Genesis 1, was god himself the us and our

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    To All………..This thread was started to show that GOD Himself was the US and OUR mentioned in Genesis , Notice how creation starts off by God being presented as a singular form, but when it comes to Man God takes the plural form, I believe this to be because six of the seven Spirits of GOD were used in the creation of MAN , Man is a Higher creation of GOD then other things created are, the only Spirit that was not used was the SPIRIT of TRUTH which came later. These Seven Spirits of GOD can be and are sometimes Personified in scriptures like the Spirit of Wisdom, The spirit of an Adversary (Satan) There is also a Spirit of Jealousy “OUR GOD IS A JEALOUS GOD” . If we see GOD as a composition of SEVEN DISTINCT SPIRIT ATTRIBUTES, this can make sense . I am just putting this forward for more discussion i am not trying to Create a New Doctrine , but saying if we understand that God is a Composition of SEVEN DISTINCT SPIRIT ATTRIBUTES it can make Sense that the US and OUR is referencing GOD himself. IMO

    peace and love to you all……………………………………….gene


    Hi Gene,
    When I set myself to trying to understanding what the imagery of the 7 spirits meant my first thought was John was a practicing Jew who had accepted Jesus and thus had seen the light as it were. My next thought was whenever one receives of vision from God it is filtered through the totality of ones soul or life.This led me to google '7 spirits of God in Judaism'. I was presented with this:

    Practical Uses

    I can think of no Christian event where the Menorah would be inappropriate for display. I would encourage the notion that its presence in all Christian churches is not only appropriate but practical and fundamentally useful. It can accompany any liturgical ceremony. The following is an example of a liturgical declaration or [any variation thereof] that could be recited as the Menorah is being lighted in your own home or church.

    Liturgy of lights

    Pastor: And I saw seven spirits of God burning before the throne!

    Congregation: The Spirit of Love (Lord)

    The Spirit of Wisdom

    The Spirit of Understanding

    The Spirit of Counsel

    The spirit of Knowledge

    The spirit of Strength

    (and) The Spirit of the Fear of the Lord

    Corporate: Jesus is the light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world.

    Now we are the light of the world!

    We will shine forth as lights in a world of darkness!

    Lord Jesus Christ, you are our light and our salvation! Amen!

    Which I copy/pasted from

    The interpretive understanding is based on this:

    And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD. (Isa 11:2)

    Is this the absolute God's truth about these 7 spirits? I don't know, The Holy Spirit hasn't revealed this to me. Is it a rational explanation based on the situation presented? I submit that the answer is yes in that it harmonizes with scripture.

    With Love and Respect


    Quote (Wispring @ Mar. 23 2011,10:44)
    Hi Gene,
     When I set myself to trying to understanding what  the imagery of the 7 spirits meant my first thought was John was a practicing Jew who had accepted Jesus and thus had seen the light as it were. My next thought was whenever one receives of vision from God it is filtered through the totality of ones soul or life.This led me to google '7 spirits of God in Judaism'. I was presented with this:

    Practical Uses

    I can think of no Christian event where the Menorah would be inappropriate for display. I would encourage the notion that its presence in all Christian churches is not only appropriate but practical and fundamentally useful. It can accompany any liturgical ceremony. The following is an example of a liturgical declaration or [any variation thereof] that could be recited as the Menorah is being lighted in your own home or church.

    Liturgy of lights

    Pastor: And I saw seven spirits of God burning before the throne!

    Congregation: The Spirit of Love (Lord)

    The Spirit of Wisdom

    The Spirit of Understanding

    The Spirit of Counsel

    The spirit of Knowledge

    The spirit of Strength

    (and) The Spirit of the Fear of the Lord

    Corporate: Jesus is the light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world.

    Now we are the light of the world!

    We will shine forth as lights in a world of darkness!

    Lord Jesus Christ, you are our light and our salvation! Amen!

    Which I copy/pasted from

    The interpretive understanding is based on this:

    And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD. (Isa 11:2)

      Is this the absolute God's truth about these 7 spirits? I don't know, The Holy Spirit hasn't revealed this to me. Is it a rational explanation based on the situation presented? I submit that the answer is yes in that it harmonizes with scripture.

                                              With Love and Respect

    Wispring!  In

    Eph 4:1 ¶ I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called,  

    Eph 4:2   With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love;  

    Eph 4:3   Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.  

    Eph 4:4   [There is] one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling;  

    Eph 4:5   One Lord, one faith, one baptism,  

    Eph 4:6   One God and Father of all, who [is] above all, and through all, and in you all.  

    These Scriptures tell us a lot.  First it says that there is only ONE HOLY SPIRIT, which lives in all baptized Christians, which makes us one with God.  Now we can understand the things of God IF WE HAVE AN OPEN MIND…
    Then it tells us that there is only ONE ALMIGHTY GOD AND FATHER OF ALL, WHO IS ABOVE ALL.  It shows us that there is no trinity.  There are no 7 Spirits of God.  Wisdom, Understanding, knowledge, Patience ect. are all essence of God, just like we should have.  If you lack wisdom ask Almighty7 God and He will give you some……7 is Gods number, just like 666 is Anti-Christs number….
    Peace and Love Irene


    Hi Irene,

    These Scriptures tell us a lot. First it says that there is only ONE HOLY SPIRIT, which lives in all baptized Christians, which makes us one with God. Now we can understand the things of God IF WE HAVE AN OPEN MIND…
    Then it tells us that there is only ONE ALMIGHTY GOD AND FATHER OF ALL, WHO IS ABOVE ALL. It shows us that there is no trinity. There are no 7 Spirits of God

    Dear sister whom I love in the name of Jesus Christ i am not establishing belief nor doctrine here I am merely presenting research. I do believe there is only one Holy Spirit. I do believe there is one almight God and Father of us all, who is above all. I am not blessed with the insight or wisdom from God to personally interpret the meaning of the 7 spirits. I am blessed with the ability to do research for my own edification. May the love that Jesus Christ showed the world dwell in your soul.

    With Love and Respect,


    Hi Irene,

    These Scriptures tell us a lot. First it says that there is only ONE HOLY SPIRIT, which lives in all baptized Christians, which makes us one with God. Now we can understand the things of God IF WE HAVE AN OPEN MIND…
    Then it tells us that there is only ONE ALMIGHTY GOD AND FATHER OF ALL, WHO IS ABOVE ALL. It shows us that there is no trinity. There are no 7 Spirits of God

    Dear sister whom I love in the name of Jesus Christ i am not establishing belief nor doctrine here I am merely presenting research. I do believe there is only one Holy Spirit. I do believe there is one almighty God and Father of us all, who is above all. I am not blessed with the insight or wisdom from God to personally interpret the meaning of the 7 spirits. I am blessed with the ability to do research for my own and for others edification. May the love that Jesus Christ showed the world dwell in your soul.

    With Love and Respect,


    Quote (Wispring @ Mar. 23 2011,16:28)
    Hi Irene,

    These Scriptures tell us a lot.  First it says that there is only ONE HOLY SPIRIT, which lives in all baptized Christians, which makes us one with God.  Now we can understand the things of God IF WE HAVE AN OPEN MIND…
    Then it tells us that there is only ONE ALMIGHTY GOD AND FATHER OF ALL, WHO IS ABOVE ALL.  It shows us that there is no trinity.  There are no 7 Spirits of God

    Dear sister whom I love in the name of Jesus Christ i am not establishing belief nor doctrine here I am merely presenting research. I do believe there is only one Holy Spirit. I do believe there is one almighty God and Father of us all, who is above all. I am not blessed with the insight or wisdom from God to personally interpret the meaning of the 7 spirits. I am blessed with the ability to do research for my own and for others edification. May the love that Jesus Christ showed the world dwell in your soul.

                                             With Love and Respect,

    Have you not been reading what Gene has been trying to tell us all? If you believe what Ephesians is saying then why do you have to research on it. I don't get that. You must have read that Gene believes God has 7 Spirits. You either believe Ephesians or you don't…..7 is Gods number. That means that His Holy Spirit is perfect. Just like Almighty God is perfect. Do you believe that???
    Peace and Love Irene


    Hi Irene,
    I would like you to re-read my last few posts and the words I used to express my thoughts. Nowhere in them do I state I am in agreement with Gene's conclusion. I was simply being nice.

    With Love and Respect,



    I was simply being nice.

    Great, I am glad, sometimes though being nice just does not make it here. I also confuses Me, sorry about that…. Peace to you Irene


    To ALL………….Lets see what scripture does say about the Seven Spirits of GOD.

    Rev 3:1 And unto the angel of the church in Sardis write; These thing saith He that Has the “SEVEN SPIRITS OF GOD” ………..>

    Rev 4:5 …> And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thundering and there were SEVEN Lamps (intellects) of Fire or (judgments) burning before the throne, which are the SEVEN SPIRITS of GOD.

    Rev 5:6…> And I beheld, and Lo, in the midst of the throne of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having Seven HORNS (powers) and Seven Eyes, which (ARE) the SEVEN SPIRITS OF GOD SENT FORTH INTO ALL THE EARTH.

    Now i ask is there SEVEN SPIRITS OF GOD OR NOT? I did not write that just quoting it and excepting what it is saying. It all makes sense too , if you realize Spirits are (DISTINCT) (intellects) And there are SEVEN DISTINCT (Intellects) that MAKE UP ONE GOD.

    These seven Distinct Spirits of GOD are what is used to create all creation and they were and are sent forth into all the earth. They are (IN) the Very CREATION it self. IMO

    peace and love……………………..gene


    Hi Gene,
    Have you done any research on the menorah? The 7 branched candlestick used in the Festival of Lights as ritual for dedication to God symbolizing the burning bush as seen by Moses on mount Sinai? It's original design is in the Torah. Have you ever researched the Kabbalistic Tree of Life? It has 11 parts and is also Judaic in origin. Consider this though, God can if it his pleasure divide his spirit up any number of times if it his good pleasure. Dreams and visions will naturally have in them the symbols that are a part of the culture that the dreamer or visionary is in. Especially religious visions will have symbols of the religion that individual practices. The key word here is religion and knowing what little I do about your thinking on religions of the world I truly have to ask what energies from the universe are you trying to draw to yourself? I am not trying stop you from seeking and obtaining truth or enlightenment I am only as a freind asking you to look in the mirror of your actions in this thread and go hmmmmjm. If you truly believe you will gain something fruitful and meaningful that will bring you closer to having the mind that is in Christ then by all means go ahead full steam.

    With Love and Respect,


    Wispering ……….We must apply the Symbolic language of what these symbols represent , Notice all the candles come out from ONE Source (It's) base, this Base is the ONE GOD and the Seven Candles are Representative of the Seven distinct Spirit life intelligences that (lights or Illuminates) that goes out into all creation from that ONE GOD and illuminates all men that come into the world as .

    John 1:8……He (Jesus) was NOT that light, but was sent to bear witness of that light. Verse 1o…> That (not Jesus but GOD) was the true Light, which lightens every man that comes into the world. Verse 1:10 He (GOD) was in the world, and the world was made by Him (GOD) and the world knew him NOT.

    Even they Knew Jesus they did NOT Know GOD the FATHER that was (IN) Jesus. But finely Thomas Got it , and understood that GOD was indeed Present (IN_) Jesus, GOD the Father was tabernacling with Jesus (IN) Jesus' Body. When he Thomas, understood this He said “MY LORD (AND) MY GOD. Remember the Father (IN) me HE Doth the Works. IMO

    peace and love………………………..gene


    Hi Gene,
    Where are these 7 spirits attributes clearly delineated in scripture Gene?

    With Love and Respect,


    Wispring, I do not know if they are clearly defined in order in scriptures, But i believe they are shared with Man kind and all creation from a one celled animal to a giant whale, have in varying amounts and types, Jesus has all seven of them on him Now as Revelation shows and with these He will set up the Kingdom of GOD on the earth, I also believe the Saint of God also Share in them to what degree i do not Know , but it may even Be the same as Jesus has but without the (HORNS) or Powers that Jesus has to exercise them.

    I believe , there is the Spirit of Wisdom, The Spirit of Truth, the Spirit of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, The spirit of an Adversary (SATAN) , the spirit LOVE, which work grace and mercy, All Spirit (intellects) effect us all in one way or another, they make up our thinking they are what you might say our eyes, There was someone who listed what he though they were here once , but i can't remember where and when. The only thing i can say is there are SEVEN SPIRIT of GOD that is for sure. In scripture they seem to be connected with Lamps which give off Lights, i believe the Lights are certain types of intellects that each spirit has and these act like eyes for GOD in all his creation. Wispering another interesting point is that in the wings of the four living creatures around the throne of GOD, are these eyes and they are in all twelve set of wings that surrounding the throne of GOD, These i also believe are Spirit (intellects) surrounding the throng of GOD also.

    The key to all of this is to understand what Spirit really is IMO.

    peace and love to you and yours…………………..gene


    Hi Gene,

    Right! I posted this one page back in this thread is this what you are talking about?

    Hi Gene,
    When I set myself to trying to understanding what the imagery of the 7 spirits meant my first thought was John was a practicing Jew who had accepted Jesus and thus had seen the light as it were. My next thought was whenever one receives of vision from God it is filtered through the totality of ones soul or life.This led me to google '7 spirits of God in Judaism'. I was presented with this:

    Practical Uses

    I can think of no Christian event where the Menorah would be inappropriate for display. I would encourage the notion that its presence in all Christian churches is not only appropriate but practical and fundamentally useful. It can accompany any liturgical ceremony. The following is an example of a liturgical declaration or [any variation thereof] that could be recited as the Menorah is being lighted in your own home or church.

    Liturgy of lights

    Pastor: And I saw seven spirits of God burning before the throne!

    Congregation: The Spirit of Love (Lord)

    The Spirit of Wisdom

    The Spirit of Understanding

    The Spirit of Counsel

    The spirit of Knowledge

    The spirit of Strength

    (and) The Spirit of the Fear of the Lord

    Corporate: Jesus is the light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world.

    Now we are the light of the world!

    We will shine forth as lights in a world of darkness!

    Lord Jesus Christ, you are our light and our salvation! Amen!

    Which I copy/pasted from

    The interpretive understanding is based on this:
    And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD. (Isa 11:2)

    Is this the absolute God's truth about these 7 spirits? I don't know, The Holy Spirit hasn't revealed this to me. Is it a rational explanation based on the situation presented? I submit that the answer is yes in that it harmonizes with scripture.

    I also posted this:

    Hi Gene,
    Have you done any research on the menorah? The 7 branched candlestick used in the Festival of Lights as ritual for dedication to God symbolizing the burning bush as seen by Moses on mount Sinai? It's original design is in the Torah. Have you ever researched the Kabbalistic Tree of Life? It has 11 parts and is also Judaic in origin. Consider this though, God can if it his pleasure divide his spirit up any number of times if it his good pleasure. Dreams and visions will naturally have in them the symbols that are a part of the culture that the dreamer or visionary is in. Especially religious visions will have symbols of the religion that individual practices. The key word here is religion and knowing what little I do about your thinking on religions of the world I truly have to ask what energies from the universe are you trying to draw to yourself? I am not trying stop you from seeking and obtaining truth or enlightenment I am only as a freind asking you to look in the mirror of your actions in this thread and go hmmmmjm. If you truly believe you will gain something fruitful and meaningful that will bring you closer to having the mind that is in Christ then by all means go ahead full steam.

    By the way, Jesus taught things using what is known as the Rabbinical Teaching Method. If you would like to familiarize youself with the traditional definition of this method i suggest you try here for some info:

    Rabbinical Teaching Method

    I would like to make clear I do not think trying to understand the significance of the 7 spirits is bad or wrong. I think it is interesting.

    With Love and Respect,


    Wispring…………..I Have a Menorah , and i do believe the seven Lamps represent Seven Distinct SPIRITS (INTELLECTS) OF GOD. I also believe These SEVEN DISTINCT SPIRITS Or INTELLECTS of God are what was the “Us” and the “IN OUR IMAGE” Mention in Genesis. These Seven Spirit (intellects) connected with their individual Powers are the creative forces that created all life in this earth, The LORD Used them to produce the creation IMO.

    There was someone else a few years back who posted what they thought they were also. Some of the Spirits you listed can be represented by ONE of them Like Wisdom can contain understanding, counsel and Knowledge, I believe there is also the Spirit of and adversary, this may not seem of God but i believe it is and is used to question actions and is not necessarily alway evil but can be used for Good also and for correction, as in the case of Job. We may want to do something and then a adversarial thought might cause us to reason differently and change our minds and this could be bad or good depending on what the situation is. So an adversarial spirit (intellect) is not always bad.  I believe it is a creation of the LORD “YHWH,  just like all the other spirits are too and is part of our reasoning processes. IMO

    I believe the Spirit that produces Awareness of Truth is also one of those Spirit (intellects) also, and even  the Spirit of Jealousy may be one , because scripture says our GOD is a Jealous GOD. One thing is for Sure in order for us to IMAGE GOD we Must have these Spirit (intellects) (IN) Us  for that to Happen. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours…………………………….gene


    Hi Gene,
    Aaaah. I see. thanks!

    With Love and Respect,


    Hi Gene,
    Isn't wisdom derived from understanding. Isn't understanding acquired from putting together pieces of knowledge. Isn't counsel the same as giving formal advice? Couldn't one be counseled with wisdom or understanding or knowledge or combinations therein? Couldn't the Spirit of the adversay be said to be counseling you?

    Definition and etymology
    The word stems from the French jalousie, formed from jaloux (jealous), and further from Low Latin zelosus (full of zeal), in turn from the Greek word ζήλος (zēlos), sometimes “jealousy”, but more often in a positive sense “emulation, ardour, zeal” [9][10] (with a root connoting “to boil, ferment”; or “yeast”).

    1 John 4:8
    He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.


    1 Corinthians 13:4 (Young's Literal Translation)

    4The love is long-suffering, it is kind, the love doth not envy, the love doth not vaunt itself, is not puffed up,

    Jealousy is a reaction to a perceived threat. God perceieves that man can be led astray in worshiping other things and god other than him. He states that position quite clearly throughout the whole of the bible. One of the central messages in all the prophets is this very issue.
    This is divine jealousy.

    The Story in numbers 5:14 is a romantic jealousy.
    There is wisdom in discerning the difference.

    I have noticed when comparing the KJV version with the Young's Literal Translation version there is a disparity between then on the translation of this word. Sometimes the zealous in the YLT is jealous in the KJV. I then look to the Hebrew or Greek for further knowledge and understanding hopefully guided by God in order to gain the wisdom of God. I have started using the Interlinear Scripture Analyzer progam as a translational tool. It's easy to use and free.
    I love Paul's writings on LOVE. They brighten my heart everytime i read them.

    With Love and Respect,


    Gene, it's good having wispring here dont you think? The sites been really peacefull and really good in the past day or two. I'm actually learning things here.


    Karmarie…………Yes it is good to have Wispring and Paladin also here sis.

    peace and love to you and yours………………………….gene


    anyone who loves God is always a good thing to be here


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