne? “Leave me alone don't want your promises no more-cause rock and roll is my religion and my God. !!!!!!??????? What about that fire breathing blood spewing demon representing Gene Simmons? What about Mr. Obamanation? Lets bow down to the muslim world who stuck a shrine on Gods temple that has an inscription on it that reads “Allah has no sons” Also in the Koran that they say “nay” to Jesus being Gods son, and also we christians and jews threw Gods law behind our back, but say that Jesus is coming again? If we are condemned for disrespecting Mohammed,aside the fact that we are suppose to love our enemys, wouldn't be fair for us to vaporize them , being that the Koran was written 500 years after Jesus came and said”I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE”? What about Damien Hirst, the British artist who may very well be the richest in the world? Look him up, the abhorrent garbage and dead things he creates have made him one of the welthiest in the world, including a sculpture of the madonna in New York split open showing her guts and womb. What about the tele-evangelist who say “send ME a offering and God will bless you?” What about the masons who claim masonry is not a religion, but base thier rituals on Gods Temple? Google “Duncan's Masonic Ritual”, which outlines the degrees up to 6th degree, and get shocked. At one point, you are marked. Also you alternately spell G-O-D, Je- ho-va, and Ja-bel-on together, standing in locking formation with three other masons, Known as the three by three by three formation. A former mason who quit who went through the 33 degree iniation stated he drank wine out of a skull .Google Jim Shaw- Deadly deception.Being a former Knight , I can tell you there are no dark rituals or anything blasphemous,but the masons are ex-communicated from the Catholic Church for having secrets, yet the Knights have degrees and iniations that are secret and are bound by oath, also a “supreme master” and “master”. By the way, why aren't they called “Knights of Christ” instead of Columbus? For that reason i withdrew, thereby removing the plank from my eye, giving me the sight to say to masons- If I were you, I would pray hard, and ask God to open your eyes before its too late.Out of all these points, where are the searing messages that should be coming from the pastors/priest? Are they afraid to step on some toes and state the obvious?
    Do you see what I mean? Since I read the whole bible it seems to me to be a saga of Gods people, instead of a bunch of disconnected books that preachers and prest quote from to make a point. At times I regret it, and wish to go back to sleep. But, like drugs or losing your virginity, you can never go back once you cross that line,but, the fact remains, all that you see is passing away, and we are too with every breath, and the only thing you can take with you is faith in God and Christ and your almsgiving/works done because of and in unison with that faith, no matter what the media or society leads you to believe. So consider this: I'm not asking anyone to take my word for it, read God's word for yourself. If you already have and your a chirstian,I love you,and please say a prayer for me, that God will show me the answers to my questions in the first paragraph. If you refuse to give God a chance , and you die, and God sends you to hell, when you get there,for all the pain Satan has caused me, tell him I HATE HIM AND LOVE GOD. Thanks for reading-Me

    Greetings Mike….Welcome to the human race,for we all fall short….It is nice to strive for perfection,but sad to say we will never achieve it,for we all are hopeless sinners,it is the nature of man…Where we differ is we are conscious of it and bare the shame…and for that reason there is Jesus,who afforded us the ability to petition the father in his name and seek forgiveness through repentance and,… take it from me,..repentance occurs alot during the course of life…There are multitudes who do not feel any shame and are not interested in forgiveness…..God will be number one sooner than later,but there is a purging that will take place first…If it was Gods intention to save this world he could have… along time ago….after all.. he is God.. and nothing is impossible with God and nothing is possible either…God has decided to let us do it our way until such time as we acquire the ability to destroy his creation and every thing in it…and as you can see we are at that time…The rock group “Kids In Satans Service”( KISS) have done irepairable damage to the spirit of an entire generation with a message of hopelessness and ebracing anarchy as the means to solve the worlds problems…..The day will come when their message will no longer be able to rake havoc in this world…. Kiss and Hug Miss Universe for she is the bride of your youth…


    Theo,   I agree with every word. I just wish that we christians would set our differances aside and unite with one voice a prayer to God. I think, in my opinion, that one of the thinks God will do on his day is tell all, and I mean all, the churches that we should have put more emphasis on love and charity, instead of building bigger churches and arguing about who has a monopoly on grace, while all this crap took hold to torment everyone.  I wish we could make a huge prayer book, the caption on the top could state “I believe in Jesus,My lord and savior, and pray for his mercy and blessings, and deliver us from evil  ” and have all christians sign it. No arguing faith v. works, trinity, eucharist  etc. etc. Just proclaim Jesus as Lord and ask for mercy. My prayer to God now is really similar to people I know with cancer-” God please heal, but if its not your will  please end the suffering soon “


    Mike, nice to see you, im half asleep so… may say something tomorrow.


    I agree, theres this song

    Im not afraid
    To take a stand
    Come take my hand
    Well walk this world together through the storm
    Whatever weather cold or warm

    ah cant remember the rest…


    Mikeangle…………..Do you realize you mentioned yourself over (FIFTY) times in what you wrote , maybe if your started there and prayed to God about that it might help brother. While yes there is Evil in this world and there always was since Cain killed His brother Able. But there is also good here to, remember what Paul said ” Whatsoever is good and lovely and of a good report (THINK) on these things” , it a matter of what you is influencing you thinking that is the question here. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours……………………….gene


    Gene, I found out my daughter is pregnant . I also found out it is a boy. I have always wanted a grandson. I had 2 daughters, and I married a lady with 3 daughters. This is her second, the first was a girl. I should be happy. Theres one problem. The father is the same deadbeat dad of my 1st grandbaby, and hasn't supported or changed. You might think “did you try to help him?” I could have easily hated and ostersized him as he is a rapper, druggie and clubber. I talked to him and he seemed like he wanted to be a good father, I bought him a car and gave him a job. He thanked me by stealing an i-pod out of the high end job we were doing and dipped my reputation in crap. I went looking for him and was told he was in the gangster diciples and they would kill me if I didn;t stop looking for him. I did. When my mom was diagnosed with cancer(she is like Jess's mom since my first wife died) she got despondant and let him back into her life, and this happened, and he is gone again. I thank God she didn't get the abortion she seriously considered , and now she is considering adoption to a couple, because she says having the baby adopted by a family member would be too painful.   Consider this, if your whole body is healthy and you have a bad tooth absess, are you going to think about how healthy the rest of your body is or the pain? Right now I want to hurt satan as much as he is  me. I know the way to do that is to drag him out of the darkness and gradual lies he hides in and try to spread awareness and love, and also cling to god and try to give him glory. Also I am begging God for patience and endurance and guidance. Please pray for me. Peace and love to you too. Me


    Oh by the way, As to my post, I am aggriveted at the fact that I hear none of these (harry potter, twilight etc) things brought up from the pulpets, or American Idol. Ok fifty times. sorry for the selfishness. How many times is idolatry mentioned in the Bible? Are there any major donominations saying anything about a show with a title of “American Idol”?! Are they too busy wrestling with legitimising homosexuality which is point blank wrong in the scriptures? Do I have the right as a child of God to be indignated at the shear ignoring of God's law by society?


    Mikeangle……….The problem is what all that does in your life brother, Jesus said my Joy i give you, look don't worry about things you can't do anything about, they are out of your control. as nearby every thing is in this world , but you can be a light and give hope to all around you by being a good example and supporting the weak and comforting the affected and homeless. Remember “SO A MAN THINKS SO HE IS” Remember all is in the hands of GOD and is subject to him, both now and in the nurture , so if he allows these things who are we. Can we prevent or control what we have no power over so why worry about it right?, but we can seek GOD and YOU Seem to be doing that and we can pray for each other and give each other support in there times of need. We can't change the world but we can be a light in a crooked and perverse generation.. My God bless you with the peace you need in your life right now and always will in this life.

    peace and love to you and yours………………………gene


    Thanks Gene, I need them. But I am so ripped apart now I still want to smack the devil. I will be better, and God willing things will settle down, but if the do-do hit the fan and the rapture was today it would be fine with me. In the meantime I'm still holding onto the bull by the horns and wishing God would sound the trumpet and I could walk away from this evil rodeo. Godbless- my real name-Mark


    Quote (mikeangel @ July 25 2010,06:28)
    Both of you make good points. I know the differance between looking and lusting, and to my shame I notice the form and the frequency of movement. I would not stare or google, but I know it's more than appreciation for beauty. We are in our late 40s, and I guess youth in the mid 20s makes me miss the young days. Anyway, I have been delt some more crap from the world and I am sick of it and it's master, including the sin that is still in me. I want God to ring the bell so I can get off this bull and walk away from the rodeo. I try to be forgiving and take the high way, but lately it seems that everyones crap in my life ends up in my lap, and I am getting an attitude and needed to  put it somewhere.  P.S.  I am proud to say I have not cheated on my wife. When we were separated, I was tempted once, but after imagining her with another guy and how it would feel I came through safe,  it hurt just thinking about  it.

    Hello Mikeangel,

    Your post is on target.  We all struggle.  Apostle Paul wanted to kill himself and be in Heaven with Jesus.

    I'll try to do a “Positive” thread later on today that will give you some positive steps to follow to make life a joy rather than a drag, ok?  

    If you like I can PM you, too, to let you know when it is posted.

    People here are full of love and concern and they too love God and the Bible along with His son.

    Irene hit it on the head….it's going to get worse.
    People are going to fall away from the faith.

    Look at Eph 2:10 For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.

    God prepared our paths for us and that is why other parts of the Bible says not to worry, be happy!  You can't change the ending of the book (Bible).

    Hopefully I will be able to put together an inspiration thread that will help….all of us, including me….lol

    Brother in Christ,



    Quote (mikeangel @ July 25 2010,00:07)
    Theo,   I agree with every word. I just wish that we christians would set our differances aside and unite with one voice a prayer to God. I think, in my opinion, that one of the thinks God will do on his day is tell all, and I mean all, the churches that we should have put more emphasis on love and charity, instead of building bigger churches and arguing about who has a monopoly on grace, while all this crap took hold to torment everyone.  I wish we could make a huge prayer book, the caption on the top could state “I believe in Jesus,My lord and savior, and pray for his mercy and blessings, and deliver us from evil  ” and have all christians sign it. No arguing faith v. works, trinity, eucharist  etc. etc. Just proclaim Jesus as Lord and ask for mercy. My prayer to God now is really similar to people I know with cancer-” God please heal, but if its not your will  please end the suffering soon “

    Greetings Mikeangel……I would think that, on the last day God will put an end to all the confusion and there will be only his church,just as it exists in the here and now….All true believers do pray in unity regardless of whether they are in the same place or not…they are of the same mind…


    Quote (mikeangel @ July 24 2010,12:21)
    I am disgusted with myself. The more I try to adapt to this crazy world the further I seem to get from peace. I really want to get to a place where I can say “you are doing the best you can, relax and enjoy life”, but I never can. I want more. I take things way too seriously. I want people to treat me as I treat them. I want God to be #1 in our world. I want him to come yesterday. I need patience RIGHT NOW. I want to quit sinning so much and being such a hypocrite. For example, When I am in public, and miss universe comes strolling by bouncing along, no matter how wrong it is I look, and notice, good griefus. Now If my wife did the same thing to Mr. Wonderful and I noticed her looking it would make me mad  as well as hurt my feelings. You might say “Thats just normal don't be so hard on yourself” Where do you draw the line? What If I felt that getting her phone number and hooking up with her was normal? Alot of guys do. How serious is too serious? How religious is too religious?
    I feel like we are swimming in evil. It has been brought on so subtilely and gradually that not many people see it that way, but I do. We have been lulled into a deep sleep. Lets look at whats going on now.Astrology is forbidden, but there is a horoscope section in the paper every day. Even though the bible is saturated with warnings about idol worship, we have a program “American Idol” that burns up the ratings. Although sorcery and wizardry are forbidden, “Harry Potter” is amazingly popular. Twilight is about a vampire. I don't care if he drinks only animal blood, thats forbidden in the bible. You might say “thats only fictional entertainment”. Did you read where kids are starting to bite each other? At NFL and NBA games, at timeout and media breaks, they sometimes play “Hells Bells”. “Won't take no prisoners,won't spare no lives, nobodys puttin up a fight, we got the power gonna take you to hell, WE'RE GONNA GET YOU, SATAN WILL GET YOU, HELLS BELLS' Also “If your into evil you're a friend of mine” also “If Gods on the left then I stickin to the right” . What about that bat-eating blasphemous Ozzy Osborne? “Leave me alone don't want your promises no more-cause rock and roll is my religion and my God. !!!!!!??????? What about that fire breathing blood spewing demon representing Gene Simmons? What about Mr. Obamanation? Lets bow down to the muslim world who stuck a shrine on Gods temple that has an inscription on it that reads “Allah has no sons” Also in the Koran that they say “nay” to Jesus being Gods son, and also we christians and jews threw Gods law behind our back, but say that Jesus is coming again? If we are condemned for disrespecting Mohammed,aside the fact that we are suppose to love our enemys, wouldn't be fair for us to vaporize them , being that the Koran was written 500 years after Jesus came and said”I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE”? What about Damien Hirst, the British artist who may very well be the richest in the world? Look him up, the abhorrent garbage and dead things he creates have made him one of the welthiest in the world, including a sculpture of the madonna in New York split open showing her guts and womb. What about the tele-evangelist who say “send ME a offering and God will bless you?” What about the masons who claim masonry is not a religion, but base thier rituals on Gods Temple? Google “Duncan's Masonic Ritual”, which outlines the degrees up to 6th degree, and get shocked. At one point, you are marked. Also you alternately spell G-O-D, Je- ho-va, and Ja-bel-on together, standing in locking formation with three other masons, Known as the three by three by three formation. A former mason who quit who went through the 33 degree iniation stated he drank wine out of a skull .Google Jim Shaw- Deadly deception.Being a former Knight , I can tell you there are no dark rituals or anything blasphemous,but the masons are ex-communicated from the Catholic Church for having secrets, yet the Knights have degrees and iniations that are secret and are bound by oath, also a “supreme master” and “master”. By the way, why aren't they called “Knights of Christ” instead of Columbus? For that reason i withdrew, thereby removing the plank from my eye, giving me the sight to say to masons- If I were you, I would pray hard, and ask God to open your eyes before its too late.Out of all these points, where are the searing messages that should be coming from the pastors/priest? Are they afraid to step on some toes and state the obvious?
    Do you see what I mean? Since I read the whole bible it seems to me to be a saga of Gods people, instead of a bunch of disconnected books that preachers and prest quote from to make a point. At times I regret it, and wish to go back to sleep. But, like drugs or losing your virginity, you can never go back once you cross that line,but, the fact remains, all that you see is passing away, and we are too with every breath, and the only thing you can take with you is faith in God and Christ and your almsgiving/works done because of and in unison with that faith, no matter what the media or society leads you to believe. So consider this: I'm not asking anyone to take my word for it, read God's word for yourself. If you already have and your a chirstian,I love you,and please say a prayer for me, that God will show me the answers to my questions in the first paragraph. If you refuse to give God a chance , and you die, and God sends you to hell, when you get there,for all the pain Satan has caused me, tell him I HATE HIM AND LOVE GOD. Thanks for reading-Me

    First long post I ever read.

    Thank you for sharing…I've been feelin disconnected in this way for about a year now,

    and it's due to everything you stated.

    My position in the end is in unison with your conclusion.


    Quote (theodorej @ July 26 2010,00:14)

    Quote (mikeangel @ July 25 2010,00:07)
    Theo,   I agree with every word. I just wish that we christians would set our differances aside and unite with one voice a prayer to God. I think, in my opinion, that one of the thinks God will do on his day is tell all, and I mean all, the churches that we should have put more emphasis on love and charity, instead of building bigger churches and arguing about who has a monopoly on grace, while all this crap took hold to torment everyone.  I wish we could make a huge prayer book, the caption on the top could state “I believe in Jesus,My lord and savior, and pray for his mercy and blessings, and deliver us from evil  ” and have all christians sign it. No arguing faith v. works, trinity, eucharist  etc. etc. Just proclaim Jesus as Lord and ask for mercy. My prayer to God now is really similar to people I know with cancer-” God please heal, but if its not your will  please end the suffering soon “

    Greetings Mikeangel……I would think that, on the last day God will put an end to all the confusion and there will be only his church,just as it exists in the here and now….All true believers do pray in unity regardless of whether they are  in the same place or not…they are of the same mind…

    I wish this were true. Last fall my church wanted to have an ecumenical breakfast involving all the churches in our town. We sent out over 40 invitations to each pastor/priest. We got 3 responses, and only one showed up and the mayor-we had lots of food left over. I wish we could all put aside all our differances and pray togather  as one voice for blessings and protection, that is how I feel we can counter islam, scientology ctc. etc. I also feel that in addition to us not being united, evil is destroying this country through apathy because the churches cannot even agree on what is evil. We will see soon enough. Mark


    Hello Mike! What can I say, your story is not good, however there are many stories just like yours. Our Daughter ran away at age 17 after a man, who was a drug addict. We did not know that at the time. We picked Her up 3 times. When they both came back they got married. His addiction finally came to the surface and He also commited adultery and our Daughter divorced Him. While they were married She had a Baby girl. She now is 18 years old and very beautiful and hates Her Father. He has promised Her the world and owes our Daughter a ton of money for child support. Then our Daughter had a one night stand and got pregnant again. Our Grandson is 9 years old….. After all this time our Daughter finally grew up and is going to college to be a LPN. We also have 3 Son and every one of them is divorced…. To long of a story to tell. Our young's Son is now married to a very nice woman and they have been married for over 5 years now…. Our oldest and our other Son just live with someone….i will also put you on my prayer list. Hang in there. It gets easier as time goes on…. Peace to you, Irene



    The World is deceived, what we see and where we live, all has been transpiring slowly, the slower something transpires, the easier people adapt to it, the best thing is to watch what you do, stay away from what you perceive in your heart as wrong, read the Scriptures, especially the New Testament, especially concerning loving your neighbour, do to others as you would have done to you and do not do to others what you would not want done to you, become involved with prophesy as it seems this is where you should be…


    Hi Mark,
    Wow, I am so sorry that you are dealing with so many hard things. You have been wounded by others that have also been wounded by the enemy. It is not God that is wounding you, it is the enemy. God has a plan to battle that enemy and in fact, He already has won that battle. We now wear Jesus as our righteousness and our job is to forgive others, forgive ourselves, bring our wounded hearts to Jesus and ask Him to heal them with His glory light and to remove any oppression that may be tormenting us.

    Remember this, that God hated what King David did to Uriah but God forgave Him and restored him and blessed him. Anyone can be restored.

    As for the lusting…I heard someone say that instead of saying “I'm not going to lust, I'm not going to lust” instead think “I'm going to love them like Christ would.” That way you focus on what you should do which would dispel what you shouldn't do. Focus on the positive…keep your eyes locked on Jesus's eyes.

    Forgive, forgive, forgive for your own sake as well as others.

    Hebrews 12:14 NIV
    14Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.

    God bless you Mark for being vulnerable here and sharing your heart. I will pray for your peace to come.


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