Islamic Immigration

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    This past fall I became involved in an ESL (English as a second language) ministry with my church. I have refugees from Sudan, Iraq, Peru, Panama, New Delhi, and Columbia in my class. I have grown very fond of them. A young mother of one of the families from Iraq told me that her uncle and two cousins were shot and killed by ISIS. The Uncle was working in his holy book store when it happened. He was a Muslim. They all have their stories of seeking escape from the radicals. They are feeling safe in America but also very lonely for their families that they left behind. I meet with them about once a week normally. The last time I met with them I explained the history of the Passover to them to prepare them for the message of the cross and resurrection that they were about to hear from one of our missions pastors. The Muslims knew a lot about the history but of course are in denial about who the son was of Abraham that received the covenant promise and whose family line the Messiah would descend from. After class, I had one of the Muslims stay after and ask me several questions about what Christians believe. I see this as a great mission field.

    My city also had a terrorist shoot up and kill some soldiers. The terrorist was a radical Muslim. He also died during the confrontation. He and his family were part of the community here for years. My friend knew him and her son used to wrestle him during wrestling matches. You just never really know who is going to be a bad guy. That kid had recently spent the year in Afghanistan before he went on a terror shooting spree.

    We are not to fear those who can merely kill the body. We are to fear the ONE who can destroy both the body and the soul in hell.

    I’m not in favor of just having a wide open door to the Muslims/refugees seeking to come to America. We need a strong vetting process. We also need to help take out the enemy that is causing them to want to leave their country. I believe that they would prefer to live in their country in safety. They really have a lot of guts to come to a country and not know the language well or the customs. I can’t imagine being in their shoes. Many of them have given up decent careers to take whatever job they can find. A lot of them are in a chicken factory butchering one chicken after another…all day long. It stinks, they don’t like it. They long to be able to do a better job. Until their English improves, there is not much for them to choose from.

    Matt 10:28 “Do not fear those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.



    If Muslims were successful in their aspirations for Islam, you would become part of the Infidel class. That means you pay more tax if you wish to remain Christian. But it could also mean having your head cut off. BTW, this has been going on in the Middle East for centuries to the point that Christians are almost extinct in the area where they were once abundant. Think about that for a moment. It would be tribulation for you. Unless of course you decide to deny Jesus Christ as the Lord and son of God and convert to Islam and accept Muhammad as your prophet.

    I don’t think you understand.
    To follow Christ… we must have love for the lost.
    Pharisees are a different matter.
    hating on a religion that is different than yours… is not productive for you.
    I don’t hate Muslims… I don’t hate gays either. As someone said “If you are nice to me, I will be nice to you, it’s as simple as that.” Unquote, and even if you are not nice to me I will still be nice to you, as far as my personality type goes… and if I am killed handing a Muslims a bible by ISIS, then I die with love for my God, and I hope that person I was handing the bible too, saw that, and will take it. And my faith makes me know that Muslim will. Why do you fear what can kill the body?


    That is good Lightenup.


    Good post LU.

    I am not disagreeing with you regarding reaching out to them. Of course, this is very important. Every soul is precious in God’s sight.

    I think invasion of one culture into another is a different point entirely. While that may not be happening in USA, (but could depending on politics), it is happening in Europe. It is estimated that large swathes of Europe could be dominated by Islam in 2050. That could be the death of many European cultures, which is what happened in the Middle East when Christians were slaughtered to the point of extinction. While some of us will go through Tribulation, I am not so sure that politics that encourages it is wise. For example, there are not many Christians left in the Middle East to preach to the lost. I hope Europe doesn’t go that way, but it might and we do know that dark times are in the future. Scripture does say that people can repent and God can heal the land, but politics that leads to genocide is how can I put it, what you sow you shall reap.I think that many in the West are for Islam only because Islam is an enemy of Christian and Jew, and so they have that same hate even though they make for odd bedfellows.


    Miia, we fight not against flesh and blood, but principalities and powers in high places. There are probably principalities that rule over the Muslim world that lead to many souls being taught that Jesus is NOT the son of God, but a prophet of Islam. While you may be okay with that, I am not. This religion is Antichrist as proven by their confession and principle that they deny the Father and the Son. Their God is not a Father and has not a son. The description of that particular god matches the god of this world and I am not a supporter of that god. That god hates man who was made in God’s image. I believe in the light and the truth and Islam classes me as an infidel for this. I am not into appeasement either. It is the light or the darkness. Some cultures are more swayed toward the Antichrist spirit than others.

    We love our enemies for sure, but I wouldn’t be foolish and invite a murderer (whom I should love) into my house with my kids. I could better help such a person without endangering my family. Leaders of nations should protect their populace. It is one of the primary purposes of a leader. It is reckless to allow invasion and naive to think that you can allow invasion and then convert them.

    Many do not understand what is going on because they are not wired for protection. They are naive and do not realise that their freedom came from huge sacrifice from others. They are not aware that nations and even the world can change very fast. It only takes one generation to fall asleep to end your way of life forever. Of course we are talking about politics here. Faith is about acting in the right way given the circumstances. Being foolish and inviting evil will test our faith, but I do not think such people who invite tribulation are wise.


    When God made man in his image he made them male and female. It is common knowledge that males tend to be the more aggressive and protective of the genders and females more the nurturers and carers. Notice I said ‘tend’, not ‘are’. It is also true that males can nurture and females can protect. Regarding this conversation, I think the females here are ignoring the protecting aspect and going for the nurture only and I am saying that protection is important and trying to recognise the nurture and care for these people. God encompasses both and so we need a good balance in order to do things in the right measure as God does.

    Clearly we see God cares for us, but we also see that God protects us and protects Israel when they have not completely alienated him. I think failure to protect our families and nation leads to a curse. We should be able to appreciate that some are wired to protect and not class them as bad.

    He that has no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.

    And he took courage and rebuilt all the wall that had been broken down and erected towers on it, and built another outside wall and strengthened the Millo in the city of David, and made weapons and shields in great number.

    They said to me, “The remnant there in the province who survived the captivity are in great distress and reproach, and the wall of Jerusalem is broken down and its gates are burned with fire.”

    “Behold, I am bringing a nation against you from afar, O house of Israel,” declares the LORD. “It is an enduring nation, It is an ancient nation, A nation whose language you do not know, Nor can you understand what they say.

    When God let another nation overtake his people, it was because they were cursed.


    “These descriptions are very ugly, it is offensive and an insult to our religion. There is no moderate or immoderate Islam. Islam is Islam and that’s it.”
    — President Erdoğan of Turkey



    Those who keep their faith during tribulation.

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