Is this a glitch in the Matrix?

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  • #864637

    Does math always work? Checkout this paradox of mathematics that will make you question reality.

    Can you spot the error? Is there an error? Would like to get to the bottom of this one. Can this boy or girl probability paradox be resolved?




    What say you?

    Ed J

    Hi T8,

    I think it is weird that he is making an unnecessary distinction of which one is born first
    if he has a boy and a girl but he doesn’t make that same distinction if he has two girls.
    in other words it is a 50% probability he either had one boy and one girl or two girls.

    Everything else he is saying is only in his mind that the probabilities somehow change
    if the girl’s name is mentioned; or if a boy: birth order is also irrelevant to question.

    God bless
    Ed J

    Ed J

    Hi T8,

    Dan has a daughter named Julie.
    Julie is both bright and viverious.
    She is Dan’s firstborn child, and
    he only has two children so far.
    Is the other child a boy or a girl?

    it is a 50% probability w/o definitive narrowing information.

    Now if you say Julie is much taller that her sibling, of which they now
    just turned 18 5 months ago. They cannot wear each others clothes. And
    moreover they often get jealous with each other the one the other is dating.

    You would then quickly conclude Dan’s other child is Julies younger sister;
    and that Julie must be at least 19 years of age – unless they were born as twins.
    But based on the context of wording like “So far” and “just turned 18 5 months ago”
    It is unlikely that they were born as twins, and also unlikely the other child was a boy.

    Ed J


    T8……The “deception”,  occured in the beginning, when the man said he had two childern “one” is a girl, when he said “that”,  “one is a gril”, he was insenuating the other was not.   From there it just get completely mixed up and confused.

    Question is why would he say “one” is a Girl, that created a devide, so the other had to be different and what is different then a girl, a boy.

    The man had two childern if “one” was a girl, the other had to be a boy.

    This reminds me  of a song, “Lighten up while you still can, don’t even try to understand,  “don’t let the sound of your own wheels drive you crazy”. 

    Peace and love to you and yours. ………gene




    BTW, Ed J, did I use the word ‘paradox’ in the correct way?

    Ed J

    Hi T8,

    A paradox is:

    a seemingly absurd or self-contradictory statement or proposition
    that when investigated or explained may prove to be well founded or true.

    Here is a paradox in the bible:

    “For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and
    whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.” (Matt 16:25)


    Edj……That’s not a paradox if you understand it,  the term “lose his life” means to let go of the “way”  you live, your life. Those who do that are then able to change and live the way God want us to, and therefore they are saving their life, but the person not willing to change the way they live will have to  lose their life or,  (the way they live)  at some point.

    Peace and love to you and yours. ……….gene

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