Matthew 28:19 authentic or not?

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    Quote (Mayz @ May 20 2010,19:17)
    “David himself, speaking by the Holy Spirit, declared: “'The Lord said to my Lord: “Sit at my right hand until I put your enemies under your feet.””(Mark 12:36)

    Pentecost is the Day the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles as a red cloud. All the prophets, Saints and the Elect, had and have the Holy Spirit.

    Thats right Mayz

    And we can have the holy Spirit in us also.

    I have to go, nice talking with you.



    Im not a Trinitarian myself I believe in God the Father and then the Son The Holy Spirit but one thing I thought Trinitarians believe is that God The Father actually left Heaven and came down here in the form of Jesus? So it was God the Father who died…is this correct?

    Revelation 21 speaks of the Father (God) and Jesus (Lamb) living together with man on the newly reformed earth.

    Jesus was in the beginning, because “The beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (John 1:1)”
    As to who he is, I don't know as mentioned earlier, No one knows who the son is.

    The only thing that matters now is that everyone adopt one mentality (John 17:21) of Love because God is Love, and love forgives, it does not boast, and why would it argue about something God never intended us to know.

    I was raised Catholic, and was always taught that they were separate entities, but I can understand how it can be confusing and using the word YHWH (Which real meaning is lost in time but Catholicism explains it as the name of God meaning, “he who was, is and always will be.”) to help distinguish.

    Thank you for welcoming me. How do you define the Trinity?



    When it says 'let us make man in our image' do you think thats in the physical image or spiritual? I believe its Spiritual image

    Yeah, the living spirit of Love. When faced with ethical dilemmas we choose love, even at the expense of ourselves, as the great teacher taught us when He came in the flesh.

    Bless you and good night.


    “'The Lord [GOD] said to my Lord [Jesus]: “Sit at my right hand until I put your enemies under your feet.””(Mark 12:36)

    Just a little emphasis to what I pulled up earlier.


    The definition of Trinity from

    Trin·i·ty   [trin-i-tee] Show IPA
    –noun,plural-ties for 2, 4.
    Also called Blessed Trinity, Holy Trinity. the union of three persons (Father, Son, and Holy Ghost) in one Godhead, or the threefold personality of the one Divine Being.
    a representation of this in art.
    Trinity Sunday.
    (lowercase) a group of three; triad.
    (lowercase) the state of being threefold or triple.

    How does one define Godhead?


    Godhead may refer to:
    divinity, the quality of being God
    Conceptions of God
    Godhead (Judaism), the unknowable aspect of God which lies beyond His actions or emanations
    Godhead (Christianity), deity or divinity, and unity of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as one God-The Trinity
    Godhead (Latter Day Saints), conceptions of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as envisioned by various denominations of the Latter Day Saint movement.
    God in Hinduism
    Svayam Bhagavan (Supreme Personality of Godhead), in Gaudiya Vaishnavism, the divine person from all emanates
    Brahman, the divine source of being through which all emanates


    Quote (karmarie @ May 20 2010,19:21)

    Quote (Mayz @ May 20 2010,19:02)
    Also, “No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him.” Unless you are the Father, Son, or No one, you don't know if Jesus is God, a God in the beginning with Father, “Let us make man in our image” (Genesis 1:26), or Michael the Archangel. Just leave it as a mystery, because we wont know the answer to until we see Jesus return in all His Glory.

    Thats true.

    I find talking with Trinitarians or non trinitarians are no different. It all is about the same thing in the end. (Unless theyre debating eg here!)

    When it says 'let us make man in our image' do you think thats in the physical image or spiritual? I believe its Spiritual image  

    Those who worship in Spirit and truth God desires.

    What does the nature of the image matter? God said, “Let US make man in OUR image. This means that God is more than one person. This is substantiated by the fact that the new testament says that we are created both in the image of God and of Christ.

    No degree in rocket science is needeed to comprehend this.

    K Jack


    To all,

    Of all the discussion points layed out in this page, only Karmarie has got it right.

    Three, four, two, one, twelve…

    God… and Jesus and God's… Holy Spirit – these THREE, are indeed, working as ONE, one in purpose.

    But the TWELVE Disciples, bar ONE at the end, were also ONE in purpose WITH Jesus, so that makes FOUR, ..or Fifteen or fourteen.

    Then the SEVENTY, these, too …er, Seventy…, were also ONE with Christ.

    And the Apostles, where they not ONE with Christ.

    So how many ONES are there? ONE one, God and His Holy Spirit are ONE, it is His Spirit, just as Jesus Christ has a Spirit and each one of Man has a Spirit.

    So Two, God and Jesus?

    Or Three, God, Jesus and the Apostles?

    But wait, theres more…!

    What of the Elect, are they not ONE? Five then?

    Is there something coming across here?

    One, two, three, four, five, twelve, seventy, one hundred and fortyfour thousand…these are all ONE!

    To step back to Karmarie's point:
    Jesus is not God. Only God is God and God is not Man (Let him who has a mind for righteous Truth read the Scriptures in the power and wisdom of understanding of God's Holy Spirit) and Jesus is Man.

    Question: What does Scriptures say concerning being saved, concerning belief that Jesus, that Christ, that he who God sanctified, has come 'In the flesh'?

    If He, then, has come 'in the flesh' and therefore, is man, how, then, is He God?

    And if the Trinity of three Gods who are not three Gods but are One God but even yet are three Co-equal but yet more more NOT equal but are heirachichal, possessing different powers and authorities at different times, controlled by the one God known as 'The Father', is to be believed …note, believed without qualification, and yet Jesus came explicitly to Reveal…The Father (Why only the Father? Why only 'that' God, who Scriptures repeated claim, even Jesus himself claimed, is the 'ONLY TRUE GOD', qualified by others ('for us there is One God, who is the Father…'), then what are we to believe then when Jesus became man?

    Clearly, Trinity is broken. Can Two make a Trinity?

    And, of those in this forum, one, and his name is 'Trinity Truth', in other words 'false truth', claims that Jesus did NOT die but fled away in the Spirit to preach to the dead from Noah's days.

    I think most sane readers of the Scriptures would not agree with that as Scriptures states quite clearly that Jesus died in the flesh, as all men (nearly all) die in the flesh and Jesus, as all men do, give up their lifegiving Spirit to God, the Father, the giver of the Spirit, at the point of death, that it was After He was raised from the dead by the Power of God, the Father's Holy Spirit, that He was taken away in the restored Spirit 'body' to Preach to them.

    If Jesus did not die, and he died to overcome sin and thereby make an offer of salvation to all men, then we are all still in sin and his suffering was for nought, for how does a God suffer in his Spirit against the pains of flesh…the spirit does not feel pain of flesh, so then, Jesus' suffering would gave been a scam, because man, who is flesh is meant to follow Jesus' example: Hebrews 2:14.

    Further, another one here who claims to Worship Jesus, (and Jesus is man),  claimed that Jesus could not be tempted, meaning 'Jesus COULD NOT be tempted' but yet Scriptures quite clearly states that Jesus WAS tempted but did not give in to the temptation (Everyone knows that passage…but again, Hebrews 2:18 says, 'For in that He Himself was suffered being TEMPTED, He was able to aid those who are [also] Tempted)

    More…much more… Watch this [Forum] space!


    Hi Mayz.

    Jesus was in the beginning, because “The beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (John 1:1)”

    The way I see this is the Word was God as in not Man not Angel but “God” or of God/ God type…As a King sends his Son who was also a King into the he sent His Son. (Early Church Writtings)..people seem too scared to go there thinking its some type of polytheism? But the Early church had no problem with it.

    The only thing that matters now is that everyone adopt one mentality (John 17:21) of Love because God is Love, and love forgives, it does not boast, and why would it argue about something God never intended us to know


    What is the light? What is darkness?

    The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it..John 1:5

    For at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light..Ephesians 5:8

    The night is far gone; the day is at hand. So then let us cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light…Romans 13:12

    What is this Light?  John 1:1..
    What is God?…God is love so the Light must be love.

    At the same time, it is a new commandment that I am writing to you, which is true in him and in you, because the darkness is passing away and the true light is already shining. Whoever says he is in the light and hates his brother is still in darkness. Whoever loves his brother abides in the light, and in him there is no cause for stumbling. But whoever hates his brother is in the darkness and walks in the darkness, and does not know where he is going, because the darkness has blinded his eyes…”1 John 2:8-11

    So the darkness is hate the light is love?


    Quote (Kangaroo Jack @ May 20 2010,19:48)
    What does the nature of the image matter? God said, “Let US make man in OUR image. This means that God is more than one person. This is substantiated by the fact that the new testament says that we are created both in the image of God and of Christ.

    No degree in rocket science is needeed to comprehend this.

    K Jack

    Hi (Kangaroo Jack)…no offence but, its like you and WJ are obsessed with this trinity thing. Fighting an endless battle – is it just for fun? or to win souls = who are already found?.. Whoever believes in him is not condemned: John 3:18

    The nature of the image matters because God desires those who love those who seek him out of love those who love their neighbour because God is love. Made in Gods Image….God is Spirit. Not flesh.


    Quote (JustAskin @ May 20 2010,20:19)
    More…much more… Watch this [Forum] space!

    Im sure they will be:)


    JustAskin said:

    God… and Jesus and God's… Holy Spirit – these THREE, are indeed, working as ONE, one in purpose.

    JA should explain how the Son and the Holy Spirit can be blasphemed if they are not God with the Father.

    And why did Jesus never speak of blasphemy against the Father? Answer: Because no one denies that the Father is God. The Son and the Holy Spirit are blasphemed when their divinity with the Father is denied.



    Quote (Kangaroo Jack @ May 21 2010,02:15)
    JustAskin said:

    God… and Jesus and God's… Holy Spirit – these THREE, are indeed, working as ONE, one in purpose.

    JA should explain how the Son and the Holy Spirit can be blasphemed if they are not God with the Father.

    And why did Jesus never speak of blasphemy against the Father? Answer: Because no one denies that the Father is God. The Son and the Holy Spirit are blasphemed when their divinity with the Father is denied.


    btw, why doesn't JA rebuke Mikeboll for saying that Jesus is a god in the “same sense” as satan.



    Thank you…

    TT and other think that “Let US make man” means that God is more than one person/Spirit.

    They say that “US” means a Trinity.
    How many is “US”:
    – One, No;
    – Two. Yes;
    – Three, Yes?
    – Four? Yes
    – more than four, Yes.
    Why do they pick Three? Answers on thumbnail stamp or an A4 sheet of paper, please.

    So, if someone was to believe that “US” (and by the way Genesis 1, only speaks of God and HIS holy Spirit, so that makes TWO – Is TWO a Trinity?) means Three and Three means ONE because God says repeatedly “I AM ONE”, “The Lord your God is ONE”, then why does God thereafter say “I” in the singular and never again to say “US”.

    Further, Jesus NEVER declares that He is God.
    Further, The Holy Spirit never declares that 'he'/'IT' is God.

    And further more who can answer this question:
    Who, in the Trinity, is, The Father of God?

    For we know who God is
    – and we know who the Son of God is
    – and we know what the Spirit of God is
    But, who then is the Father of God?


    JustAskin said:

    Further, Jesus NEVER declares that He is God.

    TO ALL:

    The Father who JA says is his God declares that Jesus is God.

    8But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom.

    9Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; therefore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows.

    10And, Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth; and the heavens are the works of thine hands:

    JA believes Jesus whom he says is not his God. But he does not believe the Father whom he says is his God.



    New Name same person, KJ,

    I'm not sure what you are on about.

    Can you show me where one is condemned for blaspheming against Jesus – Not saying you are wrong or 'ought – just wanna understand what you on abart?

    The Sriptures clearly states that anyone who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit is condemned forever … YOu can be forgiven, therefore, for blashpheming against God and Jesus – BUT not the Holy Spirit.

    This is not to say anyone should go about willynilly blasheming against God and Jesus but that God knows that some will and has provided a broad teflon back to accommodate this.

    Immediate retribution is not God's way – he allows for sinners to repent for sins against his person and his Son's person – but against the Holy Spirit – No! Why, for the Holy Spirit represents Righteous Truth, and to blaspheme Righteous Truth is worse than blashpeming the one that righteous Truth came from.

    Righteous Truth cannot forgive you – but the one from whom Righteous Truth comes can forgive you.

    And as for rebuking Mike; Since when did become Mike's ruler – perhaps there is good reason for what Mike is writing and the way he puts it across, right or not so right.

    I have suggested that WJ take you aside in a Pm and rebuke you, KJ, I did not say for him to do it in public – and if he did it in private and you continue your ways who is to know? (And by the way, that is not an admission of anything -just a meaningful response)

    Does anyone else feel that Mike should be rebuked – raise your hands – or is KJ looking for others to become public condemners of Holy spirited persons with him?

    Even so, KJ, since your MO is to say the opposite of your detractor, perhaps then, this will make you speak TRUTH – But the trouble is – You will never know that!



    Since when does a God have a God as his God?


    JA, and Thinker…….The (SPIRIT)(intellect of truth) means you have (in) you the understanding of what is true, and if you speak out against that you simply can not be forgiven (now) or (EVER) can be. Why because you are going against the TRUTH. You can be blind (spiritually) and therefore speak against GOD and Jesus, But if you Speak against the (SPIRIT)of Truth (intellect of truth) , you (MUST) Change because it can (NEVER) be forgiven anyone , you simply Must Change you views. The Pharisees were speaking against the (Spirit of TRUTH) when they accused Jesus of casting out evil Spirit by the hand of Beelzebub , they were speaking against the truth and must repent of that. The problem here is people think that because it say (IT) can not be forgiven, Jesus some how was implying some eternal condemnation on them, but that is not the truth, Jesus was simply saying that It would not be forgiven them ever or anyone else who goes against the Spirit of Truth. THEY MUST CHANGE there VIEWS. Because the truth will not Change for anyone.

    peace and love to you all…………………gene


    Er, Gene,  I think that's what I just said to KJ…


    Hi Maze and welcome!

    Quote (Mayz @ May 20 2010,02:45)
    So if you believe that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are working together in perfect harmony to accomplish the goal of saving humanity, then you believe in the trinity.





    It is clear that you are in as much of a spin about the Trinty as those that agree with you.

    WJ, did I not say to you not to worry about coming in from the cold, that there would be another to take your place – And here He is – so now you have no reason not to. Be brave, you have already made one step – continue to make those steps, please.

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