Free Will?

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  • #867061

    Proclaimer. ……..Not one word you just wrote makes any sense at all.  GOD KNOWS WHAT WILL BE , not because  of what you have said at all, but because he “causes” it to happen.  Your false teachings put humans in control,  by a slap hazard  hit or miss “self destination”. “pure garbage”, which only shows you haven’t a clue what you are saying. 

    What does this mean to you,  

    Isa 64: 8……But now, O LORD , you are our Father; we are the clay, and you our potter; and we all are the works if  “YOUR” hand. 

    Jer 18:6 …..O house of Israel, cannot I do with you as this potter? Saith the LORD. Behold as the clay is in the potters hand, so are you in my hand, O house of Israel. 

    Rom 9:21….Has not the ” potter “POWER” over the clay, of the “same” lump to “make” one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonor?  

    God even chose Jeremiah before he was even born to do what he wanted him to do, go read it for yourself.  Your “false”,  “chance salvation”,   elimates God the Fathers involvement in people’s lives and make their salvation all about themselves and their so-called “freewill” choices.  Pure hogwash.  

    We are saved by GRACE, and “that not of ourselves”, it is a gift of God”.   Your  so-called “freewill” choices have nothing to do with it? 

    Eph 1:5….“Having predestinated us unto the adoptions of childern by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of “HIS” WILL.

    Eph 1:11…..In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, “being Predestinated according to the purpose of him who works “ALL” things after the counsel of his “OWN WILL”. 

    And again, For we are being “Created” (by God the Father) unto good works,  WHY?, “because it is God that works “in” us both to “WILL” and do of  “HIS”, good pleasure. 

    You obvisely seem to not agree with those scriptures, and would rather  let your carnel reasonings exclude them, in your understanding it appears.   I also noticed you haven’t produced a single scripture that supports you conclusion. Why is that Proclaimer?

    Peace and love to you and yours……….gene


    Proclaimer. ……..Not one word you just wrote makes any sense at all. GOD KNOWS WHAT WILL BE , not because of what you have said at all, but because he “causes” it to happen. Your false teachings put humans in control, by a slap hazard hit or miss “self destination”. “pure garbage”, which only shows you haven’t a clue what you are saying.

    Gene, once again, you CHOOSE to deny truth, reality, and scripture. Lol. Rebelling against the truth and never learning. Hard hearts resist truth and God hands such over to delusions. This is God’s doing in response to bad choices that people make.

    And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

    Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.”

    And your defense about God knows what will be has nothing to do with zero free will and everything to do with God not being restrained by anything, not even time. But by all means, became a stubborn donkey so that you become an example to others as to not resist the truth. Everything and everyone is showing wisdom to those that have eyes to see. They are the ones that chose the LORD. Obviously you did not CHOOSE the LORD because you argue that you haven’t freely chosen anything.

    And once again I need ot correct you that free will has nothing to do with God’s laws and the universe at work. Free will is NOT the ability to choose anything, but the ability to choose among the options that God has set. Why are you so stubborn? Do you believe that you cannot change your stubborn heart because you cannot choose otherwise?

    Rebel against the truth all you like. It is your life and your choices to make.


    This might be too difficult for you to comprehend gene, but I’ll post it anyway. Perhaps a reader can benefit from this if you cannot.

    Einstein’s general relativity shows that time is linked to matter and space. Since God, by definition, is the creator of the whole universe, he must also be the creator of time and thus is independent and outside of time. He is not limited by the time dimension he created, so he has no beginning or end.

    Ed J

    if freewill were true, God could not make any prediction about anyone, because he couldn’t know the out come

    Gene, that’s a rather shallow view of God ???

    “Be ye not as the horse, or as the mule, which have no understanding:
    whose mouth must be held in with bit and bridle,

    lest they come near unto thee.” (Psalms 32:9)


    Edj……your again not reading my post right,  I said,  “IF”   frewill were true, God could not predict anything, why because anyone could change their minds at any time, so how could God predict anything a human will do?  

    Of course the is “not” my view of God , but the view of you so-called “freewillers”    not me,  because I believe God knows the end from the beginning, because he knows the spirits driving those Wills, and there is “nothing” free about them. 

    That is exactly how he knows what we all will do always, even those who he wants to do his will because of the spirits he gives them they direct the wills of ,  us all, so he obvisely knows the end from the beginning, or haven’t you ever read.

    “for he works “in” us “BOTH” TO “WILL’, and do of his good pleasure”.  Think about that for a while. 

    Peace and love to you and yours……….gene




    “IF”   frewill were true, God could not predict anything

    God doesn’t need to predict anything Gene. You lack in understanding. The limits you place on God prove that.

    If God was subject to time, then time would be higher than Him.

    It is your carnal mind that makes God subject to time and Jesus as an ordinary man and nothing else.

    This shows your teachings and answers are not being inspired by God, but are coming from your own spirit.



    Dennis Priebe


    Ed J

    if freewill were true, God could not make any prediction about anyone, because he couldn’t know the out come

    Gene, that’s a rather shallow view of God ???

    Edj……your again not reading my post right, I said, (1)“IF” frewill were true, God could not predict anything, why because anyone could change their minds at any time, (2)so how could God predict anything a human will do?

    Hi Gene,

    1) “Freewill” is true and in the bible; Ezra 7:13 is a perfect example:

    “I make a decree, that all they of the people of Israel,
    and of his priests and Levites, in my realm,
    which are minded of their own freewill
    to go up to Jerusalem, go with thee.” (Ezra 7:13)

    Why fight against God’s Word Gene?

    “Be ye not as the horse, or as the mule, which have no understanding:
    whose mouth must be held in with bit and bridle
    , lest they
    come near unto thee.” (Psalms 32:9)

    2) Because he knows the end from the beginning.

    God bless
    Ed J


    Edj…..the word used there means volintary on their own to do it.  It does not talk about what a Will is,  as I have said, we all have freedom to express our “influenced” will’s  but that does not mean those Will’s themselves  are without “influence”, as a so-called “freewill” would have to be completely free of any influence what so ever, inorder for the Will,  “itself”, to be free.

    Does this stuff just fly over your heads and you can’t understand it?

    As far as you response to # 2,  your response has no meaning at all, in answering my question about how could God be able to pridict any then if all will were free, he could never be sure about anyone, much less pridict exactly what they would do.  COMMON SENSE 101!

    Peace and love to you and yours……….gene


    Ed J

    Sorry Gene,

    I will go with what the bible says, over what you say


    Either Gene knows more than what is written in the Bible or he is wrong. Tough decision. Hmmm. I’m going with the Bible. Sorry Gene. That is my free choice to make after analyzing the influence of one man’s view compared to the Bible.


    Influence doesn’t negate free will. We freely choose among the influences. Except for Gene it seems because he is some kind of robot or similar.

    Ed J

    Our choice can go beyond what influences us, so Gene is obviously wrong.


    When someone says to choose a number between 1-10, I often exercise my free will without influence. Or if someone says, ‘heads or tails’, I again exercise my free will. And finally, I also exercise my free will to either serve God or let the flesh dictate how I live.

    Just waiting now for Gene to exercise his free will and reply.

    Ed J


    Gene doesn’t have a “Free Will”,
    so you’re influence has to captivate
    him enough to get him to respond to you.

    How utterly off the wall is this idea of his.

    God bless
    Ed J

    Ed J

    In Isaiah 1:18, God says “let us reason together”
    Who is God reasoning with if not our “Free Will”?

    Gene, care to respond?



    Gene doesn’t have a “Free Will”,
    so you’re influence has to captivate
    him enough to get him to respond to you.

    And I have to be captivated enough to ask the question.

    But even in that instance, there are options that captivate us that we can choose from.

    Say I want to buy a drink. I am captivated by thirst. So I can freely choose what drink to quench my thirst. He would argue that you go for the drink that you are most captivated by I suppose.

    Sounds like he is a captive.

    Jesus came to set the captives free. Someone needs to tell him about Jesus Christ.


    Proclaimer……you will alway chose that which “influences” you the most.  We are all held captive by what “influencing” us the Most , rather good or evil.  Why do you think God has to take the Stoney hearts out of us and give us new hearts, and why does he have to write his laws on our inward parts.  But for you and Edj,   It’s your own so-called “freewill” that changes you and therefore saves you, buy you own wills.  Let’s see how far that goes.

    Peace and love to you and yours………gene



    Ed J


    In Isaiah 1:18, God says “let us reason together”

    Who is God reasoning with if not our “Free Will”?


    Edj……that scripture has nothing to do with “freewill”,   I have said over and over we do have freedom  to “express” our own Wills, that dosen’t mean the will “itself” IS free, from many things that influence it. 

    You keep drawing straws, to try to prove your points, dosen’t work Edj.

    Peace and love to you and yours. ……….gene

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