Is the word of god the holy spirit?

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    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Mar. 10 2010,04:52)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Mar. 09 2010,11:51)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 09 2010,13:59)
    Hi ED,
    The Spirit wrote the word and the Spirit is the torch by which to read it.
    But the Spirit is not the word

    Nick……..Who should we believe you or Jesus , He said “the words He spoke to us (ARE) SPIRIT, but you say the words are not SPIRIT , so who do you think we should believe YOU OR JESUS? Scripture also say whosoever speaks not according to these word the spirit is (NOT) in him. THINK ABOUT IT>


    But Jesus did not say “the words he spoke were THE HOLY SPIRIT“!

    What is it that the Holy Spirit speaks?

    The word of God is written, is it not?

    But is the written word of God “The Holy Spirit” and if it is then why is it called the dead letter.

    The Spirit inspires the written words.

    In your own words “Trash your carnal and gnostic views”!


    WJ……….So now you tell us the Word Jesus spoke are no HOLY SPIRIT, Which is natural for you to say that because you believe GOD and His Word are two separated things, So when you read John 1:1, you can easily say the word and GOD are two separated things. This only supports you TRINITARIAN Beliefs. You must also Believe your words and you are not the same thing, so you can also believe GOD and His words are not the same thing right?

    But Scripture does not support you, Even the Angels spoke (first person) presents of GOD in them by the words they spoke, Jesus also spoke as first Person Presents of GOD through His words, God and His words (can not Be separated) no more then you and your words can. Your word express your INTELLECTS God's Words express HIS INTELLECTS, You can not separate
    GOD From His WORDS.

    Here is an example of God Speaking (HIS) word first Person, “Destroy this temple and in three days (I) GOD Shall raise it up. Do you honestly think that was Jesus Speaking or GOD Speaking through him.

    WJ………..God and His Word are the same thing, Just as you and your word are the same thing. Your Words can not be separated from YOU. The SPIRIT (INTELLECT) of GOD speaks GOD'S WORD IN US AND THROUGH US. Just as it does Jesus. IMO

    peace and love………………..gene


    Quote (Ed J @ Mar. 09 2010,15:06)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Mar. 10 2010,04:52)

    But Jesus did not say “the words he spoke were THE HOLY SPIRIT“!


    Hi WJ,

    Do you 'think' Jesus' words were NOT “Holy”?
    You seem to have 'a bit of trouble' “connecting all the dots”!

    John 6:63 It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing:
    the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.

    God bless
    Ed J


    Yes I do have trouble connecting your dots, because they are not of God.

    My Spirit is Holy, so I suppose my Spirit is “THE” Holy Spirit or the “word of God” also?   ???

    :D  :D :D



    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 10 2010,06:36)
    Hi T,
    Indeed the words and deeds of God's anointed servants are FROM the Spirit.

    But the Spirit is more than the Word but also power and life.


    Nick……….You can (NOT) separate GOD'S Words From GOD, They (ARE) GOD's Spirit and LIFE being Expressed to us from the MIND of GOD IN US> That is exactly how GOD is in (ALL) and Through (ALL). GOD the Father takes HIS abode (IN) US Through HIS Spirit which (IS) HIS MIND or INTELLECT. “LET THIS (MIND) BE IN YOU AS WAS IN CHRIST JESUS OUR Lord. Trying to separate God from his word Is WRONG> HIS WORDS (ARE) SPIRIT and LIFE and they ARE the (INTELLECT) OF GOD> that will be in all and through all.


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Mar. 10 2010,12:07)
    Trying to separate God from  his word Is WRONG> HIS WORDS (ARE) SPIRIT and LIFE and they ARE the (INTELLECT) OF GOD> that will be in all and through all.


    But wait a minute, you said that Gods spoken words are God, but now you say…

    they ARE the (INTELLECT) **OF GOD**

    Are his words from him and of him or are they “God”?

    So when his words are spoken by him then that is God from God?

    So if he speaks a million words [gods] then you have a million gods or “holy spirits”?

    Lies from the pit of hell and in Eds own words…

    The systems of religion and traditions of men communicate
    distortions of truth, confusion of mind, and distraction of spirit



    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Mar. 11 2010,04:02)

    Quote (Ed J @ Mar. 09 2010,15:06)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Mar. 10 2010,04:52)

    But Jesus did not say “the words he spoke were THE HOLY SPIRIT“!


    Hi WJ,

    Do you 'think' Jesus' words were NOT “Holy”?
    You seem to have 'a bit of trouble' “connecting all the dots”!

    John 6:63 It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing:
    the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.

    God bless
    Ed J


    Yes I do have trouble connecting your dots, because they are not of God.

    My Spirit is Holy, so I suppose my Spirit is “THE” Holy Spirit or the “word of God” also?   ???

    :D  :D :D


    Hi WJ,
    Your spirit is holy?
    Please explain.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 10 2010,14:41)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Mar. 11 2010,04:02)

    Quote (Ed J @ Mar. 09 2010,15:06)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Mar. 10 2010,04:52)

    But Jesus did not say “the words he spoke were THE HOLY SPIRIT“!


    Hi WJ,

    Do you 'think' Jesus' words were NOT “Holy”?
    You seem to have 'a bit of trouble' “connecting all the dots”!

    John 6:63 It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing:
    the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.

    God bless
    Ed J


    Yes I do have trouble connecting your dots, because they are not of God.

    My Spirit is Holy, so I suppose my Spirit is “THE” Holy Spirit or the “word of God” also?   ???

    :D  :D :D


    Hi WJ,
    Your spirit is holy?
    Please explain.


    Has your spirit been born from above by the Holy Spirit?

    You say your spirit goes back to God who gives it, then is your spirit that is born of him not Holy? If not, then does God recieve unclean spirits back to himself?



    Hi WJ,
    I have my own spirit and I believe God's Holy Spirit abides with it.[Rom8.16]


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 10 2010,15:47)
    Hi WJ,
    I have my own spirit and I believe God's Holy Spirit abides with it.[Rom8.16]


    Can the Holy Spirit abide with any spirit that is unclean?



    Hi WJ,
    Does the spirit given to men by God and which returns to God become unclean?
    It is what gives them life but does not belong to them and is not of itself holy.

    Men become unclean.[Jb25]


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 10 2010,16:12)
    Hi WJ,
    Does the spirit given to men by God and which returns to God become unclean?
    It is what gives them life but does not belong to them and is not of itself holy.

    Men become unclean.[Jb25]


    But the Holy Spirit makes our Spirits Holy through the blood of Jesus.



    WJ………Does “Be you HOLY because (I) God am HOLY,and be you perfect because (I) God am PERFECT, mean anything to YOU. Can we truly be Holy, and if so HOW, if GOD is NOT (IN) US> And if he can be (IN) Us then HOW? Is it not you HIS WORDS that express (HIS) INTELLECT to OUR MINDS. The mind of GOD and His WORDS are ONE and the SAME. BOTH DERIVE THERE ORIGINS FROM THE (INTELLECT) OR SPIRIT OF ONE GOD. The seed of GOD's MIND is HIS WORD, Because words (ARE) the expressions of the (INTELLECT) or SPIRIT IN US, rather of GOD or man, Makes no difference , you and your word (ARE) the same and YOUR Words (ARE) Spirit Expressed rather of Man or GOD, makes no difference. In fact you and everyone else shall be Judged (BY) your words, why because the is the expression who YOU ARE, and GOD'S WORDS ARE the Expressions of Who HE IS. Spirit is the INTELLECTS IN US. IMO


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Mar. 10 2010,16:20)

    WJ………Does “Be you HOLY because (I) God am HOLY,and be you perfect because (I) God am PERFECT,  mean anything to YOU. Can we truly be Holy, and if so HOW, if GOD is NOT (IN) US> And if he can be (IN) Us then HOW? Is it not you HIS WORDS that express (HIS) INTELLECT to OUR MINDS.  The mind of GOD and  His WORDS are ONE and the SAME. BOTH DERIVE THERE ORIGINS FROM THE (INTELLECT) OR SPIRIT OF ONE GOD. The seed of GOD's MIND is HIS WORD, Because words (ARE) the expressions of the (INTELLECT) or SPIRIT IN US, rather of GOD or man, Makes no difference , you and your word (ARE) the same and YOUR Words (ARE) Spirit Expressed rather of Man or GOD, makes no difference.

    Gene wrote:

    In fact you and everyone else shall be Judged (BY) your words, why because the is the expression who YOU ARE, and GOD'S WORDS ARE the Expressions of Who HE IS. Spirit is the INTELLECTS IN US. IMO


    My Bible says God lives in me and not just some “expression of who he is”!

    Total gargage! We are the “Temple of the Holy Spirit” and not the Temple of “words or intellects of god”!

    The words of God dwell in my Spirit or heart and the Holy Spirit brings those things to my remembrance whatever words Jesus has spoken! John 14:26

    Now you say “and GOD'S WORDS ARE **the Expressions of Who HE IS**”

    Make up your mind, is the words of God, “God” or “the expressions of God”?  ???

    Where is the scriptures that say we are the “Temple of Gods expressions [words of god]”?

    The systems of religion and traditions of men communicate
    distortions of truth, confusion of mind, and distraction of spirit”.



    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Mar. 11 2010,08:16)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 10 2010,16:12)
    Hi WJ,
    Does the spirit given to men by God and which returns to God become unclean?
    It is what gives them life but does not belong to them and is not of itself holy.

    Men become unclean.[Jb25]


    But the Holy Spirit makes our Spirits Holy through the blood of Jesus.


    Hi WJ,
    A common theory.
    Where is the scriptural support?


    WJ………..SO you truly do not believe Jesus when He said the FATHER WAS IN HIM, right? and if you do then tell us HOW He was (IN) HIM if not by His Spirit (INTELLECT) then HOW was HE (IN) HIM> Your Trinitarian concept of Jesus as a separate GOD is totally wrong , Jesus was a Man Just as we are and GOD (IN-DWELLED ) HIM BY HIS SPIRIT (INTELLECTS) and this SPIRIT OF GOD was expressed to US BY WORDS because those WORD (ARE) The MIND of GOD. This is the seed Jesus was sowing of GOD, His words. GOD and HIS WORDS are ONE and THE SAME. IMO


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 10 2010,16:31)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Mar. 11 2010,08:16)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 10 2010,16:12)
    Hi WJ,
    Does the spirit given to men by God and which returns to God become unclean?
    It is what gives them life but does not belong to them and is not of itself holy.

    Men become unclean.[Jb25]


    But the Holy Spirit makes our Spirits Holy through the blood of Jesus.


    Hi WJ,
    A common theory.
    Where is the scriptural support?


    If Jesus is the vine and we are the branches, are the branches unclean or are they Holy?

    If the part of the dough offered as firstfruits is holy, then the whole batch is holy; if the root is holy, so are the branches“. Rom 11:16

    In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto “an holy temple in the Lord“: Eph 2:21

    I charge you by the Lord that this epistle be read unto all “the holy brethren“. 1 Thess 5:27

    Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, “an holy priesthood“, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 2:5

    But ye [are] a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, “an holy nation“, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light: 1 Peter 2:9

    Paul and Peter says we are Holy!

    So which part of us is Holy?

    Is it not the “New creation man, that which is born of the Spirit which is created in righteousness and true “Holiness” after him?

    And that ye “put on the NEW MAN“, which after God is created in righteousness and “true holiness. Eph 4:24, Col 3:10



    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Mar. 10 2010,16:48)
    WJ………..SO you truly do not believe Jesus when He said the FATHER WAS IN HIM, right? and if you do then tell us HOW He was (IN) HIM if not by His Spirit (INTELLECT) then HOW was HE (IN) HIM> Your Trinitarian concept of Jesus as a separate GOD is totally wrong , Jesus was a Man Just as we are and GOD (IN-DWELLED ) HIM BY HIS SPIRIT (INTELLECTS) and this SPIRIT OF GOD was expressed to US BY WORDS because those WORD (ARE) The MIND of GOD. This is the seed Jesus was sowing of GOD, His words. GOD and HIS WORDS are ONE and THE SAME. IMO


    Your problem is you believe God and his Holy Spirit are spoken words [intellects, which is not found in scriptures], and instead the words of God are spoken by God and he is not his own spoken words!

    Dump the confusion and the illogical concept that God is his own spoken words.

    Foolishness. God is a sentient Spirit being and not just spoken words!

    God dwells in his people as a Spirit being and not just as an expression of words [intellect].

    Lies against the truth that says he lives in his Temple litterally!



    Hi WJ,
    Lots of scripture but none speak of the spirits of men.
    Men can be declared holy by God but the spirit of man is not the Holy Spirit


    WJ………The Spirit of GOD (IS) the MIND of GOD, the mind of GOD (IS) the intellect of GOD. So if GOD is HOLY and we have the Same MIND (INTELLECT) in Us the obviously we then are HOLY TO> GOD WAS (IN) Jesus, Jesus was not the god who was (IN) HIM and dwelt in HIM. GOD is SPIRIT pure (INTELLECT) and is expressed by WORD. Jesus plainly said the WORDS He was Speaking were (NOT) HIS WORDS> None of Us can ever be GOD but GOD can and does LIVE (IN) US. That GOD will be (IN) all and Through (ALL)> That is the problem with you trinitarians you can't understand that GOD can and does Live in Us, Just as He did Jesus, No difference at all. ONE GOD (IN ALL) AND THROUGH (ALL). When are you going to get it WJ.




    you say;God dwells in his people as a Spirit being and( not just as an expression of words [intellect].)

    is not more that people embrace the word of God and the way of God as there own and apply by obeying the word of God that the spirit of Christ is dwelling in them ,because the will of Christ was to do his father will and obey him,so by imitating Christ the result should be the same,since god dwells in Christ ,that's the spirit of truth not God,God is truth,so it would be with us as well.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 10 2010,17:04)
    Hi WJ,
    Lots of scripture but none speak of the spirits of men.
    Men can be declared holy by God but the spirit of man is not the Holy Spirit


    I never said the spirit of man is the Holy Spirit, I said the Holy Spirit dwells in the spirit of man (born again believers) which are Holy!


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