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  • #277532

    Bump for Nick…………………

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 09 2012,19:15)
    Hi MB,
    Are logic and human wisdom the best tools for us to use?
    Surely scripture interprets scripture?

    Joel 1:6
    A nation has invaded my land, powerful and without number; it has the teeth of a lion, the fangs of a lioness.

    Nick, does this nation (as a whole) really have sharp teeth?  Will they bite the Israelites to death?  Or is this metaphoric language?

    More importantly, HOW DO YOU KNOW WHICH ONE?

    Are you beginning to get my point yet, Nick?  Without our God-given  human intelligence, wisdom, and logic, we wouldn't even be able to READ that verse, let alone recognize that the reference to a lion's teeth is metaphorical.


    Bump for Nick………………….

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 11 2012,21:30)
    The word was made flesh at the Jordan.

    And so the Word BECAME a flesh thing, right? What “thing” did the Word BECOME, Nick? Did the Word BECOME a human being named Jesus? If not, what flesh thing DID it BECOME?



    there is a difference between men logic and Gods logic after all


    Yes, Pierre.


    Hi MB,
    Why add BEING?


    Well, the Word was described with masculine, singular pronouns in John 1. That means the Word was a HE and not an IT. That is one reason.

    But don't you have some questions waiting for you? When do you think you might get around to answering them?


    Hi MB,
    So that is good enough for you to declare matters?


    That in itself is a far cry better than anything YOU have. But that is not all of it, Nick.

    This Word, who YOU say was speaking through Jesus in John 17:5, was asking for something. Only beings with wishes and ambitions ask for things.

    And there is much more. Now, answer some questions already.


    Hi MB,
    God's ways are not your ways.
    Do you thing harrasssing folks is the best way to have dialogue?


    Do you think spouting unscriptural things that you aren't even willing to defend is the best way to teach the truth of the scriptures?

    Answer the questions I've asked of you Nick. Answer them or admit that you can't because the answers will ruin your man-made doctrine.

    How about the Joel 1:6 scripture I posted? How do you personally know that the nation coming against the Israelites were men, and not lions? Did you use your God-given HUMAN wisdom and logic to figure it out?


    Hi MB,
    Calm yourself.
    It is not a competition.
    God can use lots of colourful language.
    It does not require a theological degree to grasp it.


    And do we use our God-given human wisdom and logic to understand verses like Joel 1:6, Nick?


    Hi MB,
    Don't take that approach.
    First seek comparable verses and let scripture teach you.


    There are many that speak of enemies having teeth like lions. There are many more that refer to men as lions.

    Should we believe these men are in fact lions? Or should we use our God-given wisdom and logic to decypher that “lion” is used metaphorically?

    Which one, Nick?


    Hi MB,
    You must elevate man and his weak abilities.
    Why is this?


    Man was made in the image of God Almighty, Nick. He was made only a little lower than the angels. How is it that you have such a low opinion of this wonderful creation of God called man?

    How is it that you think God created us without the ability to reason and decypher things for ourselves?


    Hi MB,
    God does not have the same elevated view that you hold.
    'Remember man that thou art dust and unto dust though shalt return..”

    The humble approach is best


    He loved us so much that He watched His only begotten Son died a terrifying, painful death for us.  I believe God thinks more highly of mankind than you claim.

    Ezekiel 33:11
    Say to them, ‘As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign LORD, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that they turn from their ways and live. Turn! Turn from your evil ways! Why will you die, O house of Israel?’

    But this is just another side track from you.  The question is not how much God loves or doesn't love mankind.  Or how highly He regards us.  The question is whether or not God created us with our own brains capable of figuring out that in Joel 1:6, the nations coming against Israel were not literally lions.

    I say He did.  And you KNOW He did.  But because you like to say things like “Why lean on human wisdom and logic?” when you are stumped by the post of another, you won't admit that you KNOW He did.

    Face it Nick.  You own God-given human wisdom and logic are the ONLY way you are even capable of READING the written word of God – let alone understanding it.

    The spirit guides me all the time, but that doesn't mean my own human wisdom and logic doesn't also play a part in my understanding of scripture. And that is true of every single human being who ever read God's written word.


    Hi MB,
    God loved us so much that he sent his Son.
    That makes not statement about our worthiness but about the love of God.


    Hi MB,
    God hid from the clever what he revealed to the simple.

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