Islamic Empire

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    Apocalypse NOW: The battle sites that ISIS predict will bring about the end of the world

    DERANGED Islamic State (ISIS) leaders have predicted the world will come to a brutal and bloody end with an almighty clash between jihadist and ‘infidel’ armies in the heart of Europe.

    The savage terror group was founded on the belief that all civilisations will crumble in an imminent apocalypse, with their wild theory also identifying four likely locations for a battle they claim will bring about the end of the world.

    Three of those sites exist in the Middle East, including two in Syria and one in Israel.

    But the fanatics have also pinpointed Italy’s capital Rome as the site of another great clash between their soldiers and the West.

    “The Muslim armies are supposed to take over Rome, and eventually they are supposed to take over the whole world,” explained William McCants, a US expert on jihadism, who has written a new book on the ISIS obsession with the apocalypse.

    “The group believes that Muslims will conquer the Italian capital in the course of conquering the entire world. There will be an ultimate victory for Islam and then the end of the world comes.”

    ISIS may claim that the end is nigh, but unsurpisingly their senior leaders – such as US most-wanted Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi – have failed to put an exact date on it.

    In fact, according to the terror group, the apocalypse doesn’t have a fixed date.

    The ISIS expert said: “They don’t put any dates on it, what they do is peg it to events and geographic locations that are mentioned in Islamic prophecy.”

    Key among those locations is the tiny town of Dabiq in northern Syria, which the murderous regime believes will host a “major apocalyptic showdown with the armies of the infidel”.

    ISIS claim the battle will erupt in a field outside the small town, which in 2004 recorded a population of just 3,000 people.

    ISIS evens named its terrorist propaganda and recruitment magazine after the settlement, which lies around six miles from the Turkish border.


    I believe that when the nations will have enough of their(isis) rhetorics they will get all together and just like with hitler germany destroy them ,but this time it is a lesson to the Muslim world and it may bring the totally separation of religion and state ,then peace can be seen ;so will be the end


    ‘Islam will be the death of Europe’ protesters chanted in Warsaw’

    Thousands of angry protesters took to the streets in Eastern Europe to voice their opposition to the influx of migrants into the region.

    ‘Islam will be the death of Europe’ chanted protesters at a rally in Warsaw, with the pre-dominantly Roman Catholic crowd reaching as many as 5,000 people.

    Hundreds of people also demonstrated in Prague and in the Slovak capital Bratislava, some holding banners reading: ‘You’re not welcome here so go home’.

    ‘These migrants are not coming our way from war zones but from camps in Syria’s neighbours, he claimed.

    The International Organization for Migration said on Friday that more than 430,000 people have crossed the Mediterranean to Europe this year, with 2,748 dying en route or going missing.

    The Hungarian Prime Minister criticised Merkel’s decision to relax asylum laws, saying it had caused ‘chaos’ and accused European leaders of ‘living in a dream world’.

    He dismissed the ideas of quotas as being an ‘illusion.’

    ‘The influx is endless: from Pakistan, Bangladesh, Mali, Ethiopia, Nigeria. If they are all going to come here, then Europe is going to go under.’

    Read more:


    If this is true, could this lead to a fulfillment of Ezekiel 38-39?


    Pope Francis warns ‘incredibly cruel’ ISIS could infiltrate Europe disguised as refugees

    The pontiff warned that ISIS terrorists could “infiltrate” Europe by hiding among the tens of thousands of migrants escaping the horrors of war-torn countries such as Syria and Libya.

    He said Italy in particular found itself in a vulnerable position, with ISIS having established a presence just a few hundred miles south on the desert coastline of Libya.

    The Pope said: “It’s true, I also want to recognise that, nowadays, territorial security conditions are not the same as they were in other periods of mass migration.

    “The truth is that just 400 kilometres (250 miles) from Sicily there is an incredibly cruel terrorist group. So there is a danger of infiltration, this is true.”

    Politicians have long warned that ISIS militants are entering Europe by mixing with boatloads of asylum seekers streaming across the Mediterranean from North Africa and Turkey.

    Asked if Rome could be the target of an attack during an interview with the Portuguese Catholic broadcaster Radio Renascenca, the pope replied: “Yes, nobody said Rome would be immune to this threat. But you can take precautions.”


    Revelation 6:8
    I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth

    Two interesting facts that could be related to this scripture.

    1. One quarter of the world is Muslim.
    2. The color most associated with Islam is green as found on their flags and the pale horse in Rev 6:8 is actually a green colour.

    PALE: chloros {khlo-ros’}

    Usage in the KJV:
    green 3, pale 1

    yellowish pale


    The Arabic word for “greenness” is mentioned several times in the Quran, describing the state of the inhabitants ofparadise. Examples include:

    Reclining on green Cushions and rich Carpets of beauty

    — Sura 55, verse 76.[1]
    Upon them will be green garments of fine silk and heavy brocade, and they will be adorned with bracelets of silver; and their Lord will give to them to drink of a Water Pure and Holy.

    — Sura 76, verse 21.[2][3]
    Al-Khidr (“The Green One”) is a Qur’anic figure who met and traveled with Moses.[4]

    The Green Dome, traditional site of the tomb of Muhammad, was painted green on the order of sultan Abdul Hamid II (r. 1876–1909).

    Muslim flags

    Green was used as the color of the banners of the historical Fatimid Caliphate. The Fatimid banner was in use until 1171, and thus during the first century of the crusades, and by this way has taken influence on Christian heraldry, where thetincture vert was very rarely if ever used for the field(background) until the end of the Middle Ages (indeed the term sinople used to signify a reddish color until the 14th century, and only after ca. 1400 did it change its meaning to refer to green as a heraldic tincture).

    National flags including green as a symbol of Islam include those of Azerbaijan, Maldives, Mauritania, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Turkmenistan, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran.

    An example of a national flag that does not include green with a large majority of Muslims is Turkey.

    Ed J

    Hi T8,

    Rev.6:2-8 (4 horses) and Zech.6:2-8 (4 Chariots).
    Both Prophets are explaining the same world events.

    White horse – Catholicism
    Red horse – Communism
    Black horse – Capitalism
    Green horse – islamism

    This is confirmed by the 4 Chariots in Zech.6:2-8

    White horses – Catholicism
    Red + Bay horses – Communism
    Black horses – Capitalism
    Grizzled horses – islamism

    The white chariots and black chariots go into the northern countries and quench God’s spirit.

    Why do the white chariots and black chariots quench God’s spirit?
    Because “Christianity” RIDES WITH BOTH: Catholicism and Capitalism

    Good work T8!

    God bless
    Ed J


    Christians ‘martyred for beliefs every FIVE MINUTES by Islamic State and other terrorists’

    CHRISTIANS are being martyred for their faith every five minutes by barbaric Islamic State militants and other terror groups, a shocking new report has claimed.

    Believers are often singled out, tortured and faced with the brutal choice of converting to Islam or being slaughtered, according to Christian Freedom International.

    Those who refuse to comply have reportedly had their limbs cut off or have been crucified.

    Research by CFI found that more than 200 million followers are facing persecution in 105 countries making Christianity the most at-risk faith group in the world.

    More Christians have been martyred in the 20th and 21st centuries than during the previous 19 combined, the organisation has claimed.

    The human rights group’s president Jim Jacobson said: “Islamic State Militants in Iraq are using Christian churches as torture chambers where they force Christians to either convert to Islam or die.

    “Islamic State militants are also stripping the former places of Christian worship of ancient relics which in turn are smuggled to Western collectors to help fund their terrorist activities.”

    In August the terrorist group raided a Syrian church and abducted more than 230 Christians.

    Days later they returned and bulldozed the 1,600-year-old monastery.

    According to Breitbart London, Mr Jacobson added: “I encourage you to pray for persecuted believers. They are your Christian family throughout the world.

    “Pray for their safety; that they would be emboldened to continue sharing the Gospel even in the face of persecution; that their persecutors would also come to know Christ as they observe the courageous witness of these believers.”


    Imam tells Muslim migrants to ‘breed children’ with Europeans to ‘conquer their countries’ and vows: ‘We will trample them underfoot, Allah willing’

    • Sheikh Muhammad Ayed gave the speech at Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem
    • He said Americans, Italians, Germans and French forced to take refugees
    • Claims Europe was only welcoming refugees as a source of labour

    A top Iman has told Muslims to use the migrant crisis to breed with European citizens and ‘conquer their countries’.

    Sheikh Muhammad Ayed gave the speech at the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem claiming Europe was only welcoming refugees as a new source of labour.

    He said Europe was facing a demographic disaster and urged Muslims to have children with westerners so they could ‘trample them underfoot, Allah willing.’

    Birth rates are far higher in the Middle East and Sub-Saharan Africa, which is where most migrants are coming from.

    ‘Throughout Europe, all the hearts are enthused with hatred toward Muslims. They wish that we were dead, but they have lost their fertility, so they look for fertility in our midst,’ Infowars reports.

    ‘We will give them fertility. We will breed children with them, because we shall conquer their countries.’

    Italy has the lowest birth rate since 1861 with 8.4 per 1,000 people and much or Europe is following the same trend.

    The notion of using mass migration as a form of stealth jihad is outlined in the Koran, which states, ‘And whoever emigrates for the cause of Allah will find on the earth many locations and abundance.’

    To move to a new land in order to bring Islam is considered a meritorious act.


    Christians in the area occupied by the beast are in tribulation. Pray for out brothers that they will keep the faith and witness to their enemies with the gospel.


    The most shocking video you will ever watch!

    If this has any truth to it, this would be the most shocking video to watch.


    A predominately Muslim part of the world spilling into Europe. What could possibly go wrong?

    WWIII anyone?


    And now Netanyahu Agrees to a deal With Putin. Is this leading to the Ezekiel war?


    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he reached agreement with Russian President Vladimir Putin on ways to prevent clashes between their militaries in war-torn Syria.

    Netanyahu said he told Putin that Israel was determined “to stop the smuggling of weapons from Syria to the Hezbollah” during talks in Moscow on Monday that “focused on the complicated security situation on our northern border.” Russia offered no opposition to that policy, he said.

    His goal is to avoid “misunderstandings” between the Israeli Defense Forces and the Russian military in the region, Netanyahu told Israeli reporters after the meeting. “We set up a mechanism to prevent these misunderstandings,” he said.

    The talks took place after Russia said on Friday that it’s willing to consider sending troops into combat in Syria’s four-year civil war if President Bashar al-Assad requests help. U.S. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter discussed Syria by phone with his Russian counterpart Sergei Shoigu on Friday in their first conversation since he entered the Pentagon in February. The U.S., which says Assad must go to help resolve the crisis, accuses Russia of increasing military aid to Syria in recent weeks by sending tanks, artillery and personnel to its ally, as well as setting up what the Pentagon says may be a forward airbase near the coastal city of Latakia.


    Pope Francis warns ‘incredibly cruel’ ISIS could infiltrate Europe disguised as refugees

    It’s exactly this fear which causes suspicion and lack of love toward the suffering neighbor. Do we forget what Jesus said? ‘When I was hungry you fed me. When I was thirsty you gave me something to drink. When I was a stranger you invited me to your home. When I was naked you gave me clothing. When I was sick you cared for me. When I was in prison you visited me.’ Who’s words are more important?


    And now Netanyahu Agrees to a deal With Putin. Is this leading to the Ezekiel war?

    t8, I believe that Russia will invade the west, because of a dream I had some years ago before there was any talk of Russia invading the West.


    5ht post down: Russian meteorite ten eight weeks before:

    Visions of the Tribulation

    9th post down: Marathon bombings and transport explosions about eight weeks before:

    Visions of the Tribulation

    Same page a couple posts down, dream to prepare for a future Russian invasion.






    This topic is about the Islamic Empire. There has already been one (Ottoman), and a good chance there will be another significant one.

    There is also a Russian Empire as there is a Chinese one.

    If the USA and Europe are overtaken in the future, the world could well fall to a few empires and new lines drawn.

    The Death and Hades horse has control over one quarter of the world.

    Revelation 6:7-8
    7 When the Lamb opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say, “Come!” 8 I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth.

    That pale horse is a green horse. Islam’s identifying colour is green and it is closing in on encompassing one quarter of the world’s population. It is also often said that it is the fastest growing religion today. So while it is just short of 25% of the world population, it probably won’t take long to reach that number at its current growth rate.

    We also know that those who worship  the beast also worship the dragon who gave his power and authority to the beast. This is interesting because it leads us to ask:

    Question: What do you call a person who denies that God has no son? What people worship a God whose religion is founded on a tenet that God has no son? And do these same people often hate Christians and Jews and even go as far as behead Believers who love the true God and his son?

    The other thing to consider is that the Ottoman Empire and the Islamic world today exist around the Great Sea where the Beast is said to come out of and where the heads of the Beast were all located. The Russian, Chinese, or current American empire are not located at the Great Sea.


    Same page a couple posts down, dream to prepare for a future Russian invasion.

    I read somewhere once that this happened. I cannot remember if it was a vision, prophecy, or a work of fiction like a movie. But an interesting scenario.

    Once the US is weakened they are invaded on one shore by Islamic armies, and on the other shore by the Russians. Then a border is drawn up somewhere in the middle.

    Many Christians have had visions where Believers are placed in camps in the future.

    I once has a vision of a powerful China who invaded my part of the world. The vision was very detailed. I didn’t see the invasion so do not know if it was a military one or purely economic, but it happened and not to far off in the future either. I saw the vision back in the 90s in a time when China was not seen as a threat to the South Pacific. Because of this, I was not sure what to make of the vision. But recently one event in that vision came to pass and I have seen many signs over the years of this possibility. New Zealand was the first country to sign a free trade deal with China and they are our biggest importer. They are trying to buy our farms today and the public are complaining about it. The US now says that the South Pacific is under threat by China. They are trying to sign through a trade deal called the TPPA so that China does not take economic control of the region. But many in my part of the world are against the deal. They are suspicious of the deal. If it doesn’t go through, then China could  gain more influence as a result. Many other things I could mention too.

    The world is changing before our eyes. If we think the twentieth century with two world wars was a big deal, then even bigger things will likely take place in the twenty first century.  So we should not be surprised.


    Hi t8. Yes I am aware of China and New Zealand, because I live in New Zealand 🙂

    I guess Islam does not effect NZ, so I view things through very distant eyes.

    With my dream of a Russian invasion, the camp style housing me and my family were in was beside an inlet, and the Russians came down (paratroopers). I guess it was about where I was at the time, which would be NZ. I googled at then to see if anyone else had a similar dream of a Russian invasion, (this was in March 2013, before the Ukraine invasion, which was 2014-2015). I only found two others, both on YouTube, one was a NZer too, both Christians, similar dreams to mine. I felt it was a warning to prepare, which I have been doing. Because, I was packing our things into plastic bags, and the Russians were right up the front rows of houses, and I knew we had time. But, that is another topic.

    Yes, it does pay to watch.


    (Of course if you google “dream of Russian invasion” NOW, there’s plenty! (followers of the news!).

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