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- September 27, 2021 at 9:32 am#890775
ParticipantOctober 2, 2021 at 8:14 pm#890906Berean
ParticipantPope Francis is on a Relentless Mission to Achieve a Global Ecological Conversion Ahead of COP26
October 2, 2021 by Andy Roman 1 Comment
Pope Francis addressed the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.
It is a new Catholic crusade to transform our world politically, environmentally and economically. Pope Francis has once again inserted himself into the temporal affairs of nations and is dictating the actions of governments. This time he has targeted the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, one of the oldest multinational assemblies consisting of 47 nations ahead of COP26. Once again, Pope Francis is influencing the political landscape by calling on secular political leaders to embrace Laudato Si’.On September 29, 2021, Pope Francis addressed the participants at a high-level panel of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE). The topics covered were about the environment, climate change and sustainability. The proposed solution was Laudato Si’. The secular world (national leaders, United Nations, World Economic Forum) and the religious world (the Vatican and its daughters) have a common vision for the world. And we are witnessing how the beast of Bible prophecy is politicizing the gospel of Jesus Christ in its attempt to establish a world utopia with the help of national leaders who have the power to suspend civil rights, amend constitutions, pass laws and coordinate policies.
In his address to PACE member states, Pope Francis calls for a collaboration between church and state in order to save the earth with the principles outlined in Laudato Si’. He also stressed that any decision made by PACE should not be limited to Europe, but must also “reach the whole world.” The Pope said:
“Among the issues that require our reflection and our collaboration is the defense of the environment, our beloved Earth, the great resource that God has given us and that is at our disposal, not to be disfigured, exploited and denigrated, but so that, enjoying its immense beauty, we can live with dignity. Successively, in the encyclical letter Laudato Si’, I once again insisted on the importance of caring for the common home, universal principle that involves not only the Christian faithful, but all people of good will who care about the protection of the environment. The present event, which takes place on the eve of COP26, scheduled for next November in Glasgow, will be able to offer, thanks to a greater consideration of the fundamental principle of multilateralism, a valid contribution also to the next meeting of the United Nations. The Holy See is also convinced that any initiative of the Council of Europe should not be limited only to the geographical area of this continent, but that, starting from our beloved Europe, it should reach the whole world.” [1]
The Pope also stressed that, “There is no more to wait, we must act.” [1] He then concluded with the following appeal:“I hope that this Parliamentary Assembly and the Council of Europe will be able to identify, promote and act with determination all the initiatives necessary to build a healthier, fairer and more sustainable world … Let us act with hope, courage and will, making concrete decisions. They cannot be left until tomorrow, if their purpose is to protect the common home and the dignity of every human being.” [1]
Can we not see what is happening? The Pope is inviting the world to join him in his environmental crusade. And make no mistake; this is not about clean water and clean air. No. It is about adopting a mystical-religious and pantheistic version of the environment that is more about praising nature and seeking a connection with the earth. It is about embracing a universal day of rest for creation, which is defined in Laudato Si’ as Sunday, and not the true Sabbath of the Fourth Commandment. It is about destroying Protestantism: freedom of speech, freedom to work, freedom of conscience and civil and religious freedoms. It is about replacing our free market systems with socialism and controlling buying and selling. And it is about transforming the mission of the churches by eliminating biblical doctrine and uniting all religions on Catholic social teachings.This ecological conversion has become the new focal point of the Christian world. Churches are uniting their voices and their mission with the secular and atheistic powers of the earth to save the world’s ecosystems. Religious churches and secular states have become almost indistinguishable in their new partnership. Many of these religious leaders who repudiate the true Christian faith have become charlatans. They look and sound ridiculous with all their talk about ecological conversion. It is a very serious matter when you abandon God’s law, His Ten Commandments and biblical morality and replace these truths with a new morality: sins against the planet, rocks and water. This has become Rome’s new moral obligation, even as the world sinks deeper and deeper into immorality and apostasy. We want to save the planet even as people perish.
The churches are being transformed and remodeled into the political image of Rome. The true mission of God’s people is to preach the everlasting gospel and save souls, not the planet. This earth will burn, melt, and disappear when Jesus returns (2 Peter 3:10). It is the duty of every true believer to reject, resist and speak out whenever the gospel of Christ is scandalized. Tragically, the faith is under direct satanic attack even as we speak, and brave men and women are needed to take a godly stance as heresy and apostasy are permeating the highest levels of the church.
“Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come (that time has come) when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.” (2 Timothy 4:2-4).
Sources[1] https://www.vatican.va/content/francesco/es/messages/pont-messages/2021/documents/20210923-messaggio-curaambiente.html
October 6, 2021 at 9:44 pm#891071Berean
ParticipantHi to all
October 14, 2021 at 7:46 pm#891252Berean
ParticipantPope Francis: Perhaps this is the Last Generation that Can Save Mother Earth
October 13, 2021 by Andy Roman Leave a CommentOn October 2, 2021, Pope Francis convened the second global event of the “Economy of Francesco,” a world-wide gathering of young people working to create a new sustainable and inclusive economy. The event took place at the Palazzo del Monte Frumentarium in Assisi, Italy. The Pope addressed the participants through a video message and once again he became obsessed with the climate change crisis to an extreme and excessive degree. Pope Francis is not simply advocating for clean air and water. He is on a mission to radically change the world economy with a message of fraternity, solidarity, Sunday sacredness and other Catholic social doctrines that have nothing to do with the weather. The Pope said at the international gathering:
“Today our Mother Earth is lamenting and warning us that we are approaching dangerous thresholds. You are perhaps the last generation that can save us: I am not exaggerating. In the light of this emergency, your creativity and resilience imply a great responsibility. I hope you can use those gifts to correct the mistakes of the past and lead us towards a new economy that is more inclusive, sustainable and supportive. This mission of the economy, however, includes the regeneration of all our social systems: by instilling the values of fraternity, solidarity, and care for our Earth and common assets in all our structures we might address the greatest challenges of our time.” [1]
First of all, the earth is not our mother. The earth is an inanimate object and cannot cry or speak. Our planet cannot be anyone’s mother because it is not a person. It is a thing. And Christians only have two mothers. Our biological mother who gave birth to us from the womb and the New Jerusalem that will soon be the home of the redeemed:“But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all.” Galatians 4:26.
So the concept of “Mother Earth” is idolatry and pure paganism, and the very fact that Pope Francis is obsessively pushing for the personification of the earth is proof of the moral decay and apostasy to which the churches have fallen. Today’s churches are substituting true biblical faith in God for eco-idolatry. Pope Francis is not proclaiming any new admonition from God; no, he is simply repeating the same slogans of the secular globalists who want to rule the world. This means that he is not a representative of Christ, but the spokesperson for the goddess Gaia (Mother Earth).Secondly, is Pope Francis really speaking? Or is it Greta Thunberg speaking? Or is it António Guterres, the Secretary General of the United Nations, speaking? Or is it President Joe Biden who is speaking because everyone is basically saying the same thing? The message is indistinguishable. The church and the state are preaching the same sermon. Why is that? The answer is simple and it is called “globalism.” The globalists speak and the sheep obey; some for money, others for convenience and others for fear of going against the powers that be. The entire Christian and secular world has jumped on the same train. The Bible predicts this very event:
“For all nations have drunk of the wine (Mother Earth heresy and Sunday sacredness) of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.” Revelation 18:3.
“And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.” Revelation 17:12, 13.
Here we see the religious and political powers of the earth completely selling themselves out to Rome’s one world order. And should this be the priority of God’s faithful remnant people? Absolutely not! The mission of the true church of Bible prophecy is the salvation of souls. They are concerned about the great moral dilemma of our day and the crisis of sin that will cause both spiritual and physical death. They will proclaim the everlasting gospel of Revelation 14 and give the warning message against the beast, its image and its mark. The people of God will warn against the universal brotherhood that is being created, they will not join it. The question about the earth has already been answered by Christ when He asked:“For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” Matthew 16:26.
In other words, what good will it do if I acquire wealth, fame, success or even if I save the planet, but lose my soul? Apparently, our soul is worth more to God than the earth. God already has the solution for the planet. This earth will pass away and the redeemed will inherit a new one (Revelation 21:1). The real dilemma that the gospel of Christ seeks to restore are the souls of men and women who are still lost in sin. This is the true work of the church, and there is no true church or pastor without this gospel emphasis.“Thus saith the LORD of hosts, Hearken not unto the words of the prophets that prophesy unto you: they make you vain: they speak a vision of their own heart, and not out of the mouth of the LORD.” Jeremiah 23:16.
“There be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. 8But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.” Galatians 1:7, 8.
Sources[1] https://press.vatican.va/content/salastampa
October 31, 2021 at 6:55 am#891593Berean
ParticipantHi To all
Extract of”Climate change science
by Bill Nugent
The climate of planet Earth has changed several times over the centuries. In the hot Roman period from 250 BC to 400 AD, date palms were cultivated in Greece and olive trees in southern Germany. During the Medieval Hot Period, from 950 to 1250, wine was produced from grapes grown in the north of England. The cool temperatures of the Little Ice Age, from 1300 to 1850, devastated agriculture, and there was a particularly severe drop in temperature in Europe from 1430 to 1455.
No scientist claims that human activity, whether it is burning wood or clearing forests, is the cause of these global warming and cooling phenomena. Scientists postulate that these historic temperature changes were caused by cyclical ups and downs in solar radiation. The sun has become hotter or cooler. Increases or decreases in volcanic activity and other natural phenomena have also been suggested.
This brings us to our current hot period which began around 1850. Scientists generally don’t believe that the burning of coal during the early years of the Industrial Revolution caused the temperature to rise from 1850 to 1950. Why? The industry was just too small. At that time, the industry was only a fraction of what it is today.
However, some scientists and many politicians blame the industry for the global warming that has occurred since 1950. In this article, we’ll take a look at it.
The United Nations just released another lengthy report on climate change. It’s called Climate Change 2021: The Basis of the Physical Sciences. It was published by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Its conclusions are predictable given the historical positions on global warming and climate change taken by the United Nations over the years.
This particular report is nearly 4,000 pages long, has 234 authors and over 14,000 citations from various studies. It is extremely alarmist. He predicts that Earth’s temperature will rise by at least 1.5 degrees Celsius over the next two decades at best. If nations fail to significantly reduce carbon dioxide emissions, the temperature rise would be significantly over 1.5 degrees Celsius according to the report.
I have read some summaries and comments related to this document. A statement at the end of a comment in the Washington Post was particularly revealing. He says if the nations of Earth meet their current commitments to reduce carbon dioxide; Carbon dioxide emissions will only be reduced by 1% by 2030 from 2010 levels. However, scientists say a 50% reduction is needed.Achieving a 50% reduction by 2030, which is only 9 years away, would require massive authoritarian government intervention to get industry to cut back on fossil fuel consumption and to get individual consumers to cut back. consumption of fossil fuels.
This latest climate report implies that climate alarmists call for the establishment of a totalitarian technocratic government to bypass elected legislatures around the world and impose massive restrictions and controls on industry and individual behavior. . It means a stifling reduction in free enterprise, capitalism and personal freedom. In the United States, the push towards totalitarianism takes the form of the Green New Deal which is a radical initiative against industry and personal freedom.
Let me say that I have personally been very concerned about the environment since I was young. I was active in cleaning the environment on the first Earth Day, April 22, 1970. As a teenager, I picked up litter near a nearby pond in my neighborhood in upstate New York this that day. We all need to work for a clean environment.
I don’t think it’s necessary to institute such massive government controls and shut down much of the industry in order to have a clean environment. Technology is advancing. We have recycling. We have renewable energies, the efficiency of which is increasing. I have been strongly in favor of subsidies for renewable energy. Reasonable progress is being made. The alarmism of the United Nations is exaggerated. Let the cool heads prevail.
The logic for the imposition of authoritarian controls goes like this: the people, meaning the average voters, don’t have the climate science training to make intelligent decisions about climate change and don’t see the need for radical reduction of fossil fuels. But there are experts who do. These experts are called technocrats. They are people with many years of college training in climatology.
These technocrats would be put in positions of power as part of a totalitarian government. The government would impose radical measures in order to avert climate change catastrophe. We’ve seen this “logic” play out in the COVID pandemic. Dr. Fauci is the chief technocrat. Fauci gave the pretext for governors and mayors to impose lockdowns on people and close businesses including restaurants, gyms, bars and hair salons. This destroyed the livelihoods of millions of people in the United States alone. To be fair, some of these measures were justified to stop the spread of COVID. The problem is about the overreach of government in certain liberal US states and in countries such as Australia. Now the UN technocrats want to do radical measures to scale back industry in order to avert an alleged climate change catastrophe.
Let me give a brief thumbnail sketch of the evidence for climate change. Scientists say that carbon dioxide makes up .041% of the total atmosphere. That’s less than one twentieth of one percent. Only about one third of that .041% is man-made carbon dioxide emissions. The climate alarmists take the position that this small manmade increase in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases is enough of an increase to shift the temperature slightly upward. This supposedly causes a domino effect of climate changes that causes an increase in hurricanes, floods, heat waves, droughts, tornadoes and other extreme weather.
The trouble is that there’s no hard science way of proving or disproving this. It’s not like you can put planet earth in a test tube and do experiments on it. All of these climate predictions are made by computerized models. The establishment scientists write the algorithms. They set the input-output. It’s garbage in and garbage out. Climate alarmists want us to forfeit our freedoms in order to follow their educated guesses under guise of science.
Many scientists say that such a tiny percentage of the atmosphere being manmade greenhouse gases could not possibly cause the extreme weather. The UN science is flawed. It’s educated men making educated guesses and guessing wrong. It’s like balancing an elephant on the head of a pin. Water vapor is 97% of all greenhouse gases according to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Mankind thinks it’s so big. However, man’s centuries of industry are mere dust on the scales.
Some climate alarmists claim that the overwhelming majority of scientists agree with their position. Some have asserted that 97% of scientists agree with the extreme view. This is not true. Rick Joyner wrote a book called Living Dangerously In which he discusses the climate change debate. On page 44 of this book he quotes Apollo astronaut Walter Cunningham, a man with extensive scientific training, who studied global warming and climate change for 14 years.
Cunningham said climate alarmism is the biggest fraud in the field of science and the 97% consensus claim is nonsensical. Joyner wrote that Cunningham contended that not even a majority of scientists were convinced of manmade climate change.
The global totalitarian government would also promote abortion and sodomy. The main impediment to that goal is the United states. They wish to make the United States into a totalitarian “progressive” police state.
They want to make America into a country where you’re free to buy pornography or kill your preborn child but not free to own a firearm or choose a good school for your child. The elitists would force you to put your children in failing government run schools to be taught the culture of death. We’re not gonna go away quietly. We’re not gonna go away at all! It’s their culture of death that will die!
This thrust towards totalitarianism is the enemy’s plan to set the world up for the antichrist government described in the Bible in Revelation, chapter 13. This chapter describes a great international world dictator: “And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. If any man have an ear, let him hear” (Revelation 13:6-9).
There is a way to avoid all of this. And that is to turn to Jesus Christ who came in fulfillment of over 300 Old testament prophecies. God sent Jesus Christ, the promised Messiah of Israel, to die for our sins. This is substitutionary atonement in which Christ took the penalty of our sins upon Himself and died in our place. Christ rose again from the dead to offer forgiveness of sins to all who turn to Him in faith and ask for forgiveness of sins. I invite you to turn to Christ today to receive forgiveness of sins.
October 31, 2021 at 10:12 am#891607mikeboll64
BlockedGood stuff, Berean. I wonder if what we’re experiencing now is the beginning of birth pangs before the “days of distress unequaled from the beginning, when God created the world, until now—and never to be equaled again”… or if God will grant us a little earthly justice before that dark and terrible day of the LORD comes.
If the former, then rejoice because the kingdom of God is near. If the latter, rejoice for God has given His people yet another victory on earth – as He has done countless times in the past.
It’s a win-win for Christians. I just pray that if it is the former, God will grant us the strength to hold true to the testimony of Jesus in the face death. (Rev 6:9-11)
July 12, 2022 at 9:22 am#932468Berean
ParticipantThe Vatican Announced its Intention to Abide by the UN Legal Framework on Climate Change and will Offer its “Moral Support” to other States to do the Same
As first reported by Prophesy Again TV, the Vatican announced on July 8, 2022, that they will adhere to the United Nations’ legal framework on climate change. The announcement came from the Vatican Press Office and said that the State of Vatican City will meet all the legal requirements of the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change. The Vatican also announced that the Pope’s encyclical, Laudato Si’, was the justification for making this move and also that Rome, as a religious power, intends to “cooperate” with the different States and use its “moral support” to help them fulfill their duties and “challenges posed by climate change.”
The Vatican has vowed to support the radical globalist agenda of the World Economic Forum and the United Nations for the upcoming Great Reset. They want everyone else to join them as well. The New World Order’s most sacred mission is to spread the gospel of climate change. The Vatican Press Office agenda includes much more than just the environment. Additionally, they mentioned reshaping our entire political, social, economic, and ethical systems.
Pope Francis has changed the church’s mission. Climate change is the new emphasis. Protestants and Catholics all over the world are being urged to participate in this new initiative. They now think that the greatest threat to human life is climate change, not the abominable sins that destroy marriage, families, churches, and society. This global movement to raise awareness of environmental issues is unsupported by the Bible. The purpose of the gospel of Jesus Christ is to save souls who are “slaves of sin,” not to change the world’s external political systems (John 8:34). Any church or pastor who would dare to alter the true message and mission of the church would be under a divine curse.
“But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.” Galatians 1:8, 9.
Click to read the full story: http://adventmessenger.org/the-vatican-announced-its-intention-to-abide-by-the-un-legal-framework-on-climate-change-and-will-offer-its-moral-support-to-other-states-to-do-the-same/
God bless
August 31, 2022 at 8:53 am#933548Berean
ParticipantHi to all
Economists Claim that the Repeal of the Blue Laws has resulted in the Collapse of our Social Fabric, Large-scale Wars, Natural Disasters, Despair, and Death
Economists Claim that the Repeal of the Blue Laws has resulted in the Collapse of our Social Fabric, Large-scale Wars, Natural Disasters, Despair, and Death
On August 30, 2022, Chad Pecknold, associate professor of theology at The Catholic University of America and Director of the Institute for Faith & Public Culture, published an article titled “Blue Laws Needed to Reverse Our Despair.” The article was highlighting a new study conducted by economists that claims to show a “profound correlation between deaths of despair and the repeal of blue laws.” The article said:
• “The authors track the rising despair and the decline of religion most precisely to the repeal of blue laws.”
• “These laws have been shown to be strongly related to religious practice, creating discrete changes in incentives to attend religious services . . . the repeal of these laws lowered religious participation.”
• “To repeal such laws, and the legislators and justices who did the repealing, failed to foresee how damaging the loss of such laws would be on ‘the social fabric of communities generally.”
• “Among their findings is that the loss of blue laws depressed religious participation, and that this in turn made very significant portion of the population unstable, lacking the strength of ‘religiosity,’ unable to deal with ‘enormous negative shocks’ such as large-scale wars and natural disasters—which is to say, unable to deal with suffering.”
• “Laws supporting Christian devotion are not contrary to the common good of Rome, but positively in its interest. So it is for us today.”
• “I do not believe we can survive as a country without restoring something as simple as blue laws. Even if you were an atheist, you could at least see it from the point of view of the economist.”
The current social unrest is paving the way for the fulfillment of the prophecies of Revelation 13. In the face of severe political and economic turmoil, religious, political, and economic leaders will seek to restore the Blue Laws, also known as Sunday Laws, as the solution to humanity’s problems. The ultimate goal is to create a new world of lasting peace and security for all humanity by limiting or prohibiting all secular activities on Sunday in order to coerce people to attend church.
Today, almost the entire world is arguing that Sunday will be the solution to our environmental, moral, economic, and social problems. This is the same message found in Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’. While the entire world is wondering after the beast of Revelation and unites to embrace the common good (the mark of the beast), God will have a people who will keep His commandments, not man’s (Revelation 12:17, 14:12, 22:14).
“Satan will do the evil deeds he has long wished to do. Storm and tempest, war and bloodshed,—in these things he delights, and thus he gathers in his harvest. And so completely will men be deceived by him that they will declare that these calamities are the result of the desecration of the first day of the week.” (Review and Herald, 9/17/1901).
God bless
April 24, 2023 at 7:46 am#943203Berean
ParticipantHi to all
Pope Francis Says that the Climate Crisis “Demands the Creation of New and Far-sighted Economic Models”
On April 20, 2023, Pope Francis hosted a delegation of British interfaith leaders from Greater Manchester at the Vatican. According to the Vatican’s Holy Press Office, Francis urged the need to protect the environment by creating new economic models in light of the principles expressed in Laudato Si’. Pope Francis said:
• “I express my appreciation for your efforts, as religious and political leaders, to raise awareness of the urgent need to protect the environment and to work concretely to address the effects of climate change.”
• “Our present commitment to safeguarding God’s gift of creation must be part of a broader effort to promote an integral ecology.”
• “We need, in a word, to acknowledge that the environmental and social crisis of our time are not two separate crises but one (Laudato Si’, 139).”
• “Certainly, this demands the creation of new and far-sighted economic models.”
• “Yet it also requires a determination to overcome the “throwaway” culture of waste generated by present-day consumerism and by a globalized indifference that inhibits efforts to address these human and social problems in the light of the common good.
• “Your group is distinguished by its common witness to the intrinsically moral and religious dimension of our duty to protect the environment.”
• “You play an important role in contributing to a much-needed ecological conversion.”
Rome is the puppet master that is making decisions and dictating policies that will affect the lives of billions of people. And you may be wondering how they will convince the world to completely alter their economies. They have been using the Covid crisis, the Ukraine/Russia crisis, the banking crisis, the climate crisis, the immigration crisis, the food crisis, and every other crisis to push for systemic changes. The strategy is to use anxiety as leverage to manipulate people and change the world.
Pope Francis has an obsession with climate change, and he is using the so-called climate crisis as a justification to fundamentally transform the world, its economy, and its laws. The foundation for the new “economic models” is contained in his papal encyclicals Fratelli Tutti and Laudato Si’. The Pope’s Catholic social teachings will force all governments, corporations, and individuals to embrace Rome’s solutions.
Pope Francis is talking about the most ambitious and radical plan the world has ever seen. No previous Pope has called for this kind of global response – to tear down all the current political and economic systems. The world is giving up its freedoms for Rome’s agenda. In fact, Rome has been preparing for this for centuries. The deadly wound is almost completely healed. Soon she will be in a position to impose her will on the world. When the papacy finally reclaims complete power and world dominance, it will not miss the opportunity to achieve its ultimate goal—a universal Sunday-Sabbath Law.
Click to read the full story: http://adventmessenger.org/pope-francis-says-that-the-climate-crisis-demands-the-creation-of-new-and-far-sighted-economic-models/
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