Is baptism needed for salvation?

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  • #125173

    942767 said:

    The body of Christ is the Israel of God.  The Jews who did not believe that Jesus was the Christ were broken off of the vine and we, from the gentile nations who have believed were grafted in.

    I agree that the body of Christ is the Israel of God. But the body of Christ was made up of Jewish believers only. The body of Christ is now in heaven. Christians today are not Christ's body. You say that “we” Gentiles have been grafted in. But there is no Jew or Gentile today because there are no racial distinctions today. All men today are “one blood.”

    And read Joel 2 and Acts 2 without your traditional glasses. It says clearly and unmistakeably that it was Israel's sons and daughters that would see visions and dream dreams. A Gentile never received any of those powers. Israel's sons and daughters are not doing these things today. The Isaiah 2 prophecy says that in the last days the word of the Lord would come from Jerusalem. This prophecy occurred just as Isaiah said. When the Holy Spirit was poured out the word of the Lord went from Jerusalem.

    But the word of the Lord is not coming from Jerusalem today. Jerusalem is altogether apostate.

    1. The Holy Spirit was poured out in the last days

    2. Israel's sons and daughters prophesied and dreamed dreams in the last days.

    3. The word of the Lord went from Jerusalem in the last days.

    NONE OF THESE THINGS ARE HAPPENING TODAY SO LET'S GET REAL! All these things were indicative of the end of the old covenant age (the last days). Wishing that God included you in the last days phenomenon won't make it happen. All those prophecies were fulfilled-completely fulfilled.



    Hi tt,
    So you are not in Christ and the Spirit of Christ is not in you?
    Then what is your hope?


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 19 2009,12:47)
    Hi tt,
    To see the kingdom you must repent and be reborn or water and the Spirit[jn3]
    To enter that kingdom you must come to the door of Jesus.
    Becoming sons of God is the aim.

    “knowledge” without action is just another vanity.

    You're teaching old covenant salvation Nick. Salvation is by faith alone now. Repentance and baptism was an old covenant requirement to ISRAEL ALONE!



    Hi tt,
    So you have faith greater than the demons?


    Hi tt,
    It is not knowing of Jesus that matters but whether or not he knows us.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 19 2009,20:05)
    Hi tt,
    So you are not in Christ and the Spirit of Christ is not in you?
    Then what is your hope?

    My hope is in Paul's faith alone gospel which is for all men indiscriminately for all of time. I have been very clear on this. That you would ask such a question indicates that you do not pay attention.

    It is your turn to answer questions:
    1. Where do you see Israel's sons and daughters prophesying and dreaming dreams today?
    2. Where do you see the word of the Lord going forth from Jerusalem today?



    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 19 2009,20:09)
    Hi tt,
    So you have faith greater than the demons?




    Quote (thethinker @ Mar. 09 2009,05:52)
    theodorej wrote:

    Greetings Thinker…..As for the performance of miracles I say to you STANDBY !!!…..Let us not forget that a miracle is some thing or event that will be spectacular and defy common knowledge and human understanding…..We are living in a time when we will see wonders that will confound even the elect…..Watch the worlds most vibraint economy disolve before your very eyes….Watch for spectacular weather events….

    It is evident that you and I do not agree on what constitutes a “miracle.”

    Now there was a certain woman who had a flow of blood for twelve years, and had suffered many things of many physicians. She had spent all that she had and was not better, but rather grew worse. When she heard about Jesus, she came behind Him in the crowd and touched His garment….Immediately the fountain of her blood was dried up, and she felt in her body that she was healed of her affliction. (Mark 5:25-29)

    A miracle is defined as woman who has been suffering for twelve years even after having more suffering inflicted upon her by “doctors.” Then she hears about Jesus and believes that just by touching His garment she will be healed of her infirmity. A miracle happens in the moment she touches His garment and she is immediately healed of the infirmity that the many physicains failed to cure though they took her money.

    Then He came to the house of the ruler of the synagogue, and saw a great commotion and those who wept and wailed loudly. When He came in He said to them, “Why make this commotion and weep? The child is not dead, but sleeping.”….Then He took the child by the hand, and said to her, “Talitha Cumi,” which is translated, “little girl, I say to you, arise.” Immediately the girl arose and walked….And they were overcome with great amazement (Mark 5:36-42)

    A miracle is defined as a loving family that is grieving over the little girl they loved but died. Then Jesus appears to console them not only in word “Do not weep”, but also in action “Little girl, I say to you, arise.” A miracle happens when the little girl that was dead immediately arises and the people are overcome with great amazement and their little one is given back to them.

    Yet your definition of a miracle is this:

    Stand by….Watch the middle east…..


    Greetings thinker…..In todays world we have a media that creates news from sound bites….For that reason any person who is search of the truth should get all the facts,and one way of doing that is to read ALL the infomation….Based on your example of what constitutes a miracle,we do agree…Not all miracles have a happy ending….Satan will be empowered to perform wonders,these events will be spectacular and will rise to the definition of a miracle….simply because they will defy human understanding and common knowledge…and in addition will be supernatural in nature….


    Quote (thethinker @ Mar. 20 2009,03:04)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 19 2009,20:05)
    Hi tt,
    So you are not in Christ and the Spirit of Christ is not in you?
    Then what is your hope?

    My hope is in Paul's faith alone gospel which is for all men indiscriminately for all of time. I have been very clear on this. That you would ask such a question indicates that you do not pay attention.

    It is your turn to answer questions:
    1. Where do you see Israel's sons and daughters prophesying and dreaming dreams today?
    2. Where do you see the word of the Lord going forth from Jerusalem today?


    Intellectual acceptance of biblical facts is not true faith and it simply gives us less excuse for not obeying.

    Should we rely on what our weak eyes can see of the work of God among men as useful evidence?

    If we see little of that work is it because there is no faith on earth because God demands that faith?

    Luke 17:19
    And he said unto him, Arise, go thy way: thy faith hath made thee whole.

    No we rather rely on the promises of God and this is what Peter said of that given Spirit.

    Acts 2
    38Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

    39For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the LORD our God shall call.


    Hi tt,
    5And He could do no miracle there except that He laid His hands on a few sick people and healed them.

    6And He wondered at their unbelief. And He was going around the villages teaching.


    How should we be baptised?
    In the name of Jesus Christ.[Acts]


    Nick said:

    Intellectual acceptance of biblical facts is not true faith and it simply gives us less excuse for not obeying.

    Should we rely on what our weak eyes can see of the work of God among men as useful evidence?

    If we see little of that work is it because there is no faith on earth because God demands that faith?

    If a father says to his child, “there will be a birthday party at grandma's house today”, is that child a fatihless “intellectual” to expect that a party will occur at grandma's house just as he/she was told? God promised Israel (His child) that the Holy Spirit would be poured out in the last days (Joel 2). And God said that in that time the word of the Lord would go forth from Jerusalem (Isaiah 2).

    According to the book of Acts it all happened in Jerusalem just as God had promised

    And there was dwelling in Jerusalem Jews, devout men, from every nation under heaven….Then Peter said….This is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel:

    It shall come to pass in the last days….

    God promised Israel that the Spirit would be poured out in the last days and it came to pass. Isaiah said that in that time the word of the Lord would go out from Jerusalem. IT ALL HAPPENED IN JERUSALEM NICK! But the word of the Lord does NOT go out from Jerusalem today Nick.

    You suggest that I am a faithless “intellectual” because I believe that when a father says to his child that there will be a birthday party at grandma's house it will come to pass exactly that way. I am not a faithless “intellectual” Nick. Rather, you have an unfounded hope.

    Jerusalem is apostate today Nick. Therefore, the last days are behind us. It's that simple!



    Hi tt,
    We need to be FORGIVEN.

    Your doctrine does not offer the hope of that on which the promises rest.


    Hi tt,
    When Jesus rules from Jerusalem the word will go out from there.

    Reading of promises given to true Israel and of an invitation to be joined with them in that blessing does not bring it about.


    Hi tt,
    Peter showed in prophecy an example of what was seen at Pentecost.

    He was not declaring that endtime to be then.


    Hi tt,
    If you do not have access to the forgiveness in Jesus and the Life in the Spirit then you have no hope.


    Hi tt,
    2 Corinthians 4:3
    But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost:


    Hi tt,
    If all have sinned then each must seek forgiveness,.
    Do you see written a general amnesty or does it say faith brings forgiveness?


    Nick said:

    When Jesus rules from Jerusalem the word will go out from there.

    You have just inferred that the last days are in the future and do not apply to us today. For the word of the Lord goes out from Jerusalem IN THE LAST DAYS WHEN THE SPIRIT IS POURED OUT. So we both agree that the pouring out of the Spirit does not apply today. For me it has happened and has been totally fulfilled. But for you it has yet to happen.  Either way, the pouring out of the Spirit is not for our day. For when the Spirit is poured out the word of the Lord will go out from Jerusalem.

    The word of the Lord is NOT going out from Jerusalem today Nick.



    Hi tt,
    Not so.

    The outpouring on ALL flesh as described in Joel 2 is yet to be seen.
    Have you yet to recieve this wonderful downpayment on salvation?
    Perhaps you will not do so if you deny the promised blessing

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