Jesus: god the son or son of god?

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    Nick……….If you don't believe we are recreated with a new Body then you don't understand the resurrection at all it's all about a new body as well as a new SPIRIT. “BEHOLD (I) CREATE ALL THING A NEW.” Yes a resurrection is a new creation Both in BODY as Well as SPIRIT. Again the problem Here is you do not understand what (SPIRIT) (IS)> Nick the (SUM) of GOD”S word is TRUTH, not just some jot or title here or there, but we must put it together and with God's Spirit that is possible. Nothing i have said is contrary to GOD'S word as far as i Know. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours……………………gene


    The sons of God are to be given a new heavenly body like to the present one of the Son of God.
    But Jesus was raised IN his old torn and tattered one with holes in it that Thomas could put his fingers in.

    His body did not see corruption.


    Jesus said in Jn17

    “Thy word is truth”
    “THE SUM OF thy word is truth”
    Additions like this are unhelpful.


    Nick………The reason i say that is because many take just one part of God's Words out of context by improperly applying them. Psa 139: 17…> How precious also are they thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the SUM of them. If we learn to incorporate (ALL) of GOD words involved in a subject we can get a better understanding of what is being said, That is all my point is. To many people just take one verse and try to make a doctrine or teaching out of It , instead of considering all said about the subject. I should have not put the quote marks there i agree.

    peace and love……………….gene


    some take the word out of context


    Quote (Gene @ Aug. 30 2009,06:27)
    Nick……….It's understanding those teachings that counts, not just Parroting them. With GOD'S spirit we are able to understand what is meant by the words Jesus has told us. (HEAR WHAT THE SPIRIT SAY'S),  IT UNFOLDS THE TRUTH OF GOD TO US. Brethren you have no need of a teacher for the SPIRIT ITSELF teaches you all things, and again “NO YOU NOT THAT YOU SHALL (ALL) BE TAUGHT BY GOD. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours………………………..gene

    Absolutely agree. We can read a scripture till the cow's come home, but if we are seeing it with carnal eyes and not our spiritual eyes, comparing it scripture to scripture, we will be just quoting and not understanding.

    It is well to memorize scripture but even more, it is better to understand what you are memorizing. I know atheists who can quote scripture much better than I can. What they have is a great memory, not an understanding of what they have read. Open my spiritual understanding Lord is always my prayer.




    How can you hope to understand scripture when you keep adding to it your own stuff?


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Aug. 30 2009,11:40)
    How can you hope to understand scripture when you keep adding to it your own stuff?

    Nick……….Here is a good example of what I am talking about. WE have talked about what SPIRIT is Here a lot. I said SPirit is (INTELLECT) expressed by words. I gave Jesus own words about it that backed up what i was saying. Jesus said “The words i am telling you (ARE) SPIRIT and LIFE> but you have never been able to put that together as to what it is saying. I explained it as a word is the expression of one intellect about something and Therefore Spirit as said by Jesus (ARE) WORDS . But you failed to see that why? Because you did not see the word intellect there, but fail to realize that a (word) is the expression of one intellect. I also explained to you that, thats why we are told to try the Spirits to see if they were of GOD. When we do that we are trying someones words. you still could not get it. Now please explain what a Spirit Is seeing you disagree with what i Said, what is SPIRIT NICK?. You have never answered that question, is it because you really don't know and if you don't why criticize what i was saying if you have no idea what Spirit is, I was just accepting Jesus' words describing what Spirit was. IMO

    peace and love…………………..gene


    Ill say a spirit is a presence, somthing like a ghost (ex Holy Ghost), cannot be touched bt can be felt. am I right?


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Aug. 30 2009,07:11)
    The sons of God are to be given a new heavenly body like to the present one of the Son of God.
    But Jesus was raised IN his old torn and tattered one with holes in it  that Thomas could put his fingers in.

    His body did not see corruption.

    Nick! Would you call that a Glorified Body?

    What Body did Jesus have when He became a Human Being, did He not give up His Spirit Nature to take on our nature;
    Because He died for us, Human and not Angels.

    Peace and Love Irene


    JN…………..Spirit is what animates a BODY, it is useless without a body to animate, all Spirit comes from (ONE) Source GOD who is Spirit as Jesus said He was , You can't see spirit you can only through the mind see and hear, or sense its effects. because it is unseen, but without Spirit nothing Organic can live because all life is a result of spirit, and has its being through Spirit , Spirit is the (LIFE) of the WORLD and everything in it. Jesus said the (WORDS) (expressed intellect) he spoke, ARE Spirit and ARE Life. Just believe that brother. WE all have our very being in GOD always have and always will, for without GOD there is (NO) life. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours………………………gene


    Natural men have a human spirit lent to them, which like that of the animals returns to God[ecc], but are no part of the Spirit of God.
    You must be reborn from above by the Spirit of the living God.

    How does intellect sustain life-only an intellectual could suggest that -but you UNDERSTAND scripture?
    Perhaps you should keep parroting what is sacred till your own thoughts assume a lower place.


    ye must be born agin of water and of spirit


    Quote (Cindy @ Aug. 31 2009,01:58)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Aug. 30 2009,07:11)
    The sons of God are to be given a new heavenly body like to the present one of the Son of God.
    But Jesus was raised IN his old torn and tattered one with holes in it  that Thomas could put his fingers in.

    His body did not see corruption.

    Nick!  Would you call that a Glorified Body?  

    What Body did Jesus have when He became a Human Being, did He not give up His Spirit Nature to take on our nature;
    Because He died for us, Human and not Angels.

    Peace and Love Irene

    hi Irene,
    No Jesus was raised in his original damaged perishable body.[lk24]
    Now we shall be like in in a new heavenly body.[1Cor15]


    Nick!  When I read in John 17 and I see what Jesus quoted, I have to again disagree with you.  He had a Spirit Body, before He emptied Himself and became a man. But before that He was a Spirit and
    Col. 1:15-17 and
    Rev. 3:14 and
    John 1:1 tells us so.

    Now as a
    man He says in

    John 17:5 ” And now, O Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory I had with You before the world was.”  

    That shows us two things, first that He preexisted before He became a man.  Second that He wanted to take on the same GLORY He had with the Father before He became a a man. IMO that was a Spirit Body.  Question why would He want to stay in  that same tattered body, like you said?
    We will have a New Body too.  Some will have Spiritual Bodies and others that will inherit the earth, are they also Spirit Bodies? Glorified Bodies, Or earthly bodies?  
    John 17: 11 Jesus also said:”  Now I am no longer on the world, but these are in the world and I come to You.  Holy Father, keep through Your name those whom You have given Me, and that they may be one as we are.  

    1 Corinth. 15:43  It is sown in dishonor, it is raised in  glory; It is sown in weakness, it is raised in power.  
    verse 44 It is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body.  There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body.

    verse 46 However, the spiritual is not first, but the natural, and afterward the spiritual.

    Question  Is this meant for the Saints only ore for all that are in Christ Jesus and are His?

    Peace and Love Irene


    hi Irene,
    No Jesus was raised in his original damaged perishable body.[lk24]

    As has been pointed out to you, many scriptures directly disagree with this idea.


    Hi david,

    Then how is Acts 2.31-32 proven to be fulfilled?

    Why do you have to add to Lk 24 to make it support the official JW line?


    Then how is Acts 2.31-32 proven to be fulfilled?

    ACTS 2:31-32
    “he saw beforehand and spoke concerning the resurrection of the Christ, that neither was he forsaken in Ha′des nor did his flesh see corruption. This Jesus God resurrected, of which fact we are all witnesses.”

    And you also have these scriptures:
    PSALM 16:10
    “For you will not leave my soul in She′ol. You will not allow your loyal one to see the pit.”

    ACTS 13:35
    “Hence he also says in another psalm, ‘You will not allow your loyal one to see corruption.’”

    ACTS 13:37
    “On the other hand, he whom God raised up did not see corruption.”

    Nick, I'm not suggesting that Jesus body was left there to decompose.  It clearly wasn't.  

    Why do you have to add to Lk 24 to make it support the official JW line?

    What did I add and which scripture are you actually talking about it.  Quote the scripture and then show what I added.


    “His soul was not left in hell, neither his flesh did see corruption.” (Acts 2:31, King James Version; Psalm 16:10)

    No, the body of Jesus never had time to become corrupt in the grave, that is, to decay.

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