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  • #792973

    But if thou wilt enter into Life, keep the commandments.

    BD, Keeping the commandments gives us life. Why? Because Jesus died for our sins, so all men can be saved as he is the Lamb of God. But repentance is part of salvation. It is not what gives you salvation, it is what enables you to carry on with salvation. Thus, keeping the commandments is in keeping with repentance. How can the blood of Christ cover our sins if we willingly live in an adulterous relationship for example.

    The difference is, while we break them from time to time, we have a covenant with God who is just and merciful in forgiving our tresspasses against him. If there was no Lamb of God, then there would be no forgiveness of sin.

    No man comes to the Father except by him BD. Mohammed will not save your soul, clothe you in righteousness, and take you to the Father.

    The ministries of Moses and Jesus are not in conflict, but are part of the full plan instigated by God to save mankind.


    Hi T8

    I hope you understand I respect your work and have enjoyed all these years of dialogue with that being said:

    BD, I said that keeping the commandments gives us life. Why? Because Jesus died for our sins, so all men can be saved as he is the Lamb of God.

    Jesus said the statement about the commandments and life before the crucifixion he did not say soon this will be he said this is how it is.

    But repentance is part of salvation. It is not what gives you salvation, it is what enables you to carry on with salvation. Thus, keeping the commandments is in keeping with repentance.

    The problem with this statement is that every example of repentence shows the result to be salvation as with the people that Jonah was sent to, they repented and were saved from perishing.

    The difference is, while we break them from time to time, we have a covenant with God who is just and merciful in forgiving our tresspasses against him. If there was no Lamb of God, then there would be no forgiveness of sin.

    God has always forgiven just do a search of the scriptures but he has devised all sorts of ways to get people to understand this just look at the history mankind is ever ungrateful and not believing in God’s mercy and forgiveness we are kind of bizarre that way as people it’s like a guy who simply won’t believe his wife loves him so he cheats on her and acts evil towards her and the more she forgives him the worst he gets. God has been forgiving and loving from the beginning.

    So he sends Jesus out of his Mercy and yes many people embraced God but many others made Jesus a God and turned God into a triune God they just can’s stop their idolatrous ways. Think about it 90% of every exchange I have here is about me LOVING and WORSHIPING God as ORIGINALLY prescribed and most try to get me not to honor Jesus(Believe me I always have) but they want me to Worship Jesus even above God, they have devised every imagination to usurp God’s Sovereign status, without any knowledge they have attributed Jesus with creating the world, creating man, saving the world, defeating death, defeating the devil…etc. But if the devil has been defeated why is there then evil everywhere, if the world has been saved why is it on the brink of destruction if over half the world is Christian why does no one love their neighbor and why is it there are 39,000 denominations.(I mean that literally)

    Islam is The simple religion of Abraham i.e. submission to God Most High. Abraham was not a Jew or a Christian was he?

    No man comes to the Father except by him BD. Mohammed will not clothe you in righteousness and take you to the Father.

    No man comes to the Father unless the Father provides the means for him to come, when Jesus was here he was the light of the world as he said “while I am in the world I am the light of the world” now put those ideas together and you have. While I am the light of the world no one can come to the Father except through me


    Yes I agree that God has always been able to forgive. Jesus death for humanity offers all men, past, present, and future, salvation. I really do not understand what you are driving at though. Are you attempting to say that Jesus didn’t really die for our sins because God already had the ability to forgive sins?

    If that is your argument, I counter with the fact that God already knew his plan before he enacted it. He looked forward to it and he looks back to it. Time is not a limitation to him. But his plan unravels to us for good purpose.


    Yes, Exactly you are 100% correct, time is not a limitation to God and His plan does unravel to us the way it does for good purpose.

    Now, please understand that at the time of Muhammad Christianity had went far astray from it’s original inception therefore everyone coming into Christianity was being led astray the trinity had been invented and spread as the 100% truth, the divinity of Christ the veneration of Mary and also the veneration of saints, people praying to statues and crosses with or without Jesus on them, Popes and priests being called Father…etc.

    It certainly lost any salt it had and you know the rules:

    Matthew 21:43
    Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.

    But God keeps his promises so Jews that follow God correctly will be saved, regardless if they accept Jesus or not because there covenant wasn’t about Jesus same as the Christians if they follow God correctly they will be saved but who was going to show the way to God when the Jews kept to themselves and hated the Christians and The Christians were preaching all sorts of Foolish things which was also part of God’s plan

    Romans 10:19
    But I say, Did not Israel know? First Moses saith, I will provoke you to jealousy by them that are no people, and by a foolish nation I will anger you.

    Do you realize how foolish Christianity seems to Jews, they are not a people and they have no set idea of God

    Deuteronomy 32:21
    They have moved me to jealousy with that which is not God; they have provoked me to anger with their vanities: and I will move them to jealousy with those which are not a people; I will provoke them to anger with a foolish nation.

    The benefit however is Christianity has almost completely absorbed all the Pagans and their rituals and in doing so too many to count have come to God through their belief in Jesus so Christianity Conquered the world. But it was corrupt

    So God sent Gabriel to recite the Quran to Muhammad as another Mercy to Mankind and to explain and clarify all that really happened previously and what is correct belief and what is error, once it is read and you have a thorough knowledge of the OT and NT it unravels a tremendous picture of the brilliance of God


    Hi BD,

    You speak of the origin of the false Church?

    God has always kept a remnant.

    He did not send a false prophet to further deceive.


    Nick are you saying that Jesus was sent into the world so that a remnant could be saved?


    Hi BD,

    You argue just to argue because your religious offerings are so weak.

    Many are called and few are chosen.

    None come from false christs.



    Christianity is not the truth, Yeshua is the truth.

    Mohammed is not the truth, Yeshua is the truth.

    No man comes to the Father except by Yeshua.

    God sent him into the world to save sinners like us.

    BD, I can understand that apostasy led to perhaps a movement that sought to reestablish that God is one. However, if the work is of man it will err. The Koran teaches that God has no son. That alone is antichrist.

    There is a difference between true faith and that the wine that Babylon offers her subjects to keep reverence for those in power. Never mix the two up. Roman Catholicism is from Babylon just as Islam is too. One is not better than the other.

    Often people justify their own delusion by pointing out another delusion. What if Satan owned both sides of the coin? Then use another coin.

    Apostasy also led to Mormonism. Joseph Smith was told that all the Churches were wrong and that deceiving spirit told him to re-establish another Church.

    Many deceiving spirits and false prophets have gone out into the world. Be wise.

    Jesus said it was finished. After sending his servants, God sent his son.


    How can anti-son equal anti-christ? Does son equal Christ now? you see how you have to mangle all meaning and definition?

    There is a difference between true faith and that the wine that Babylon offers her subjects to keep reverence for those in power. Never mix the two up. Roman Catholicism is from Babylon just as Islam is too. One is not better than the other.

    Often people justify their own delusion by pointing out another delusion. What if Satan owned both sides of the coin? Then use another coin.

    Apostasy also led to Mormonism. Joseph Smith was told that all the Churches were wrong and that deceiving spirit told him to re-establish another Church.

    Why did Jesus say these two things?

    Matthew 5:13
    Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.

    John 9:5
    As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.

    You say the Roman Catholicism is from Babylon and Mormonism is wrong but you are only amplifying my point these are both CHRISTIAN denominations and while you may consider your point of view more valid than theirs not even 5 of you here on this forum can agree 100% on the most basic tenants of the christian faith because it is now hopelessly tangled.

    I use to be upset when I would come across someone like EDJ or Carmel or Wakeup but they are trying very hard to make sense of it all. Christianity has no clear identity and the Mother of all the churches you call babylon and a whore is that how you honor your mother? If it wasn’t for Catholicism you wouldn’t even know Jesus at all

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by Admin.

    Hi BD,

    Entirely predictable that you would try to link the true and the false church as one

    in your efforts to oppose the works of God and build another false denomination.



    Christianity is not the truth, Yeshua is the truth.

    Mohammed is not the truth, Yeshua is the truth.

    No man comes to the Father except by Yeshua.

    God sent him into the world to save sinners like us.

    Notice what I mean? You don’t praise God or speak of the truth of God, you say Jesus is the truth not God:

    Romans 3:4
    God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged.

    Psalm 146:3
    Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help.

    In blasphemy indeed are those that say that Allah is christ the son of Mary. Say: “Who then hath the least power against Allah, if His will were to destroy christ the son of Mary, his mother, and all every – one that is on the earth? For to Allah belongeth the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and all that is between. He createth what He pleaseth. For Allah hath power over all things.”

    ( سورة المائدة , Al-Maeda, Chapter #5, Verse #17)


    Hi BD,

    Why do you bother to add the scrambled thought of men?


    God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself.

    God spoke through Christ Jesus but you would deny God.


    Wow! At least you’re talking about God now


    Hi BD,

    “Now the Lord is the Spirit.”

    And your mere man threatens the Spirit?



    I’m just saying if the end of death’s reign happened with Moses or the Law then death was defeated but Jesus said this:

    Matthew 19:17
    And He said unto him, “Why callest thou Me good? There is none good but One, that is, God. But if thou wilt enter into Life, keep the commandments.”

    Now this is Jesus talking and yet everyone says you cannot enter into life unless Jesus was crucified hmmmm

    Everyone does not say that. I already told you that forgiveness and salvation are the actions of God and so they are not my main concern. My concern is simply to be righteous as God is righteous. If I do that then the forgiveness and salvation are the result for God rewards those who seek him. Those that hunger and thirst to be like God in true righteousness and holiness desire to walk by the Spirit of God at all times. The only way an individual can obtain the Spirit in order to walk by it is to follow all of Jesus’ teachings.

    I have come to believe that those that focus on either forgiveness or salvation are doing so because they look at Scripture through soulish eyes and not through Spiritual ones for those that look through Spiritual eyes look to see how they can feed their hunger and slack their thirst in order to be righteous even as God is righteous.


    I haven’t read your posts yet BD, no time right now. But would like to add that the Bible says that the Antichrist spirit denies the Father and the Son. And as you know full well, the Koran teaches that God has no son, thus they deny the Father and the Son.

    Pretty simple and clear. The only way to counter this is to get complex like a lawyer and try and find a way out of it.

    However, I like to stick to simplicity first and get complex only if we have to. Do we have to get complicated about this?

    Either what is taught regarding God having no son is Antichrist as the Bible says, or the Bible is wrong.


    Hi Kerwin

    Everyone does not say that. I already told you that forgiveness and salvation are the actions of God and so they are not my main concern. My concern is simply to be righteous as God is righteous. If I do that then the forgiveness and salvation are the result for God rewards those who seek him. Those that hunger and thirst to be like God in true righteousness and holiness desire to walk by the Spirit of God at all times. The only way an individual can obtain the Spirit in order to walk by it is to follow all of Jesus’ teachings.

    I have come to believe that those that focus on either forgiveness or salvation are doing so because they look at Scripture through soulish eyes and not through Spiritual ones for those that look through Spiritual eyes look to see how they can feed their hunger and slack their thirst in order to be righteous even as God is righteous.

    That my friend was beautiful and powerful, made my eyes a little watery there. Make sure you copy what you wrote somewhere because that is one incredible statement and I wish everyone here is as touched as I was because they just witnessed a REAL BELIEVER.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by Admin.

    Hi Kerwin

    Yes, excellent insight those who look through soulish eye only long to save their soul but those who look through spiritual eyes are hungry for the Spirit and to please God.

    Awesome insight!


    Hi KW,

    Scripture does not say the Spirit can be obtained by following teachings.


    Hi t8

    I haven’t read your posts yet BD, no time right now. But would like to add that the Bible says that the Antichrist spirit denies the Father and the Son. And as you know full well, the Koran teaches that God has no son, thus they deny the Father and the Son.

    Pretty simple and clear. The only way to counter this is to get complex like a lawyer and try and find a way out of it.

    However, I like to stick to simplicity first and get complex only if we have to. Do we have to get complicated about this?

    Either what is taught regarding God having no son is Antichrist as the Bible says, or the Bible is wrong.

    I think it is fairly simple as well because if we ackowledge or agree that the phrase Father and Son is reflecting the term God and Christ it is not wrong or antichrist. In otherwords only the denial of Christ can be antichrist and this is proven by another verse that says:

    1 John 5:1
    Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God: and every one that loveth him that begat loveth him also that is begotten of him.

    The Quran declares emphatically that Jesus is The Christ therefore according to the scriptures it is born of God

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