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  • #186833

    The mind of Christ is of scripture and the teaching Spirit.
    It is more of love than understanding which must always be incomplete and can never be free from vanity.


    Hi Gene:

    Intellect has to do with the mind. A thought does not become a part of a man's spirit until it is obeyed, and so God's Holy Spirit is the life that God lives. My spirit is becoming like him as I learn to apply His Word in my daily life.

    Love in Christ,


    Quote (942767 @ April 13 2010,09:35)
    Hi Gene:

    Intellect has to do with the mind.  A thought does not become a part of a man's spirit until it is obeyed, and so God's Holy Spirit is the life that God lives.  My spirit is becoming like him as I learn to apply His Word in my daily life.

    Love in Christ,

    well said but the heart is also part of it ,because you end up loving the thoughts or hate them and keep them,hate them and reject them.

    the spirit of Christ = all related history given by the prophets,
    Jesus teachings,the words of his apostles (scriptures)understanding,as it is,
    if you like it you have the spirit of Christ and also the love for his father because now you understand that all things comes from him who send the son.
    and by obey to Christ words, the spirit of God is now in you.
    prove you have become a new have been reborn of the spirit,but you have to keep walking in the spirit to keep Gods spirit.


    Quote (terraricca @ April 13 2010,11:48)

    Quote (942767 @ April 13 2010,09:35)
    Hi Gene:

    Intellect has to do with the mind.  A thought does not become a part of a man's spirit until it is obeyed, and so God's Holy Spirit is the life that God lives.  My spirit is becoming like him as I learn to apply His Word in my daily life.

    Love in Christ,

    well said but the heart is also part of it ,because you end up loving the thoughts or hate them and keep them,hate them and reject them.

    the spirit of Christ = all related history given by the prophets,
    Jesus teachings,the words of his apostles (scriptures)understanding,as it is,
    if you like it you have the spirit of Christ and also the love for his father because now you understand that all things comes from him who send the son.
    and by obey to Christ words, the spirit of God is now in you.
    prove you have become a new have been reborn of the spirit,but you have to keep walking in the spirit to keep Gods spirit.

    Hi T:

    What do you say is the heart?

    Love in Christ,


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 16 2006,13:38)

    Quote (Sammo @ May 16 2006,02:10)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 06 2006,04:02)
    learning from his earthly parents


    If Jesus really did exist before he was born at the start of the gospels (even if he wasn't God), then I think it's still pretty odd that he should learn from his parents.

    Preexistence is closely linked with trinitarianism, and causes all sorts of problems.

    Hi Sammo,
    Does any man know and understand anything when he is born?
    Men have soul and spirit within their earthly bodies from before birth.

    Is Jesus like to us?

    Why would we assume soul has the ability to fully be functional within an immature human body?
    Does not all information learned not have to come through the senses in humans?
    If he was like to us in all ways except partaking in sin why should he be different?

    Would that not make him unlike to us?

    Truth has always been an irritation to men's minds.

    Man is a soul when he is born while his spirit/mind has to develop as his brain develops.
    Jesus human body had to grow, but not his mind/spirit, it was the same mind he had in his spirit body.



    Hi Georg,
    The spirit gives men life so every son of adam has it from conception …or is dead.


    Quote (942767 @ April 13 2010,12:39)

    Quote (terraricca @ April 13 2010,11:48)

    Quote (942767 @ April 13 2010,09:35)
    Hi Gene:

    Intellect has to do with the mind.  A thought does not become a part of a man's spirit until it is obeyed, and so God's Holy Spirit is the life that God lives.  My spirit is becoming like him as I learn to apply His Word in my daily life.

    Love in Christ,

    well said but the heart is also part of it ,because you end up loving the thoughts or hate them and keep them,hate them and reject them.

    the spirit of Christ = all related history given by the prophets,
    Jesus teachings,the words of his apostles (scriptures)understanding,as it is,
    if you like it you have the spirit of Christ and also the love for his father because now you understand that all things comes from him who send the son.
    and by obey to Christ words, the spirit of God is now in you.
    prove you have become a new have been reborn of the spirit,but you have to keep walking in the spirit to keep Gods spirit.

    Hi T:

    What do you say is the heart?

    Love in Christ,


    the heart is the base holder of your deepest thoughts and emotions,i believe that is why it is important that the mind has to work together with the heart in the understanding and the decision making.


    To All………A mans (INTELLECT) forms his Thoughts, this intellect is either of GOD or the World or Both as the case of most. A mans intellect is what his mind is and he speaks from those intellects < " LET THIS MIND (BE) IN YOU AS WAS IN CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD", This is achieved by the SPIRIT (intellects) of GOD given His Childern, it is the (SEED) of GOD the FATHER in them. IMO

    peace and love to you all……………….gene


    Nick……….Life is the function of Intellects, from a one celled animals to Man and GOD. All given by ONE GOD. Spirit is not a Being it is what is (IN) the Being and it is the Beings life . A body without Spirit is DEAD, He has no awareness of life, therefore life does not exist for him, because the Spirit is gone “The dead KNOW Nothing because”,”when a man dies (HIS)(THOUGHTS) Parish”. To be a SOUL we must Have a Body and Spirit IN it. Spirit must be (IN) the VESSEL (body) in order to be a individual Person or SOUL. GOD can destory us simply by not resurrecting a body and adding Spirit back into it, by just leaving us in the grave. AS Jesus how GOD could destory us. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours………………..gene


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ April 14 2010,03:34)
    To All………A mans (INTELLECT) forms his Thoughts, this intellect is either of GOD or the World or Both as the case of most. A mans intellect is what his mind is and he speaks from those intellects < " LET THIS MIND (BE) IN YOU AS WAS IN CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD", This is achieved by the SPIRIT (intellects) of GOD given His Childern, it is the (SEED) of GOD the FATHER in them.  IMO

    peace and love to you all……………….gene

    Hi Gene:

    The scripture that you to which you refer, “Let this mind be in you which also was in Christ Jesus” refers to his humility. Again, a thought whether it is of the world or of God does not become a part of your spirit until you obey the thought.

    Here is the scripture:

    Phil 2:5Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:

    6Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:

    7But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:

    8And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.

    Love in Christ,


    Quote (terraricca @ April 13 2010,16:59)

    Quote (942767 @ April 13 2010,12:39)

    Quote (terraricca @ April 13 2010,11:48)

    Quote (942767 @ April 13 2010,09:35)
    Hi Gene:

    Intellect has to do with the mind.  A thought does not become a part of a man's spirit until it is obeyed, and so God's Holy Spirit is the life that God lives.  My spirit is becoming like him as I learn to apply His Word in my daily life.

    Love in Christ,

    well said but the heart is also part of it ,because you end up loving the thoughts or hate them and keep them,hate them and reject them.

    the spirit of Christ = all related history given by the prophets,
    Jesus teachings,the words of his apostles (scriptures)understanding,as it is,
    if you like it you have the spirit of Christ and also the love for his father because now you understand that all things comes from him who send the son.
    and by obey to Christ words, the spirit of God is now in you.
    prove you have become a new have been reborn of the spirit,but you have to keep walking in the spirit to keep Gods spirit.

    Hi T:

    What do you say is the heart?

    Love in Christ,


    the heart is the base holder of your deepest thoughts and emotions,i believe that is why it is important that the mind has to work together with the heart in the understanding and the decision making.

    Hi T:

    My understanding it that the soul is a person with a mind, a will and emotions. The first Adam was made a living soul. It is the spirit that animates the soul.

    The last Adam was made a life giving spirit.

    Matthew 15:16And Jesus said, Are ye also yet without understanding?

    17Do not ye yet understand, that whatsoever entereth in at the mouth goeth into the belly, and is cast out into the draught?

    18But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man.

    19For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies:

    Love in Christ,


    Quote (942767 @ April 14 2010,05:56)

    Quote (terraricca @ April 13 2010,16:59)

    Quote (942767 @ April 13 2010,12:39)

    Quote (terraricca @ April 13 2010,11:48)

    Quote (942767 @ April 13 2010,09:35)
    Hi Gene:

    Intellect has to do with the mind.  A thought does not become a part of a man's spirit until it is obeyed, and so God's Holy Spirit is the life that God lives.  My spirit is becoming like him as I learn to apply His Word in my daily life.

    Love in Christ,

    well said but the heart is also part of it ,because you end up loving the thoughts or hate them and keep them,hate them and reject them.

    the spirit of Christ = all related history given by the prophets,
    Jesus teachings,the words of his apostles (scriptures)understanding,as it is,
    if you like it you have the spirit of Christ and also the love for his father because now you understand that all things comes from him who send the son.
    and by obey to Christ words, the spirit of God is now in you.
    prove you have become a new have been reborn of the spirit,but you have to keep walking in the spirit to keep Gods spirit.

    Hi T:

    What do you say is the heart?

    Love in Christ,


    the heart is the base holder of your deepest thoughts and emotions,i believe that is why it is important that the mind has to work together with the heart in the understanding and the decision making.

    Hi T:


    The last Adam was made a life giving spirit.

    Matthew 15:16And Jesus said, Are ye also yet without understanding?

    17Do not ye yet understand, that whatsoever entereth in at the mouth goeth into the belly, and is cast out into the draught?

    18But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man.

    19For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies:

    Love in Christ,

    Hi T:

    My understanding it that the soul is a person with a mind, a will and emotions. The first Adam was made a living soul. It is the spirit that animates the soul.

    and i agree with you there Adam did not need anything more,
    he was created in a environment all suited for men to live.

    but wen he corrupted himself this changes the scenario,now were in cause billions of men,and above all the credibility of God ,because the great question now is ;;can God have a world of men that worship him in love for his love????

    this is Satan purpose to prevent men to come to that,

    now Adam in the condition he was created ad everything that was needed to live and understand Gods will ,but because of is action he would not be the good candidate,other came along and were chosen by God to be called righteous,but they never will be able to buy back there lives from God because they ad sin and so not pure like Adam was before he sins.

    this is now instituted by God ,the procedure to bring back men into his favor,and chose the offspring of Abraham and so on.

    wen Jesus came he was the end in which God as made is reconciliation possible,his soul was of men,but he also was direct connected to God by is relation with God,He had live as a gift to all of those who will accept his message and that until the end of times,he was son of God.

    we as men we still in the same position than the early believers in Christ ,and so the answer to one question as to be answer by all of us ,DO WE ACCEPT THE WORD OF GOD -AND WILLING TO ACCEPTED AS OUR GUIDE IN OUR LIVE we love God so much that we want to do that.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 13 2010,16:23)
    Hi Georg,
    The spirit gives men life so every son of adam has it from conception …or is dead.

    The breath of God is what gave Adam life, not a soul, he became a living soul. Man is not born with a soul, he is a soul.



    For RM


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ July 08 2010,05:45)
    For RM

    What's for me?

    I can agree a man is a living soul, made alive by The Spirit of God.

    but I also know that Mary's womb was filled with the holy spirit, and that is what birth Jesus Christ.

    So what are you saying?


    Hi RM,
    Her womb was filled?
    Or was Jesus conceived of the Spirit of God?
    That made him a man like us[acts 2.22-23, 1tim 2.5]


    Kathi brought up this catholic dogma.


    The man Jesus of Nazareth was transformed by his anointing by the Holy Spirit at the Jordan.[Acts 10.38]


    The Father and the Son and Spirit invented the incarnation, not the catholics. You give them way too much credit! :)

    It was the Spirit of the Most High that overshadowed Mary, and caused the incarnation, not the catholics.


    Hi LU,
    Indeed God did by His Spirit.
    No separation.

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