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  • #165085

    hi nick
    God was with him ,not in him if you believe that God is in Christ you believe in the trinity as well,
    what was in Christ is the will to do is fathers will no matter what it cost even his live ,this is the spirit we should all as christian develop in time ,if you do you will come to the plenitude of God grace.


    Hi T,
    Not so,
    Scripture says it and it is true.
    When he walked the streets people said
    “A great prophet has come and God has visited His people' and they were right in both matters.

    Jesus is the submitted vessel chosen by God in which to dwell.
    Now we too can be such vessels too[2Tim2.20f]


    hi nick
    then the trinity is true,and you know it is not,Christ is not impersonating God the Father,but like it says “you can bring a horse to water but you can't make him drink it”

    If God was with him he also died in him ,God can not die.


    Hi T,
    God was in him and still is.
    He died but in the living Spirit of God visited the spirits in prison.
    Those who are anointed in the living Spirit yet live though they have died as God never leaves or forsakes them.

    God is the God of the living.


    Hi T,
    If God is in Christ there cannot be any trinity.
    God is not in himself.


    hi nick
    then explain how God is in Christ because i do not understand this with the scriptures, so you who know s explain it to me


    HGi T,
    When Jesus was filled with the Spirit of God at the Jordan, God came to live in and through him.
    But he was never that God.

    God too can live in us.[Eph 3.19,]


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 12 2010,10:29)
    HGi T,
    When Jesus was filled with the Spirit of God at the Jordan, God came to live in and through him.
    But he was never that God.

    God too can live in us.[Eph 3.19,]


    God is spirit this means 'thought'(samaritan women at the well)

    Christ went to John the baptist to start is ministry,Isa 61:1 The Spirit of the LORD and King is on me.
    The LORD has anointed me
    to tell the good news to poor people.
    He has sent me to comfort
    those whose hearts have been broken.
    He has sent me to announce freedom
    for those who have been captured.
    He wants me to set prisoners free
    from their dark prisons.

    there he received from God the anointed spirit to make him the son of man and son of God,

    the spirit he received were the thoughts required to fulfil all his ministry to the letter of the law and prophets,

    from now on everything Christ does ,speaks,performed was his fathers will,he became the executor of his father.

    so all his thoughts were totally in line with those of his father,and the thoughts of the father are holy ,so Christ became holy because now his spirit (line of thoughts were from his God)was with the spirit of God (same thoughts)

    Christ trust in his father was total,it was written in the law that he would not stay in the Sheol,and that his father would bring him back from dead,it was also written that he has to die by the hands of the wicket ones.

    but how you can trust someone if it is not in your spirit (thoughts)and mind and heart.(the knowledge of God are his thoughts)

    this is the same today if your thoughts are searching Gods will and you put gods thoughts in your heart and mind,
    are you then not practice righteousness,is not evil gone out of you and replaced to do Gods will.?
    and so are you not becoming holy like Christ and his father?
    performing only righteous deeds?

    is not that, what Paul says”” to become holy because I am holy says God””

    so the spirit of god in us ,means his thoughts,his will,his knowledge,and this way we are in union with him all the time .


    hi T,
    God is not thought or a great intellect unless you are a follower of Gene Balthrop.
    God gave of His own LIVING SPIRIT into Jesus when He proclaimed him his Son to enable His speech and actions.
    Likewise the Spirit given to us does not transform our thoughts and actions but allows those who listen and submit to scripture to be taught and transformed.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 12 2010,10:29)
    HGi T,
    When Jesus was filled with the Spirit of God at the Jordan, God came to live in and through him.
    But he was never that God.

    God too can live in us.[Eph 3.19,]

    Nick……….Absolutely right. God was (IN) Christ Jesus and in ALL who have HIS Spirit (IN) them. “that God may be all and Through all”.

    Most do not understand how God can INDWELL US, just as He did and does Jesus. Jesus did indeed recieve God (into) Him at the Jordan and there he became the First Begotten son of GOD. GOD the Fathers “SEED” or Holy Spirit came into Him and He became a son of the living God because the Seed of the living God was in Him. Works the same with us also. But that no more makes Jesus a God then it does us. Same Spirit in all and through all of Gods Childern.

    peace and love to you and yours………….gene


    Nick………If your thought don't control you then what does. You still do not know what Spirit really is Do YOU? “LET THIS (MIND) BE IN YOU WHICH WAS (IN) JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD. Nick you talk about the Spirit but have no idea what it is> Here is something more simple for you Nick < Ask your self what a SPIRIT of TRUTH (IS)? Is that not the (INTELLECT) of TRUTH a power to recognize Truth, now where does that take Place, in space some where of in our MINDS. In fact there is (NOTHING) you do in your life that is not the result of your thinking and what ever effects it. Remove your mind and you become just a cadaver. "I THINK THEREFORE I AM". No thinking No you, or have your figured out how to live without thinking Nick?

    peace and love…………………..gene


    Is logic enough to build your dogma on?
    Go back to what is written


    Nick……….And your dogmas produce no clarity of what SPIRIT REALLY (IS), but you speak like you know, but fail to give any answer to the question. I realize you believe GOD has no logic or reason , and think logic is useless and we should Just blindly accept words, written, rather we understand them or not, or rather they make any sense or not, preferring Blind Faith over true understanding and Logic.

    peace and love………..gene


    Speaking to those reborn of the Spirit Paul pleads with them in the verse you quote and in Rom 12.2 for them to ALLOW the Spirit to retrain their minds unto the ways of God. Rebirth of the Spirit does not bring this about and many bridemaids are found unready.


    Nick…..Are we not (allowing) the SPIRIT (Intellect) of GOD into our MINDS, by accepting what they mean and understanding them. Nick this whole thing is about thinking, the renewing of our minds is it not. “being transformed by the renewing of our minds” and being (WASHED) by the (Word) of GOD. Is that not all taking place in our minds through the intellects given us by GOD. I don't think we are that far apart really.

    peace and love…………….gene


    You have no understanding of the baptism in the Spirit.
    Read of it in acts.
    Seek it


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ April 12 2010,16:02)
    Nick…..Are we not (allowing) the SPIRIT (Intellect) of GOD into our MINDS, by accepting what they mean and understanding them. Nick this whole thing is about thinking, the renewing of our minds is it not. “being transformed by the renewing of our minds” and being (WASHED) by the (Word) of GOD. Is that not all taking place in our minds through the intellects given us by GOD.  I don't think we are that far apart really.

    peace and love…………….gene


    if you remove the word “intellect”” and put thoughts in stead i think it will work

    spirit =thought (in most cases)

    spirit of men=thoughts of men

    spirit of God = thoughts of God

    spirit of Christ =thoughts of God +understanding

    man spirit =mind,heart


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 12 2010,16:04)
    You have no understanding of the baptism in the Spirit.
    Read of it in acts.
    Seek it

    Nick……….Seeing you think you do , then please explain it to Us, tell us what to you Spirit is, Is it a BEING as you suppose, void of any understanding intellects, or thoughts. Reveal your truth and understanding to us O Wise ONE. I recieved the Holy Spirit when you were still worshiping the Trinity and keeping Ester and Christmas and all manor of pagan teachings and still do seeing you believe Spirits are BEINGS of Some Kind, And as i recall your the one who thinks WATER Baptism was what saved you. You argued against me when i say it was the Baptism of the Spirit and Fire given by Christ from GOD the FATHER that really was what save us. Now you say you know the baptism of Christ? To think Spirit is not of the Mind is pure ignorance IMO.

    peace and love………….gene


    Terraricca………Thoughts are to me what comes from our intellects, To me the Spirit of Truth is the intellect which gives our minds the ability to recognize the truth when we hear it. This is an Intellect , by that i mean a special ability give by GOD to (Perceive) the truth, and it does differently effect our thoughts also.


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ April 13 2010,02:42)
    Terraricca………Thoughts are to me what comes from our intellects, To me the Spirit of Truth is the intellect which gives our minds the ability to recognize the truth when we hear it. This is an Intellect , by that i mean a special ability give by GOD to (Perceive) the truth, and it does differently effect our thoughts also.


    Gods thoughts are unidirectional,
    Gods does not know evil.
    what Gods thinks he does, in his line of thoughts
    only truth can be expected from God,and you should learn the thoughts of God so you would not tell lies.

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