Halloween is coming up

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    Quote (david @ Oct. 21 2009,10:16)

    I AM DEFENDING CHRISTIAN LIBERTY. Technically this thread is about halloween. I think through the legalist implications and discern the attack on Christian liberty.


    What do you think of halloween?

    I have answered all this already. Where have you been dude? I said that halloween is BENIGN. This is neither a defense or a condemnation. Paul felt that eating meats sacrificed to idols in an idol's temple was benign because he had the knowledge that no other gods exist. In other words, feasting in an idol's temple was BENIGN to Paul except where it caused his brother to stumble.

    Halloween is BENIGN to me David because I know that pagan gods and ghosts and satan are not real. I never even use a capital “s” for satan except when it is grammatically correct. Satan was real but he has been cast out this world and into the lake of fire.

    Read 1 Corinthians 8 David. Paul said that those who could not feast in an idol's temple could not because they had a “consciousness of the idol” which defiled their consciences. I have no consciousness of idols David. So I may feast in an idol's temple if it does not cause my brother to stumble. I have said these things over and over on this thread David.

    Halloween is a threat to you because you are conscious of that which does not exist!

    Again, I do not defend or condemn halloween. It is BENIGN.



    Quote (david @ Oct. 21 2009,09:59)
    Mandy, how did you finally come to this conclusion, about the darker side of halloween. Before you had said there were different stories.

    I read an interview with a witch.

    There are other stories and legends that are harmless. But it would seem that the majority of explainations of Halloween include one or more of the “darker side” of things. I guess I just have to decide what it means to me and what the purpose of celebrating it is for me and my family.

    I confess that I love to throw parties, okay? I love to make people happy. I love to be the hostess with the mostess. :;): I guess it's reconciling that with the religious part of it. I'm trying to decide if it is truly harmless or not.



    Hi TT,
    Benign and irrelevant?

    Then why do you avidly promote it?
    Are you really of the world?


    Quote (Not3in1 @ Oct. 20 2009,18:57)

    Quote (david @ Oct. 21 2009,10:21)
    Your conscience or the conscience of those who believe you are a Christian.  Which is more important?

    WJ, I ask you this again.  Which is more important.  Your freedom.  Or, your brother?


    I think this notion can get distorted real fast.  I once had a wife pull me aside at church and tell me that she thought the way I dressed caused her husband to stumble?  Really?  I sought the counsel of my senior pastor and my youth pastor – they both agreed that my dress was always appropriate and that this “brother” had wandering eyes!!  

    As much as it is possible……try to look after your brother and his weak needs.  But really sometimes it's out of your hands.

    Both Paul and Jesus kept company that would make a new believer stumble, in my opinion.

    Hi Mandy

    David already has an answer from me but he chose to ignore my answer and rephrase the question!

    This can be found on page 60 of this thread…

    Quote (david @ Oct. 20 2009,04:45)

    Hi Paul

    Its more like “who should draw the line?”.

    To me it is a matter of the heart and conscience.


    Your conscience or the conscience of those who believe you are a Christian.  Which is more important?


    Is this what they teach in “Kingdom Hall”, that it is more important to obey the conscience of “watch tower” than their own.

    This is very telling.

    I would rather obey God than man!


    But now david says…

    Quote (david @ Oct. 21 2009,10:21)
    WJ, I ask you this again.  Which is more important.  Your freedom.  Or, your brother?

    So I will anwser…

    The Bible says I am to love my nighbor as myself, not more than myself, doesn't it?

    If he is my brother then giving children candy and a Bible tract should not offend him, if it does then should I leave the one who is saved and give the tract and witness to the one who is not?

    I cannot be responsible for the conscience of every man, especially those I do not know that I may be offending.

    I think it was “seeking” that pointed out that some Christians think it is wrong to eat meat, so should I be afraid to buy meat in a store for fear I may offend my brother who may see me though he does not eat meat and I do?

    If I believe my liberty in Christ allows me to have a glass of wine with my dinner, (Of course I havnt had a drink in many many months, but I am free to do so if I like), does that mean that I should not buy the wine for fear I might offend my brother who thinks it is wrong, and who I do not see?

    But you know this David and just want to keep casting a shadow on my liberty in Christ.

    Actually, I find that rather offensive! We know what it says about offences.

    I have said “do as you please on Oct 31st” and I will do what I believe I should do”. I will not condemn you or cast shadow on your heart for not doing what I do, but neither should you do that to me.

    You should read the entire chapter of 1 Cor 10.



    Mat 10:16  “See, I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. So be as cunning as serpents and as innocent as doves.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Oct. 20 2009,19:15)
    Hi TT,
    Benign and irrelevant?

    Then why do you avidly promote it?
    Are you really of the world?


    You are not listening are you?

    We are defending our freedom in Christ to do with Oct 31st what ever we believe God wants us to do or not to do!



    Hi WJ,
    Freedom to serve?
    When did Jesus support witchcraft?
    Or does your trinity god promote such things?


    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Oct. 21 2009,11:30)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Oct. 20 2009,19:15)
    Hi TT,
    Benign and irrelevant?

    Then why do you avidly promote it?
    Are you really of the world?


    You are not listening are you?

    We are defending our freedom in Christ to do with Oct 31st what ever we believe God wants us to do or not to do!


    will you do the same on Nov 7th?


    WJ………I believe you will do the right thing, and use the opportunity of Christ sake.

    Mandy……> I bet you can put on a hell of a Party Sis, would love to attend one, Maybe in the Kingdom. I am persuaded you will come to a right conclusion Sis.

    Thinker………Hope you aren't involving yourself so much that your are wearing a devils suite at your Halloween party :) :)

    Peace and love to all of you………………..gene


    Quote (princess of the king @ Oct. 20 2009,19:58)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Oct. 21 2009,11:30)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Oct. 20 2009,19:15)
    Hi TT,
    Benign and irrelevant?

    Then why do you avidly promote it?
    Are you really of the world?


    You are not listening are you?

    We are defending our freedom in Christ to do with Oct 31st what ever we believe God wants us to do or not to do!


    will you do the same on Nov 7th?


    A month ago we had vacation Bible school and the kids did a skit dressed as Bible charactors and they acted out the story of Moses. Many prizes and candy was given and the kids were blessed and ministered to by the word that was shared with them.

    One week before Oct the 31st, this Saturday in fact, our church is having an outdoor service where we will be giving out “FREE” hotdogs and candy and prizes and there will be Christian Music and testimonies and giving out tracts, and a call to the unsaved to be saved, all in a low income housing project in the parking lot.

    But I suppose we probably should not do that if there are some beer partys going on in the project where they are having hotdogs too, right?

    The last time we did this was about 6 weeks ago and 7 people got saved! Praise God!

    Some indeed preach Christ even of envy and strife; and some also of good will: The one preach Christ of contention, not sincerely, supposing to add affliction to my bonds: But the other of love, knowing that I am set for the defence of the gospel. “What then? notwithstanding, every way, whether in pretence, or in truth, Christ is preached; and I therein do rejoice, yea, and will rejoice“. Phil 1:15-18

    Blessings WJ


    Quote (Gene @ Oct. 21 2009,12:01)
    WJ………I believe you will do the right thing, and use the opportunity of Christ sake.  

    Mandy……> I bet you can put on a hell of a Party Sis, would love to attend one, Maybe in the Kingdom. I am persuaded you will come to a right conclusion Sis.

    Thinker………Hope you aren't involving yourself so much that your are wearing a devils suite at your Halloween party :) :)

    Peace and love to all of you………………..gene

    I don't throw halloween parties. I have never attended a halloween party. I have attended “fall festivals” at church where food, recreation and wholesome games for the youth are provided. My wife and I will be going on a hayride this year at a Christian camp with my church. We will be singing spiritual songs around a campfire. It will not be on October 31.



    Quote (Gene @ Oct. 20 2009,20:01)
    WJ………I believe you will do the right thing, and use the opportunity of Christ sake.  

    Mandy……> I bet you can put on a hell of a Party Sis, would love to attend one, Maybe in the Kingdom. I am persuaded you will come to a right conclusion Sis.

    Thinker………Hope you aren't involving yourself so much that your are wearing a devils suite at your Halloween party :) :)

    Peace and love to all of you………………..gene



    Blessings WJ



    I confess that I love to throw parties, okay?  I love to make people happy.  I love to be the hostess with the mostess.

    If I showed up at your house wearing my avatar ape face would you let me join the party?  :p



    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Oct. 21 2009,11:30)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Oct. 20 2009,19:15)
    Hi TT,
    Benign and irrelevant?

    Then why do you avidly promote it?
    Are you really of the world?


    You are not listening are you?

    We are defending our freedom in Christ to do with Oct 31st what ever we believe God wants us to do or not to do!


    Nick knows very well that we have been defending our Christian liberty.



    Quote (thethinker @ Oct. 20 2009,20:17)

    I confess that I love to throw parties, okay?  I love to make people happy.  I love to be the hostess with the mostess.

    If I showed up at your house wearing my avatar ape face would you let me join the party?  :p


    Yea Mandy

    How about my “Mug” shot on facebook? :D



    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Oct. 21 2009,12:20)

    Quote (thethinker @ Oct. 20 2009,20:17)

    I confess that I love to throw parties, okay?  I love to make people happy.  I love to be the hostess with the mostess.

    If I showed up at your house wearing my avatar ape face would you let me join the party?  :p


    Yea Mandy

    How about my “Mug” shot on facebook?  :D


    Hey Keith,
    Tell me (by pm) how to get on your facebook. I would like to see a picture of you and your family and friends.


    p.s. I do celebrate one event in October. My wife and I are celebrating our 30th anniversary today (October 20). But we won't be going out to celebrate until this weekend.



    WorshippingJesus,Oct. wrote:




    Father willing WJ, father willing


    A month ago we had vacation Bible school and the kids did a skit dressed as Bible charactors and they acted out the story of Moses. Many prizes and candy was given and the kids were blessed and ministered to by the word that was shared with them.

    did you teach them correct, with the seven pair of clean and one pair of unclean animals?  


    One week before Oct the 31st, this Saturday in fact, our church is having an outdoor service where we will be giving out “FREE” hotdogs and candy and prizes and there will be Christian Music and testimonies and giving out tracts, and a call to the unsaved to be saved, all in a low income housing project in the parking lot.

    you write the word “FREE” as having some importance, may i ask why? remember, swine ful is now being called what it is, from swine, ensure your hotdogs are kosher


    But I suppose we probably should not do that if there are some beer partys going on in the project where they are having hotdogs too, right?

    i am sure if there are beer parties, you will attend and witness, please ensure if you indulge in the hot dogs, ask if they are kosher.


    The last time we did this was about 6 weeks ago and 7 people got saved! Praise God!

    Praise Yah indeed, we do not save anyone WJ, the spirit does that, we only bring the good news, that is our calling.

    Barchot veTefillot


    Quote (princess of the king @ Oct. 21 2009,12:46)

    WorshippingJesus,Oct. wrote:




    Father willing WJ, father willing


    A month ago we had vacation Bible school and the kids did a skit dressed as Bible charactors and they acted out the story of Moses. Many prizes and candy was given and the kids were blessed and ministered to by the word that was shared with them.

    did you teach them correct, with the seven pair of clean and one pair of unclean animals?  


    One week before Oct the 31st, this Saturday in fact, our church is having an outdoor service where we will be giving out “FREE” hotdogs and candy and prizes and there will be Christian Music and testimonies and giving out tracts, and a call to the unsaved to be saved, all in a low income housing project in the parking lot.

    you write the word “FREE” as having some importance, may i ask why? remember, swine ful is now being called what it is, from swine, ensure your hotdogs are kosher


    But I suppose we probably should not do that if there are some beer partys going on in the project where they are having hotdogs too, right?

    i am sure if there are beer parties, you will attend and witness, please ensure if you indulge in the hot dogs, ask if they are kosher.


    The last time we did this was about 6 weeks ago and 7 people got saved! Praise God!

    Praise Yah indeed, we do not save anyone WJ, the spirit does that, we only bring the good news, that is our calling.

    Barchot veTefillot

    ??? ???


    ???  ???

    you have something in your eye thinker?


    I think some here have forgotten these truths:

    “Greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world.”

    “”Everything is permissible”–but not everything is beneficial. “Everything is permissible”–but not everything is constructive.”

    “To the pure, all things are pure, but to those who are corrupted and do not believe, nothing is pure. In fact, both their minds and consciences are corrupted.”

    “Who are you to judge someone else's servant? To his own master he stands or falls. And he will stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand.”

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