How is Jesus not God?

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    Nick …..I am not talking about a stumbling stone Jesus was indeed that, I am talking about a giant rock like a mountain. A giant powerfull ROCK. I can list about 24 scripture that show that the Rock is God himself if you like i can list them it might take a couple of pages though. I would you rather just go to E-sword if you have it and look it through for yourself.



    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ June 13 2008,16:25)
    Nick …..I am not talking about a stumbling stone Jesus was indeed that, I am talking about a giant rock like a mountain. A giant powerfull ROCK. I can list about 24 scripture that show that the Rock is God himself if you like i can list them it might take a couple of pages though. I would you rather just go to E-sword if you have it and look it through for yourself.


    On this Rock I will build my Church. 1 Peter 2:7 He has became the Chief Cornerstone. That is the Spiritual Church, Jesus being the head of. In Math 16:18 it says that Peter is the rock that He will built His Church on, but that would contradict with that Jesus is the Head of the Church.
    Peace and Love Mrs.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 13 2008,14:39)
    Hi GB,
    So the spokesman for God was with God in the beginning.

    Hi Nick,
    You are such a great artist in diverting the attention of many. Why do you involve yourself when Gene was discussing some thing serious on 'Word of God' with WJ? See how you made the mess out of that and started entirly different debate on 'Rock'. Think my friend I see you are one that peep into others' views and divert them.
    Sorry for my strong words.


    Hi Gm,
    This is not a private conversation site -send pms if you want that.
    Threads are always open to all within the constraints of BELIEF.


    Ok brother I agree, but keep within the perview of debate so that one at a time can be clarified.


    Gollamudi……….that not the way Nick operates, as soon as you prove something, rather then admitting the truth you trying to show He diverts off to anther useless and endless subject , so in effect nothing is ever resolved it seem in debating Him.

    but i am glad there are some who can understand truth of the scriptures and who conceder the whole context of subject matter and not just take little snap shots here and there. I have found debating with Nick useless and am going to try to just ignore his commits as much as possible.

    Keep up the good work your doing, you are to me a ray of hope and there are a few others here who seem to get things pretty well also.

    Thanks brother…..peace to you and yours……….gene


    Be of good cheer my brother Gene. God will have a remainder (a few) who can really share your revelations. Do share your views there will be many like me who are silent spectators and really want to know the mysteries of truth.
    Peace to you


    Gollamudi……I believe what God has blinded just wont get it, but as you say there are people who God brings to this site and who knows what can happen.

    bless you brother………..gene


    Hi GB,
    Your light would perhaps be seen as brighter if you did not decry the bible and the apostles works in Acts.


    Nick……you need to apply your words to yourself, it would be more appropriate,
    you seem to be the one misrepresenting the bible and the apostles and putting word in people's mouths, not me. I really think you should take your own advice.


    Jesus told the Jews the Father was their God.
    He did not call honour unto himself.
    We should believe him.
    God honoured him.

    54Jesus answered, If I honour myself, my honour is nothing: it is my Father that honoureth me; of whom ye say, that he is your God:


    Nick……..who are you talking to?


    Hi GB,
    All and sundry.
    Your post does not lead to any useful dialogue does it?


    Nick……….nor does yours.


    So if Jesus called the Father his God should we not follow him?


    Where are you following? you are following your mythology.
    Sorry my friend.


    Hi GM,
    Do you not call the Father your God?


    No necessity to divert the topic “how Jesus is not God?”


    Perhaps Nick's point is that Jesus called God his Father.

    Jesus is the Son and not the Father.

    In this way, Jesus is not God.

    Adam, you may want to give Nick a little room to breathe. He is a mature brother in the Lord and like Gene, has insight to the scriptures. I don't always agree with him either, but I have learned from him when I am patient enough to listen instead of talk. This of course takes practice (on my part). :;):

    Anyway brothers – love one another as Christ has loved us! He gave himself for us, that we may know true love and be reconciled to our Father. Let's at least hear one another out and begin to encourage one another to grow in the fruits of the Spirit. Patience, kindness, considering other's above ourselves, grace, mercy……..forgiveness. Good stuff!



    Mandy…….I agree with nick completely Nick is an expert at diverting from subject matter I have seen Him do it with you, me, and Adam, and others also.
    And when you post 10 or 12 scriptures to support what you are saying< He simply does not admit He could be in error, He refuses to accept it and simple diverts subject matter, This is damaging in two way, one it causes people to get thrown off subject matter, and gives frustration to the person trying to show Him there point there making.,

    You yourself have been engaged in these fruitless discussions with him also, as well as others, I really believe Nick does this because He wants to appear more knowledgeable the others, but in fact its quite destructive and discouraging to me and others here.

    And t8 never seems to do anything about it, and as a overseer of His site He should at lest talk to Him about it. We can even stay on subject with His consent diversions.


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