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  • #373796

    Hi KW,
    No it is of the Spirit.
    1Cor 12


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 16 2014,13:22)
    Hi MB,
    Can't answer that.
    But it is one of the gifts of the Spirit[1cor12]

    “Out of the mouth comes what the heart is full of”

    Where is your “gift of discernment” located, Nick?

    Is it a part of your conscious being? Or does the spirit give you this gift any time you have to understand something?

    And if the latter, what do you test that “spirit of discernment” against?


    Hi MB,
    Where are your gifts?


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 17 2014,09:53)
    Hi MB,
    Where are your gifts?


    a person can have knowledge from the scriptures if he is true to the truth in it ,

    the gift are the companion of the apostles


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 17 2014,06:01)
    Hi KW,
    No it is of the Spirit.
    1Cor 12


    Everyone can test the spirit and only some are given the gift of discerning the spirit so I do not what you say is correct. Others are given the gift of knowledge or of wisdom and that is what I speak of.

    Note: I corrected my poor grammar and put dropped words back in.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 17 2014,09:53)
    Hi MB,
    Where are your gifts?


    that a question not an a answer ,this is how you try to get out of the trap ???


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 16 2014,21:53)
    Hi MB,
    Where are your gifts?

    My gift of common sense and logic is in my brain.

    Where is your gift of discernment kept?


    Hi MB,
    You may find an answer in scripture but I haven't


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Mar. 18 2014,13:27)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 16 2014,21:53)
    Hi MB,
    Where are your gifts?

    My gift of common sense and logic is in my brain.

    Where is your gift of discernment kept?

    Does the brain house the mind? And when the mind departs a brain it is still a brain, yes. But a brain without a mind has no common sense.


    The flesh body is the hardware.
    The brain is the software;programmed by the world.
    Or by Jesus.
    The soul/thought, is what is transmitted through the air.
    Could be good programs or bad programs.
    Bad programmes will be burned.



    how can the meanings of words be captured from one place to another ,and were should the words and its meaning be for the true believer ??? not in the mind or brain what are tools of the body ,but in the heart because this is the place closes to the soul ,not the physical heart but the deep heart of feelings where the soul is living ,

    see Proverb and Ecclesiastic


    Quote (kerwin @ Mar. 17 2014,12:59)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 17 2014,06:01)
    Hi KW,
    No it is of the Spirit.
    1Cor 12


    Everyone can test the spirit and only some are given the gift of discerning the spirit so I do not what you say is correct. Others are given the gift of knowledge or of wisdom and that is what I speak of.

    Note: I corrected my poor grammar and put dropped words back in.

    For Nick


    Hi KW,
    Only the Spirit can test the spirits.


    And how, then, do we test to see if it is THE Spirit who is testing the other spirits?  What do we test that against?

    Nick, it's like you want to take no responsibility at all for anything you think, speak, or do.

    But wherever our gifts of discernment, common sense, knowledge, and logic are kept, it is clear that they are OURS to use as we see fit.

    So you can say “discernment” explains the scriptural truth to you, thereby taking no HUMAN responsibility for your understanding of scriptural issues……… but it is a farce.

    It is YOUR brain that allows you to read, think, write, and understand scriptures.

    And it is OUR BRAINS that we use to test the spirits.  

    So it is by OUR BRAINS (discernment, common sense, logic) that we formulate an understanding of each verse and passage, and it is by this HUMAN understanding that we test the spirits.

    To sum up:  Don't go berating people for using their GOD-GIVEN common sense, logic, discernment, and knowledge.

    Because whether or not you ever admit it, your understanding of scriptures is derived from YOUR HUMAN thought processes.  There isn't some “fairy god-spirit” running around telling you what to think about this scripture or that scripture.

    Your understanding is a HUMAN understanding – just like the rest of us.

    That being said, it is possible for any of us to be LED by spirit. The Spirit can lead us to this scripture or that scripture – scriptures that have the answer to a particular problem we can't fully understand. But once led there, it is still OUR LOGIC and COMMON SENSE that make sense OUT OF those scriptures.

    God's Spirit will never lead you to a nonsensical conclusion. It helps us to UNDERSTAND. It doesn't lead us further into confusion.


    Hi MB,
    Are you appointed as a judge?

    Has no man been blessed of the promised gift that you know?
    acts 2.38

    If not then it is sad
    Rom 8.9


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 18 2014,16:59)
    Hi MB,
    Are you appointed as a judge?

    Did the Spirit write those words for you, Nick?  Did the Spirit lead you, or encourage you in any way to write those words to me?

    Or do you suppose that you have your own brain, fully capable of understanding what each of those words mean, and capable of placing them in the proper syntax, highlighted with the proper punctuation?

    Who told you what “appointed” means?  How about “judge”?  Are you able to understand those words?  If so, how?  Is it by your own HUMAN thought processes?  Or does the Spirit tell you the meaning of each word you write down AS you write them?

    And after the first time, does your own God-given brain allow you to remember those meanings?  Or must the Spirit write them and explain them to you each and every time you use them?

    Come on, Nick.  Give us a break.

    For the instruction of WHICH SPECIES does the Bible exist?

    Angels?  Demons?  Jehovah Himself?  Monkeys?  Goats?

    Or is it for the instruction of HUMAN BEINGS?

    It is not a very good instruction manual if the HUMAN BEINGS it was meant for are not able to understand it, right?

    The Bible makes perfect sense to me.  It is LOGICAL.  It makes COMMON SENSE.  And it is filled with knowledge that I can EASILY understand.

    Even children can understand the teachings.  What they CAN'T understand is how the ONE and ONLY Father could have been WITH the ONE and ONLY Father in the beginning.

    Only people with nonsensical and PERSONAL doctrines to protect make the claim that certain parts of the Bible are NONSENSICAL, and that it doesn't HAVE TO make sense to the very people it was written for.

    Among those groups are those who think the Son IS the Father.  And Trinitarians, who think the Son OF God can BE the very God he is the Son OF.  And people whose PERSONAL WISH for Jesus to have been nothing but a mere human being like us causes them to make NONSENSICAL conclusions from a large number of VERY SENSIBLE scriptures.

    John 17:5, for one.  It is CLEAR that the person SPEAKING is the person who had glory alongside God before the world was created.  But people like you have to make NONSENSE out of that verse, when it is really completely SENSIBLE.

    And in John 6, where Jesus point blank says, “I came down from heaven.”  And then the people to whom he said this were all wondering how this son of Joseph could be crazy enough to say he came down from heaven.  And later, Jesus asked what they would think if they saw him ASCEND to where HE WAS BEFORE.  And then, many of them DID see him ascend to where he was before.

    See?  This teaching is very SENSIBLE, and so easy that a child can understand it.  But people like you have to make it into some impossible-to-understand NONSENSE – just because it doesn't align with your own PERSONAL WISHES.

    Nick, Jesus is not only the branch of David, but also the ROOT of David.  Doesn't that tell you anything?

    Anyway, the scriptures make perfect sense to me, because I have no personal wishes to protect.  I will always be able to understand the most sensible and obvious way any particular verse or passage can be understood.

    I don't have to make nonsense out of common sense to protect my own personal wishes for how it SHOULD BE.


    Hi MB,
    Do you not believe the promises of God?
    acts 2.38-39


    Hi MB,
    Do you not yet have the Spirit?
    Rom 8.9


    Hi MB,
    You can know the bible front to back but it will not do you any good.
    Knowledge does not save


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 19 2014,05:42)
    Hi MB,
    You can know the bible front to back but it will not do you any good.
    Knowledge does not save

    how can someone be saved if he does not hear the message ???

    are you a Christian Nick ??? may be a Muslim

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