Halloween tract evangelism

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    Nick…….When i was a Child it was just for kids around the neighborhood, I never saw any grown up persons ware costumes, but when the Kids grow up because they were taught to participate they still dress up now, this thing is bigger the Christians in some part of the county. I mean wild parties going on everywhere where there is not even any childern there at all, just grown up. It is completely gone crazy Here.

    Just like the acceptance of GAYS, there everywhere now in our country all this exploded in the last forty years Gay parades every here they even marry each other in public ceremony's, and clamor for (GAY) rights up and down our streets. Consider yourself fortunate if you don't have these things going on in New Zealand. I mean it is everywhere in this country. If society accepts bad behavior it spread like a wild fire. We are slipping Fast over here filth everywhere you turn, TV, Movies, even kids cartoons for crying out loud! all promoting bad behavior , If Jesus does not return soon we don't have a prayer. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours……………………..gene


    Quote (Gene @ Oct. 20 2009,15:53)
    Nick…….When i was a Child it was just for kids around the neighborhood, I never saw any grown up persons ware costumes, but when the Kids grow up because they were taught to participate they still dress up  now, this thing is bigger the Christians in some part of the county. I mean wild parties going on everywhere where there is not even any childern there at all, just grown up. It is completely gone crazy Here.

    Just like the acceptance of GAYS, there everywhere now in our country all this exploded in the last forty years Gay parades every here they even marry each other in public ceremony's, and clamor for (GAY) rights up and down our streets. Consider yourself fortunate if you don't have these things going on in New Zealand.  I mean it is everywhere in this country. If society accepts bad behavior it spread like a wild fire. We are slipping Fast over here filth everywhere you turn, TV, Movies, even kids cartoons for crying out loud! all promoting bad behavior , If Jesus does not return soon we don't have a prayer.  IMO

    peace and love to you and yours……………………..gene

    Yes, Gene!  And then the Haunted Houses.  Can you imaging
    taking a small Child to one of those Houses.  When we went I saw Children there. The more haunted they were, the better they were. We never went with our small Children.  One such House was on the Catholic Church.


    Paul was at a pagan festival once and he said something like – “You all have so many gods, you even have an alter for the “unknown” god…….”. He used it as an opportunity to tell them who the true God is!!! Could Halloween be similiar at all? I tend to think it can. It's an opportunity to tell those WHO DON'T KNOW who God is – who He is.


    I agree. I find all the holidays a great time to educate people. People celebrate Easter. They have no idea “Easter” is taken from the name of a false god. They have no idea why they do the things they do–put a tree in their house and cover it with lights. They do this, but don't know where it came from. It's easy to start a conversation about these things. And then the next question is: Does God mind mixing these things with worship of him.
    I totally agree that it is a great time to witness to people (as is every other day), but I'm not sure one has to share in the holiday in order to do this. Example: Although Paul mentioned the alter to the unknown god, he did not in any way shape or form partake in anything that would indicate showing honor to that god.


    David………..I agree i find it hard to believe Paul would have participated in any of those sacrifices to those Idols, Just because He know they were nothing and false. Thinker has tweaked the scripture to allow for His false assumptions. Its like the person who drove the get away car, Hey he didn't go in a rob and shoot anyone, he just drove the car that's all, so he really was not a part of the robbery. That might be a little extreme but you get the point. Like Isa 1:18 said “where is the line”, each has to figure that out for themselves, GOD can guide us all to the proper conclusions. IMO

    peace and love …………………gene


    Quote (david @ Oct. 20 2009,19:56)

    Paul was at a pagan festival once and he said something like – “You all have so many gods, you even have an alter for the “unknown” god…….”.  He used it as an opportunity to tell them who the true God is!!!  Could Halloween be similiar at all?  I tend to think it can.  It's an opportunity to tell those WHO DON'T KNOW who God is – who He is.


    I agree.  I find all the holidays a great time to educate people.  People celebrate Easter.  They have no idea “Easter” is taken from the name of a false god.  They have no idea why they do the things they do–put a tree in their house and cover it with lights.  They do this, but don't know where it came from.  It's easy to start a conversation about these things.  And then the next question is: Does God mind mixing these things with worship of him.
    I totally agree that it is a great time to witness to people (as is every other day), but I'm not sure one has to share in the holiday in order to do this.  Example: Although Paul mentioned the alter to the unknown god, he did not in any way shape or form partake in anything that would indicate showing honor to that god.

    Then hand out a JW tract with a piece of candy on halloween. A piece of candy given in Christ's name will be rewarded. So it's no big deal! Right?



    Quote (Gene @ Oct. 21 2009,04:46)
    David………..I agree i find it hard to  believe Paul would have participated in any of those sacrifices to those Idols, Just because He know they were nothing and false. Thinker has tweaked the scripture to allow for His false assumptions. Its like the person who drove the get away car, Hey he didn't go in a rob and shoot anyone, he just drove the car that's all, so he really was not a part of the robbery. That might be a little extreme but you get the point. Like Isa 1:18 said “where is the line”, each has to figure that out for themselves, GOD can guide us all to the proper conclusions. IMO

    peace and love …………………gene

    Gene! What makes me so sad is, that some know about those Feast, including Christmas and Easter and still participate in them. That is the most ignoring fact. I do wonder what God thinks about them.
    Peace and Love Irene


    Quote (david @ Oct. 20 2009,19:56)

    Paul was at a pagan festival once and he said something like – “You all have so many gods, you even have an alter for the “unknown” god…….”.  He used it as an opportunity to tell them who the true God is!!!  Could Halloween be similiar at all?  I tend to think it can.  It's an opportunity to tell those WHO DON'T KNOW who God is – who He is.


    I agree.  I find all the holidays a great time to educate people.  People celebrate Easter.  They have no idea “Easter” is taken from the name of a false god.  They have no idea why they do the things they do–put a tree in their house and cover it with lights.  They do this, but don't know where it came from.  It's easy to start a conversation about these things.  And then the next question is: Does God mind mixing these things with worship of him.
    I totally agree that it is a great time to witness to people (as is every other day), but I'm not sure one has to share in the holiday in order to do this.  Example: Although Paul mentioned the alter to the unknown god, he did not in any way shape or form partake in anything that would indicate showing honor to that god.

    True, but he stuck around to talk to them. He stood among their gathering and gave some lessons.

    Tell me something, to a Christian who saw Paul from afar (hanging out with the godless) how would this look to them? Would they think he was partaking of the evil affair? Would it cause them to stumble? Would it have the appearence of evil? Hmmm.



    Quote (georg @ Oct. 21 2009,05:35)

    Quote (Gene @ Oct. 21 2009,04:46)
    David………..I agree i find it hard to  believe Paul would have participated in any of those sacrifices to those Idols, Just because He know they were nothing and false. Thinker has tweaked the scripture to allow for His false assumptions. Its like the person who drove the get away car, Hey he didn't go in a rob and shoot anyone, he just drove the car that's all, so he really was not a part of the robbery. That might be a little extreme but you get the point. Like Isa 1:18 said “where is the line”, each has to figure that out for themselves, GOD can guide us all to the proper conclusions. IMO

    peace and love …………………gene

    Gene!  What makes me so sad is, that some know about those Feast, including Christmas and Easter and still participate in them.  That is the most ignoring fact.  I do wonder what God thinks about them.
    Peace and Love Irene


    Even our faith is a gift……



    Quote (Gene @ Oct. 21 2009,04:46)
    David………..I agree i find it hard to  believe Paul would have participated in any of those sacrifices to those Idols, Just because He know they were nothing and false. Thinker has tweaked the scripture to allow for His false assumptions. Its like the person who drove the get away car, Hey he didn't go in a rob and shoot anyone, he just drove the car that's all, so he really was not a part of the robbery. That might be a little extreme but you get the point. Like Isa 1:18 said “where is the line”, each has to figure that out for themselves, GOD can guide us all to the proper conclusions. IMO

    peace and love …………………gene

    Paul did eat in an idol's temple. he had the knowledge that no other gods exist.

    1 Now concerning things offered to idols: We know that we all have knowledge. Knowledge puffs up, but love edifies. 2 And if anyone thinks that he knows anything, he knows nothing yet as he ought to know. 3 But if anyone loves God, this one is known by Him.
    4 Therefore concerning the eating of things offered to idols, we know that an idol is nothing in the world, and that there is no other God but one. 5 For even if there are so-called gods, whether in heaven or on earth (as there are many gods and many lords), 6 yet for us there is one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we for Him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, through whom are all things, and through whom we live.
    7 However, there is not in everyone that knowledge;
    for some, WITH CONSCIOUSNESS OF THE IDOL, until now eat it as a thing offered to an idol; and their conscience, being weak, is defiled. 8 But food does not commend us to God; for neither if we eat are we the better, nor if we do not eat are we the worse.
    9 But beware lest somehow this liberty of yours become a stumbling block to those who are weak. 10 For if anyone sees you who have knowledge eating in an idol’s temple, will not the conscience of him who is weak be emboldened to eat those things offered to idols? 11 And because of your knowledge shall the weak brother perish, for whom Christ died? 12 But when you thus sin against the brethren, and wound their weak conscience, you sin against Christ. 13 Therefore, if food makes my brother stumble, I will never again eat meat, lest I make my brother stumble.

    I am “tweaking” the scripture Gene? Paul said that he could eat in an idol's temple. It is the one who eats with the “consciousness of the idol” that has the “defiled” conscience. I would not eat as if a thing is being offered to an idol. My conscience is pure in the matter.

    And I have said repeatedly that I would not eat if it caused my brother to stumble.



    Irene said:

    Gene!  What makes me so sad is, that some know about those Feast, including Christmas and Easter and still participate in them.  That is the most ignoring fact.  I do wonder what God thinks about them.

    “To the pure ALL THINGS are pure” (Paul)



    Hi TT,
    Hold onto those syncretic traditions?


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Oct. 21 2009,06:04)
    Hi TT,
    Hold onto those syncretic traditions?

    And your problem with evangelizing on halloween is….?



    Hi TT,
    Are we sent then or is this a way to justify involvement?


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Oct. 21 2009,06:34)
    Hi TT,
    Are we sent then or is this a way to justify involvement?

    Giving out a tract and a piece of candy in Christ's name is involvement how?



    Hi TT,
    Should we put this date on our calendars for every year?


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Oct. 21 2009,07:41)
    Hi TT,
    Should we put this date on our calendars for every year?

    Do you want to persuade me or do you just want the last word? If you want to persuade me then it would be beneficial that you answer a valid question. Here is the question again: Giving out gospel tracts and a piece of candy in Christ's name is involvement in paganism how?

    This is a fair question Nick. If you don't answer it I will know that you just want the last word.



    Hi TT,
    Any excuse.
    Do you know what being a servant means?


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Oct. 21 2009,07:55)
    Hi TT,
    Any excuse.
    Do you know what being a servant means?

    Just as I figured. You just want the last word.



    Hi TT,
    So servants do what they are told not what seems right or good enough?


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Oct. 21 2009,08:06)
    Hi TT,
    So servants do what they are told not what seems right or good enough?

    But we are also family.

    We obey out of love. That's the only way our Father wants it. He tried making us through the law (and we saw how that worked). Now he doesn't demand anything of us. We choose whether we love him enough to obey. When we do we are blessed for it.

    We will not enter heaven or paradise as servants but as sons and daughters.

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