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- October 17, 2023 at 9:23 am#945305
4th king
ParticipantHello Nick – It seems your spirit is on the right track here by putting the thought of the Star wars movie into your mind, jesus says humanity has no origional thoughts & they give humans thoughts even negitive ones to help keep them away from danger etc,
You see there is much truth to the Star wars movie, the Darth Vader fellow is actually one of the Anunnaki beings named ENKI, this is why he wears black, the new incarnate jesus plays Carla Johnson as princess Leya, she works as a nurse for the secret space programe, i wont go into the rest of it right now as i realize this must sound like madness to you right now, yet if you take the time to some research you will find out the secret space programe is true and the star wars movie is really a documentary, infact its all about this movie & Jupiter asscending movie that comes to be in 2025, the reptilians are real and some can shape shift into humans, we used to be able to shape shift like this before 10 of our 12 strands of DNA were taken out of us under the control of the Anunnaki who won our planet in a space war roughly 300 thousand years ago, some of these guys can live for hundreds of thousands of years by injesting Gold in some monolithic form along with putting Nano technology into there bloodstream, its quite a confusing story when you really dig deep in it but the truth is finally comming out now.
October 17, 2023 at 10:43 am#945307Nick
ParticipantThe light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it….There was the true light, which coming into the world enlightens every man.
the Light is the Spirit of Christ.
Come out of darkness into the light.
October 17, 2023 at 12:05 pm#945309Nick
ParticipantThe fruit of man’s love for fantasy in movies etc is to tragically believe it.
October 18, 2023 at 1:10 am#945310Proclaimer
ParticipantHi 4th king.
Most if not all here will summarise you posts as that of a mad man. The onus is on you to prove that you are sane.
October 18, 2023 at 3:11 am#945311GeneBalthrop
Participant4th king, what I ask for you is that God the Father will remove from you that “deceiving spirit” working in the chambers of your mind, and replace it with the spirit of a sound mind, May our God grant that to you friend.
peace and love to you and yours………..gene
October 18, 2023 at 11:40 am#9453244th king
ParticipantGene you seem like a good person in all like any human i love dearly but your tunnel vision speaks for itself without even trying to understand my story by not questioning it first, – I have gained true enligtenment like those kings before me or as i did in other past lifes that lets the right side of my brain operate on a whole different level than the left side of the ego brains lower self,
by early 2025 you and others will come to see and believe my story here as i will have completed my 7 year term of enlightenment that will enable me to become like the creator or God, jesus tried telling us all we all have the creator inside us but most of you keep this blocked out by keeping core beliefs of Religion that were designed this way as to keep you all ignornant of the ultimate truth and this makes me sad and angrey at the dark beings who made this happen.
You guys think this is the only life you have here also, where as the real you is the aspect soul living with in you and the higher soul living in 6th density, this is how the soul knows everything that is going to happen in your short time upon earth in 3rd density, it is time to awaken from your slumber and do some reasearch into all of this and learn the truth with an OPEN MIND, you can do this while keeping your faith alive my friend, the leap of faith is all it takes.
October 18, 2023 at 1:18 pm#945326Nick
ParticipantYeah right.
Thanks for coming.
October 19, 2023 at 3:23 am#945331GeneBalthrop
Participant4th king……your listing to your own heart, remember what scripture says about that, …….….. > Jer 17:10…..> ” The heart is “deceitful” above all things”, and desperately wicked: who can know it? Verse 11, I the LORD search the heart, I try the reins, even to give “every” man according to his ways, and according to the fruits of “HIS” doings.”
peace and love to you and yours 4th king…………gene
October 19, 2023 at 9:37 am#9453344th king
Participanthi Gene – This part about the heart is but one of many parts of scripture that is supposed to fool us all, only 20 percent of this bible book is truth like revelations are except for the worship parts,
The heart is the most important organ of all to open its heart chakra and fully learn with consciousness of true enlightenment as i gained through phases in 2020, the heart chakra is what lets in the love frequency & frequency’s are what keeps everything togeather in mass form, without it everything would fall apart without this vibration, & this heart love frequency is how we can heal just as Jesus learned only he did this in 4th density vibration, this was the difference he had to other god like masters before him, some people in our history now have the ability to heal using the lower chakra’s only and they can heal people also but it does not last more than a few months or so, they need to keep doing it this way with the paitent when the energy wears off, the entire universe is all about energy my friend & when we learn how to manipulate it we can do all these magical type things with it, mainstream science is slowely learning this now,
So the heart is something we can learn to listen to and feel with emotion when we have love for all humanity & not just some of it, even bad people have good inside them yet they grow up without ever experiencing it & start to polarize in the negitive polarity of free will the entire universe has, humanity is meant to polarize more toward the positive side of polarization that gives us this love frequency that can create life like you have never imagined possible using the 3rd eye with this, the negitive beings that control earthly affairs do not get to use the love frequency & this is the only thing they fear about humanity being able to do if they reach enlightenment, enlightenment is when we start to loose to lower Ego self that keeps humans from learning the real truth that sounds so mad to them as it did myself before all of this happened to myself just over 6/half years ago.
Thanks for listening & much love to you & those you encounter in the game of life.
April 15, 2024 at 11:54 pm#946330Proclaimer
Participantthe Sabbath was made “for” man, not man for the Sabbath”.
Sabbath is not our master. If we adhere to rituals then that will not bring life. If we have life, we will enter God’s rest.
April 16, 2024 at 2:05 am#946333GeneBalthrop
ParticipantJesus was absolutely right in what he said, “the sabbath was “made for man”, not man for the Sabbath”, It’s a blessing from God, but it up to us whether we us that blessing or not.
peace and love to you and yours Proclaimer……….gene
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