Human sacrifice?

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    Quote (kerwin @ June 18 2010,18:00)

    Do you understand the Jewish concept of self-sacrifice.

    Here is a profile of one Jew who risked his very life to do what he believed was right.  I consider him a heretic but I do not question his zeal and perhaps that zeal did come from a heart that hungered and thirted for righteousness though he traveled in the darkness of ignorance.

    If Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn had died instead of being freed then he would of sacrificed his own life and so sacrificed a human by means of the authoritie of U.S.S.R.  Why is his attempt at human sacrifice considered noble by these Jews instead of ignoble?

    Jesus also face a similar choice and chose to die in order to seal the new covenant that would bring many freedom from disobedience to God.  In freeing many from their bondage to disobeying God he reconciled them to the one God who is all Righteous.  That is what makes him a high priest superior to the high priests of the House of Aaron, as they cannot free anyone from their bondage to disobeying God.

    Hi brother Kerwin,
    You are alone in proving your theology/Christology, no Christian will agree with such strange logics of yours. You have not answered my questions again. Please see them as I mentioned above how NT is not contradictory by quoting one thing in one place and the other in another place. Your self-sacrifice can not be taken as an atonement for sins since it is not signifying anything according to orthodox Judaism. Many martyr deaths were there in Jewish as well as Christian history will they all signify the same as per your speculation?



    The writer of Hebrews agrees with my strange logic as that is the logic that writer uses.   I chose to rephrase what that New Testiment writer wrote in hoping to illuminate you about the good news of the Kingdom of God.  

    If you direct your attention to where I wrote that Jesus' death sealed the New Covenant then you will find basically the same argument in Hebrews 9:16-22 though he uses a will as his example.  It is also know that blood was used to seal agreements in blood and the Jewish encylopedia acknowledges the first covenant was sealed in blood.

    So Jesus self-sacrifice is directly related to the sealing of the New Covenant fortold by the prophets.

    Why was his blood necessary to seal the New Covenant?  The answer that I come up with is that despite being tempted even as we are he did not sin and that made his self sacrifice worthy of sealing the New Covenant unlike the self sacrifice of others.

    So I am answering your question though perhaps not as you expected me to.


    Thanks for your explanation brother Kerwin, but I can't agree with you or the writer of Hebrews an unnamed writer on those arguments on sealing the New covenant. Infact the whole logic of Christian New covenant is entirely different from yours also from what the Hebrew scriptures quote. They never intended any sealing by the blood of a man by human sacrifice. If so it could have been evident in OT.


    Quote (gollamudi @ June 18 2010,16:14)
    Thanks for your explanation brother Kerwin, but I can't agree with you or the writer of Hebrews an unnamed writer on those arguments on sealing the New covenant. Infact the whole logic of Christian New covenant is entirely different from yours also from what the Hebrew scriptures quote. They never intended any sealing by the blood of a man by human sacrifice. If so it could have been evident in OT.


    So what you are claiming is that you are going to hold on to what you want to believe even though you have no evidence to actually support it.

    By the way his sealing the New Covenant with his blood is foretold in Isaiah 53:5.


    Quote (gollamudi @ June 18 2010,21:14)
    Thanks for your explanation brother Kerwin, but I can't agree with you or the writer of Hebrews an unnamed writer on those arguments on sealing the New covenant. Infact the whole logic of Christian New covenant is entirely different from yours also from what the Hebrew scriptures quote. They never intended any sealing by the blood of a man by human sacrifice. If so it could have been evident in OT.


    It wasnt human scrafise,
    the man was condemned a sinners death,

    look at this like the court of law,

    We were suppose to be guilty of the death penalty,
    instead christ was found guilty

    a scapegoat,

    to die in our place,

    Lets say that Christ didnt die for our sins,

    who will pay for it?

    we will

    if you call Christ death a human scrafise,

    the fact that we die, and are punish for our sins, is also a human scrafise,

    its either or.


    when one dies for someone else,
    its not a human scrafise its called being matryer

    Israel fought many wars where isaerlites die all the time, and the died for what they believed.
    for king and country,
    this isnt human scrafise


    Hi brother SimplyForgiven a nice name for Avtar, I thank for your good response. But Hebrew scriptures never intended human sacrifice for sin atonement. If you want please gothrough this thread from the beginning you will understand how much illogical it is on part of Christianity to claim human crucifixion can be an atonement for the sins of whole mankind from Adam to till the end? God intended animal blood and other bloodless means of sin atonement how can an unknown writer of Hebrews misinterpret the Hebrew scriptures to suit his logics?


    Quote (gollamudi @ June 18 2010,21:32)
    Hi brother SimplyForgiven a nice name for Avtar, I thank for your good response. But Hebrew scriptures never intended human sacrifice for sin atonement. If you want please gothrough this thread from the beginning you will understand how much illogical it is on part of Christianity to claim human crucifixion can be an atonement for the sins of whole mankind from Adam to till the end? God intended animal blood and other bloodless means of sin atonement how can an unknown writer of Hebrews misinterpret the Hebrew scriptures to suit his logics?

    Hey Adam,

    Thanks for the comment about the name, my avatar/ picture, is actually a picture that i took my self, that was inspired by a dream i had about God.

    to respond:

    Can we say never? if were to strictly stick to scripture, we couldnt say never. Lets start here. You have to understand that the people crucfixfied Christ as a sinner. but who is Christ? a Perfect being. not just a human, but he Son of God. Yet he didnt die because of the cruxficion, he Died becuase God crushed him, Isaiah says that it pleased Yaweh to crush him!

    it pleased him to crush a being. It wasnt the cross that killed him, it was the holy wrath of God that made Jesus tremble.

    Animal blood was not perfect, and wasnt enough for the whole world. but a perfect lamb, without blemish could. the lamb was Jesus Christ.

    born in flesh for that very purpose.

    besides hebrew scripture the gospel, revelations even paul presents Jesus as the Lamb.

    Lets talk about human scrafise, a real human scrafise is like what Abraham had to do with Isaac,

    Yet abraham didnt go through with it because a LAMB whose horn was stuck took his sons place.

    This is what is going on here.

    Jesus was held guilty in the court of Gods Justice, not in only in the court of Man.

    As Sin entered by one mans disobdience, it will leave by ones obedience.
    Please read these verses carefully.
    the Atonement of sin was quenched by only the shedding of blood, it wasnt the blood, it was by whom the blood came from. the blood that was shed came from a innocent man, perfect, sinless, and who obeyed God. His obedeince made him the author of our salvation.
    any blood didnt due, it was a blood that had testimony,
    it was a blood, a perfect pure blood, without any sin.
    This man was more than human, he was a Perfect man,
    By one Perfect man sin entered the world through his disobedience, by one Perfect mans obedience shall it be vanquished.

    Sin started with a Perfect Mans choice, It shall end by a Perfect mans choice to not sin.
    Thats why he had to shed his blood, it must be him, it has to be him. no one else can do it.

    This man is Jesus Christ the son of the living God.

    Romans 5:
    11And not only so, but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atonement.
    -(read the context if you must)
    14Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come.

    15But not as the offence, so also is the free gift. For if through the offence of one many be dead, much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one man, Jesus Christ, hath abounded unto many.

    16And not as it was by one that sinned, so is the gift: for the judgment was by one to condemnation, but the free gift is of many offences unto justification.

    17For if by one man's offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.)

    18Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life.

    19For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.

    20Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound:

    21That as sin hath reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord.


    Hi brother SimplyForgiven,
    I appreciate your post above. Infact I know everything of that as a Christian believer. There is no problem for a Christian to accept what you have brought out here. But I am not able to get the point from the Jewish point of view which was the religion of Jesus also. God never intended human sacrifice for the atonement of sins. He never told animal blood can not atone the sins or not sufficient. It was purely Christian interpretation that is to say a human has to die in place of all people. If so called original sin came through disobedience of one man where there in no question of blood involved same way righteousness can very well come by obedience of another man as you have narrated above even without involving the so called cultic sacrifice alleged by Christianity. No Jew will agree with such illogical interpretations. Please read Hebrew scriptures you will understand that there is nothing like what Christianity misinterprets the Jewish scriptures.

    Thanks and peace to you


    Adam……….I have wondered about the fact that a Human being had to die for all . There may be some confusion on What is meant by , “There is no forgiveness of sin without the shedding of Blood. It could be that this means the Shedding of (OUR) Lives we live in the flesh, and remember it say Life is in the blood, that is the way we live . We must shed that way of life as Jesus did , and when we are baptized into Jesus' Death is symbolic for us putting our Lives (the way we live ) to death, destroying our (WILLS) and yielding to the Will of GOD , this being accomplished by the Spirit of GOD, we recieve into Us. It operates to put to death our old lives, and produce a new life in GOD as Jesus now lives.

    I have alway thought it strange why Jesus said to Us , “BE OF GOOD CHEER (I) HAVE OVERCOME” I wondered why should we be of good cheer because Jesus overcame , wouldn't it be better if we overcame, so why should we be of good cheer, Then i realized Jesus was saying be of good cheer (because if I overcame, and so can You) Because GOD who was (In) him, can do the same in You , and that would be a good reason to be of good cheer. Maybe the life in the blood, is related more to the life we are living in the flesh, and it must be put to death. Food for thought brother.

    Peace and love to you and yours Adam………………………….gene


    Quote (gollamudi @ June 19 2010,22:13)
    Hi brother SimplyForgiven,
    I appreciate your post above. Infact I know everything of that as a Christian believer. There is no problem for a Christian to accept what you have brought out here. But I am not able to get the point from the Jewish point of view which was the religion of Jesus also. God never intended human sacrifice for the atonement of sins. He never told animal blood can not atone the sins or not sufficient. It was purely Christian interpretation that is to say a human has to die in place of all people. If so called original sin came through disobedience of  one man where there in no question of blood involved same way righteousness can very well come by obedience of another man as you have narrated above even without involving the so called cultic sacrifice alleged by Christianity. No Jew will agree with such illogical interpretations. Please read Hebrew scriptures you will understand that there is nothing like what Christianity misinterprets the Jewish scriptures.

    Thanks and peace to you

    Hi adam,

    I understand what you mean, but that is the exact problem with this.
    There are many points of view and many perpectives.
    The only way to understand truth is to deny ourselves and ask God.

    We agree at least in this point. that God is real right? that God is a personal God.  not just some idol from far away, but a God that loves us right?

    So why dont you just ask him, it seems that your strictly Jewish and you dont understand some things.  It seems to me that you want to understand things only by your jewish perpective, which for me is limiting yourself.  
    I didnt become a Christian because someone told me to, or grew up as one, nor by religious means.
    Im became a Christian becuase once upon a time i asked God for my purpose, and step by step he has answered me.   I have been getting to know him.  I needed to deny myself, and my thoughts and seek God.  

    Dont limit yourself.  
    Im not saying that you dont seek nor have a relationship.  but i am asking that you put everything that you are, and every belief aside, and let God be God, and he will let you know.

    Thats what i did when Jesus changed my life.
    dont limit your self to be just a Jew,
    Be a Child of God, child of Light.

    in a end note:  All humanity has misinterpreted many things.  Its either the NT writers misintpreted or the translator did, or they didnt, no one knows.
    have faith in God.
    the thing is we try to discover truth, when Truth is revealed by God.  Truth is revealed.  Revelation from God.

    Shalom Adam,



    The fact that “There is no forgiveness of sin without the shedding of Blood” is tied to the fact that the wage of sin is death.   Jesus chose to die in our place and because he never sinned, despite being tempted even as we are, his act of mercy was sufficient to to pay the wages of all that chose to believe.


    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ June 20 2010,15:14)

    Quote (gollamudi @ June 19 2010,22:13)
    Hi brother SimplyForgiven,
    I appreciate your post above. Infact I know everything of that as a Christian believer. There is no problem for a Christian to accept what you have brought out here. But I am not able to get the point from the Jewish point of view which was the religion of Jesus also. God never intended human sacrifice for the atonement of sins. He never told animal blood can not atone the sins or not sufficient. It was purely Christian interpretation that is to say a human has to die in place of all people. If so called original sin came through disobedience of  one man where there in no question of blood involved same way righteousness can very well come by obedience of another man as you have narrated above even without involving the so called cultic sacrifice alleged by Christianity. No Jew will agree with such illogical interpretations. Please read Hebrew scriptures you will understand that there is nothing like what Christianity misinterprets the Jewish scriptures.

    Thanks and peace to you

    Hi adam,

    I understand what you mean, but that is the exact problem with this.
    There are many points of view and many perpectives.
    The only way to understand truth is to deny ourselves and ask God.

    We agree at least in this point. that God is real right? that God is a personal God.  not just some idol from far away, but a God that loves us right?

    So why dont you just ask him, it seems that your strictly Jewish and you dont understand some things.  It seems to me that you want to understand things only by your jewish perpective, which for me is limiting yourself.  
    I didnt become a Christian because someone told me to, or grew up as one, nor by religious means.
    Im became a Christian becuase once upon a time i asked God for my purpose, and step by step he has answered me.   I have been getting to know him.  I needed to deny myself, and my thoughts and seek God.  

    Dont limit yourself.  
    Im not saying that you dont seek nor have a relationship.  but i am asking that you put everything that you are, and every belief aside, and let God be God, and he will let you know.

    Thats what i did when Jesus changed my life.
    dont limit your self to be just a Jew,
    Be a Child of God, child of Light.

    in a end note:  All humanity has misinterpreted many things.  Its either the NT writers misintpreted or the translator did, or they didnt, no one knows.
    have faith in God.
    the thing is we try to discover truth, when Truth is revealed by God.  Truth is revealed.  Revelation from God.

    Shalom Adam,

    Hi brother Simply Forgiven for the name sake I appreciate your response above. Yes you are right in advising me to ask God for understanding scriptures. That is only the ultimate destinity for me. But as a human I wander here and there to gain some insights from similar human beings who are very nearer to me than the God who is invisible as 1 Jn 4 claims.

    Thanks and peace to you


    Quote (gollamudi @ June 21 2010,15:52)
    Hi brother Simply Forgiven for the name sake I appreciate your response above. Yes you are right in advising me to ask God for understanding scriptures. That is only the ultimate destinity for me. But as a human I wander here and there to gain some insights from similar human beings who are very nearer to me than the God who is invisible as 1 Jn 4 claims.

    Thanks and peace to you

    brother Adam,

    im sorry i have to disagree with you. You can gain very small insight from us, enough to debate with us, but Truth is revealed not told.

    Truth comes from revelation from God and God alone.
    Peter understood that Jesus was christ by revelation of God. not becuase he figured it out.

    As a human, you can gain nothing, but as a son of God, you can gain much understanding.

    James 1:5-6
    If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.
    but let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.

    To be take by the wind of human thoughts,
    Ask God with Faith brother, and he will reveal to you the Truth.
    How can you ask man insight about the invisible God?
    Ask Man about Man, and Ask God about God.
    For limited understanding are the ways of man,
    Truth and perfection are the ways of God.



    In further reading to have you understand God never really wanted animal scrafices,
    read this it was obedience,  in my first post responding, i was talking about the obedience of Christ compared to Adam, and the diffrence of that and why it was needed for Jesus to die in the cross:
    1Samuel 15:22 And Samuel said, Hath the LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams.

    Isaiah 1:11To what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices unto me? saith the LORD: I am full of the burnt offerings of rams, and the fat of fed beasts; and I delight not in the blood of bullocks, or of lambs, or of he goats.

      12When ye come to appear before me, who hath required this at your hand, to tread my courts?

      13Bring no more vain oblations; incense is an abomination unto me; the new moons and sabbaths, the calling of assemblies, I cannot away with; it is iniquity, even the solemn meeting.

      14Your new moons and your appointed feasts my soul hateth: they are a trouble unto me; I am weary to bear them.

      15And when ye spread forth your hands, I will hide mine eyes from you: yea, when ye make many prayers, I will not hear: your hands are full of blood.

      16Wash you, make you clean; put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes; cease to do evil;

      17Learn to do well; seek judgment, relieve the oppressed, judge the fatherless, plead for the widow.

      18Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.

      19If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land:


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ June 20 2010,13:45)
    Adam……….I have wondered about the fact that a Human being had to die for all .  There may be some confusion on What is meant by ,  “There is no forgiveness of sin without the shedding of Blood. It could be that this means the Shedding of (OUR) Lives we live in the flesh, and remember it say Life is in the blood, that is the way we live . We must shed that way of life as Jesus did , and when we are baptized into Jesus' Death is symbolic for us putting our Lives (the way we live ) to death, destroying our (WILLS) and yielding to the Will of GOD , this being accomplished by the Spirit of GOD, we recieve into Us. It operates to put to death our old lives, and produce a new life in GOD as Jesus now lives.

    I have alway thought it strange why Jesus said to Us , “BE OF GOOD CHEER (I)  HAVE OVERCOME” I wondered why should we be of good cheer because Jesus overcame , wouldn't it be better if we overcame, so why should we be of good cheer, Then i realized Jesus was saying be of good cheer (because if I overcame, and so can You) Because GOD who was (In) him, can do the same in You , and that would be a good reason to be of good cheer.  Maybe the life in the blood, is related more to the life we are living in the flesh, and it must be put to death. Food for thought brother.

    Peace and love to you and yours Adam………………………….gene

    Greetings Gene…..I must say ” you have certainly cleared up a considerable amount of confusion with respect to the symbolism of shed blood”…Sacrafice for sin as well as gratitude has its roots in antiquity as far back as Caine and Able….As a part of repentance or contrition for wrong doing a giving of ones self in the form of a sacrafice ( animal or vegatable) completed the cycle and was pleasing to the almighty….The ultimate sacrafice being the Lamb of God put an end to the giving of life blood in exchange for repentance,instead Jesus' sacrafice gave us all the opportunity to petition the eternal in his name for the purpose of gaining forgiveness….He gave his life blood so we may be spared… This sacrafice marked the end of the human animal and vegatable sacrafice portion of Gods plan for our salvation…


    Hi brother SF,
    If God never liked animal sacrifice where is the question of human sacrifice ?
    Infact God intended animal blood for atonement of unintentional sins as per OT. Yes some verses rightly say God like obedience than sacrifice but it doesn't mean He had not intended animal sacrifice alltogether. Nice to hear from you.

    Peace and love


    Quote (gollamudi @ June 22 2010,11:47)
    Hi brother SF,
    If God never liked animal sacrifice where is the question of human sacrifice ?
    Infact God intended animal blood for atonement of unintentional sins as per OT. Yes some verses rightly say God like obedience than sacrifice but it doesn't mean He had not intended animal sacrifice alltogether. Nice to hear from you.

    Peace and love

    Hi brother Adam,

    Take what the verse says to you. again it wasnt abuot sacrfise but about obedience.

    what if one perfect laid down his life for everyone?
    Here is the differnse,

    You see, a person on a alter being burnt up as a scrafise to God.

    This is not what happen with Jesus.
    First of all here is a better analogy.

    sinful man was going to be shot by the wrath of God bullet, the bible says the Jesus decided to lay down his life for man, taking your position, moving you out of the way.

    this is what happen, he took our bullet.

    What if the perfect man took the bullet for you who is imperfect?

    Tell me this, isnt it true that when animals were scrafised within the OT that also in the very same time that another lamb was loosened, to go through the city, as people called after it and watched it go into the desert or what not?

    Death and ressurection?


    This “Suffering Servant” Holds the Key to Your Salvation:

    You were created so that you could recognize your Creator, love Him, and serve Him here on earth. But do you know Who G-d really is? The answer to this question surprises many people.

    It is an easy mistake to think that one is worshipping the one, true G-d, while actually serving a false one. To help prevent this mistake, G-d described Himself in the Bible, warning us to remember how He appeared when He gave the Ten Commandments:

    And the Eternal spoke to you from the middle of the fire; you heard the sound of words, but you saw no form, only a voice….
    And guard your souls carefully, for you did not see any form on the day the Eternal spoke to you in Horev from the middle of the fire, lest you become corrupt and make for yourselves an idol, an image of any physical shape, the form of a man or woman (1).
    In other words, G-d has no physical shape. He is infinite and unlimited, and never appears in the form of any human.

    Nor does G-d have any “partners.” He alone is the only One Who brings us eternal salvation, as He says in the Bible:

    Am I not the Eternal? And there is no other god besides Me—a just G-d and Savior; there is none else. Turn to Me and be saved, all the ends of the earth, for I am G-d and there is none else (2).
    Anyone who makes the mistake of worshipping a man for spiritual salvation will be betrayed (3). Eternal life comes directly from G-d, Who is One and infinite, and not through any mediator.

    G-d's Firstborn Son

    So how has G-d brought His message of truth to the world? According to the Bible, G-d declares that He does have a special son whose mission is to bring His blessings and His salvation to the entire world.

    Who is this son? Many religious leaders have offered their opinions on the identity of His son, but really we should find out G-d's “opinion” on this matter.

    In the book of Exodus, G-d openly proclaims His son to the world: “Thus says the L-rd: My firstborn son is Israel” (4).

    “Israel” is the Jewish people—all of them. The Jews were chosen by G-d to be His special “son,” to be, in the words of the Bible, “a kingdom of priests and a holy nation” for the whole world (5).

    All people are G-d's children, of course, but the Jews are like a “firstborn son” who brings G-d's Word to his younger brothers. Every person who learns from the Jews, and helps them fulfill their special role, becomes a part of G-d's kingdom.

    Unfortunately, many times people have not listened to the Jews. For many centuries, the Christian church killed hundreds of thousands of innocent Jews—men, women, and children — to prevent their holy message from reaching the rest of the world. Today, church leaders still try to silence the Jewish message by sending missionaries to convert Jews to Christianity!

    The Bible tells us that the Jews would suffer greatly, not just for their own sins, but also for the sake of bringing G-d's Word to a rebellious world:

    “Comfort, comfort my people,” says your G-d. “Persuade Jerusalem and call to her, for her time is full, for her sins have been repaid; for she has received from the hand of the L-rd double for all her sins” (6).
    Salvation Through the Law

    The Jewish people have been taught the secret to eternal life and blessings for all people, and now they finally have the freedom to reveal G-d's message.

    According to that message, the key that unlocks the door to a personal relationship with G-d is His Law—one part for the Jews, the other part for the rest of the world.

    At Mount Sinai, G-d gave the Ten Commandments (and hundreds of others) to the Jewish people. These laws apply only to the Jews in their special role as the world's spiritual leaders.

    But for everyone else, G-d gave the Seven Commandments (and dozens of other laws). These commandments were given to Noah, after he left the ark that saved his family from the great flood, as an eternal covenant with all the peoples of the earth (7). Since Mount Sinai, the Jews have carried the message of these seven laws to all the peoples.

    A non-Jew who follows these commandments is called a Hasidic gentile, and he receives both eternal life and G-d's blessings in his earthly life. By doing good works exactly as G-d commands, he earns a close relationship with his Creator.

    A Hasidic gentile celebrates certain “Old Testament” holidays, not Christian holidays. He prays to G-d in the proper way, according to G-d's instructions. He also helps the poor, and he guides his fellow humans—including non-religious Jews—back to G-d's Law. A Hasidic Gentile learns how to redeem every part of his life from the emptiness of modern existence, becoming a “soldier” in G-d's spiritual army.

    The Messiah's Message to the World

    By asking the Jews for spiritual guidance and turning back to “Old Testament” Law, a Child of Noah also accomplishes the most important task of all: He helps bring the Messiah to redeem the entire world.

    The Messiah is a Jewish king who will gather all the Jewish people to Israel, destroy all evil, rebuild the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, and bring true freedom to the world by returning everyone to the Law. He will institute G-d's eternal kingdom here on earth.

    The Messiah will teach the Word of G-d to all nations, causing Christianity and all other religions to disappear. The Bible says that everyone will become a Hasidic Gentile, thirsting for the ancient Truth:

    O L-rd, my strength and my fortress, and my refuge in the day of distress, gentiles will come to You from the ends of the earth and say, 'We have inherited only lies from our fathers, vanity and things which are not useful. Can a man make gods for himself, and they are not gods?'
    Therefore, behold, I will cause them to know, this time I will let them know My hand and My strength, and they will know that My Name is Hashem (8).
    In our generation, the spiritual leader of the Jewish people—and therefore of the whole world—is Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson (known as the Lubavitcher Rebbe”), in New York. He is a righteous prophet who has never sinned, nor even been tempted, in his entire life; indeed, he has brought hundreds of thousands of Jews and gentiles back to the Law. Moreover, he is a direct descendant of King David.

    The Rebbe has revealed that the Messiah will finally arrive now, in our generation, amidst great miracles. He has also announced that every Jew, and every gentile, is a representative of G-d to help bring the Messiah immediately.

    An Urgent Call to Action
    In the book of Genesis, G-d told Abraham that his descendants, the Jewish people, would bless the world with the light of G-d's Word. Only by turning to the Jews can anyone join G-d's holy kingdom:

    And I will bless those who bless you, but I will curse those who curse you; and through you all the families of the earth will be blessed (9).
    G-d promised Abraham that this covenant of priesthood would apply to all the Jews, forever:

    And I establish my covenant between Me and you and your descendants after you, throughout their generations, for an eternal covenant (10).
    Regardless of your race, religious background, or nationality, G-d is calling on you to help the Jewish people bring the Messiah. You don't have to be Jewish to help; in fact, Hasidic Gentiles can serve G-d in special ways that Jews cannot, since G-d's Law is stricter for Jews.

    You can start today, simply by asking for more details. Don't miss this exciting opportunity!


    1) Deuteronomy 4:12, 15-16.
    2) Isaiah 45:21-22.
    3) Psalms 146:3.
    4) Exodus 4:22.
    5) Exodus 19:6.
    6) Isaiah 40:1-2.
    7) Genesis 8:20 – 9:17.
    8) Jeremiah 16:19-21.
    9) Genesis 12:3.
    10) Genesis 17:7.



    the very same jews betrayed God.
    I dont understand.

    do you believe Jesus existed or not?

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