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    Human logic to me relates to an analytical reasoning of facts as they are obtained through the 5 senses. Since the 5 senses do not perceive the spiritual realm I do not believe God will ever be found through human logic.

    My opinion – Wm


    To all……But the spirit searches the deep things of God and I believe it will be logical to a Spiritual mind, but not to a Carnal mind, So the question is which mind is in you. The mind of Christ or the mind of the world. Carnal or Spiritual they are not the same.



    Amen to that post.


    Hi GB,
    To have the mind of Christ we must be reborn into him and feed on scriptural food.


    Nick……now i”ll put what you said in my words, to have the mind of (the anointing) or (Spirit) we must be reborn into (IT) and feed on the Spiritual food (IT) provides. This is the mind that was in Jesus the anointed, It's the same that must be in Us also.



    Hi GB,
    You should listen to the order shown by Peter.
    37Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men and brethren, what shall we do?

    38Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

    39For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the LORD our God shall call.


    Nick……….As i said before the apostles were still babes when the church began , but Peter plainly grow in spiritual understanding and got to a point where He said that the baptism of washing of the filth of the flesh did not remove sin, but the baptism of the Spirit does remove sin and cleans us inside. You can view things two ways, Spiritual or Physical, you choice.



    Hi GS,
    Where is it written?
    Did the nature of man or the nature of sin change?
    Washing of the flesh never did remove sin, God forgives.
    Your theory is rather fanciful IMO.


    Hi GB,
    You say in another thread
    “Nick……….now there's a miracle a word (became) Flesh, tell us how that works. I thought a word was Spirit not Flesh and blood. Please explain. I can understand how a word can exist in a flesh body as a thought, but become flesh, impossible. Maybe if we straight this out a lot of things might fall into place, about this word business, please enlighten us Nick.”

    Should logic rule over what is written?

    If your logic cannot accept what is written in Jn 1

    14And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

    who is your LORD?


    Nick…..Ok so in you opinion logic has nothing to do with it, only what written rather you understand it or not doesn't matter. That explains a lot about your confusion of scriptures, it doesn't have to make sense, So you God is a God of confusion. What do you do with where that we are to Grow in Grace (and ) Knowledge then. and where it says God is not the author of confusion.

    You stated,” should logic rule over whats written,” So i guess being stupid and going alone with what you don't understand is God's Way in your opinion right. That may explain your lack of understanding of Scriptures.

    Why did Philip sit with the person and open up scripture to Him when he said He did know what the prophets were talking about then, if it wasn't important to understand. Why did Jesus after His resurrection open up Scripture to people then, if it's not important to see the logic , If you don't understand the logic in scripture then you simply don't understand them.



    Hi GB,
    I am happy that I do not need to know and understand everything. that comes later. But what I do know is that the Word is truth and it is unwise to pick and choose what you can understand now.


    Hi Gene:

    1Cr 2:14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know [them], because they are spiritually discerned.


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ June 02 2008,12:55)
    Nick…..Ok so in you opinion logic has nothing to do with it, only what written rather you understand it or not doesn't matter. That explains a lot about your confusion of scriptures, it doesn't have to make sense, So you God is a God of confusion. What do you do with where that we are to Grow in Grace (and ) Knowledge then. and where it says God is not the author of confusion.

    You stated,” should logic rule over whats written,” So i guess being stupid and going alone with what you don't understand is God's Way in your opinion right. That may explain your lack of understanding of Scriptures.

    Why did Philip sit with the person and open up scripture to Him when he said He did know what the prophets were talking about then, if it wasn't important to understand. Why did Jesus after His resurrection open up Scripture to people then, if it's not important to see the logic , If you don't understand the logic in scripture then you simply don't understand them.


    Hi GB,
    Why did the eunuch demand water baptism when the scriptures were expounded to him?
    Was he baptised in the Spirit?


    Nick……The Apostles all baptized with water at first, they were new in the faith and were growing in understanding all the time from a Carnal way of looking at things to a Spiritual way of seeing things. And you just switched subject matter again, the question was about Logic and Understanding as i recall< You were say you didn't need Logic and understanding remember. please stay on subject. You and WJ aught to team up your both good at dancing around Specific questions.



    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 02 2008,13:09)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ June 02 2008,12:55)
    Nick…..Ok so in you opinion logic has nothing to do with it, only what written rather you understand it or not doesn't matter. That explains a lot about your confusion of scriptures, it doesn't have to make sense, So you God is a God of confusion. What do you do with where that we are to Grow in Grace (and ) Knowledge then. and where it says God is not the author of confusion.

    You stated,” should logic rule over whats written,” So i guess being stupid and going alone with what you don't understand is God's Way in your opinion right. That may explain your lack of understanding of Scriptures.

    Why did Philip sit with the person and open up scripture to Him when he said He did know what the prophets were talking about then, if it wasn't important to understand. Why did Jesus after His resurrection open up Scripture to people then, if it's not important to see the logic , If you don't understand the logic in scripture then you simply don't understand them.


    Hi GB,
    Why did the eunuch demand water baptism when the scriptures were expounded to him?
    Was he baptised in the Spirit?

    Hi GB,
    God showed His order with Philip and the eunuch.
    First repentance and washing and clothing with Christ.

    Then God can directly or through His servants then or later complete His will for men by the anointing.


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ June 01 2008,14:31)
    To all……But the spirit searches the deep things of God and I believe it will be logical to a Spiritual mind, but not to a Carnal mind, So the question is which mind is in you. The mind of Christ or the mind of the world. Carnal or Spiritual they are not the same.


    Hi GB,
    If we have the mind of Christ then we will reverberate his teachings and stay within the scriptures even despite logic.


    Where are you staying in the scriptures when you believe the mythology of pre-existence?


    Logic is the weak wisdom of men.
    Paul ahborred reliance on it.
    God's ways are not ours.

    1And I, brethren, when I came to you, came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom, declaring unto you the testimony of God.

    2For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified.

    3And I was with you in weakness, and in fear, and in much trembling.

    4And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power:

    5That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.


    to all………..logic is one of the most important things GOD gave a person , with out it they are just stupid. If you believe something that doesn't make sense to you your are and idiot. In fact ill even go further and say you cant' believe something that makes no sense and your faith is only a supposition.

    God is a God of reason and said (come let's reason together) to reason is to use the logical minds God gave us.

    Nick are you so intent on arguing about every thing no matter how stupid it is.
    Next thing your going to say is logic is something God doesn't want us to have.



    Hi GB,
    Everything in order.
    Scripture first.Understanding may follow.

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