Halloween is coming up

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  • #152233

    David said:

    Thinker, why do you keep saying “another” or “other” spirit creature, as though I believe Jesus was resurrected as someone else?  You seem to think that Jesus was a body.  Jesus, is a spirit being.  He was before he came to the earth.  He is now as well.  He took on a body and gave that body up as a sacrifice.  Do you think he took it back?  Why don't you go and try to answer some of the questions I asked that I said you would never answer and have yet to do so.

    I meant to say that the JW's believe that Jesus rose as a spirit creature in another body. I did not realize that I had been saying another spirit creature. I will apologize for the miswording. It was not an intentional misrepresentation. The JW's beleve that Jesus appeared to His disciples in another body so that they could recognize Him. Now what do we call this David? We call tis a “hoax.”

    If Jesus apeared in another body then he had to duplicate the nailprints and the welts on His back and all of that. This would have been a HOAX David. Plain and simple.


    Secondly, Thinker, bad associations do spoil useful habits.   They do.  The Bible says it.  It's true.  If you associate with bad people who have bad habits, you are likely to develop those same habits.

    First, your assertion that WJ keeps bad associations just because he gives out tracts and candy on halloween is ridiculous. Second, what are you doing here on Heaven Net conversing with WJ and me and others? ??? The JW's discourage what you are doing because it might eventually influence you. YOU ARE NOT LIVING YOUR OWN BELIEFS ABOUT BAD ASSOCIATIONS. So if you can be here engaging with us without keeping “bad associations” then WJ can handout candy with a gospel tract without keeping bad associations.

    It is you that needs the reality check David. For your misapplication  of Paul's “bad associations” statement implies that we shoud not engage with the world. You yourself are engaging with us.

    Third, you are condemning the apostle Paul for keeping “bad associations” when he entered into an idol's temple and feasted.

    Again, it is YOU who needs the reality check.



    Quote (georg @ Oct. 20 2009,02:04)

    Quote (seekingtruth @ Oct. 20 2009,20:47)

    Quote (georg @ Oct. 20 2009,13:06)

    Quote (seekingtruth @ Oct. 20 2009,17:12)

    Quote (Gene @ Oct. 20 2009,10:17)
    ST……..The history of cards is chance, even the apostles drew straws, but the issue Here is engaging in “PAGAN” practices, hardly the same thing, anything can be used wrong even driving a vehicle, drinking to much alcohol, but its history did not come from Evil Satanic worship Practices, there is a difference.  And if we engage it how far should we then,  As Isa 1:18 said where is the line at.  Again this is not to condnm anyone I have done worse then this in my life. But still we should at least call like it is, don't you all agree?  

    peace and love to you and yours…………………gene

    Pagan is defined for the most part as non-christian, so cards not being “christian” are pagan, as are many things that surround us. I do agree that anything can be wrong and I would even go a step further and state that you could do something to honor God while my doing the same thing could be a sin. If I felt that giving kids candy on halloween crossed the line I wouldn't do it, I have no problem with someone, out of love, telling me of a concern and if clearly spelled out as a sin then be aggressive in correction. However if the activity in question is not clearly called out as a sin, then once you've voiced your concern leave it to God. I believe it is a bigger sin to make judgments then to participate non-defiantly in questionable activities.

    My opinion – Wm

    Where in the world is that prove that playing cards is pagan.  I have never heard of that.  We play Cards all the time.  My Husband and I.  And on Sundays when we have Family Day, we play with our Kids.  I believe if you play for Money, then I feel it can become wrong.  But just for entertainment, that I find not wrong.
    When we belonged to the W.W.Church of God, we were taught that when you play sports it can become wrong.  But there too we played Cards with Church Members after the Sabbath.

    That is my point. the scriptures do not say playing cards is pagan, even though pagans play them, they are associated with evil, and some have made connections between the two (and are just as adamant on this as you are on halloween). It is the same thought process being used to make playing bridge “evil”, that makes candy to kids “evil”, it just puts the line at a different level.

    With activities that in themselves do not directly violate the law of love, it is left to each person to determine where his or hers faith allows the “do not cross this line” to be put.

    Do you ever drink too much? in this case crossing a line is clearly spelled out in scripture as a sin. Some choose to not drink at all, which is good, but if you tell others to not drink at all, because it is a sin, then you've said more than scripture. Now if you say you shouldn't even start and it's best avoided because of it's potential to draw you in deeper then you've warned the person and those listening and they will have to answer for what they do with the information. However in doing this I have shown my love through concern while not having passed judgment, leaving it to God, as He is able to make this person stand, where as if I pass judgment, then the beam in my eye will most likely knock them over.

    My opinion – Wm

    In my eyes that when we play Cards or if I dress my Kid in a devil outfit, is a completely different story.  How can you or anybody else connect those two.  If the pagan played card, what the heck, can that be the same then worshipping another God.  Whatever Church you belonged to,  I would never join. Let me ask you were is it written not to play Cards,  It is written however that worship another God is idolatry, and an abomination to God.  To me it is laughable to say the least.

    The bible does not say specifically that you cannot hang out in a homosexuel bathouse, so would you? The bible does not say you cannot you can't smoke herb, would you? The bible does not say you cannot run around naked, would you, the bible does say to shun all things that are evil and/or give the appearence of evil, and this you refuse to do, because the bible does not specifically state what is evil. The argument is vain.


    Quote (Constitutionalist @ Oct. 09 2009,23:00)
    Halloween is coming up.

    Anybody dressing up?

    Handing out candy?


    Greetings C……Iam sure there are plenty of people who will be dressing up……What are you dressing up as ?? The problem I have with Halloween is ….I cannot understand how,with all the evil in this world,people choose to celebrate it on this day or any other day for that matter….This day is a celebration of death coupled with mischief and vandalism….Having said that the quintessential oxymoron would be Happy Halloween


    Quote (Constitutionalist @ Oct. 21 2009,00:07)

    Quote (georg @ Oct. 20 2009,02:04)

    Quote (seekingtruth @ Oct. 20 2009,20:47)

    Quote (georg @ Oct. 20 2009,13:06)

    Quote (seekingtruth @ Oct. 20 2009,17:12)

    Quote (Gene @ Oct. 20 2009,10:17)
    ST……..The history of cards is chance, even the apostles drew straws, but the issue Here is engaging in “PAGAN” practices, hardly the same thing, anything can be used wrong even driving a vehicle, drinking to much alcohol, but its history did not come from Evil Satanic worship Practices, there is a difference.  And if we engage it how far should we then,  As Isa 1:18 said where is the line at.  Again this is not to condnm anyone I have done worse then this in my life. But still we should at least call like it is, don't you all agree?  

    peace and love to you and yours…………………gene

    Pagan is defined for the most part as non-christian, so cards not being “christian” are pagan, as are many things that surround us. I do agree that anything can be wrong and I would even go a step further and state that you could do something to honor God while my doing the same thing could be a sin. If I felt that giving kids candy on halloween crossed the line I wouldn't do it, I have no problem with someone, out of love, telling me of a concern and if clearly spelled out as a sin then be aggressive in correction. However if the activity in question is not clearly called out as a sin, then once you've voiced your concern leave it to God. I believe it is a bigger sin to make judgments then to participate non-defiantly in questionable activities.

    My opinion – Wm

    Where in the world is that prove that playing cards is pagan.  I have never heard of that.  We play Cards all the time.  My Husband and I.  And on Sundays when we have Family Day, we play with our Kids.  I believe if you play for Money, then I feel it can become wrong.  But just for entertainment, that I find not wrong.
    When we belonged to the W.W.Church of God, we were taught that when you play sports it can become wrong.  But there too we played Cards with Church Members after the Sabbath.

    That is my point. the scriptures do not say playing cards is pagan, even though pagans play them, they are associated with evil, and some have made connections between the two (and are just as adamant on this as you are on halloween). It is the same thought process being used to make playing bridge “evil”, that makes candy to kids “evil”, it just puts the line at a different level.

    With activities that in themselves do not directly violate the law of love, it is left to each person to determine where his or hers faith allows the “do not cross this line” to be put.

    Do you ever drink too much? in this case crossing a line is clearly spelled out in scripture as a sin. Some choose to not drink at all, which is good, but if you tell others to not drink at all, because it is a sin, then you've said more than scripture. Now if you say you shouldn't even start and it's best avoided because of it's potential to draw you in deeper then you've warned the person and those listening and they will have to answer for what they do with the information. However in doing this I have shown my love through concern while not having passed judgment, leaving it to God, as He is able to make this person stand, where as if I pass judgment, then the beam in my eye will most likely knock them over.

    My opinion – Wm

    In my eyes that when we play Cards or if I dress my Kid in a devil outfit, is a completely different story.  How can you or anybody else connect those two.  If the pagan played card, what the heck, can that be the same then worshipping another God.  Whatever Church you belonged to,  I would never join. Let me ask you were is it written not to play Cards,  It is written however that worship another God is idolatry, and an abomination to God.  To me it is laughable to say the least.

    The bible does not say specifically that you cannot hang out in a homosexuel bathouse, so would you? The bible does not say you cannot you can't smoke herb, would you? The bible does not say you cannot run around naked, would you, the bible does say to shun all things that are evil and/or give the appearence of evil, and this you refuse to do, because the bible does not specifically state what is evil. The argument is vain.

    Greetings C…..I can agree with your ending comment that the argument is vain,however broard and non specific the bible may be…When one studies and understands the word of God,and I might add that not everybody does,..avoiding the lusts of the world,specifically the flesh becomes a personal battle….For this reason we have a savior and if we call on the father in his name with a contrite heart he will impart the wisdom that is needed to discern…..In closing The words of a mighty and wise King…”All is Vanity” when it comes to the things of the world…eg. wealth,knowledge and power…


    Quote (theodorej @ Oct. 20 2009,05:29)

    Quote (Constitutionalist @ Oct. 21 2009,00:07)

    Quote (georg @ Oct. 20 2009,02:04)

    Quote (seekingtruth @ Oct. 20 2009,20:47)

    Quote (georg @ Oct. 20 2009,13:06)

    Quote (seekingtruth @ Oct. 20 2009,17:12)

    Quote (Gene @ Oct. 20 2009,10:17)
    ST……..The history of cards is chance, even the apostles drew straws, but the issue Here is engaging in “PAGAN” practices, hardly the same thing, anything can be used wrong even driving a vehicle, drinking to much alcohol, but its history did not come from Evil Satanic worship Practices, there is a difference.  And if we engage it how far should we then,  As Isa 1:18 said where is the line at.  Again this is not to condnm anyone I have done worse then this in my life. But still we should at least call like it is, don't you all agree?  

    peace and love to you and yours…………………gene

    Pagan is defined for the most part as non-christian, so cards not being “christian” are pagan, as are many things that surround us. I do agree that anything can be wrong and I would even go a step further and state that you could do something to honor God while my doing the same thing could be a sin. If I felt that giving kids candy on halloween crossed the line I wouldn't do it, I have no problem with someone, out of love, telling me of a concern and if clearly spelled out as a sin then be aggressive in correction. However if the activity in question is not clearly called out as a sin, then once you've voiced your concern leave it to God. I believe it is a bigger sin to make judgments then to participate non-defiantly in questionable activities.

    My opinion – Wm

    Where in the world is that prove that playing cards is pagan.  I have never heard of that.  We play Cards all the time.  My Husband and I.  And on Sundays when we have Family Day, we play with our Kids.  I believe if you play for Money, then I feel it can become wrong.  But just for entertainment, that I find not wrong.
    When we belonged to the W.W.Church of God, we were taught that when you play sports it can become wrong.  But there too we played Cards with Church Members after the Sabbath.

    That is my point. the scriptures do not say playing cards is pagan, even though pagans play them, they are associated with evil, and some have made connections between the two (and are just as adamant on this as you are on halloween). It is the same thought process being used to make playing bridge “evil”, that makes candy to kids “evil”, it just puts the line at a different level.

    With activities that in themselves do not directly violate the law of love, it is left to each person to determine where his or hers faith allows the “do not cross this line” to be put.

    Do you ever drink too much? in this case crossing a line is clearly spelled out in scripture as a sin. Some choose to not drink at all, which is good, but if you tell others to not drink at all, because it is a sin, then you've said more than scripture. Now if you say you shouldn't even start and it's best avoided because of it's potential to draw you in deeper then you've warned the person and those listening and they will have to answer for what they do with the information. However in doing this I have shown my love through concern while not having passed judgment, leaving it to God, as He is able to make this person stand, where as if I pass judgment, then the beam in my eye will most likely knock them over.

    My opinion – Wm

    In my eyes that when we play Cards or if I dress my Kid in a devil outfit, is a completely different story.  How can you or anybody else connect those two.  If the pagan played card, what the heck, can that be the same then worshipping another God.  Whatever Church you belonged to,  I would never join. Let me ask you were is it written not to play Cards,  It is written however that worship another God is idolatry, and an abomination to God.  To me it is laughable to say the least.

    The bible does not say specifically that you cannot hang out in a homosexuel bathouse, so would you? The bible does not say you cannot you can't smoke herb, would you? The bible does not say you cannot run around naked, would you, the bible does say to shun all things that are evil and/or give the appearence of evil, and this you refuse to do, because the bible does not specifically state what is evil. The argument is vain.

    Greetings C…..I can agree with your ending comment that the argument is vain,however broard and non specific the bible may be…When one studies and understands the word of God,and I might add that not everybody does,..avoiding the lusts of the world,specifically the flesh becomes a personal battle….For this reason we have a savior and if we call on the father in his name with a contrite heart he will impart the wisdom that is needed to discern…..In closing The words of a mighty and wise King…”All is Vanity” when it comes to the things of the world…eg. wealth,knowledge and power…

    Yes but many don't see it that way in here.


    Quote (david @ Oct. 20 2009,04:20)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Oct. 20 2009,03:05)

    Quote (david @ Oct. 19 2009,04:23)

    David does not deny the resurrection.


    Then why would Thinker continually say that I do, despite me telling him I don't deny the resurrection.  Jesus certainly was “put to death in the flesh, but being made alive in the spirit.”


    Because you do not believe that Jesus “Body” was ressurected, is this true or not?


    WJ, if I believe Jesus was indeed resurrected, and Thinker continually makes the statement that I “deny the resurrection” do you think this is extraordinarily misleading on Thinker's part?


    You didn't answer the question!

    The resurrection included the Body of the one raised from the grave, just like all those who were raised from the dead during Jesus death!


    You do not believe that Jesus “Body” was ressurected, is this true or not?



    Quote (david @ Oct. 20 2009,04:45)

    Hi Paul

    Its more like “who should draw the line?”.

    To me it is a matter of the heart and conscience.


    Your conscience or the conscience of those who believe you are a Christian.  Which is more important?


    Is this what they teach in “Kingdom Hall”, that it is more important to obey the conscience of “watch tower” than their own.

    This is very telling.

    I would rather obey God than man!



    Quote (seekingtruth @ Oct. 20 2009,05:50)

    Quote (david @ Oct. 20 2009,15:56)

    playing cards

    I heard mormons don't use the court cards.  They only use the ace to 10.  The roman catholic church tried to ban playing cards a long time ago.  Originally, they were only used by prostitutes, gamblers, etc.  Today, 90% of playing cards are used for gambling.  But, this is another subject.

    Is it? Same principles apply.

    You're post, previous to the one quoted above, on pumpkin pie. So eating a pumpkin pie can cause someone to stumble? I like steaks, oops, I might make a vegan brother stumble. Where does it stop, there are people who believe mankind is a stain upon the earth, so should we not have babies least they should stumble? I believe that God expects us to use common sense on “what will cause a brother to stumble” otherwise who could bear the burden of not “offending” someone.

    My opinion – Wm


    Amen! The whole poiint that those who find fault in giving candy to kids is to force compliance to their own conscience.

    Where does it stop is right. According to the scriptures that is for every man to decide according to his own heart and conscience!

    Blessings WJ



    Quote (david @ Oct. 20 2009,04:54)
    All this talk of freedom seems very USA.

    Thats right, and that is what has made this great country the most powerful country in the world.

    Somehow you seem to think that “freedom in Christ” and “Christianity” are two different things.



    Quote (david @ Oct. 20 2009,04:10)
    No, WJ, for me, Oct 31st is quite similar to Oct 30th.  It's very similar to Oct 29th.  It's astoundingly similar to Nov 15th, or Dec 18th.

    Great, then why are you not free to do on Oct 31st what you may do on Oct 30th or Oct 10th or Jan 28th?

    We recently dressed kids up for vacation Bible school as Bible Charactors and they played a skit about Moses and Pharoah.

    It was fun and a great time of learning for the kids.

    So tell me why they cannot dress up on Oct 31st as Bible Charators and recieve prizes and candy and learn about the Charactors they are dressed up with as they may on any other day? Is it because on that day the world celebrates Halloween?

    You are making a difference in the day. I am saying that the day is the Lords and I have freedom to do with it as I please within Gods moral compass. I choose an alternative to the worlds practices of demons and witches etc.

    Do these scriptures mean anything to you David…?

    Accept him whose faith is weak, without passing judgment on disputable matters“. One man's faith allows him to eat everything, but another man, whose faith is weak, eats only vegetables. The man who eats everything must not look down on him who does not, and the man who does not eat everything must not condemn the man who does, for God has accepted him. ”WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE SOMEONE ELSE'S SERVANT? To his own master he stands or falls. And he will stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand. One man considers one day more sacred than another; “another man considers every day alike”. Each one should be “fully convinced in his own mind. He who regards one day as special, does so to the Lord. He who eats meat, eats to the Lord, for he gives thanks to God; and he who abstains, does so to the Lord and gives thanks to God. Rom 14:1-6



    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Oct. 21 2009,02:45)

    Quote (david @ Oct. 20 2009,04:45)

    Hi Paul

    Its more like “who should draw the line?”.

    To me it is a matter of the heart and conscience.


    Your conscience or the conscience of those who believe you are a Christian.  Which is more important?


    Is this what they teach in “Kingdom Hall”, that it is more important to obey the conscience of “watch tower” than their own.

    This is very telling.

    I would rather obey God than man!


    My wife has worked at a Christian counseling center for the last 19 years. She has seen a lot of stuff between couples. One couple had a problem with intimacy (I am reluctant to use the “s” word. Princess might come after me). The wife would not wear provocative lingerie for her husband because she believed that such lingerie is from satan. It came to light that her mother had burned this in her conscience. The mother had defiled her daughter's conscience. Satan was not in the lingerie business. Provocative lingerie is pure in the marriage bed. It was the conscience of the mother that ruled their marriage bed.

    This is the kind of thing that can happen when we bow the knee to the consciences of others.

    Paul said that we are not to cause our brother to stumble. He defined this as our causing our brother to ACT against his own conscience.

    But beware lest somehow this liberty of yours become a stumbling block to those who are weak. 10 For if anyone sees you who have knowledge eating in an idol’s temple, will not the conscience of him who is weak be emboldened to eat those things offered to idols? (1 Cor. 8:9-10)

    We cause our brother to stumble when we cause him to act contrary to his conscience. You and I have maintained that this is wrong and a misuse of liberty. We have been very clear about it. So David and Con just want to bind us to the dicates of their own consciences. They are not going to ACT against want they believe. So there is no risk that we would cause them to stumble. If a person just wants to bind us to his own conscience we can tell him where to get off.

    Like the mother who defiled the daughter's conscience resulting in her intimacy with her husband being hindered, so David and Con want to do the same and hinder the evangelistic efforts of those who seize the opportunities that halloween presents.

    They are pharisees to the core!



    Thinker…….Right, and if that conscientiousness is driven by His Spirit it will not worship or engage in Demon and Devil worship practices either. You seem to think Paul said it's OK to Practice these Pagan false teaching, is an error on your part. IMO



    Quote (Gene @ Oct. 21 2009,05:01)
    Thinker…….Right, and if that conscientiousness is driven by His Spirit it will not worship or engage in Demon and Devil worship practices either. You seem to think Paul said it's OK to Practice these Pagan false teaching, is an error on your part. IMO


    Who here has advocated demon and devil worship? You paint it that way so you can bind people to your man made laws.

    You say “Demon” and “Devil” with a capital “D” but Jesus is “god” with a small “g.” ???



    Quote (Gene @ Oct. 21 2009,05:01)
    Thinker…….Right, and if that conscientiousness is driven by His Spirit it will not worship or engage in Demon and Devil worship practices either. You seem to think Paul said it's OK to Practice these Pagan false teaching, is an error on your part. IMO


    Paul said he could feast in an idol's temple (1 Cor. 8:9-23). This did not mean that he worshiped idols because he feasted with the knowledge that no other gods exist. Your words by implication mean that you accuse Paul.



    Quote (Not3in1 @ Oct. 20 2009,10:56)

    Quote (942767 @ Oct. 20 2009,10:50)
    Yes, the scriptures state that Jesus ate and drank with sinners, and I also do that, but I won't go into a bar to witness.

    Just a thought here…..

    Brother, where do you suppose the “fires” are that we are snatching people from?

    It has been repeatedly said that we should not do anything that would make the world judge us. But if Stu is a measure on what the world would think it is clear that David and Con and Marty would be regarded less favorably.

    I have never heard an objection from the world about giving candy and tracts to children. I hear this objection only from self righteous “christians.”



    Quote (Gene @ Oct. 21 2009,05:01)
    Thinker…….Right, and if that conscientiousness is driven by His Spirit it will not worship or engage in Demon and Devil worship practices either. You seem to think Paul said it's OK to Practice these Pagan false teaching, is an error on your part. IMO


    Ah….this may be the core of the argument right here….

    Christians who practice or partake in the Halloween holiday are NOT engaging in devil worship.  

    The origins of Halloween were not about devil worship, they were about the walls of this world and the “otherworld” being laid thin; spirits could wander and communicate with the living.  There is nothing here that says anyone is worshiping the devil?  I'm a bit confused.  I think that last part was tacked-on by the Christian movement who became irritated with those pagans who would not convert.  In other words, either you're in or you're out; either your worshiping the God of the bible, or your worshiping the devil.  I don't know, but I still think there are other options out there……..  These folks weren't worshiping anything.

    PS: this thread has moved too quickly for me to keep up with it.  If anyone has posted something to me, I haven't seen it.  If it's important enough – repost it today or this evening and I'll see it.  Thanks.


    Quote (thethinker @ Oct. 21 2009,05:27)

    Quote (Not3in1 @ Oct. 20 2009,10:56)

    Quote (942767 @ Oct. 20 2009,10:50)
    Yes, the scriptures state that Jesus ate and drank with sinners, and I also do that, but I won't go into a bar to witness.

    Just a thought here…..

    Brother, where do you suppose the “fires” are that we are snatching people from?

    It has been repeatedly said that we should not do anything that would make the world judge us. But if Stu is a measure on what the world would think it is clear that David and Con and Marty would be regarded less favorably.

    I have never heard an objection from the world about giving candy and tracts to children. I hear this objection only from self righteous “christians.”



    It is true that those who can not convert you to their way of thinking will be the ones who impose the rules and regs.  I daresay that that is why (not in whole, but certainly in part) why Halloween has got such a bad rap.  Christianity came to the Celtic farmers and when they did not submit, they (and their practices) were labeled “wicked” and of the devil.  Just my thoughts…..

    You can tell I'm grappling with this whole thing. I've been talking to a lot of people and reading a lot on the issue.



    Quote (david @ Oct. 20 2009,20:54)
    All this talk of freedom seems very USA.

    Hey now….. :laugh:

    This cracked me up. David, freedom is a CHRIST THING! What, exactly, do you think Christ died for?

    I hate to tell you this bro, but we have the freedom to sin. We were given that freedom (by whom?).

    We only choose not to out of love. Not out of rules and strict regulations. What would be the point then?



    I am appreciating the discussion here aside from the name calling and the judgements being thrown about. Personally I would be thrilled for halloween to just go away and not be celebrated. I do not feel the same with Christmas or Easter though. I don't believe that they are viewed by the general public as a “Christian” twist on an evil foundation. It is those two days that bring people to church more than any other. I think the church should have their fall festivals at a completely different time than when the trick or treating takes place however. Ideally, I would like to see the church not have a celebration of their own and not participate in the trick or treating at all. I also think that it would be just fine for the fall festivals (at another time than halloween) to encourage dressing in Bible character costumes or non-evil costumes, playing games and receiving prizes, i.e. candy, stuffed animals, etc. What the churches do now seems to be a better alternative against the evil associated with the day and not a clear statement against the evil associated with the day.

    If the church treated Oct. 31st as if it were just another day and asked (not demanded) their members to willingly not participate in dressing up and going out asking for candy because of its evil overtones then I think they would be a church with more courage and effectiveness. I am not against dressing up in costumes and giving kids candy at all, I just think that it shouldn't be done on Oct. 31st or whenever the non-believing public is trick or treating and fostering the appearance of evil.

    Because the church has provided a place to dress up and get candy on halloween and encourages non-evil costumes, well, I have weakened. I think it was better for my family when we would just have a family night.

    Why not decorate our porches with cheerfulness instead of death and gloom. Let our porches reflect the love of God and fall beauty and a basket of candy with a sign that says something like “We don't personally celebrate halloween but help yourself to the candy and come again or knock on our door, we would love to meet you.”

    Okay, I suspect that many of you will tell me I am an idealist and not living in reality. Oh well, maybe.

    God bless,


    Hi Kathi,

    No, I think you are a realist. The thing is, sometimes being a Christian and being a realist don't mesh.

    For instance, because Halloween is a so-called wicked holiday after pagan roots (and so is Easter and Christmas) you cannot be lukewarm. Either they are all bad by the same token, or not. I confess, this is my inner-struggle.


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