Jehovah's witnesses

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  • #225392


    why would DAVID answer this sort of questions ,you can find all those answers in other topics if you dare to search for,

    or start this topic from the beginning

    and one more question ,what are your intention for those sort of question??? is it to learn or to discredit a servant of God just like you are ,the scriptures say “who are you to judge someone else servant ?

    now if you show scriptures were you are sure there is false teaching on there part this I would like to see for my self,so please do so





    Jehovah's Witnesses have good teachings, they do good………they “witness” as in scripture. However, they dont believe in healing, also I found their 'church meetings' boring. Have you been to any ? Iv often thought of being one, I know some of them. But I prefer to follow God not Man's teachings, they follow books and magazines too much I found ?


    Quote (shimmer @ Nov. 18 2010,17:09)


    Jehovah's Witnesses have good teachings, they do good………they “witness” as in scripture. However, they dont believe in healing, also I found their 'church meetings' boring. Have you been to any ? Iv often thought of being one, I know some of them. But I prefer to follow God not Man's teachings, they follow books and magazines too much I found ?

    Let me correct myself 0_0, i've been studying with the JW's all my life in NY before I moved to atlanta, I stopped in atlanta and life sucked, I then moved back to NY and absorbed stuff like a sponge(started studying again). Miracles or healing has died with the apostles and as for books and mags, bible writers had extra books not in the bible for example…

    Book of the Wars of Jehovah
    Numbers 21:14-15

    Book of Jashar
    Joshua 10:13

    the book of the affairs of the days of the kings of Israel
    1 Kings 14:19

    The book of the affairs of the times of the kings of Judah
    1 Kings 14:29

    AND MANY MORE, it's true the JW's leaders are NOT inspired but these men were, but the point is they were UNINSPIRED books used as source material. Also the mags and books have more scriptures then most sermons from churches :laugh:

    As for the meetings being boring, I prefer learning about my God, instead of watching a movie and randomly shouting incoherently.

    I also been to the patterson and Walkill branches and ate their LITERAL food. If this really was a cult shouldn't I be been dead by now? After all their food would have been poisoned right :p


    betweenchristendomandjws, Hi.

    I studied with them too. I have known them half of my life, some really good people in there,

    But healing, I believe in healing, its called not doubting, do you believe that you can ask for anything, with faith, and you will see answers ? I believe in this, but the JW'S dont.

    What is that last thing you were saying ?  Whats patterson and walkill branches ?


    Quote (terraricca @ Nov. 18 2010,15:47)

    why would DAVID answer this sort of questions ,you can find all those answers in other topics if you dare to search for,

    or start this topic from the beginning

    and one more question ,what are your intention for those sort of question??? is it to learn or to discredit a servant of God just like you are ,the scriptures say “who are you to judge someone else servant ?

    now if you show scriptures were you are sure there is false teaching on there part this I would like to see for my self,so please do so


    Greetings Pierre…..David is a man of conviction and is purposed in the propergation of his faith….what better forum to field test a belief system…if his mind was closed he would not be here…Even a broken clock is correct twice a day…This is not say that David is a broken clock,it is to say he is correct on occasions..


    Quote (theodorej @ Nov. 20 2010,05:53)

    Quote (terraricca @ Nov. 18 2010,15:47)

    why would DAVID answer this sort of questions ,you can find all those answers in other topics if you dare to search for,

    or start this topic from the beginning

    and one more question ,what are your intention for those sort of question??? is it to learn or to discredit a servant of God just like you are ,the scriptures say “who are you to judge someone else servant ?

    now if you show scriptures were you are sure there is false teaching on there part this I would like to see for my self,so please do so


    Greetings Pierre…..David is a man of conviction and is purposed in the propergation of his faith….what better forum to field test a belief system…if his mind was closed he would not be here…Even a broken clock is correct twice a day…This is not say that David is a broken clock,it is to say he is correct on occasions..

    hi Theo

    my point is that David does not discuss those points ,we all know wen someone beats your religion of wrong doing ,you are not involved in those things ,and all what happen are related to men wanting powers and believing they do it with the blessing of God,just like Paul.

    what i have against them is 1975 the end,this made lot of trouble,to many.



    Quote (shimmer @ Nov. 19 2010,22:25)
    betweenchristendomandjws, Hi.

    I studied with them too. I have known them half of my life, some really good people in there,

    But healing, I believe in healing, its called not doubting, do you believe that you can ask for anything, with faith, and you will see answers ? I believe in this, but the JW'S dont.

    What is that last thing you were saying ?  Whats patterson and walkill branches ?

    Interesting your known them half your life and you never been to any of the headquarters? Walkill and Patterson are bethel branches of the headquarters. That's where everything gets done.


    betweenchristendomandjws , really I have no idea about their headquarters, ok.

    So are you going to become one, a baptised JW ?

    Ed J

    Quote (betweenchristendomandjws @ Nov. 20 2010,05:08)

    Quote (shimmer @ Nov. 19 2010,22:25)
    betweenchristendomandjws, Hi.

    I studied with them too. I have known them half of my life, some really good people in there,

    But healing, I believe in healing, its called not doubting, do you believe that you can ask for anything, with faith, and you will see answers ? I believe in this, but the JW'S dont.

    What is that last thing you were saying ?  Whats patterson and walkill branches ?

    Interesting your known them half your life and you never been to any of the headquarters? Walkill and Patterson are bethel branches of the headquarters. That's where everything gets done.

    Hi Between,

    Hey, nice pic!
    When was it taken?

    God bless
    Ed J


    Quote (shimmer @ Nov. 20 2010,07:06)
    betweenchristendomandjws , really I have no idea about their headquarters, ok.

    So are you going to become one, a baptised JW ?

    Yes, I am I know the 6 traits of babylon and this is the only modern religion that doesn't practice one of the 6 traits of babylon. I'll most likely be baptized before i'm 25. Please explain what do you mean by healing, I have an idea but I can be wrong.

    @ED: the pic was taken several years ago, it's also my main avatar online.


    Quote (betweenchristendomandjws @ Nov. 20 2010,14:58)

    Quote (shimmer @ Nov. 20 2010,07:06)
    betweenchristendomandjws , really I have no idea about their headquarters, ok.

    So are you going to become one, a baptised JW ?

    Yes, I am I know the 6 traits of babylon and this is the only modern religion that doesn't practice one of the 6 traits of babylon. I'll most likely be baptized before i'm 25. Please explain what do you mean by healing, I have an idea but I can be wrong.


    I think Jehovah's Witnesses are a good choice,  they dont go to war, they dont involve themself in Politics, they witness which is good,  however there are some things you should be aware of,

    My main concern with them, is that they dont believe that God heals today,

    Think about it. Have you experienced Gods healing ? Have you prayed with faith for Yourself/Family/Friend/Neighbour and asked for help and seen results of that prayer ?  Results which werent just coincidence ?

    You know if we pray God knows what it is before we even say, God wants us to go to him thats all, and if we ask with all of our heart, and we know God hears us, and we know God can do anything, if we ask without doubting at all, but having faith absolute in his power, then you will be amazed.

    SO, my point here is, JW's dont believe that God heals today. They say Satan is behind things like this, However I would rather believe God….

    Exodus 15:26 “I am Jehovah who heals you.

    Exodus 23:25 ” I will take sickness away from your midst.

    Psalms 103:2 “Praise Jehovah, my soul, and don't forget all his benefits; who forgives all your sins; who heals all your diseases”

    And that is just a bit, just what I could find.

    Jesus healed,
    The 12 disciples healed,
    The 70 other disciples were sent out to HEAL.

    James 5:14 “Is any among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the assembly, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord,  and the prayer of faith will heal him who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up. If he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.

    “He said to them, “Because of your unbelief. For most certainly I tell you, if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you will tell this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.”

    Do you see that ?


    betweenchristendomandjws, it seems most of the men on this forum would rather talk about pre-existance, begotten, worship…..whatever they take the bait in…..whatever the other main threads are about, they seem to focus only on a few things at a time….or repeat over and over the same things….sorry about that !

    JA or Mike you both know heaps about JWs dont you ?


    Shimmer you mind if I take part of what you said??

    Think about it. Have you experienced Gods healing ? Have you prayed with faith for Yourself/Family/Friend/Neighbour and asked for help and seen results of that prayer ? Results which werent just coincidence ?

    All my prayers are sincere, they are not for selfish reasons and are always out of faith. I can and should pray more but at the same time it's not memorized prayers and i'm slow to tongue like Moses:laugh:. I've gotten one of my prayers answered without coincidence.


    Srry for double posting but there's no edit button -_-. It seems that your mixing miraculous healing such as healing the lame, expelling demons etc with non coincidental answered prayers, correct me if i'm wrong.


    Hi BetweenCDandJWs.

    Edit you can only have after posting a while, some problems they had in the past. So do like a hundred posts and you should be ok to have it.

    Ok, Healing.

    If you ask anything in prayer with faith and you don't doubt you will be amazed.

    So you ask with all of your heart. You tell the Father. Tell Him all. Ask for what you need. (Healing, healing of a loved one, help for the neighbour, or maybe love, help, help with anger, help with being tested, anything)  and have faith that He hears you and is right there… that he feels you and knows. Faith that He will do something to help, never doubt for a moment as you do this, and you will have answers.

    I have had this so many times, its amazing. Have faith and dont doubt. Know God want's whats best for you. God understands, our weaknesses and all.

    The JWs say that this doesnt happen anymore or something. Sad that they believe that. Because I like them.


    Quote (shimmer @ Dec. 06 2010,18:51)
    Hi BetweenCDandJWs.

    Edit you can only have after posting a while, some problems they had in the past. So do like a hundred posts and you should be ok to have it.

    Ok, Healing.

    If you ask anything in prayer with faith and you don't doubt you will be amazed.

    So you ask with all of your heart. You tell the Father. Tell Him all. Ask for what you need. (Healing, healing of a loved one, help for the neighbour, or maybe love, help, help with anger, help with being tested, anything)  and have faith that He hears you and is right there… that he feels you and knows. Faith that He will do something to help, never doubt for a moment as you do this, and you will have answers.

    I have had this so many times, its amazing. Have faith and dont doubt. Know God want's whats best for you. God understands, our weaknesses and all.

    The JWs say that this doesnt happen anymore or something. Sad that they believe that. Because I like them.

    Shimmer ………..Very well put sis.

    Faith in GOD the FATHER as the ONLY true GOD and Healer and our Helper in our times of need is the only true way to establish a true relationship with him. When he responds to our prayers and we see it in our lives it increases our Faith in HIM. If we do not forget it, some think their scriptural knowledge is what counts and in fact it does not , it is not wrong, but that knowledge does not truly increase anyones faith in GOD , it is the Relationship we have with HIM and Jesus that really counts in the end. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours………………………gene


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Dec. 07 2010,03:44)
    Shimmer ………..Very well put sis.

    Faith in GOD the FATHER as the ONLY true GOD and Healer and our Helper in our times of need is the only true way to establish a true relationship with him. When he responds to our prayers and we see it in our lives it increases our Faith in HIM. If we do not forget it, some think their scriptural knowledge is what counts and in fact it does not , it is not wrong, but that knowledge does not truly increase anyones faith in GOD , it is the Relationship we have with HIM and Jesus that really counts in the end. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours………………………gene

    Amen Gene. So well said. So true.


    Quote (shimmer @ Dec. 06 2010,18:51)
    Hi BetweenCDandJWs.

    Edit you can only have after posting a while, some problems they had in the past. So do like a hundred posts and you should be ok to have it.

    Ok, Healing.

    If you ask anything in prayer with faith and you don't doubt you will be amazed.

    So you ask with all of your heart. You tell the Father. Tell Him all. Ask for what you need. (Healing, healing of a loved one, help for the neighbour, or maybe love, help, help with anger, help with being tested, anything)  and have faith that He hears you and is right there… that he feels you and knows. Faith that He will do something to help, never doubt for a moment as you do this, and you will have answers.

    I have had this so many times, its amazing. Have faith and dont doubt. Know God want's whats best for you. God understands, our weaknesses and all.

    The JWs say that this doesnt happen anymore or something. Sad that they believe that. Because I like them.

    If I was asking you to explain the trinity to me I would say you err greatly.

    Your definition of healing is completely opposite to what the definition of healing is in the bible.

    Matthew 10:8 explains it quite well. It's not the ability to believe God will answer your prayers. Today we do not raise the dead and among other things. I pray to Jehovah without doubt, but I know I don't resurrect the dead as well, do you resurrect the dead?


    Quote (betweenchristendomandjws @ Dec. 07 2010,10:01)

    Quote (shimmer @ Dec. 06 2010,18:51)
    Hi BetweenCDandJWs.

    Edit you can only have after posting a while, some problems they had in the past. So do like a hundred posts and you should be ok to have it.

    Ok, Healing.

    If you ask anything in prayer with faith and you don't doubt you will be amazed.

    So you ask with all of your heart. You tell the Father. Tell Him all. Ask for what you need. (Healing, healing of a loved one, help for the neighbour, or maybe love, help, help with anger, help with being tested, anything)  and have faith that He hears you and is right there… that he feels you and knows. Faith that He will do something to help, never doubt for a moment as you do this, and you will have answers.

    I have had this so many times, its amazing. Have faith and dont doubt. Know God want's whats best for you. God understands, our weaknesses and all.

    The JWs say that this doesnt happen anymore or something. Sad that they believe that. Because I like them.

    If I was asking you to explain the trinity to me I would say you err greatly.

    Your definition of healing is completely opposite to what the definition of healing is in the bible.

    Matthew 10:8 explains it quite well. It's not the ability to believe God will answer your prayers. Today we do not raise the dead and among other things. I pray to Jehovah without doubt, but I know I don't resurrect the dead as well, do you resurrect the dead?

    Run, run, far away.
    Seek the Face of God

    There is no greater advice than that.


    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Dec. 07 2010,18:08)

    Quote (betweenchristendomandjws @ Dec. 07 2010,10:01)

    Quote (shimmer @ Dec. 06 2010,18:51)
    Hi BetweenCDandJWs.

    Edit you can only have after posting a while, some problems they had in the past. So do like a hundred posts and you should be ok to have it.

    Ok, Healing.

    If you ask anything in prayer with faith and you don't doubt you will be amazed.

    So you ask with all of your heart. You tell the Father. Tell Him all. Ask for what you need. (Healing, healing of a loved one, help for the neighbour, or maybe love, help, help with anger, help with being tested, anything)  and have faith that He hears you and is right there… that he feels you and knows. Faith that He will do something to help, never doubt for a moment as you do this, and you will have answers.

    I have had this so many times, its amazing. Have faith and dont doubt. Know God want's whats best for you. God understands, our weaknesses and all.

    The JWs say that this doesnt happen anymore or something. Sad that they believe that. Because I like them.

    If I was asking you to explain the trinity to me I would say you err greatly.

    Your definition of healing is completely opposite to what the definition of healing is in the bible.

    Matthew 10:8 explains it quite well. It's not the ability to believe God will answer your prayers. Today we do not raise the dead and among other things. I pray to Jehovah without doubt, but I know I don't resurrect the dead as well, do you resurrect the dead?

    Run, run, far away.
    Seek the Face of God

    There is no greater advice than that.

    What? Did you mean “force” or are you being sarcastic.

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