Is God a person

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    Is Almighty God a person?

    Well, I am fascinated by the obscure and evasive answers given by trinitarians concerning this topic.

    I read on one website that ‘Yes, God is a person’. The site went on to highlight attributes that ‘make a person’ – and I can’t say I would disagree with such…

    However… the site then went on to say that ‘God is THREE PERSONS’!!

    It declared the SAME attributes of the person, ‘GOD’, to the three persons who ‘make up’ God!

    I’m confused… If GOD is a PERSON wholly and fully autonomous self existing from eternity complete in ‘himself’, HOW is ‘he’ then Three Persons? more so, three persons, one of whom is begotten from another and is dependent on that first…and a third PERSON who is line-sided as being at the beck-and-call of the other two.

    But that’s not even the half of it! I asked more questions only to be told that God was IN FACT, ESSENCE and NATURE… Not a PERSON at all!!!

    God, they said, was essence and nature that the three persons shared equally. That makes ‘God’ a THING (an ‘IT’) and the three persons SUBJECT to THE THING: the three are WHAT the thing is: They are essence and nature of God? Not GOD Itself!

    Nonsense? Yes, of course. Do you see what happened?

    When I started they thought I was naive so they plied me with simpleton answers. When I further questioned they realised that they were at odds with themselves about their explanation. So, they changed tack only to cause confusion among themselves as to how to overcome their anomaly.

    To cut a lengthy story short, they accused me of not believing in Jesus – that I was an Anti-Christ. I’m not sure how they reached that conclusion because I openly expressed full belief in God and Christ.

    Needless to say I had no further contact with anyone from that church and congregation.

    Im still researching ‘Is God a Person’ and if so how then are there three persons who are that God person YET at the same time ‘God’ is just the ‘ESSENCE AND NATURE’ that the three subscribe to?

    Oh, one further weirdness; why does the Holy Spirit NOT have a name seeing that the other two do (Oh, please don’t reply with ‘They share one name: YHWH’ because that in no way answers the question – YHWH is the name of the Father and Jesus is named the son…but how does an EQUAL THIRD GOD not have a name?

    ‘If I should say to the congregation that the spirit has said this or that to me’ and they say, ‘Which spirit spoke to you, what is his name?’ how should I respond?’ The spirit said unto me, ‘I have no name…! Tell them the unnamed one has said what it has said!’


    Hi Jael,

    The question is wrong.


    Bereans would ask

    “Does scripture say that God is a person?”

    Ed J

    Is God a person?

    Hi Jael,

    (Numbers 23:19) “God is not a man,”
    “neither (is He) the son of man,”

    This verse makes it clear
    …the answer is NO!

    God bless
    Ed J



    Yes not a good idea to play in the sandpit of the theologians.

    Thy word is truth.


    Thanks for your responses. I notice that when conversing with trinitarians they most often INVENT new meanings for words commonly understood.

    You will already have noticed that trinity websites always meander off topic when CLAIMING to be answering the topic question… This is no accident!

    In order to pretend to answer the formal question the trinitarian seems to have to REWORD the question into his (less often, Her!!) own terms and understandings (which are convoluted and unscriptural, such as: ‘We know that God is three so that shows that three persons are the one SUBSTANCE or ESSENCE!’

    Now notice the subtle change of wording. The trinitarians has (in)skilfully turned the word under test (‘Person’) into ‘Substance or Essence’.. If you are not on the ball you will be drawn into the change without even realising it was there – BEWARE!!

    The reason for the change is that the trinitarian has realised that to claim that ‘God is a Person in whom there are three Persons’ does not compute! It is obvious that such an (honest false!!) reply would mean that there were FOUR gods: Three Person gods in one UNITY god.

    Has anyone else come across (noticed) that trinitarians cannot uni dreamy answer even simple questions regarding their view of their tri-person God?

    Has everyone noticed that trinitarians seem to always quote: ‘Hear oh Israel, thy God is ONE GOD’, yet then draw him down to being THREE. Did the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob ever say, ‘I am three’ , ‘We are three!’ …

    And brothers, the scriptures tells us that ‘Man was created in the image of God’. So if trinity is true then mankind, each and everyone of us, should be THREE PERSONS.

    Scriptures equally tells us that Jesus was a man born in the image of God… And he is the ONLY ONE of mankind who still maintains his image to this day. Does Jesus then have THREE persons in him… Trinity would say ‘Yes’ but call it a mystery as to how ‘the son’ is in him who himself is THAT SELFSAME SON.

    Mystery indeed!


    Pardon me an addition.

    If Almighty God is Father and Spirit… Mankind is also Body and Spirit.

    Jesus Christ taught that ‘I and the Father are one’. Did Jesus Christ teach that he was ‘One and together with the holy spirit’? Did Jesus say he was going TO (not even BACK) the Holy Spirit?

    If God is trinity essence of three, what exactly is ESSENCE? Trinitarians are at a loss to explain this YET claim it as the BASIS of their belief…


    Hi Jael:

    The scriptures state that we are made in the image of God, and Hebrews 1 states that “he(Jesus) is the “express image of his person”.  God is not a man, but I do believe that he is a person, in that he is a rational being.  He has a mind, a will, and emotions.  But no, “He is not a Tri-Une being.”

    Love in Christ,


    Hi Jael:

    I know that He is “a living being” because He is “my Father”, and I communicate with Him every day.

    Love in Christ,


    Hi 94,

    Why add human concepts to what is written?

    That s dangerous as Rev 22.18 shows.

    What is said of Jesus Christ refers to the Spirit.


    Hi Nick:

    It is written:

    Gen 1:27

    So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

    Gen 2:7

    And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

    Hi Nick:

    He is my Father and my God, a a wonderful living person to me, but maybe you don’t know Him like I do.



    Hi 94,

    There s no person in scripture called God.

    Who do you know?


    Hi 94,

    God does not call Himself a person.

    Jesus does not call Him a person.

    The prophets and apostles do not call Him a person.


    So why would you use such a term?



    Hi Nick,

    But God grieves and God speaks and God creates


    Hi Miia,

    Do you think the similarity to a person s sufficient reason to wander from revelation?



    I call Him, my Father and my God, just as Jesus did.  I don’t go around calling Him a person, but Jael asked if He was a person, and I said that based on my experience and the scriptures that “He is a living being or person”, but He is not a “Tri-Une being”.  I don’t go around calling you a person either.  I call you “Nick”, but I know that you are “a living being”.

    Anyway, we’ve had this conversation before, and God is a person, a living being to me.  He may not be that to you.  I have nothing more to say to you on the subject.

    Love in Christ,



    Hi 94,

    Certainly you have the option of never changing your mind.

    But is that wise?


    Hi Miia,

    Do you think the similarity to a person s sufficient reason to wander from revelation?

    Hi Nick,
    So if God is not a “person”, what is he?

    Define “person”.

    Of course God is not a human being, but God is His own person. God has intellect, emotions and will. Man is made in God’s image.


    Hi Miia,

    Why should we wander off the path of revelation into the definitions of men?

    That is how the trinity folly began


    Would the thread go smoother if I were to add: ‘Dismiss any thoughts of PERSON meaning human: look more to the attributes and characteristics’?

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