Is baptism needed for salvation?

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  • #20280

    Hi H,
    Show me where the sprinkling with the blood is called baptism in scripture.
    If you cannot then why press what is unprovable?


    I have already proven there is more then one baptism. Which baptism saves is Nick?


    There is only one baptism that saves us Nick. It is the baptism of blood that brings all men who believe into the kingdom of God. The Gentiles who recieved the Holy Spirit even before they recieved the water baptism were saved, made clean by the blood of the lamb by faith. For the Holy Spirit could not have entered into an unclean vessel. They were born again. They were saved. We have been over this so many times and yet you cannot see. Can that which is Holy be put into that which is unholy unless it first be made Holy by santification by blood?


    Quote (heiscomingintheclouds @ June 22 2006,01:49)
    There is only one baptism that saves us Nick. It is the baptism of blood that brings all men who believe into the kingdom of God. The Gentiles who recieved the Holy Spirit even before they recieved the water baptism were saved, made clean by the blood of the lamb by faith. For the Holy Spirit could not have entered into an unclean vessel. They were born again. They were saved. We have been over this so many times and yet you cannot see. Can that which is Holy be put into that which is unholy unless it first be made Holy by santification by blood?

    Hi H,
    So where is sprinkling written as baptism in the Word?


    Quote (kenrch @ June 17 2006,05:04)
     I wander did the prodigal son get baptized before his father took him back?

    Hi kenrch,
    If you study the parable of the prodigal son you will see deeper things. In my view:
    The older son is the Jew awaiting his inheritance.
    The younger son is the gentile sinner. Ungrateful, arrogant and foolish he despises his Father God and demands what he does not, in truth own, his life.
    He is bereft and desperate and comes to his senses. He repents and believes and turns back to God. His loving God goes out to meet him and ignores his filth.
    God wraps his finest regal garments on him, the robe of righteousness of the Son of God, covering his sin in forgiveness through baptism in that name. He is clothed in Christ in baptism as Galatians tells us
    Then the Father puts the ring of the Holy Spirit's power and authority on his finger. He is again a son of God and again a member of the household of God.


    Nick, believe God's word. It is his blood the washes away our sins.


    Does the scripture not tell us baptism saves us? Does the scriptures not tell us it is faith that saves us? Does it not say that it is the blood of the lamb that washes away our sins? It is the baptism of blood that saves us.

    Ephesians 4:5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism,
    Can you add one plus one?


    Hi H,
    One added to one in scripture often leads to three or four in the minds of men.
    So listening to Paul and Peter on the basics of our faith
    Heb 6.1f
    “Therefore laying aside the elementary teaching about the Christ, let us press on to maturity,
    not laying again a foundation of

    repentance form dead works
    and of faith towards God,
    instructions about WASHINGS,
    and laying on of hands,
    and the resurrection from the dead,
    and eternal judgement”

    1Cor 6,11
    ” and such were some of you;
    but you were WASHED,
    but you were sanctified,
    but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and in the Spirit of our God”

    Heb 10.22
    ” Let us draw near with a sincere heart , having our hearts SPRINKLED CLEAN FROM AN EVIL CONSCIENCE and our BODIES WASHED with pure water”

    1 Peter 3.21
    “And corresponding to that baptism now saves you-not the removal of dirt from the flesh, but an appeal to God FOR A GOOD CONSCIENCE-through the resurrection of Jesus Christ”

    Acts 22.16
    “…Arise and be baptised, and WASH AWAY YOUR SINS CALLING ON HIS NAME”

    Acts 2.38
    “..Repent and let each of you be baptised in the name of Jesus Christ for the FORGIVENESS OF YOUR SINS..”

    We cannot sprinkle our own consciences and make them clean.

    In water baptism we obey the command and appeal to God for forgiveness, the inner cleansing of our consciences, done by God in response to that repentant appeal and obedience.


    Acts 22.16
    “…Arise and be baptised, and WASH AWAY YOUR SINS CALLING ON HIS NAME”

    Acts 2.38
    “..Repent and let each of you be baptised in the name of Jesus Christ for the FORGIVENESS OF YOUR SINS..”

    The two verses above are of two seperate baptisms Nick. The first is the baptism unto repentance of forgiveness of sins by calling on his name. This is the baptism in blood.

    The next verse is water baptism being baptized in the name of Jesus.

    You have to examine every word Nick.


    Hi H,
    Was Simon Magus saved?
    Was he baptised in water?
    was he repentant?


    Hi h,
    Had Simon Magus been sprinkled?


    Nick, you missed it completely again. It is not that hard. Is your heart that hard?

    Acts 22.16
    “…Arise and be baptised, and WASH AWAY YOUR SINS CALLING ON HIS NAME”

    Acts 2.38
    “..Repent and let each of you be baptised in the name of Jesus Christ for the FORGIVENESS OF YOUR SINS..”

    In Acts 22.16 it is telling one to call on the Lord Jesus to wash away ones sins unto salvation.

    In Acts 2.38 it calls for repentance first and then baptism in the name of the Lord Jesus.

    The key to the verses as I said before is when we are saved, we call on his name and when we are baptized in water, we are baptized in his name.


    Hi H,
    You seem to have missed the questions about Simon Magus.
    I think there is important wisdom in there that might reveal more about this matter.

    Had he believed?
    Had he repented?
    Had he been baptised in water in the name of Jesus?
    Had he had his conscience sprinkled clean by the blood of the Lamb?
    Had he been forgiven?
    Had he been baptised in the Spirit of God?

    If you do not know the answers to all these questions that is the correct answer.

    Only God knows who has been sprinkled clean.


    Or for crying out loud, “If you dance naked in the rain, you will be baptised if you believe!”

    malcolm ferris

    Repent and dance naked in the rain? and you shall recieve… a head cold and great cause for embarassment.:p


    Show me in scripture Nick.


    You are mad cause you cannot argue with the truth. Show me the verses in scripture you are talking about.


    Hi H,
    What of Simon Magus?
    BTW I am still awaiting your scriptural proof that sprinkling in the blood of the Lamb is called baptism in the Word. It is important because you have appropriated the word “baptism” in scripture in other verses to mean this so you will need to proof to justify such a change of meaning.


    Nick, you cannot not see it. You eyes are covered. I have tried.


    Hi H,
    Tke off the old thick KJV lenses for awhile and you will see better. They diminish the whole view.

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