Free Will?

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  • #186239

    TO ALL………Our salvation is from ONE GOD ONLY. He says “open WIDE your mouth and I will fill it”. Think about this, a bird that has little ones in its nest, Notice how they open WIDE their Mouths with great intensity and pure concentration with great expectation of being feed. So should we as we Pray and seek with all our mind and hearts to the one and only true GOD, Just as Jesus did. He said “when the son of man comes will he find Faith on the earth”?. Good question.

    Psa81:10……> I am the LORD thy GOD, which brought you out of the Land of Egypt: OPEN THY MOUTH WIDE AND I WILL FILL IT.

    peace and love to you all…………….gene


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ April 08 2010,03:17)
    TO ALL………Our salvation is from ONE GOD ONLY. He says “open WIDE your mouth and I will fill it”. Think about this, a bird that has little ones in its nest, Notice how they open WIDE their Mouths with great intensity and pure concentration with great expectation of being feed. So should we as we Pray and seek with all our mind and hearts to the one and only true GOD, Just as Jesus did. He said “when the son of man comes will he find Faith on the earth”?. Good question.

    Psa81:10……> I am the LORD thy GOD, which brought you out of the Land of Egypt: OPEN THY MOUTH WIDE AND I WILL FILL IT.

    peace and love to you all…………….gene


    this verse you quoted is exactly what freewill is all about,

    Psa81:10……> I am the LORD thy GOD, which brought you out of the Land of Egypt: OPEN THY MOUTH WIDE AND I WILL FILL IT.

    see what it says OPEN THY MOUTH” If we do not open thy mouth God can not fill it ,is that not the truth?????

    but it is open thy heart that Gods want not there stomach.


    Terraricca …………Read the flowing verse and you will see (NONE) did it. So Much for “FREE” WILLS> If you look at the leaders of Israel you will find Non of them by there OWN so-called “FREE WILL” did anything. Even the seventy Elders did not chose to , GOD Had to put His Spirit ON Them in order for the to chose to serve him. In fact two of them even refused to go up to recieve the Spirit , but God gave it to them anyway. Lets read the story.

    Num 11.25….> And the LORD came down in a cloud, and spoke unto him and took of the spirit that was upon Him (MOSES), and gave (IT) unto the seventy elders: and when it came to pass, that , when the spirit rested upon them, they prophesied, and did not cease. verse 26..> But there remained two of the men in the camp the name of the on one was Eldad, and the name of the other was Medad: and the spirit rested upon them ; and they were of them written, but WENT NOT OUT UNTO THE TABERNACLE: and they prophesied in the camp. verse 27…> And there ran a young man and told Moses, and said, Eldad and Medad do prophesy in the camp. verse 28…> And Joshua the son of Nun, the servant of Moses, one of his young men, answered and sai My lord Moses, forbid them, verse 29….> And Moses said unto him, ENVIEST thou for my Sake? WOULD GOD THAT ALL THE LORD'S PEOPLE WERE PROPHETS, AND THAT THE LORD WOULD PUTS HIS SPIRIT UPON THEM.

    You see Eldad and Medad did not of their So-Called FREE WILL go, but none the less GOD'S WILL Prevailed. and they recieved the Spirit as did the rest, who willing went.

    It is God who (WORKS) in Us and NOt of OURSELVES Least any should BOAST. “Free Will” salvation is a Hocks. No man is saved by His falsely called “FREE WILL”. We are Chosen for salvation By GOD ALONE. IMO

    peace and love to you and your…………..gene


    If you don't have free will you cannot learn because you are just following a script. Even Jesus learned things such as obedience. Jesus had the choice to obey his God or do what he wanted.

    If you disagree, then no point in arguing with me because I am following a script.



    T8………Script has nothing to do with it, right and wrong according to God is what has to do with It, and Yes He has told us what is right and wrong so from that stand point it may well be scripted seeing it is GOD who Created right and wrong good and evil, in the first place and Knows what is right and wrong, knows the end from the beginning. Do you really think GOD is concerned with Your or My self rightness through our so-called “FREE WILLS” . Again there is no such thing as a “FREE WILL”. That operates (within) a person. If so then produce your scriptures to support you conclusions. IMO

    peace and love to ypu and yours…………………….gene


    If there is no free will, then do you believe God will punish some for things that they had no choice?

    If I had a son and his mom ordered him to do something, would it make sense for me to punish him for obeying?

    If one does not have free will, then they are just obeying what is destined to be. How can a loving Father punish a child for something that he has no choice?

    You see Eldad and Medad did not of their So-Called FREE WILL go, but none the less GOD'S WILL Prevailed.

    It is an error in logic to believe that just because God's will will prevail, that we do not have free will.
    Of course, we do not have the ability to thwart God's purpose, nor the ability to fly, or to pick up 1000 tons with our hands. We don't have THOSE choices.

    Imagine you are standing next to an ant. Whatever you want to happen is going to happen to that ant. The ant has very little choice in the matter. But that doesn't mean the ant can't choose to go this way or to go that way. In the end, the fate of the ant rests in your hands. But the ant CAN choose to do this or to do that. Of course, you can create road blocks, or pick up the ant or guide the ant. But that still doesn't mean the ant can't do what it wants. It just means, that in the end, your will will prevail.


    David………..Your confusing “FREE” WILL , with WILL, GOD gives us liberty to exercise our (CAPTIVATED WILLS), Our will are far from being FREE, Why do you think it say He came to set the (CAPTIVES) Free. Even God's Will is not “FREE”, it is a (COUNSELED WILL) The term “FREE WILL” is a OXYMORON, a WILL can Not be a WILL and Be ” FREE” or it simply would not be a WILL would it? You as the rest are confusing GOD allowing us Liberty to do our (CAPTIVATED WILLS) as Us having a “FREE” WILL in US. Big difference. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours…………………gene


    Are you referring to this scripture?
    “that the creation itself also will be set free from enslavement to corruption and have the glorious freedom of the children of God.”

    a WILL can Not be a WILL and Be ” FREE” or it simply would not be a WILL would it?

    Perhaps you could quote some definitions to support this. My understanding of the word “free” and “will” can be put together.


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ May 23 2010,07:53)
    David………..Your confusing “FREE” WILL , with WILL, GOD gives us liberty to exercise our (CAPTIVATED WILLS), Our will are far from being FREE, Why do you think it say He came to set the (CAPTIVES) Free.  Even God's Will is not “FREE”, it is a (COUNSELED WILL) The term “FREE WILL” is a OXYMORON, a WILL can Not be a WILL and Be ” FREE” or it simply would not be a WILL would it? You as the rest are confusing GOD allowing us Liberty to do our (CAPTIVATED WILLS) as Us having a “FREE” WILL in US. Big difference. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours…………………gene

    hi gene

    many years ago i have heard a story about a man who wanted to try to cross the Niagara falls from Canada to the USA, this is at the turn of the 1900 century others were there for the same reason,but one story rises my mind,

    that of a man that was planing to cross it with a wheelbarrow,
    and just before he started is walk into it ,he saw a young boy and ask him what you think he ask you think i will make it across? and the young boy said without hesitation yes you will,

    then the man answer him would you mind jump in the wheelbarrow? the boy decline the offer.

    i believe it so with God and Christ who came into the world and teaches us how to regain the connection with God,it does not matter what we have done prior how many sins we have does not matter we just have to believe in Jesus the son of God,
    and to prove we believe him we out of our freewill jump into the wheelbarrow in confidence that he as said the truth.

    this is how we have to respond to the truth.


    Hi all.
    I believe that we do not have “free will”. Here is just some of the scriptures that I believe that Gods will will be done, not ours. Ro. 11:32… For God locks up all together in stubbornness, that He should be merciful to all.

    I believe God is in complete control, look what He says about Israel in Ro.11:8… God gives them a spirit of stupor, eyes not to be observing, and ears not to be hearing, till this very day.

    God is operating ALL in accord with the counsel of His will. (Eph.1:11)

    Look also at Ro.9:15-16… For to Moses He is saying, “I shall be merciful to whomever I may be merciful, and I shall be pitying whomever I may be pitying.”
    16 Consequently, then, it is not of him who is willing, nor of him who is racing, but of God, the Merciful.

    See also what God was doing with Pharaoh… Ro.9:17… For the scripture is saying to Pharaoh that “For this selfsame thing I rouse you up, so that I should be displaying in you My power, and so that My name should be published in the entire earth.”

    Do you think that Pharaoh had “free will”? I'm sure he thought so, but it was God doing “His will”, and using Pharoah as His 'dummy'.

    We sometimes say, “then are we just robots”? Well I think God use us in the way He wills to accomplish His “desires”. (Eph.1:11)

    What is His desire when all is completed? To be “All in all” (1Cor.15:28)

    Blessings, Jerry.


    Jerry………….Amen , the whole concept of a so-called “FREE WILL” is false, We all do have Will but are they “FREE” far from it> The Term “FREE” WILL is an oxymoron , a WILL can not be a WILL and Be FREE, a Will is always under an influence of some Kind and is Never “FREE”.

    Terraricca's example is of (BLIND) Desire or WILL, and Has nothing to do with (TRUE) Faith at all. Faith must contain evidence, and evidence is not a BLIND Ignorant belief of some kind that someone dreams up and say he or she believes in without any proof. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours……………..gene


    Quote (chosenone @ May 24 2010,14:49)
    Hi all.
      I believe that we do not have “free will”.  Here is just some of the scriptures that I believe that Gods will will be done, not ours.  Ro. 11:32… For God locks up all together in stubbornness, that He should be merciful to all.

      I believe God is in complete control, look what He says about Israel in Ro.11:8…   God gives them a spirit of stupor, eyes not to be observing, and ears not to be hearing, till this very day.

      God is operating ALL in accord with the counsel of His will. (Eph.1:11)

      Look also at Ro.9:15-16…   For to Moses He is saying, “I shall be merciful to whomever I may be merciful, and I shall be pitying whomever I may be pitying.”
    16 Consequently, then, it is not of him who is willing, nor of him who is racing, but of God, the Merciful.

      See also what God was doing with Pharaoh…  Ro.9:17… For the scripture is saying to Pharaoh that “For this selfsame thing I rouse you up, so that I should be displaying in you My power, and so that My name should be published in the entire earth.”

      Do you think that Pharaoh had “free will”?  I'm sure he thought so, but it was God doing “His will”, and using Pharoah as His 'dummy'.

      We sometimes say, “then are we just robots”?  Well I think God use us in the way He wills to accomplish His “desires”. (Eph.1:11)

      What is His desire when all is completed?  To be “All in all” (1Cor.15:28)

    Blessings,  Jerry.

    Amen to that wonderful post brother Jerry. I fully endorse your views.

    Thanks and peace to you


    Thanks Gene and Adam for your support, much appreciated.

    God Bless, Jerry.


    hi all

    well you all need the support of each other, the truth does not it stands by it selves,freewill is the truth.


    Jodi Lee

    Quote (chosenone @ May 24 2010,14:49)
    Hi all.
      I believe that we do not have “free will”.  Here is just some of the scriptures that I believe that Gods will will be done, not ours.  Ro. 11:32… For God locks up all together in stubbornness, that He should be merciful to all.

      I believe God is in complete control, look what He says about Israel in Ro.11:8…   God gives them a spirit of stupor, eyes not to be observing, and ears not to be hearing, till this very day.

      God is operating ALL in accord with the counsel of His will. (Eph.1:11)

      Look also at Ro.9:15-16…   For to Moses He is saying, “I shall be merciful to whomever I may be merciful, and I shall be pitying whomever I may be pitying.”
    16 Consequently, then, it is not of him who is willing, nor of him who is racing, but of God, the Merciful.

      See also what God was doing with Pharaoh…  Ro.9:17… For the scripture is saying to Pharaoh that “For this selfsame thing I rouse you up, so that I should be displaying in you My power, and so that My name should be published in the entire earth.”

      Do you think that Pharaoh had “free will”?  I'm sure he thought so, but it was God doing “His will”, and using Pharoah as His 'dummy'.

      We sometimes say, “then are we just robots”?  Well I think God use us in the way He wills to accomplish His “desires”. (Eph.1:11)

      What is His desire when all is completed?  To be “All in all” (1Cor.15:28)

    Blessings,  Jerry.

    Great post Jerry! I too fully agree with what you have said!


    Jodi Lee.
    Thanks Jody, much appreciated.

    God Bless, Jerry.


    Hi Jodi,
    Is not the universalism manipulation clever?
    We are so easily convinced by smooth talkers.

    But of course it is another myth.


    Scripture is a “myth”?


    Quote (chosenone @ May 29 2010,15:48)
    Scripture is a “myth”?


    no only your interpretation on freewill.


    To all……….”FREE WILL” is a Myth it is an OXYMORON , a Will can (not) be a WILL and be “FREE” or it simply would not be a WILL> Just that simple. common sense should tell us that. Mixing up our liberty to exercise our (captivated Wills) with us actually having a “FREE WILL” (IN) us is the problem here. Chosenone is right in what he said. IMO

    peace and love…………………..gene

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