Lifting the Veil

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    How is it that so many people who study Bible prophecy cannot see the forthcoming fire judgement? The forthcoming Lord’s Day, when He will send His fiery wrath upon His enemies. The forthcoming Day the Lord will send His fiery wrath, a disaster of similar magnitude as Noah’s Flood.

    It must be attributed to Scriptures that say it will only be possible to know God’s plans just prior to the end time events. 1  Also many are sticking to incorrect ideas, such as a pre Tribulation ‘rapture’ and a nuclear war and they misplace or ignore prophetic verses. 2


    Over one hundred scriptures tell of a terrible Day of fire and earthquakes, that will affect all of the world – vivid details of a tremendous destruction that cannot be matched with the war of Gog and Magog or the Return of Jesus.3  Prophesy tells plainly how the Middle East countries and cities will be destroyed, 4  and that God will turn the weapons of those commencing to attack the State of Israel upon their own heads. 5

    The nature and extent of this fire judgement rules out any man made explanation. It is clearly stated that the Lord Himself will instigate His Day of vengeance and wrath upon all the inhabitants of the earth. 6

    The verses in Isaiah 30:26…the sun will shine with seven times its normal strength… and Malachi 4:1 The Day comes, burning like a furnace, are the ones that tell us exactly what means the Lord will use to carry it out. There has, in the past been sunspot activity that has seriously affected the earth, but a really large Coronal Mass Ejection will cause all the prophesied devastation and deaths worldwide. 7   This terrifying and shocking disaster of a fireball that envelopes the earth, will hit suddenly and unexpectedly, killing anyone caught outside. 8   Millions will die from the initial strike and millions more from the fighting and famine afterwards. 9


    To re-establish law and order, a One World government will be agreed to, with the world divided into ten regions, each headed by its own president. 10   In Israel, the Messianic Jewish remnant who survive by hiding underground, 11 will be joined by their Christian brethren 12

    God knows who they are and He will motivate them to emigrate to the new nation of Beulah, to all of that area promised to the Patriarchs. 13  They will experience the great blessings that God has promised to His righteous faithful Christian people and they will fulfill their destiny. 14

    In a few years, a world dictator will come to power and will eventually take control of Beulah and he will desecrate the new Temple. This starts the Great Tribulation, then 3½ years later Jesus returns to commence His Millennium reign. 15


    Just when do we get to truly understand the prophetic Scriptures? It cannot be that God will say to us after the end times have all happened, “Ha Ha, you dummies, for all your philosophy, sciences and religious studies, you couldn’t figure out what I gave you in your Bible.”

    No, God will lift the veil from the minds of the few who earnestly seek the truth, those who put aside preconceived notions and renounce erroneous teachings. 16

    1 Thessalonians 5:4 You, friends, are not in the dark…

    The Lord will enlighten us if we search the Word, in humility and with the right motives.17   And put aside all theories and fables taught by well intentioned, but wrong; pastors and teachers. 18


    (1) Isaiah 32:3, Isaiah 35:5, Amos 3:7, Daniel 12:9-10, Revelation 1:1

    (2) Isaiah 8:16-22, Isaiah 29:11-14, 2 Timothy 4:3

    (3) Jeremiah 25:30-31, Zechariah 2:13, Psalms 11:4-6, Psalms 18:13, Isaiah 13:6-13, Matthew 3:12

    (4) Psalms 83:13-18, Amos 1:2-15, Micah 4:11-12, Zephaniah 2:1-7, Ezekiel 30:1-8

    (5) Psalms 7:12-16, Obadiah 15, Isaiah 8:9-10

    (6) Isaiah 30:26-28, Isaiah 22:5, Zephaniah 3:8, Jeremiah 4:23-28, Rev.6:12-17

    (7) Deuteronomy 32:40-43, Isaiah 51:6, Jeremiah 9:21-22, Isaiah 13:12

    (8) Zephaniah 2:1-3, Jeremiah 17:15-18, Isaiah 26:20-21, Ecclesiastes 8:5, Jeremiah 6:25-26

    (9) Psalms 109:24, Jeremiah 12:12-13

    (10) Daniel 7:24, Revelation 13:1

    (11) Zechariah 13:8-9, Isaiah 4:3, Isaiah 29:1-4

    (12) Ezekiel 37:15-28, Isaiah 62:4, Zechariah 2:6, Ezekiel 20:34-36, Psalms 50:5

    (13) Jeremiah 3:22, Jeremiah 31:8-9, Isaiah 60:4, Isaiah 40:27-31, Amos 9:8b-15

    (14) Ezekiel 36:8-10, Isaiah 49:8-11, Joel 2:23-27, Deuteronomy 30:1-5, Jeremiah 30:18

    (15) Psalms 47:8-9, Psalms 93:1-5, Isaiah 11:6-10, Rev.20:4

    (16) Isaiah 30:18, Psalms 27:11-13, Isaiah 29:24, Hosea 12:10, Isaiah 35:3-5, 2 Timothy 4:3-4

    (17) 1 Peter 1:19, Matthew 7:8

    (18) Matthew 7:15, Isaiah 29:11, Jeremiah 14:14



    Keras…….Make sure your not getting the Return of Jesus, mixed up with the return of God the Father at the end of the thousand year reign of Jedus Christ and the Saint’s.

    The return of Jesus will be a Celestrial event, which cause the powers of heaven to be shaken (the powers of the heavens is the graventaional pulls between the planets, they will be shaken and produce giant waves on this earth ,  “the seas a roaring”, ” mens hearts faling because of that thing comming on the earth,” , just as Jesus said. THIS IS WHAT WILL TAKE PLACE AT “HIS RETURN”

    The coming of  the LORD GOD, is when the earth melts with fervant heat, it will take place at the return of God the Father  at the end of the thousand year period of Jesus and the Saint’s ,  IMO.

    Peace and love to you and yours Keras……….gene


    I am careful to place prophesied events into their correct and logical place.  You seem to miss the Lord’s terrible Day of vengeance and wrath; a worldwide and world changing  disaster. The Sixth Seal, that will happen at least 7+ years before Jesus Returns.

    Isaiah 63:1-6 The Lord comes from the godless nations, in His power and majesty, He tramples them in His fury, their blood spills out and splashes His garments.

    At the Return He comes in blood splashed garments.

    2 Thessalonians 1:6-10...the Day the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven in flaming fire….He will reveal His glory among all believers. Revelation 14:1
    What we can understand from the above Bible passages, is that the Day of the Lord, when the Son of Man takes action, is not Jesus’ Return as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, for the Millennium reign. At the Return: ‘all will see Him’, not as in this Lord’s Day of vengeance and wrath, where He is not seen: Psalms 18:11, Luke 3:17, but ‘His power and glory will be revealed [made clear] to all believers’.  2 Thessalonians 1:10



    2 Thessalonians 1:6-10…the Day the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven in flaming fire….He will reveal His glory among all believers. Revelation 14:1
    What we can understand from the above Bible passages, is that the Day of the Lord, when the Son of Man takes action, is not Jesus’ Return as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, for the Millennium reign. At the Return: ‘all will see Him’, not as in this Lord’s Day of vengeance and wrath, where He is not seen: Psalms 18:11, Luke 3:17, but ‘His power and glory will be revealed [made clear] to all believers’.  2 Thessalonians 1:10

    The above are purely the interpretations of the NT writers stating that the Day of the Lord(Yahweh) is equal to the Day of Lord Jesus. But this was not the original interpretations of the Hebrew religion or of Judaism.


    Adam……Yes, there are two differents events,  of two different being’s returning,  one is the return of Jesus Christ which is the next thing thats going to take place on this earth,  and after a thousand years, the LORD  (YAHOVAH) our GOD himself will return, thats when the great battle of Armagedon happens and fire comes down and deviours Satan and his army of ten nations,  that he has brought to Jersulam to battle against Jesus and the Saint’s, of the most high. 

    The key to understanding this is found in Rev.17: 9-10,  John was (transported in time),  to the end of the thousand year reign of Jesus and the Sain’t,  to the time of the comming of God the Father himself.   If you understand the (timeline) it all falls into place.

    Peace and love to you and your Adam……….gene



    God Himself does not come to the earth until after the Millennium, as you say. Revelation 21:1-7

    Armageddon happens when Jesus Returns at the beginning of the Millennium. Revelation 19:11-21

    My aim and object in this thread, is to warn people of the forthcoming Day when The Lord [God or Jesus] will reset our civilization, similar to what He did in the days of Noah.


    Keras…….Yes indeed The beginning of the reign of Jesus and the Saint’s  will change this present Babylon systerm of world rule , for a thousand years, , Satan will be put into the bottomless pit, thats all true,  but at the end of that period  the deadle wound of Bablon will be heald and it will be rise up again and Satan will be released from the bottomless pit , and go out again to decieve the Nations and out of the revised Bablyon kingdom, he will gather ten nations and these ten will completly distory Bablyon forever, for God has put it in their hearts to give their power unto Satan,  then they will go against Jesus and the Saint’s at Jeruslam to battle,  this all takes place at the end of the thousand years rule of Jesus and the Saint’s , in a 3 1/2 year period. Then comes the return of God the Father and the battle of Armagedon takes place.   And Satan is cast into the fire and goes into predition.  And after that the Great white throne judgement takes place.

    I tell you Keras , the key is found in Rev. 17: 9-10,  thats the true timeline , understand that everything else should falls into place for you brother.

    Peace and love to you and yours…………gene

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