Free Will?

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  • #110822

    Hi GB,
    God awaits His crop
    James 5:7
    Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord. Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receive the early and latter rain.


    Quote (gollamudi @ Oct. 21 2008,17:56)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Oct. 21 2008,16:26)
    942747………How do you explain where God says, “I will take out of you the heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh, and I will write my laws on you hearts and will be unto you a God and you shall be my people”. And again “the gentiles who have not the law (but) do the things contained in them show the laws of God written on their hearts (BY) the Hand of GOD”.  Where in any of this do you see the person themselves doing it. “For you are saved by (GRACE) and that (NOT) of YOURSELVES, it is a (GIFT) of GOD”. And again ” Not by power nor by strength, but by My Spirit says the ETERNAL”. 942747 the problem here is not understanding the real meaning of the word (GRACE). Grace is not just unmerited pardon, it is the Power and Operation of GOD in the mind and heart of a person. You seem to be worried about being a robot of some kind, My God make me His robot any time he wants to, i don't need my self righteousness to elevate to his Righteous level by some kind of self choices without being caused by him. If you understood that true righteousness is not attained by anyone it is created in them by GOD. There is a scripture that says they (PROFESS) GOD, But deny the POWER THEREOF. True righteousness is 100 % a creation of GOD ALONE. Eph 2:5 “Even when we were (DEAD) in sins, hath He quickened us together with Christ, by (GRACE YE ARE SAVED)> I don't see any thing here about our free will choices. We must understand God is SOVEREIGN in ALL things.

    Peace and love to you…………..gene

    Those are excellent points on free will my brother Gene. Yes God created us as a new creation( 2 Cor 5:17) so that we may obey Him and do His will, not that we have full free freedom (will) to choose God by ourselves. Infact He chose and drawn us towardas Him by His grace. I hope our brother 942767 will agree on these lines because he always differs with us on this one topic.

    Thanks and peace to you

    Hi GM,
    Who is among the US created as a new creation?
    Not all men.


    Nick…..But who is it that can say that all will not some day be saved, God said his is no respecter of persons , So if he reaches down and saves some by His effectual power, He can all the rest also, Just a Paul Said he can always Graft Israel , those he has blinded back in again by causing them not to abide still in unbelief. Saying in Jeremiah He could heal their faithlessness . WE are the Clay and GOD is the Potter and the potter has complete power over the clay to do with it as He choses. For who can resist the Power and Will of GOD . He does what ever He Will's and doesn't ask for our permission. ” for the LORD works all things after the council of (HIS OWN) Will.” He doesn't ask you or me for our permission to perform His work of Salvation, if He need our approval (NONE) would be saved. Because The carnal mind is an enemy of GOD, Not subject to His laws neither (CAN BE). “It is not within man to direct His paths”., Man just does not have the capacity to, it take GOD to direct mans Heart and mind to accomplish salvation. imo

    peace ……….gene


    Hi GB,
    If God did not say so who should presume on His will and teach something when it is not written?
    A brave but foolish man might.


    We will receive the crown of life IF we endure to the end.

    IF is a little word with big meaning. :;):


    Mandy….you (WILL) endure unto the end, because it is not you that is saving you, but a loving heavenly Father, whose calling of you is without revocation and who's power (GRACE) is continually working in you. Paul used the word If as a word to show those God is working with and those he is not at this time , those he is working with (WILL) endure because of His Grace given them. Greater is He that is in you then Him that is in the world. Be of good cheer Sis, God's calling is not without power working in you or anyone who has His spirit in them.

    love and peace to you and yours……………….gene


    Hi GM,
    No armchair ride.
    LET the Spirit control you.[Gal5]


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Oct. 22 2008,06:02)
    Hi GM,
    Who is among the US created as a new creation?
    Not all men.

    Thanks brother Nick on that agreement.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Oct. 23 2008,05:39)
    Hi GM,
    No armchair ride.
    LET the Spirit control you.[Gal5]

    Hi brother Nick,
    Have you meant it for me ?


    Hi GM,
    For all who would be tempted to fall into the philosphical nonsense called universalism.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Oct. 22 2008,15:40)
    Hi GB,
    If God did not say so who should presume on His will and teach something when it is not written?
    A brave but foolish man might.

    Nick….1 Ti 2:2-3….> for this is good and acceptable in the sight of GOD our Savior: who (WILL HAVE) ALL men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. Who am I to disagree with what GOD WILL HAVE DONE. Maybe some foolish who think they represent Him might be bold enough to say the opposite but not me. Plus there are many other scriptures that show this also, as I have quoted many times before. We either believe the word of God or not.


    All are welcome into the kingdom.
    All must repent.


    Nick…..How can a person not repent (IF) the Spirit of God operating through GRACE (God's influencing on the heart) is in the person. Are we to profess GOD and then deny His POWER?. The fruits is a result of that power not human efforts, but GOD caused. imo

    peace …………gene


    Hi GB,
    Where does scripture say the Spirit of God is in ALL MEN?
    It does not.
    You must be reborn from above.


    Hi Gene:

    You say:

    My God make me His robot any time he wants to, i don't need my self righteousness to elevate to his Righteous level by some kind of self choices without being caused by him.

    God is sovereign and can do whatever He pleases, but he will not force you do obey Him. It has to be your decision otherwise you would be obeying with the wrong motive.

    Rev 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.

    God Bless


    Quote (942767 @ Oct. 25 2008,10:06)
    God is sovereign and can do whatever He pleases, but he will not force you do obey Him.  It has to be your decision otherwise you would be obeying with the wrong motive.

    Sauls' will was to persecute the christians!

    Acts.9:1-2 …1 Now Saul, still breathing out threatening and murder against the disciples of the Lord, approaching the chief priest,
    2 requests from him letters for Damascus to the synagogues, so that, if he should be finding any who are of the way, both men and women, he may be leading them bound to Jerusalem.

    Gods will was for Saul (later names “Paul”) to be a deciple to the “Nations”.

    Acts.9:3-6 …3 Now in his (Saul) going he came to be nearing Damascus. Suddenly a light out of heaven flashes about him.
    4 And falling on the earth, he hears a voice saying to him, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?”
    5 Yet he said, “Who art Thou, Lord?” Yet He said, “I am Jesus Whom you are persecuting.
    6 Nevertheless, rise and enter the city, and it will be spoken to you what you must be doing.”

    So how did Sauls will compare with Gods will? It was completely opposed to that of Gods.
    So whos' will was done? I think that this makes it quite clear.
    “God is operating all in accord with the counsel of HIS WILL” (Eph.1-11) Mankind does NOT have “free will”.



    Hi CO,
    So Saul was thrown off his horse and blinded to bring him to serve the Lord.
    Is this the usual way of God's dealing with men or rather the exception?


    Quote (chosenone @ Oct. 25 2008,14:34)

    Quote (942767 @ Oct. 25 2008,10:06)
    God is sovereign and can do whatever He pleases, but he will not force you do obey Him.  It has to be your decision otherwise you would be obeying with the wrong motive.

    Sauls' will was to persecute the christians!

    Acts.9:1-2  …1 Now Saul, still breathing out threatening and murder against the disciples of the Lord, approaching the chief priest,
    2 requests from him letters for Damascus to the synagogues, so that, if he should be finding any who are of the way, both men and women, he may be leading them bound to Jerusalem.

        Gods will was for Saul (later names “Paul”) to be a deciple to the “Nations”.

    Acts.9:3-6  …3 Now in his (Saul) going he came to be nearing Damascus. Suddenly a light out of heaven flashes about him.
    4 And falling on the earth, he hears a voice saying to him, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?”
    5 Yet he said, “Who art Thou, Lord?” Yet He said, “I am Jesus Whom you are persecuting.
    6 Nevertheless, rise and enter the city, and it will be spoken to you what you must be doing.”
        So how did Sauls will compare with Gods will?  It was completely opposed to that of Gods.
        So whos' will was done?   I think that this makes it quite clear.
        “God is operating all in accord with the counsel of HIS WILL”  (Eph.1-11)   Mankind does NOT have “free will”.


    Hi CO:

    God did not force the Apostle Paul to do anything. God certainly God his attention, but this is what Paul said:

    Act 9:6 And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, WHAT WITH THOU HAVE ME TO DO? And the Lord [said] unto him, Arise, and go into the city, and it shall be told thee what thou must do.

    God Bless


    So if you were struck by a lightning like flash, and blinded, and a voice from heaven spoke to you, and said to you “I am Jesus…” I am sure you would say, “no I won't do it”. Not very likely.



    While I agree that the Father's will, will be done, I believe that He accomplishes it not by having us play out a script, but by moving the people into place, who although making their own choice, accomplish God's ultimate will through “their” choices.

    I believe God obtains far more glory by displaying His ability to obtain His will through having the right person in the right place at the right time choosing by their “free” will to complete His purpose.

    My opinion – Wm

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