Lord = yhwh

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  • #229302
    Tim Kraft

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Dec. 19 2010,13:40)

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Dec. 18 2010,02:21)

    Mike : Earlier I wrote a long answer to your post but when I hit post my computer locked up and I lost it. I'll try again.

    I've had that happen to me before.  In fact, earlier today Windows just decided it would shut down my computer to update files! :)  Thankfully, I had only almost completed a 10 minute response to mikeangel instead of the response I worked 5 hours on for Is 1:18 a few months ago.  Man, I was steamed about that one! :D

    But Tim, I would prefer “short and to the point” anyway.  I hate reading the real long posts.

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Dec. 18 2010,02:21)

    If we believe that we came from God in the beginning and are sons of God then we are eternal life of God. God could only put in us what he is. Good, perfect, eternal life.

    [Quote What scripture did you read that in?/]

     We are mortal.  It is God's Spirit IN us that gives us life.  If He took His Spirit back in one day, then we would only live one day.  If He chooses to let it stay in us eternally, then we would live eternally.

    Even Jesus wasn't immortal from his beginning, Tim.  He died.  NOW he's immortal, but he wasn't always.  All beings live only as long as God allows His Spirit to remain in them.

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Dec. 18 2010,02:21)

    Please remember that I didn't consider myself a god or on par with Jesus nor had I ever dreamed of such a thing. Jesus put all sons of God on that level.

    Jesus said that only those who obey his God would be given the opportunity to be like Jesus is now.  We aren't “born into” this eternal life, Tim.  In fact, only a few will receive it.

    Tim, are you a Mormon?  I'm just curious, because I heard they believe God was once a man like us, and we will all eventually be Gods.

    peace and love,

    Mike No I'm not mormon!

    You ask, What scripture did you read that in?

    Much of my truth has come in small pieces over a long period of time. Line upon line precept upon precept.
    This was a revelation for me apart from a direct scripture. During meditation or sometimes during a ball game I get powerful thoughts that prompt searching to see if scripture establishes it or refutes it.

    Pure logic in this case. People say, oh, God is everywhere. No matter where we are God is there with us. I believe that God was all there was in the beginning.
    If God is everywhere and God is spirit, then in the beginning all that existed was the spirit of God. This is now being supported in quantum theory with all energy that existed originally was interconnected and entangled at 0-point energy.

    That aside, everything that is came from God who was all that there was. If so, then all creation is part of God, plants, animals, vegetables, humans, and earth. Everything we know in physicality is vibrating at a signature level.Even granite rock vibrates at the molecular level. Life is always moving. God is life!

    Paul said mortality took on imortality. Corruptable became incorruptable. Jesus said, of myself I can do nothing, it is the Father in me, he doeth the works. Well we know Jesus could have lived like us. He said that was nothing compared to walking with the supenatural Father, Christ “in us” the hope of glory.

    If God is everywhere, in front, in back, to each side and within, then where could the spirit of God go?
    He wouldn't take it away God does not kill in this day and he promised I will never leave you nor forsake you…!

    I trust his words, he will never leave me! If we all choose to believe his words they will uncover the truth of who and what we are.

    If you are created/born from eternal life how could you cease to be eternal?
    You received eternal life from God at creation!

    All energy is eternal. Energy cannot be created nor destroyed yet it can be formed and moulded into any creation desired. Energy never ceases to be, it is eternal.

    Lastly, we are not trying to become something!!!

    We have fallen from heaven you might say and Jesus gave us the truth to bring us home.

    If we listen to Jesus, believe his words and consume his truth from God of who we are, then we are casting out of our minds, lies, deceptions, darkness/untruth and eventually will let the purified light of God that we are come/shine forth.

    That light is pure God/light, just like our brother Jesus!! IMO, Peace and love to you my brother! TK


    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Dec. 19 2010,21:21)

    This was a revelation for me apart from a direct scripture. During meditation or sometimes during a ball game I get powerful thoughts that prompt searching to see if scripture establishes it or refutes it.

    Well Tim, we are to test the spirits of revelation we receive.  We only have scripture to test them against.  If your revelation is “apart from scripture”, and no scripture backs it up, then where does that leave you?  And if you're receiving them during ball games, maybe it is the spirit of Major League Baseball or the National Fooball League that you're receiving! :D  (Surely you know I jest!)

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Dec. 19 2010,21:21)

    Pure logic in this case. People say, oh, God is everywhere.

    Yes.  Many people say that.  I am not one of them.  I believe God to be in heaven.  But I believe He has a super-long outstretched arm with which He can accomplish His will anywhere, anytime.

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Dec. 19 2010,21:21)

    If so, then all creation is part of God, plants, animals, vegetables, humans, and earth.

    Those things all come FROM God.  That doesn't mean they ARE God.  We are told to worship the Creator, not the creation.  Why are we told that if God IS the creation also?

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Dec. 19 2010,21:21)

    Paul said mortality took on imortality. Corruptable became incorruptable.

    Paul said that what is NOW mortal and corruptable will BE RAISED from death as immortal and incorruptable.  He doesn't teach that we already are those things.

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Dec. 19 2010,21:21)

    Lastly, we are not trying to become something!!!

    The hope is that we will someday be like Jesus.  But it is a HOPE, Tim.  We are not already like him.  Jesus longed for his disciples to be where he is and see him as he is now in all his glory.

    1 John 3:2 NIV
    Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when Christ appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.

    There are many more scriptures that speak of our HOPE to be with and like Jesus SOME DAY.  Would you like to discuss those?

    peace and love to you brother Tim,

    Tim Kraft

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Dec. 20 2010,02:18)

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Dec. 19 2010,21:21)

    This was a revelation for me apart from a direct scripture. During meditation or sometimes during a ball game I get powerful thoughts that prompt searching to see if scripture establishes it or refutes it.

    Well Tim, we are to test the spirits of revelation we receive.  We only have scripture to test them against.  If your revelation is “apart from scripture”, and no scripture backs it up, then where does that leave you?  And if you're receiving them during ball games, maybe it is the spirit of Major League Baseball or the National Fooball League that you're receiving! :D  (Surely you know I jest!)

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Dec. 19 2010,21:21)

    Pure logic in this case. People say, oh, God is everywhere.

    Yes.  Many people say that.  I am not one of them.  I believe God to be in heaven.  But I believe He has a super-long outstretched arm with which He can accomplish His will anywhere, anytime.

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Dec. 19 2010,21:21)

    If so, then all creation is part of God, plants, animals, vegetables, humans, and earth.

    Those things all come FROM God.  That doesn't mean they ARE God.  We are told to worship the Creator, not the creation.  Why are we told that if God IS the creation also?

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Dec. 19 2010,21:21)

    Paul said mortality took on imortality. Corruptable became incorruptable.

    Paul said that what is NOW mortal and corruptable will BE RAISED from death as immortal and incorruptable.  He doesn't teach that we already are those things.

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Dec. 19 2010,21:21)

    Lastly, we are not trying to become something!!!

    The hope is that we will someday be like Jesus.  But it is a HOPE, Tim.  We are not already like him.  Jesus longed for his disciples to be where he is and see him as he is now in all his glory.

    1 John 3:2 NIV
    Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when Christ appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.

    There are many more scriptures that speak of our HOPE to be with and like Jesus SOME DAY.  Would you like to discuss those?

    peace and love to you brother Tim,

    Hey Mike: Bless you;

    When Peter said to Jesus, …thou are't the son of the living God…..Jesus said…flesh and blood did not reveal that to you…but my Father in heaven! The thought that came to Peter from what he had learned to date and seen in his life with Jesus was a revelation from God. He didn't have any scriptures to back up his revelation.

    Realisticly, there is no “outstreached arm” of God. God is spirit and spirit permeates everything, everywhere.

    Is a drop of ocean water the ocean? It is exactly the same composition, same molecular structure, is it the same? I believe it is, not as big, but the same.

    When a person accepts Jesus as his personal living savior from wrath, sin, sickness, evil, death, and destruction, that means he is delivered from those things in life! If a person is saved from drowning he lives. One doesn't stand there with the life ring and say here I will save you in the future, and never throw him the line! IMO it is people putting off the truth of God and the power of God to a future date that has almost destroyed the work of God.

    If the gifts of God through Jesus are not for now but for the future, the future is never now!!

    They are for now for whosoever will believe. If ones mind has the slightest inclination that the gift of God that they desire or need now is only for the future then he has nullified the power of faith in God in his life. Faith is completely destroyed for now if faith is for tomarrow!

    Being born again is an ongoing recreation of the mind from the old beliefs to the new truth from Jesus by faith.
    Its a recreaion of the mind from sin and death to life in Christ (annointed life)here and now. We don't all instantly rise up mentally at one time and recognize Jesus. Jesus said we build our house/temple within/mind.

    All the parables of Jesus start small as a seed/word of truth and when planted in a good heart like yours and watered with the word and nurished with true/truth food it grows from the smallest into the largest.

    The plan of God is for now, by faith. You won't need faith to connect to Jesus if he comes in person! Now is the truth by faith. Faith is the connection to Jesus/God!
    We don't see God and then believe. Faith is the union!

    A body builder on earth starts from the seed thought of I am going to build a great body. It never happens instantly. It takes years of dedicated workouts, training, increasing weights, and special diets for a long time to become a great body. Yet along the way you can see the change, little by little.

    The hope you speak of is not for another life. Paul was telling them you are babys now but you will grow up. Paul was grown up (through knowledge and understanding) in Christ. He did power works.
    Gods people today are mostly dead to the annointing of God.
    Hope for the future with nothing showing along the way is dead hope. That future will never be now.

    So is the Kingdom of God within. It grows in you! IMO, thanks for your time. TK


    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Dec. 20 2010,21:32)
    If the gifts of God through Jesus are not for now but for the future, the future is never now!!

    Hi Tim,

    First, we are told we must suffer many things.  Only THEN will this occur:

    Revelation 22 NIV    
    12 “Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done.

    AFTER we suffer through this age and stay the course and remain faithful and endure………….ONLY THEN will we receive the rewards that our God has waiting for us.  But that doesn't mean we don't receive gifts to help us along through the suffering.  So I can see what you're saying too.  But I don't agree that the promise was, “What you see is what you get”.  :)  There is something much greater waiting for those who endure to the end of the age.  Jesus said so.  So did his God.

    peace and love to you brother,

    Tim Kraft

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Dec. 21 2010,13:53)

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Dec. 20 2010,21:32)
    If the gifts of God through Jesus are not for now but for the future, the future is never now!!

    Hi Tim,

    First, we are told we must suffer many things.  Only THEN will this occur:

    Revelation 22 NIV    
    12 “Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done.

    AFTER we suffer through this age and stay the course and remain faithful and endure………….ONLY THEN will we receive the rewards that our God has waiting for us.  But that doesn't mean we don't receive gifts to help us along through the suffering.  So I can see what you're saying too.  But I don't agree that the promise was, “What you see is what you get”.  :)  There is something much greater waiting for those who endure to the end of the age.  Jesus said so.  So did his God.

    peace and love to you brother,

    Hey MikeBolle: Please don't suffer for Jesus. Jesus suffered for you to not have to suffer. Its a blatant slap in the face of Jesus to neny his suffering as for you, so you don't have to.

    He hands us perfection on a platter, free of charge, just accept it in you mind by faith/believing and it is so!!

    The tests and trials that come are the TESTING OF YOUR FAITH!! Can you still believe. Anti-christ doctrine, that is world wide will come through well meaning people (mostly preachers that learned amis at seminary/nursery school) to attack the truth by faith.

    Its to easy, your not really saved, you must do your part, we must suffer along with Christ, its for the future, its for another age and time, it doesn't really work, you can't really heal the sick, the power is gone, only the disciples had the true power of God for healing, and on and on. I have heard them for years.

    These are the lies of destruction of the power of God dwelling within mankind. That love/power is within all, its just covered and blocked from lies and darkness that distort the truth.

    What God says through Jesus is the truth of who you really are. You can do all things through Christ. Whatsoever things you ask/place a demand on when you pray/consentrate on, believing you will receive you will have!!

    Love based or Good words bring good back in your life! Fear based, bad/destructive/suffer/sorrow/evil words bring back the same as sown. Beware of what you sow from your mouth.

    We live in the energy field we create by our words. It surrounds us and draw like energy from the ether. If the energy field/Aura you live in is bright light then that is what will be predominate in your life. If your light is dull or darkened by destructive, harsh, angry words then that is what you will attract to your life. Whatsoever things you ask, believe you receive them and you shall have them.

    That is a promise from Jesus. Along with that is you will reap that which you sow in life. These are powerful truths of the human being. Also if you send forth thoughts/words that you are afraid will happen, you will get that in life too.

    Your power is working whether you know it and accept it or not. You are the creator of your life whether positive or negative. James said your words/tongue are as powerful as the small rudder on a large ship, guiding and directing your path in life. This is truth as I see it. Bless you, TK


    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Dec. 21 2010,21:21)
    Hey MikeBolle: Please don't suffer for Jesus. Jesus suffered for you to not have to suffer. Its a blatant slap in the face of Jesus to neny his suffering as for you, so you don't have to.

    Hi Tim,

    May God bless you with all your fleshly needs and peace and understanding.

    I'm sorry my friend, but what you posted goes AGAINST what the scriptures teach.

    Acts 5:41
    The apostles left the Sanhedrin, rejoicing because they had been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name.

    Acts 9:16
    I will show him how much he must suffer for my name.”

    Romans 5:3
    Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance;

    Romans 8:17
    Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.

    Romans 8:18
    I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.

    2 Corinthians 1:5
    For just as we share abundantly in the sufferings of Christ, so also our comfort abounds through Christ.

    2 Corinthians 11:23-27
    23 Are they servants of Christ? (I am out of my mind to talk like this.) I am more. I have worked much harder, been in prison more frequently, been flogged more severely, and been exposed to death again and again. 24 Five times I received from the Jews the forty lashes minus one. 25 Three times I was beaten with rods, once I was pelted with stones, three times I was shipwrecked, I spent a night and a day in the open sea, 26 I have been constantly on the move. I have been in danger from rivers, in danger from bandits, in danger from my fellow Jews, in danger from Gentiles; in danger in the city, in danger in the country, in danger at sea; and in danger from false believers. 27 I have labored and toiled and have often gone without sleep; I have known hunger and thirst and have often gone without food; I have been cold and naked.

    Philippians 1:29
    For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe in him, but also to suffer for him,

    2 Timothy 2:3
    Join with me in suffering, like a good soldier of Christ Jesus.

    1 Peter 2:19-21
    19 For it is commendable if someone bears up under the pain of unjust suffering because they are conscious of God. 20 But how is it to your credit if you receive a beating for doing wrong and endure it? But if you suffer for doing good and you endure it, this is commendable before God. 21 To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps.

    1 Peter 4:13
    But rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed.

    Revelation 2:10
    Do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer. I tell you, the devil will put some of you in prison to test you, and you will suffer persecution for ten days. Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you life as your victor’s crown.

    Mark 8:34
    Then he called the crowd to him along with his disciples and said: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.

    Luke 14:27
    And whoever does not carry their cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.

    Do you need more scriptures, Tim?  There are many more I didn't post. :)

    peace and love,



    those also have to considered by all who fallow Christ.

    Jn 8:42 Jesus said to them, “If God were your Father, you would love me, for I came from God and now am here. I have not come on my own; but he sent me.

    Jn 14:15 “If you love me, you will obey what I command.
    Jn 14:24 He who does not love me will not obey my teaching. These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me.

    Jn 21:15 When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you truly love me more than these?”
    “Yes, Lord,” he said, “you know that I love you.”
    Jesus said, “Feed my lambs.



    Hi Pierre,

    I didn't understand where you were going with that last post.



    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Dec. 22 2010,21:31)
    Hi Pierre,

    I didn't understand where you were going with that last post.



    i just add it to yours;Mark 8:34
    Then he called the crowd to him along with his disciples and said: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.

    Luke 14:27
    And whoever does not carry their cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.

    Do you need more scriptures, Tim? There are many more I didn't post.

    so to carry your load you first have to love God and to love someone you have to know him ,RIGHT?


    Tim Kraft

    Mike: Welcome to the religious world. You can suffer and teach suffering all you want. If that is what you believe Jesus has done for you then suffer and enjoy. If that is the gospel (good news)for you then accept and enjoy. I was at that level at one time. But as I continued in truth I realized there are different reasons for suffering. The scriptures are not referring to suffering pain in life because you know Jesus and certainly not suffering for any form of salvation or anything Jesus has already done. Suffering for the words sake is the suffering of truth. Jesus said we would be persecuted and hated for the Truth like he was. Mankind always wants something they can do to be a part of their salvation. If suffering is what you believe Jesus wants for you life then bless you with suffering.

    Suffering for Jesus is valuless and harmful to faith. Suffering from teaching Jesus' truth is the suffering the scriptures refer to. Suffering attacks for taking a stand with Jesus. Suffering for speaking well of Jesus and good news for all is suffering for the words sake.

    I am well aquainted with suffering attacks against my truth of Christ like you need not suffer “for” or “instead of” Jesus!!

    You sign your post, peace and love, why do you not prefer to sign it, suffering for all, TK


    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Dec. 23 2010,04:18)
    Mike: Welcome to the religious world. You can suffer and teach suffering all you want. If that is what you believe Jesus has done for you then suffer and enjoy. If that is the gospel (good news)for you then accept and enjoy. I was at that level at one time. But as I continued in truth I realized there are different reasons for suffering. The scriptures are not referring to suffering pain in life because you know Jesus and certainly not suffering for any form of salvation or anything Jesus has already done. Suffering for the words sake is the suffering of truth. Jesus said we would be persecuted and hated for the Truth like he was. Mankind always wants something they can do to be a part of their salvation. If suffering is what you believe Jesus wants for you life then bless you with suffering.

    Suffering for Jesus is valuless and harmful to faith. Suffering from teaching Jesus' truth is the suffering the scriptures refer to. Suffering attacks for taking a stand with Jesus. Suffering for speaking well of Jesus and good news for all is suffering for the words sake.

    I am well aquainted with suffering attacks against my truth of Christ like you need not suffer “for” or “instead of” Jesus!!

    You sign your post, peace and love, why do you not prefer to sign it, suffering for all, TK


    the suffering of the true Christians is not self induced,it comes from people that do not see and this could be fellow so called Christians,we as true Christians are the light in the world ,in other words a model for others to see,if they like what they see they might accept Gods word.

    and it is difficulty to be working on your godly person and keep acting to others in a kind way in the eyes of God,even those who are opposed are part of your direct family,
    sometimes it is people not understanding the scriptures and insulting you,like that you do not know the word of God,
    just like the Jews did with Jesus and the apostles.




    Are you willing to die for the name of Jesus and his God?  Will you suffer physical torture without denying Christ?



    Quote (terraricca @ Dec. 22 2010,14:34)
    so to carry your load you first have to love God and to love someone you have to know him ,RIGHT?



    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Dec. 23 2010,17:46)

    Quote (terraricca @ Dec. 22 2010,14:34)
    so to carry your load you first have to love God and to love someone you have to know him ,RIGHT?


    :) :)

    Tim Kraft

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Dec. 23 2010,10:45)

    Are you willing to die for the name of Jesus and his God?  Will you suffer physical torture without denying Christ?


    Mike: The question is are your willing to live the life Jesus gave his life for? Dying is easy. Just one door closes and another door opens to a different place and time.

    I agree with Paul, I already died by my own will. I laid down my life to pick up the life Jesus created with his death.

    Neither you nor I know what we would do with a gun to the head of our kids or grandkids if you are looking for the worst case scenario!

    Peter denied Jesus three times with cursing and swearing!

    Any person who logs over twenty thousands hours of study with Jesus, whether right or wrong has given his life to know Christ.

    But it sounds good. Words are cheap compared to actual track records. TK


    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Dec. 24 2010,03:53)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Dec. 23 2010,10:45)

    Are you willing to die for the name of Jesus and his God?  Will you suffer physical torture without denying Christ?


    Mike: The question is are your willing to live the life Jesus gave his life for? Dying is easy. Just one door closes and another door opens to a different place and time.

    I agree with Paul, I already died by my own will. I laid down my life to pick up the life Jesus created with his death.

    Neither you nor I know what we would do with a gun to the head of our kids or grandkids if you are looking for the worst case scenario!

    Peter denied Jesus three times with cursing and swearing!

    Any person who logs over twenty thousands hours of study with Jesus, whether right or wrong has given his life to know Christ.

    But it sounds good. Words are cheap compared to actual track records.  TK


    you have failled to see the love of God and for God

    with out of it we are nothing.


    Tim Kraft

    Quote (terraricca @ Dec. 24 2010,08:37)

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Dec. 24 2010,03:53)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Dec. 23 2010,10:45)

    Are you willing to die for the name of Jesus and his God?  Will you suffer physical torture without denying Christ?


    Mike: The question is are your willing to live the life Jesus gave his life for? Dying is easy. Just one door closes and another door opens to a different place and time.

    I agree with Paul, I already died by my own will. I laid down my life to pick up the life Jesus created with his death.

    Neither you nor I know what we would do with a gun to the head of our kids or grandkids if you are looking for the worst case scenario!

    Peter denied Jesus three times with cursing and swearing!

    Any person who logs over twenty thousands hours of study with Jesus, whether right or wrong has given his life to know Christ.

    But it sounds good. Words are cheap compared to actual track records.  TK


    you have failled to see the love of God and for God

    with out of it we are nothing.


    Pierre; It actually hurts my feelings that you feel that way about me. If you have perceived me a lacking love then I have done a horrible job of writing what I believe.

    It is because of the love of God that I even write or take the time to share what I know God has given to all.

    When I write of gifts of perfection given through the words of Jesus from God am I not exposing the love of God? If I say believe in the words of Jesus and you are sinless, clean, worthy, purified and ordained of God.

    When I write that these things are true when you follow Jesus, only believe and accept them and it is so for you is that not revealing the love of God for all.

    One would have to deny all these truthes to assess them as anything but my love of God for his love unto all that believe. TK



    you say;When I write that these things are true when you follow Jesus, only believe and accept them and it is so for you is that not revealing the love of God for all.


    follow Christ is doing what he said to do ,for the love we have for him and his father and God,

    Christ has said that has is diciples we will encounter difficulties just as he did,but the true live is to come TK,it is not now .

    yes the ransum is paid but the prize is only given to those who deserve it .and those who are faithful to the end of time or there dead,



    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Dec. 14 2010,04:46)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Dec. 14 2010,04:26)

    Quote (Ed J @ Dec. 13 2010,11:02)

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Dec. 14 2010,02:51)

    Quote (Ed J @ Dec. 13 2010,23:29)

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Dec. 13 2010,23:04)

    Neither offering was bad or wrong or evil, it was just that the lord preferred the meat offering over the vegetable offering (?)

    IMO TK

    Hi Tim,

    You certainly do NOT know God's word very well; do you?
    The ground was ‘cursedbecause of Adams sin. (Gen.3:17)
    Cain brought a curse offering to YHVH, but Abel's was pure!
    That's why Cains offering was unacceptable to YHVH!

    Witnessing to the world in behalf of YHVH (Psalm 45:17)
    יהוה האלהים (JEHOVAH GOD) YÄ-hä-vā  hä ĔL-ō-Hêêm!
    Ed J (AKJV Joshua 22:34 / Isaiah 60:13-15)

    Ed:  You say the Bible says… cursed is the ground because of Adams sin.

    The Bible says, ….the Lord said to Adam ….cursed is the ground for thy sake….! The word sin is not in the Garden unles you make it up.

    How well do you know the Bible?

    Hi Tim,

    YHVH gave (The Law) the command not to
    eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
    Sin is the ‘transgression of the law’. (1John 3:4)

    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Amen! Thats pretty clear. Also John said that whoever says he has no sin is a liar! 1 John 1:8


    WJ: When John said….whoever says he has no sin is a liar….was that in reference to a person before he ask God for forgiveness or after he ask God for forgiveness?

    I was under the impression that if one ask God/Jesus to forgive his sins, they would be forgiven! If he is forgiven of his sin then how could it be that he is a liar if he says he has no sin?

    That kinda misquote could really mess up a young new believer that has just received cleansing from Jesus for sin. To tell him he is a liar if he says his sins are forgiven and blotted out. The real truth is after receiving for forgiveness for sin if one then said he actually still had sin, that would be the liar!

    Quoting 1John 1:8 without quoting V7 & V9 seems almost to be a purposeful attempt at damnation to the readers. I must be wrong. TK


    Sorry I missed this post.

    Anyway, that is not what the context says at all. John clearly is speaking to believers and including himself…

    But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin. “IF WE” say that “WE have no sin, WE deceive ourselves”, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us [our] sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. “If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us. 1 John 1:7-10

    John is speaking to believers that can and does sin.

    Paul the Apostle said…

    If then I do that which I would not, I consent unto the law that [it is] good. Now then it is no more I that do it, “BUT SIN THAT DWELLETH IN ME. For I know that “in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but [how] to perform that which is good I find not. Rom 7:16-18

    Paul is showing the contrast of the flesh which is sold under sin and the Spirit. He later says in Rom 8:1-4 that the key is walking in the Spirit and not after the flesh. Paul warns believers everywhere about sin and walking according to the Spirit and not the flesh.

    In the book of Galatians Paul encourages the believers to walk after the Spirit and not the flesh and gives a list of the works of the flesh and the fruit of the Spirit.

    You say you have no sin and cannot sin, if that were true then that would mean you cannot physically die for the wages of sin is death. Without sin you would be free from physical death as well as Spiritual death.

    Paul also said…

    LET NOT SIN therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof. “NEITHER YIELD YE YOUR MEMBERS is instruments of unrighteousness unto sin”: but yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead, and your members [as] instruments of righteousness unto God. Rom 6:12, 13

    Paul is clearly speaking to Roman believers (Rom 1:7) and telling then not to yield to sin in their members showing that it is possible for them to sin.

    Paul speaks to the Corinthian believers and admonishes them not to sin…

    Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners. Awake to righteousness, “AND SIN NOT”; for some have not the knowledge of God: I speak this to your shame. 1 Cor 15:33, 34

    Paul also speaks of the Corinthian believers as having “envy, strife and divisions” among them. (1 Cor 3:1-3)

    Isn't envy, strife and division sin? How about the Corinthian believer that commited incest with his mother in law?

    The Apostle James speaking to Israeli believers and addressing the problem of showing prejudice says…

    But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors. James 2:9

    Read the context. Are you saying true Christians cannot show prejudice or sin?

    There are many more scriptures that prove that believers can still sin and need to confess their sin and repent so the blood of Jesus can cleanse them.

    Blessings  WJ


    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Dec. 23 2010,20:53)
    Mike: The question is are your willing to live the life Jesus gave his life for?

    Hi Tim,

    I don't believe this life I'm living with body aches and mental stress and the such is the life Jesus died to give me.  I would have had this life whether Jesus came down from heaven or not.  It is the NEXT life that Jesus died for us to recieve.  The one with no more pain and suffering.  The one with no more tears and hunger and thirst.

    Tim, do you believe you are now in the Kingdom of God and that the life you're currently living is all there is?


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