Lord = yhwh

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  • #229988
    Tim Kraft

    Mike: …thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies…. though a thousand fall to my left and a thousand to my right, it shall not come nigh me…. The kindgom of God is for whosoever will believe, here and now. We are supposed to live by faith. Not by sight. Faith is believing that Jesus is within us as we overcome the world like he did. Jesus lived in the Kingdom of God while he was on earth. One won't need faith in heaven! Faith is believing Gods words in the midst of the battle. Faith doesn't submit to the battles of life it overcomes them and transforms them back to the love they came from. We are supposed to be overcoming unbelief. Our faith is being tested to see if we will hold fast. Faith is what pleases God. Sickness is an enemy of life. Sickness is premature death. If one gets sick enough he will die. Jesus always healed the sick if they had faith. Sickness is an enemy of life. God is life, sickness and disease are death.

    I have no part with sickness and disease. One cannot have faith in God for life if he believes he can be sick! Sickness and disease destroy life. This is kindergarden Jesus, course 1A, if there is anything that we all should be able to agree on it is that Jesus healed diseases in everyone that came by faith.

    I am astounded that people with deep knowledge of God have denied the power of the word, that should be working in everyone of us on a daily basis. Many have a form of knowledge but deny the power thereof. If anyone believes that the gifts and workings of the Kingdom of God that dwells within us is for another time and place THEN IT IS SO!!! If the Kingdom of God is for later or the future it is of no value now. You cannot have faith to be healed now if you believe the power of God is for later or down the road.

    Why would you say that I believe that the life I am living is all there is when I am trying to tell everyone the Kingdom is now by faith unto God. Now is faith. Now are the gifts and callings of God by faith. Now is the Kingdom. Starting small and exercising faith in Gods words is much like weight lifting or body building. You start small and keep exercising until the faith has its roots deep in the ground. Not sitting around waiting for Jesus to come back and do again what he has aready done for those who believe. TK


    Hi Tim,

    You didn't answer the question I asked of you. Do you think this life that you're living on this earth is all there is? Do you think you have been saved and received the promises already?

    You talk as if you can't get sick or die. Is this what you truly believe?

    peace and love to you my friend,

    Ed J

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Dec. 26 2010,06:30)

    One cannot have faith in God for life if he believes he can be sick!


    Hi Tim,

    This is yet another 'false truth' you are propagating!

    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Ed J

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Dec. 26 2010,06:50)
    Hi Tim,

    You didn't answer the question I asked of you.  

    peace and love to you my friend,

    Hi Mike,

    Tim doesn't answer the questions I ask him either!

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (Ed J @ Dec. 26 2010,17:51)

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Dec. 26 2010,06:30)

    One cannot have faith in God for life if he believes he can be sick!


    Hi Tim,

    This is yet another 'false truth' you are propagating!

    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    i am wandring ,if something is false then it is not true??

    is there something that can be false and true???

    Pierre ??? :p

    Ed J

    Quote (terraricca @ Dec. 26 2010,17:31)

    Quote (Ed J @ Dec. 26 2010,17:51)

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Dec. 26 2010,06:30)

    One cannot have faith in God for life if he believes he can be sick!


    Hi Tim,

    This is yet another 'false truth' you are propagating!

    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    i am wandring ,if something is false  then it is not true??

    is there something that can be false and true???

    Pierre ???  :p

    Hi Pierre,

    A lie that is believed is 'a false truth'.
    'False' because it is a LIE, but
    still believed to be 'truth'.
    Thanks for asking!

    'False Truth' is an English idiom like “Whistle Blower”.
    “Whistle Blower” means: (in essence) to reveal secrets!
    Ed J's a “whistle blower” of those perpetuating 'false truths'!

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Tim Kraft

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Dec. 26 2010,06:50)
    Hi Tim,

    You didn't answer the question I asked of you.  Do you think this life that you're living on this earth is all there is?  Do you think you have been saved and received the promises already?

    You talk as if you can't get sick or die.  Is this what you truly believe?  

    peace and love to you my friend,

    Mike: I believe that we are commissioned and ordained by Jesus to be the same as he. If you believe Jesus was sick, then we will be sick. If you believe that Jesus had the power and annointing of God within himself, and healed all that came to him for healing, which meant that if they came to him for healing they believed they would be healed.

    I think there is a great religious misunderstanding of the Kingdom of God within a human being. In Gods Kingdom or house, temple, or abode there is perfect love peace joy, meekness, kindness, gentleness, no stress, no fear, no worry, no evil, no sin, and no sickness and disease.

    Just look to Jesus. Our example. That is what we have been given from the beginning as sons of God. We can look to the world and see evil/death at work. If we relent to accepting that form of non-life thenso be it. If, by faith in Christ in us the “hope” of glory we exercise our faith to follow Jesus we will overcome death with the light of Christ.

    This is the work of today. The work is to believe in Christ within and walk free of the impurities that are caused by death. To walk by faith unto a perfected man. This is the gift of salvation. This is being born again. Faith that is not working is dead. All things are possible to those who believe not in some other life, now!!

    The greatest faith that Jesus saw in anyone was the Roman Centurian who said, I recognize your power in your words. I have people under me where I say go and he goes or I say stay and he stays. You need not come to my house, just say the words and my daughter will be healed. Jesus said he had not seen such faith in all Israel.

    Religion has destroyed the power of God through lies and deceptions. They have a form of Godlyness but deny the power thereof. Its a disgrace!! IMO, TK

    Tim Kraft

    Mike: From my book, “Religion will cost you, the truth will make you free!”


    Jesus came to save (sozo) the world. The greek word sozo means several things of which healing is one. It really is quite evident that healing sickness and disease is part of the plan of God because God is life. Sickness is premature death. When Adam accepted or believed in evil he took on a form of premature death. He began the process of death. God is good, life, constructive, builds up, moves forward, creates more life or life more abundant. Evil is dying, sickness, disease, discordant energy, blockage, binding, non-free, restrictive, destructive, tears down, and destroys life. The choice we have as God’s sons and daughters on earth is to believe and be joined to God/life or evil/sin/death. Whichever choice is held in mind and incubated, meditated, acknowledged, pondered, believed and mixed with faith or fear will be produced in your life. It will come as circumstances or it will come as ailments and diseases. God/universal source, will give you the desires of your heart whether from faith/life or fear/death. Its your choice! Whosoever believes that Jesus came with the truth of God which is the right to life, believes his words and holds fast to them, against temptation from other people not to believe, WILL BE SAVED, healed, cleansed, and made whole of life. Many great young athletes get diseases and die. People who eat right(whatever that is), exercise, take vitamins, are a perfect weight(whatever that is), wash their hands constantly, don’t lick stamps, and drink supposedly purified water yet still get sick like everybody else. What’s the answer? Jesus said sickness, un-cleanliness, impurity etc., doesn’t come into a human through the mouth. Its not what goes into the mouth that defiles or makes one unclean, its what comes out of the mouth that defiles the person. Your thoughts and beliefs make your body clean, pure and whole or sick and dis-eased. If you believe you are in sin, have sin or do sin you are unclean.

    What you believe about yourself is what will manifest in your life.In my opinion mental contemplations, ponderings, and meditating on things that cause you stress, hate, anger, resentment, guilt, fear, lack, destruction of others or the like are the cause of sickness and disease! From the abundance of the heart the mouth will speak these things and draw them into your experience. Build your faith house.

    In love energy flows freely, there is ease within the body. When energy is blocked or restricted, there is dis-ease! All energy flow is controlled by the mind. Clear, single, positive thoughts as the Son of God you are, create equal, free flowing, positive, clean, life giving energy within. Weed out of your mind all religious beliefs that you are not perfect, or are a sinner or are lost in sin. Do not defile the Temple of God with imperfect, evil, death beliefs. When you have no thoughts of imperfection you are perfect as God made you.

    If you see yourself as the loving, powerful son of God You will be able to help everyone. Seek your righteousness or right-standing with God, first and then all these things come together for your good. Criticize no one. Don’t think bad about anyone! Never hold a grudge. FOR YOUR OWN SAKE! Condemn no one, let them run their own Kingdoms, freely, like you run yours. Walk love, talk love, feel love and you will never go back to pain and anguish. You best put your faith in something more substantial than food. I have never seen anyone with a deadly disease cure it with food. You probably can’t eat a carrot as fast the cancer can eat you!! The time is now to build your mental/mind house. If you wait until the storm, you may need help and you may not make it through. If you do need help find faith people (not religious people), that know Gods will to heal all, to stand with you and administer the healing light of God.

    There is tremendous exponential power in united minds on this subject. Two or three together in oneness, wow!! Our medical profession has a terribly weak record of accomplishment for healing. I do not include in this the Surgeons, that are expertly trained in replacing body parts, setting bones, putting people back together, kudos to them, they deserve the praise. It’s the regular medical doctors that practice medicine/drugs on people. They send us to the Pharmacy to get drugs to alleviate the symptoms. The word Pharmacy comes from the root word Pharmakiea which is a sorcerer or potion maker. The potion makers of old were witches and medicine men and they used natural, organic materials for their potions that often helped. At least they didn’t come from a test tube. I think Doctors have good intentions but are programmed and indoctrinated at the medical colleges with distorted, bias, truth about wellness.

    Either way there is a huge contradiction of what Dr.’s really want to do. If they heal the public, the money stops. If the public remains sick, even unto death, they can in most cases drain all the money people have just before they die! It is at least a tremendous contradiction that if I remain sick the one telling me how to get well will get more and more money. In other word its to the Dr.’s benefit financially if I remain sick. They may not feel that way but the fact remains. Note to organ donors, if the Dr. determines that its time for a body part to be removed from you, because someone else is in great need and your likely going to die anyway, that’s quite a tempting choice for the Doctor especially if the person in need is a celebrity or friend of the Doctors’. It’s really an unfair bias for the Doctors.

    Its your choice to listen and follow or not.
    The creator made us with an immune system that wards off disease and attempts to heal all manner of sickness and disease. So lets not argue whether its Gods will to always heal. God is life not death. God is health and life. Sickness is premature death, God is abundant life. The exciting thing is that God is the truth about life, that will stand forever and evil/death is just an illusion of truth, accepted by man originally as though it was truth. Life, if taken to a full saturation point lives on eternally. Death or evil, if taken to a full saturation point ceases to live. Now the choice, which one do we want to partake of, life/love/freedom or evil/death/destruction?

    When sickness comes pay the least amount of attention to it you possibly can. The more you think on it in a resistant way (fear) the more you will empower it. Act like it isn’t there for the most part. This may not be easy at first but neither was learning to ride a bicycle. Persistence pays off. Your mind is powerful on your behalf or to your detriment. Put your faith/thoughts in Jesus the truth of God who says in John15:3, my words have cleansed you. Just rest in the truth of life. Resistance against anything causes the opposite of intention. You actually find yourself empowering the thing that you are resisting. You cannot experience anything that is not in your mind/awareness.

    If you think on something to repel it, block it, or keep it away, that is from fear of receiving, which is empowers the thing resisted and it will continue to come forth to your mind. Rest in the truth of Jesus and pay no attention and there will be no awareness!

    Thanks for reading, God Bless, TK


    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Dec. 26 2010,20:38)

    Mike: I believe that we are commissioned and ordained by Jesus to be the same as he. If you believe Jesus was sick, then we will be sick. If you believe that Jesus had the power and annointing of God within himself, and healed all that came to him for healing, which meant that if they came to him for healing they believed they would be healed.

    Tim, Jesus' father was not a human being.  Yours was.  You are not the same as Jesus.  While I agree with you and believe Jesus' words that with faith the size of a mustard seed, God can do anything through us like He did through Jesus, including healing us from sickness before we even are aware of the symptoms, I don't agree that where we now are is all there is.

    Jesus will come.  Battles will be fought.  The world as we know it will be changed.  Then and there will begin our “paradise”.  Things must be accomplished first.  We are living under the influence of “the god of this world” right now.  It is all around us.  And even if you are able to close your eyes and think happy thoughts, the distresses of this world are still right outside your eyelids.  People suffer on a massive level.  People cry all the time.  Do you ever cry, Tim?

    The new heaven and new earth God has promised will be a physically better place and time for all those who make it through the great tribulation.  But you speak as if there isn't a tribulation at all.  Jesus said we would suffer in this life.  He didn't tell us he did not suffer, but to take heart, because just as he overcame this world, we could too.  But you speak as if this world is all there is.

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Dec. 26 2010,20:38)

    When Adam accepted or believed in evil he took on a form of premature death. He began the process of death.

    That teaching is unscriptural, Tim.  Adam didn't sin in his own eyes, but in God's eyes, and therefore God “rewarded” him with death.  You speak as if Adam just one day out of nowhere started believing in evil, and therefore caused himself to die.  It was his God who told him he'd done wrong and made him suffer the circumstances of his actions.

    And Tim, you STILL didn't answer my question as far as I saw.  

    1.  Do you think this life that you're living on this earth is all there is?  

    2.  Do you think you have been saved and received the promises already?

    3.  You talk as if you can't get sick or die.  Is this what you truly believe?

    peace and love and may God bless you,

    Ed J

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Dec. 27 2010,06:45)

    The new heaven and new earth God has promised will be a physically better place and time for all those who make it through the great tribulation.  

    peace and love and may God bless you,

    Hi Mike,

    Yes, the renewed Earth is a much better place for me now!
    Now that I have successfully made it out of 'Great Tribulation'!

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (Ed J @ Dec. 27 2010,19:27)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Dec. 27 2010,06:45)

    The new heaven and new earth God has promised will be a physically better place and time for all those who make it through the great tribulation.  

    peace and love and may God bless you,

    Hi Mike,

    Yes, the renewed Earth is a much better place for me now!
    Now that I have successfully made it out of 'Great Tribulation'!

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    it is nice to know that you made it alright after your own ego

    this must have been a great tribulation,scars left???

    so you are presently enjoy you everlasting live at the beach??

    what type of scriptures are following ??


    Ed J

    Quote (terraricca @ Dec. 27 2010,14:56)

    Quote (Ed J @ Dec. 27 2010,19:27)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Dec. 27 2010,06:45)

    The new heaven and new earth God has promised will be a physically better place and time for all those who make it through the great tribulation.  

    peace and love and may God bless you,

    Hi Mike,

    Yes, the renewed Earth is a much better place for me now!
    Now that I have successfully made it out of 'Great Tribulation'!

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    1) it is nice to know that you made it alright after your own ego

    2) this must have been a great tribulation,scars left???

    3) so you are presently enjoy you everlasting live at the beach??

    4) what type of scriptures are following ??


    Hi Pierre,

    1) I killed the ego long ago. (Matthew 10:39)
        Matt.10:39 He that findeth his life shall lose it:
        and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.

    2) Yes; And the Apostle Paul(Shaool) is scared too.
        Gal.6:17 From henceforth let no man trouble me:
        for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus.

    3) No; I'm enjoying my life by burning up the rudiments!
        2Peter 3:12 Looking for and hasting unto the coming of
        “the day of God”, wherein the heavens being on fire shall
        be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?

    4) All of them!         YHVH is GOD=117
    PSALM 117 is [The Bible's Center Chapter],
    the [smallest chapter] of the [LARGEST BOOK]!

    Witnessing to the world in behalf of YHVH! (Psalm 45:17)
    117=יהוה האלהים (JEHOVAH GOD) YÄ-hä-vā  hä ĔL-ō-Hêêm!
    Ed J (Isaiah 49:16 / Isaiah 60:14 / Joshua 22:34)
    http://www.holycitybiblecode.org (Ecl.9:12-16)

    Ed J

    Quote (terraricca @ Dec. 27 2010,14:56)

    Quote (Ed J @ Dec. 27 2010,19:27)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Dec. 27 2010,06:45)

    The new heaven and new earth God has promised will be a physically better place and time for all those who make it through the great tribulation.  

    peace and love and may God bless you,

    Hi Mike,

    Yes, the renewed Earth is a much better place for me now!
    Now that I have successfully made it out of 'Great Tribulation'!

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    1) it is nice to know that you made it alright after your own ego

    2) this must have been a great tribulation,scars left???

    3) so you are presently enjoy you everlasting live at the beach??

    4) what type of scriptures are following ??


    Hi Pierre,

    1) I killed the ego long ago. (Matthew 10:39)
        Matt.10:39 He that findeth his life shall lose it:
        and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.

    2) Yes; And the Apostle Paul(Shaool) is scared too.
        Gal.6:17 From henceforth let no man trouble me:
        for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus.

    3) No; I'm enjoying my life by burning up the rudiments!
        2Peter 3:12 Looking for and hasting unto the coming of
        “the day of God”, wherein the heavens being on fire shall
        be dissolved, and the rudiments shall melt with fervent heat?

    4) All of them!         YHVH is GOD=117
    PSALM 117 is [The Bible's Center Chapter],
    the [smallest chapter] of the [LARGEST BOOK]!

    Witnessing to the world in behalf of YHVH! (Psalm 45:17)
    117=יהוה האלהים (JEHOVAH GOD) YÄ-hä-vā  hä ĔL-ō-Hêêm!
    Ed J (Isaiah 49:16 / Isaiah 60:14 / Joshua 22:34)
    http://www.holycitybiblecode.org (Ecl.9:12-16)

    Tim Kraft

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Dec. 26 2010,06:30)
    Mike: …thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies…. though a thousand fall to my left and a thousand to my right, it shall not come nigh me…. The kindgom of God is for whosoever will believe, here and now. We are supposed to live by faith. Not by sight. Faith is believing that Jesus is within us as we overcome the world like he did. Jesus lived in the Kingdom of God while he was on earth.  One won't need faith in heaven! Faith is believing Gods words in the midst of the battle. Faith doesn't submit to the battles of life it overcomes them and transforms them back to the love they came from. We are supposed to be overcoming unbelief. Our faith is being tested to see if we will hold fast. Faith is what pleases God. Sickness is an enemy of life. Sickness is premature death. If one gets sick enough he will die. Jesus always healed the sick if they had faith. Sickness is an enemy of life. God is life, sickness and disease are death.

    I have no part with sickness and disease. One cannot have faith in God for life if he believes he can be sick! Sickness and disease destroy life. This is kindergarden Jesus, course 1A, if there is anything that we all should be able to agree on it is that Jesus healed diseases in everyone that came by faith.

    I am astounded that people with deep knowledge of God have denied the power of the word, that should be working in everyone of us on a daily basis. Many have a form of knowledge but deny the power thereof. If anyone believes that the gifts and workings of the Kingdom of God that dwells within us is for another time and place THEN IT IS SO!!! If the Kingdom of God is for later or the future it is of no value now. You cannot have faith to be healed now if you believe the power of God is for later or down the road.

    Why would you say that I believe that the life I am living is all there is when I am trying to tell everyone the Kingdom is now by faith unto God. Now is faith. Now are the gifts and callings of God by faith. Now is the Kingdom. Starting small and exercising faith in Gods words is much like weight lifting or body building. You start small and keep exercising until the faith has its roots deep in the ground. Not sitting around waiting for Jesus to come back and do again what he has aready done for those who believe.  TK

    Mike: Unfortunately, the influence of deception and lies against the truth has veiled our minds to believe that the fulness of God is not here and now!!

    I thought our prayer today is,..”OUR FATHER, WHO ART IN HEAVEN”….and ….call no man earth, father for you have one father, even God in heaven.

    Jesus is hear now! Persecution and affliction arise FOR THE WORDS SAKE!

    Mike, you can stand in the middle of stress and not be in stress yourself. What is allowed inside of you is your choice. Fear, worry, stress, hate all destructive emotions are your choice to partake of or stand in faith in God in peace.

    Just like if you warned a child not to touch a hot burner on a stove because if he did it would hurt badly and could ruin his hand. God/love doesn't command or control. That is not the nature of love. God warned Adam, just like he does to us now, not to partake/believe in good AND EVIL. I set before you life and death, now you choose! For if you choose evil you will partake of all the destruction that goes with evil. The word you make up is sin. That word was not used in the story of the Garden of Eden. Adam did not sin. God did not say he sinned. What he chose to believe cursed the ground and caused many hardships.

    Its the same today, if you believe in hardships, trials, tribulations, pain, suffering, disease et.al. that is what you will create and experience in your life. Its your annointed Christ mind at work. You create your life in the way you dwell on it!

    Salvation is completed through Jesus he has finished his work for God/mankind and has offered absolute abundant life in Christ through his words and works. Its on the platter and served up to WHOSOEVER will believe and partake.

    Whatever is accepted by a man today, in his Christ mind will eventually manifest in his life. If he refuses to know that is true it doesn't stop it from happening. We have the annointing of God within. If we believe and look for tribulation and pain and suffering we will experience whatever we choose to confess and project into the world.

    All the promises of God are yes and amen, now!

    Anybody can get sick and die. I personally don't allow sickness in my body. Everything that exists came from love/God originally. I do not resist anything, because resistance causes the opposite of intention. Resisting empowers the thing being resisted. I give it love to transform it back to the love it was. Love energy flows in peacful perfection and balance. Stresses and angers and resistances can cause blockages of the free flow of energies which can cause pain or dis-ease to develope. Mankind causes his own destructive energies and dis-ease and must transform it back to love. We are creators of ourselves, that is the gift of God through Jesus.

    Religion has diluted and held back the power of God through lies that it is at another time! God Bless you, TK


    Quote (Laurel @ Dec. 05 2010,01:44)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Dec. 05 2010,01:33)

    Quote (Laurel @ Dec. 05 2010,00:27)
    I am certain that even Adam knew His set-apart name.

    Hi Laurel,

    Do you think so?  I've wondered about this for one reason:

    Ex 6 NWT
    2 And God went on to speak to Moses and to say to him: “I am Jehovah. 3 And I used to appear to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as God Almighty, but as respects my name Jehovah I did not make myself known to them.

    In the Law, Moses inserts Yahweh into things Abraham and the others said to their God as if they knew the name.  But I think Moses, knowing the name, added it in to their stories when he wrote about them.

    What do you think?  God clearly says they DIDN'T know His name, right?

    peace and love,

    Beware of Babel!

    Exo 6:1  And יהוה said to Mosheh, “Now see what I do to Pharaoh, for with a strong hand he is going to let them go, and with a strong hand he is going to drive them out of his land.”
    Exo 6:2 And Elohim spoke to Mosheh and said to him, “I am יהוה.
    Exo 6:3 “And I appeared to Aḇraham, to Yitsḥaq, and to Yaʽaqoḇ, as Ěl Shaddai. And by My Name, יהוה, was I not known to them?
    Exo 6:4 “And I also established My covenant with them, to give them the land of Kenaʽan, the land of their sojournings, in which they have sojourned.
    Exo 6:5 “And I have also heard the groaning of the children of Yisraʼĕl whom the Mitsrites are enslaving, and I have remembered My covenant.
    Exo 6:6 “Say, therefore, to the children of Yisraʼĕl, ‘I am יהוה, and I shall bring you out from under the burdens of the Mitsrites, and shall deliver you from their enslaving, and shall redeem you with an outstretched arm, and with great judgments,
    Exo 6:7 and shall take you as My people, and I shall be your Elohim. And you shall know that I am יהוה your Elohim who is bringing you out from under the burdens of the Mitsrites.
    Exo 6:8 ‘And I shall bring you into the land which I swore to give to Aḇraham, to Yitsḥaq, and to Yaʽaqoḇ, to give it to you as an inheritance. I am יהוה.ʼ ”

    Hi Laurel,

    Look what I found:

    Genesis 4 NIV
    25 Adam made love to his wife again, and she gave birth to a son and named him Seth, saying, “God has granted me another child in place of Abel, since Cain killed him.” 26 Seth also had a son, and he named him Enosh.  At that time people began to call on the name of the LORD.

    So that leads me to believe that maybe your translation is correct.  

    peace and love,

    Ed J

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Dec. 27 2010,21:15)
    Mike: Unfortunately, the influence of deception and lies against the truth has veiled our minds to believe that the fulness of God is not here and now!!

    I thought our prayer today is,..”OUR FATHER, WHO ART IN HEAVEN”….and ….call no man earth, father for you have one father, even God in heaven.

    Jesus is hear now! Persecution and affliction arise FOR THE WORDS SAKE!

    Mike, you can stand in the middle of stress and not be in stress yourself. What is allowed inside of you is your choice. Fear, worry, stress, hate all destructive emotions are your choice to partake of or stand in faith in God in peace.

    Just like if you warned a child not to touch a hot burner on a stove because if he did it would hurt badly and could ruin his hand. God/love doesn't command or control. That is not the nature of love. God warned Adam, just like he does to us now, not to partake/believe in good AND EVIL. I set before you life and death, now you choose! For if you choose evil you will partake of all the destruction that goes with evil. The word you make up is sin. That word was not used in the story of the Garden of Eden. Adam did not sin. God did not say he sinned. What he chose to believe cursed the ground and caused many hardships.

    Its the same today, if you believe in hardships, trials, tribulations, pain, suffering, disease et.al. that is what you will create and experience in your life. Its your annointed Christ mind at work. You create your life in the way you dwell on it!

    Salvation is completed through Jesus he has finished his work for God/mankind and has offered absolute abundant life in Christ through his words and works. Its on the platter and served up to WHOSOEVER will believe and partake.

    Whatever is accepted by a man today, in his Christ mind will eventually manifest in his life. If he refuses to know that is true it doesn't stop it from happening. We have the annointing of God within. If we believe and look for tribulation and pain and suffering we will experience whatever we choose to confess and project into the world.

    All the promises of God are yes and amen, now!

    Anybody can get sick and die. I personally don't allow sickness in my body. Everything that exists came from love/God originally. I do not resist anything, because resistance causes the opposite of intention. Resisting empowers the thing being resisted. I give it love to transform it back to the love it was. Love energy flows in peacful perfection and balance. Stresses and angers and resistances can cause blockages of the free flow of energies which can cause pain or dis-ease to develope. Mankind causes his own destructive energies and dis-ease and must transform it back to love. We are creators of ourselves, that is the gift of God through Jesus.

    Religion has diluted and held back the power of God through lies that it is at another time! God Bless you, TK

    Hi Tim,

    You do believe Jesus returned on “Pentecost”; right?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (Ed J @ Jan. 02 2011,20:05)
    Hi Tim,

    You do believe Jesus returned on “Pentecost”; right?

    Hi Ed,

    Jesus sent the Holy Spirit at Pentecost………as promised. There are scriptures that were written AFTER Pentecost that warn us about those who claim that the second coming had already happened.

    peace and love,

    Ed J

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 03 2011,06:10)

    Quote (Ed J @ Jan. 02 2011,20:05)
    Hi Tim,

    You do believe Jesus returned on “Pentecost”; right?

    Hi Ed,

    Jesus sent the Holy Spirit at Pentecost………as promised.  There are scriptures that were written AFTER Pentecost that warn us about those who claim that the second coming had already happened.

    peace and love,

    Hi Mike,

    The day of the LORD and Jesus second coming are two different feasts.
    The day of the LORD is the third of the three great Feasts (out of seven total).
    Jesus returned (in spirit form) on “Pentecost”! Don't get these two feasts confused.
    Don't get stuck on what the systems of religion have taught; we've been through this.

    1) The Passover”=148              “The Passover”: made possible “Pentecost”=117
       “Messiah: Jesus”=148                “JESUS CHRIST“=151 was the “Testator”=151!

    2) Pentecost”=117                     Started  the “God Spirit”=117(Holy Spirit), which      
      Former Rain=117                    is “GOD THE FATHER”=117 reigning in Mankind!

    3) Feast of Booths”=151            begins The “HOLY SPIRIT”=151(The LORD JEHOVAH=151)
        The Latter Rain=151             “Tabernacles Feast”=151; the culmination of the “THREE”!

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Tim Kraft

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 03 2011,06:10)

    Quote (Ed J @ Jan. 02 2011,20:05)
    Hi Tim,

    You do believe Jesus returned on “Pentecost”; right?

    Hi Ed,

    Jesus sent the Holy Spirit at Pentecost………as promised.  There are scriptures that were written AFTER Pentecost that warn us about those who claim that the second coming had already happened.

    peace and love,

    Mike: You gotta ask yourself, Is Jesus beside me right now?

    Is Jesus within me right now? Where is Jesus? Is he in Heaven at the right hand of God? Then where is Heaven? The Kingdom of heaven is within us. Jesus prayed that we all would be one. The father in us, Jesus in us and the Holy spirit all ONE together in Gods Kingdom, US!

    Can you talk to Jesus/God? Can they hear you? Where are they? Jesus said I go (die) but I will come agiain (manifest) in a new (spirit) form, that where I am (kingdom of heaven) there you may be also (within us).

    If you can talk to Jesus, and walk minute by minute with God, and they hear you and know the thoughts of your heart then what possible good would it be if Jesus came back to earth as a human on the other side of the world?

    What works for God would Jesus do that have not been done already? There are none, it is finished, the Kingdom is come to those who accept and believe. You are ruling your life by what you think and say whether you know it or not. If you know it you can control it to you own conscious desires. IMO, TK


    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Jan. 04 2011,03:23)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 03 2011,06:10)

    Quote (Ed J @ Jan. 02 2011,20:05)
    Hi Tim,

    You do believe Jesus returned on “Pentecost”; right?

    Hi Ed,

    Jesus sent the Holy Spirit at Pentecost………as promised.  There are scriptures that were written AFTER Pentecost that warn us about those who claim that the second coming had already happened.

    peace and love,

    Mike: You gotta ask yourself, Is Jesus beside me right now?

    Is Jesus within me right now? Where is Jesus? Is he in Heaven at the right hand of God? Then where is Heaven? The Kingdom of heaven is within us. Jesus prayed that we all would be one. The father in us, Jesus in us and the Holy spirit all ONE together in Gods Kingdom, US!

    Can you talk to Jesus/God? Can they hear you? Where are they? Jesus said I go (die) but I will come agiain (manifest) in a new (spirit) form, that where I am (kingdom of heaven) there you may be also (within us).

    If you can talk to Jesus, and walk minute by minute with God, and they hear you and know the thoughts of your heart then what possible good would it be if Jesus came back to earth as a human on the other side of the world?

    What works for God would Jesus do that have not been done already? There are none, it is finished, the Kingdom is come to those who accept and believe. You are ruling your life by what you think and say whether you know it or not. If you know it you can control it to you own conscious desires. IMO, TK


    Rev 16:2 The first angel went and poured out his bowl on the land

    Rev 16:3 The second angel poured out his bowl on the sea

    Rev 16:4 The third angel poured out his bowl on the rivers and springs of water,
    Rev 22:16 “I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star.”

    Rev 14:15 Then another angel came out of the temple and called in a loud voice to him who was sitting on the cloud, “Take your sickle and reap, because the time to reap has come, for the harvest of the earth is ripe.”

    It seems to me that much work is done by angels ,

    so would it not be the same than Christ ,ifit is his angel who is beside you??


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