Halloween is coming up

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    Halloween is coming up.

    Anybody dressing up?

    Handing out candy?



    Quote (Constitutionalist @ Oct. 09 2009,23:00)
    Halloween is coming up.

    Anybody dressing up?

    Handing out candy?


    No way.  Even though I did it with our Children were little, I have since understood the meaning of Halloween. It is  Pagan and Satan worship.  I find it so ironic, that they and I too take all kinds of Customs like Goests, Cats etc. and put them on our Children.  And in the dark let our Children go from, door to door to Trick and Treat.  We live away from our Street and we have no Children coming here.  So I have nothing to do with that.  Also what I find sio ironic that the Catholic Church not to far ffrom our House, will have a Haunted House.  People will say;” O that is jut so cute and so much fun.”  I don't think any more that it is fun.
    Peace and Love Irene


    Quote (georg @ Oct. 09 2009,04:21)

    Quote (Constitutionalist @ Oct. 09 2009,23:00)
    Halloween is coming up.

    Anybody dressing up?

    Handing out candy?


    No way.  Even though I did it with our Children were little, I have since understood the meaning of Halloween. It is  Pagan and Satan worship.  I find it so ironic, that they and I too take all kinds of Customs like Goests, Cats etc. and put them on our Children.  And in the dark let our Children go from, door to door to Trick and Treat.  We live away from our Street and we have no Children coming here.  So I have nothing to do with that.  Also what I find sio ironic that the Catholic Church not to far ffrom our House, will have a Haunted House.  People will say;” O that is jut so cute and so much fun.”  I don't think any more that it is fun.
    Peace and Love Irene



    Quote (georg @ Oct. 09 2009,23:21)

    Quote (Constitutionalist @ Oct. 09 2009,23:00)
    Halloween is coming up.

    Anybody dressing up?

    Handing out candy?


    No way.  Even though I did it with our Children were little, I have since understood the meaning of Halloween. It is  Pagan and Satan worship.  I find it so ironic, that they and I too take all kinds of Customs like Goests, Cats etc. and put them on our Children.  And in the dark let our Children go from, door to door to Trick and Treat.  We live away from our Street and we have no Children coming here.  So I have nothing to do with that.  Also what I find sio ironic that the Catholic Church not to far ffrom our House, will have a Haunted House.  People will say;” O that is jut so cute and so much fun.”  I don't think any more that it is fun.
    Peace and Love Irene

    Paul said:

    14 I know and am convinced by the Lord Jesus that there is nothing unclean of itself; but to him who considers anything to be unclean, to him it is unclean. 15 Yet if your brother is grieved because of your food, you are no longer walking in love. Do not destroy with your food the one for whom Christ died. 16 Therefore do not let your good be spoken of as evil; 17 for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. 18 For he who serves Christ in these things is acceptable to God and approved by men.
    19 Therefore let us pursue the things which make for peace and the things by which one may edify another. 20 Do not destroy the work of God for the sake of food. All things indeed are pure, but it is evil for the man who eats with offense. 21 It is good neither to eat meat nor drink wine nor do anything by which your brother stumbles or is offended or is made weak. 22 Do you have faith? Have it to yourself before God. Happy is he who does not condemn himself in what he approves. 23 But he who doubts is condemned if he eats, because he does not eat from faith; for whatever is not from faith is sin.

    The new covenant dispensation is the age of conscience. Paul was free in Christ to eat meat offered to idols (see also 1 Cor. 8). This was true because he had the knowledge that idols do not exist. But it was wrong for him to eat meat if it offended his weaker brother who did not possess such knowledge. The law of love trumps the law of liberty.

    I have the knowledge that satan was destroyed and cast into the lake of fire as the Revelation clearly says. I am free in Christ to dress up and pass out candy on halloween if I want to because I know there is no such thing as satan worship. But Irene does not have this knowledge. She believes that satan is alive and well and is worshiped. If Irene was my next door neighbor I should not dress up and pass out candy because love trumps my liberty.

    Paul said that there is nothing unclean of itself. He said, “to the pure all things INDEED are pure.” If the eating of meat sacrificed to idols was “pure” and therefore permissible for Paul, then the dressing up and passing out of candy is “pure” and permissible.

    I would not do it if my weaker brother was offended by it. This could cause him to “stumble” which means that he would compromise and act contrary to his conscience.

    Both the stronger and the weaker should not pass judgment on the other.



    Thinker……….It's not about eating or drinking, its what the day is about, thats the problem, We are told not to learn the way of the heathens.

    Rev 2:14 But I have a fews things against you, because you have there them that hold th doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balic to cast a stumbling block before the childern of Israel, to eat things sacrificed unto idols, and to commit fortification.

    Rev 2:20….> Notwithstanding I have a few things against you, because you suffer that woman Jezebel, which calls herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.

    Halloween or as Catholics called it all Soul eve where dead souls come out of there graves and effect people is nothing more the an evil pagan observance, why participate in it at all. Why dress up and participate in it at all. IMO



    We're having a huge party here! I won't tell you what I'm dressing up as….. I think this announcement is enough for this board. :;):


    Quote (Gene @ Oct. 14 2009,13:16)
    Thinker……….It's not about eating or drinking, its what the day is about, thats the problem, We are told not to learn the way of the heathens.

    Rev 2:14 But I have a fews things against you, because you have there them that hold th doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balic to cast a stumbling block before the childern of Israel, to eat things sacrificed unto idols, and to commit fortification.

    Rev 2:20….> Notwithstanding I have a few things against you, because you suffer that woman Jezebel, which calls herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.

    Halloween or as Catholics called it all Soul eve where dead souls come out of there graves and effect people is nothing more the an evil pagan observance, why participate in it at all. Why dress up and participate in it at all.   IMO


    Hooey! Paul said that he was free to eat meat sacrificed to idols. Nothing done on halloween is worse than sacrificing animals to idols.

    It is a matter of not offending our brother because love trumps liberty.




    Quote (Not3in1 @ Oct. 14 2009,13:29)
    We're having a huge party here!  I won't tell you what I'm dressing up as…..  I think this announcement is enough for this board. :;):

    Hmmmm. You must be dressing up sexy  :;):



    it is strange to think one would want to be something other then what the Father has made us, could it be a deep psy of some sort, were when one puts on the mask they no longer have to be who they say they are, they can be something else.

    personally even as a child i did not like this time of year, maybe my lesson was taught the hard way, we built a dummy, attached to a rope, threw the dummy over a tree limb that hung over the roadway, when a truck approached we dropped the dummy out of the tree. could have taken a life that night, we did not, we did take a few shots from the man's shot gun though and a few choice words.

    how easy is it to become 'part' of something, how hard is it to be 'set apart' from something.

    i have never proclaim to be a princess all my life  :laugh:


    Quote (thethinker @ Oct. 14 2009,13:40)

    Quote (Not3in1 @ Oct. 14 2009,13:29)
    We're having a huge party here!  I won't tell you what I'm dressing up as…..  I think this announcement is enough for this board. :;):

    Hmmmm. You must be dressing up sexy  :;):


    it is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a man, it is what comes out.


    Quote (princess of the king @ Oct. 14 2009,13:49)

    Quote (thethinker @ Oct. 14 2009,13:40)

    Quote (Not3in1 @ Oct. 14 2009,13:29)
    We're having a huge party here!  I won't tell you what I'm dressing up as…..  I think this announcement is enough for this board. :;):

    Hmmmm. You must be dressing up sexy  :;):


    it is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a man, it is what comes out.

    This forum is just filled with prudish and judgmental people.




    let's not start thinker about ethics and morals of a christian man, there is no reason to speak of such matters, and you know this, no back peddling will help, it is what it is. you decide on how the matter should be resolved.


    Quote (princess of the king @ Oct. 14 2009,14:16)
    let's not start thinker about ethics and morals of a christian man, there is no reason to speak of such matters, and you know this, no back peddling will help, it is what it is. you decide on how the matter should be resolved.


    “TO THE PURE ALL THINGS AR PURE” The problem is with your own thoughts.



    i am sure you believe what you say because you are of the new, and it is ok that you speak as such.

    your wrong thinker on both accounts.


    Quote (thethinker @ Oct. 14 2009,14:19)

    Quote (princess of the king @ Oct. 14 2009,14:16)
    let's not start thinker about ethics and morals of a christian man, there is no reason to speak of such matters, and you know this, no back peddling will help, it is what it is. you decide on how the matter should be resolved.


    “TO THE PURE ALL THINGS AR PURE” The problem is with your own thoughts.


    There is nothing pure about Satan and Satan day Halloween. You do what you or Mandy for that matter do, but to even say what you did is not of God. Just like the trinity ha ha ha,
    that is all I can say abut this.



    i pour into my son everyday, i have no tolerence for this such behavior toward women in any respect. i would not be surprised if my son treats women with more respect then you do, and my gift is only nine.

    if you don't care for it, so be it. i am assuming your pastor would not find fault in your words also, you should print this thread and show it to him, let me know what he says. show it to your congregation while your at it, let us test your spirit of new, shall we?


    Quote (princess of the king @ Oct. 14 2009,14:30)

    i pour into my son everyday, i have no tolerence for this such behavior toward women in any respect. i would not be surprised if my son treats women with more respect then you do, and my gift is only nine.

    if you don't care for it, so be it. i am assuming your pastor would not find fault in your words also, you should print this thread and show it to him, let me know what he says. show it to your congregation while your at it, let us test your spirit of new, shall we?

    I meant no disrespect. And I am a faithful husband and father. Mandy said that she was dressing up and that's all she could say on the board. So I threw in a little humor and said, “You must be dressing sexy.” If Mandy thought my humor was in bad taste then I will apologize to her.


    Anyway, I know now not to jest like that again because you my weaker sister took offense. This is my last word to you on this subject.



    no thinker, you are mistaken. a weaker sister would have kept quiet and let it pass.

    do not think me weak in any matter.

    blessings to your family, and may your wife forgive you for speaking to another women in such a manner, your wife is the only 'sexy' you should have thoughts of.

    i agree, the conversation is completed.


    TO ALL:

    I just consulted my wife about my humor and she said it was in poor taste. She said that I should not have joked about such a thing concerning a woman. So I will publically apologize for my inappropriate jesting.

    My wife said also that she knows that I did not mean anything by it. She knows me very well.



    Quote (thethinker @ Oct. 14 2009,14:10)

    Quote (princess of the king @ Oct. 14 2009,13:49)

    Quote (thethinker @ Oct. 14 2009,13:40)

    Quote (Not3in1 @ Oct. 14 2009,13:29)
    We're having a huge party here!  I won't tell you what I'm dressing up as…..  I think this announcement is enough for this board. :;):

    Hmmmm. You must be dressing up sexy  :;):


    it is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a man, it is what comes out.

    This forum is just filled with prudish and judgmental people.



    Is adultery ever pure? Is homosexuality ever pure?

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