Have YOU Been Reconciled To GOD?

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    Ignorance alienates us from being reconciled to God, because we are in “OUR OWN MIND” which only results in wicked deeds (Col 1:21) because we are deceived into serving lusts and pleasures which causes us to be envious, and hateful towards others (Ts 3:3). So believers who are in their flesh cannot please God, because they have a carnal mind which is (naturally) against the things of God (Rom 8:8-7).

    This is why it is said that we need to “MORTIFY” our deeds of the body, through the Spirit, so our body can be dead to sin, and we can have LIFE because of (the) righteousness (of God that works in us) so that we can walk in the Spirit, and not be under condemnation because we are no longer walking in our flesh (Rom 8:13, 10, and 1).

    Those that are spiritually minded are peaceful, because they had their carnal mind put to death (by the work of God) so that they could have the life which lives after the things of the Spirit, because they are no longer walking after their flesh (Rom 8:6-4).

    Those who are NOT LEARNING HOW to “put off” their “old self” ARE corrupted through lusts, because they are deceived (Eph 4:20-22, and 18). Therefore they cannot “put on” the NEW man which God creates in them so that they could be righteous, and have the experience of true holiness (Eph 4:24) because their minds have not been renewed in the spirit (4:23).

    Those who are pure (have been purified by God) so they believe (because God has worked upon them) so that they would NOT have defiled minds who profess to know God, but by their disobedient deeds they show that they deny Him (Ts 1:15-16). These believers need to be sharply rebuked that they may be sound in the faith (by believing in God working upon them) and NOT in the commandments/traditions of men (of so-called faith) which turns them from all of this truth (1:13-14).

    Therefore if anyone is to be in Christ, they MUST become NEW people (by the work of God) so that they would not be living after their flesh, which only can live and be for “themselves” rather than living for God, who died so that they could live for Him as NEW creatures because all the old attributes (of self-serving) are gone (because of His work upon us) WITHOUT ALL OF THIS (becoming new within the work of God upon us) WE CANNOT BE RECONCILED TO GOD, AND BE GIVEN THIS MINISTRY OF RECONCILIATION FOR OTHERS (2 Cor 5:17-15, and 18).

    HAVE YOU ASKED GOD TO RECONCILE YOU TO HIM?? If so, then He can make you righteous (through learning the doctrine of grace which shows us how we can attain this approval from God See Strong’s Greek #1343) so that we can be in Him, AND live for Him (2Cor 5:20-21).

    All of this can be done IF we have the faith that is in POWER OF GOD, AND NOT IN THE WISDOM OF (SO-CALLED) MEN (OF FAITH) who use words that entice us (with our flesh in what we can do) rather than demonstrating the Spirit, and the power of God (that works upon us) (2Cor 2:5-4). The demonstration of the Holy Spirit teaches us through the comparison of spiritual (scriptures) with spiritual things, which is NOT in the wisdom of this world, and THIS (how the Holy Spirit teaches) is so that our faith would stand in the POWER OF GOD. (1Cor 2:13, 5-4).

    This instruction is in the wisdom of God, and NOT of this world, AND is a mystery, AND is hidden from those who have received the spirit of the world so these things of the Spirit are “foolish” to them because they cannot spiritually discern the things of God (1Cor 2:7:13-14, 11). It is only by hearing these things, and receiving a spirit (minister) who is of God, so that we might know all the things that can be given to us by God (2:9 & 11).

    Have you received such a minister who has been given the gift of the grace of God that is effectually working upon him (TO TEACH OTHERS THESE THINGS)? If so, then you know he is the least of all saints who has been given the grace to preach the unsearchable riches of Christ so that you can have understanding, AND have this mystery made known unto you (Eph 3:7-8, 4-3).

    CAN YOU SPIRITUALLY JUDGE THESE THINGS? (1Cor 2:15) IF NOT, Then you are only seeking to know God, so that you can instruct Him, rather than having the mind of Christ (2:16) because you are in a LOVING fellowship within the unity of the Spirit, which is at peace (Eph 3:9 & 4:4-2).



    Ztheberean………………good post . Many preach God, but deny the power there of.

    peace and love to you and yours………………………………..gene


    Hi Z,
    You say
    “HAVE YOU ASKED GOD TO RECONCILE YOU TO HIM?? If so, then He can make you righteous (through learning the doctrine of grace which shows us how we can attain this approval from God See Strong’s Greek #1343) so that we can be in Him, AND live for Him (2Cor 5:20-21). “

    Of course we cannot save ourselves nor reconcile ourselves with God as it is by HIS CHOICE that our sins can be forgiven and new life given in the rebirth of water and the Spirit. Whoever wants to save his own life will lose it.

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