For non trinitarians

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  • #168413

    Hi P2A,
    The core belief of the false church is that God is a trinity.
    Such is not the faith of the bible.

    Choose today Whom you will serve.


    hi nick
    i can understand that someone can believe wrong teachings ,but he should look in the sceiptures to make sure it is true,other wise he is believing lies.


    Quote (terraricca @ Jan. 04 2010,11:56)
    hi nick
    i can understand that someone can believe wrong teachings ,but he should look in the sceiptures to make sure it is true,other wise he is believing lies.

    a few pages back i posted lots of sscriptures read them. they are not my words.

    god is complex try not to put him in your nice little box.

    the same service and the same standing of how god and jesus are to be held are both done the the same way from both views.

    there is no difference.

    god has his place and jesus has his.

    both are of same nature and essence.

    only difference is that you think that jesus is totaly completly seperate in ever way possible and not having the same nature or spirit of god.


    he is not a s seperate as you might think but my views are the same as far as faith and worship.

    i don't worship jesus as god. he is just one part of the complexity of god and how he communicates to man . jesus is the incarnate of god's word and nature.

    jesus always responds with being totally in union with god in very single way to where he is the manifested form of the invisible god. can't be so different or seperate to be a mirror example of his nature and word, wisdom.


    hi P2A
    Jesus always recognise his father being greater than himself and that he does not do anything without his father ,
    if he was God he should not say this ,

    there is no trinity, Christ is the only begotten Son of the father ,this can not be broken, do you get it.

    the first born of creation ,this can not be broken ;do you understand this.


    Quote (terraricca @ Jan. 04 2010,15:55)
    hi P2A
    Jesus always recognise his father being greater than himself and that he does not do anything without his father ,
    if he was God he should not say this ,

    there is no trinity, Christ is the only begotten Son of the father ,this can not be broken, do you get it.

    the first born of creation ,this can not be broken ;do you understand this.

    Your assertion that Jesus “always” recognizes the Father to be greater than Himself cannot be proven for one thing. Second, the Father Himself said that Jesus would sit at His right hand which is the position of equality in Hebrew thought. So the Father does not recognize that Jesus is lesser at this time.

    The Father WAS (past tense) greater than Jesus.



    terraricca……..let me paraphrase Jn1: 9-12…….> The true light that gives light (Spirit of GOD gives Understanding is the light of man) to every man, was coming into the world, and though the world was made through him (GOD) the world did not recognize him. He (GOD) came to that which was his own, but his own did not recieve him (GOD). Yet to all who recieved Him (GOD), to those who Believed in his name (GOD), He GOD gave the right to become childern of GOD.

    GOD was (IN) Jesus Christ reconciling the world unto (HIMSELF). The world did not recognize Him, (GOD) was (IN) the man Jesus through the ANOINTING He had. Trinitarians understand GOD'S presents , but fail to see GOD was (IN) the MAN and the MAN Jesus WAS (NOT) the GOD that was (IN) him. But others did see it over time. We need to understand GOD the FATHER was cohabiting in Jesus' body with him through the HOLY SPIRIT. GOD CAN INDWELL US WITH HIS SPIRIT , WHY CAN'T PEOPLE UNDERSTAND THAT?
    The teaching of the TRINITY (exclusives that) making GOD and JESUS AND HOLY SPIRIT all one excluding any one else, Which is the exact opposite of what GOD the FATHER and JESUS WAS SHOWING AND SAYING. GOD was Showing man kind what he could do (IN) us and it is the (EXACT) same thing he did in Jesus, our brother. IMO


    Gene said:

    GOD was (IN) Jesus Christ reconciling the world unto (HIMSELF). The world did not recognize Him,  (GOD) was (IN) the man Jesus through the ANOINTING He had. Trinitarians understand GOD'S presents , but fail to see GOD was (IN) the MAN and the MAN Jesus WAS (NOT) the GOD that was (IN) him.

    TO ALL:

    It is Gene who fails to see that God “in” Christ means that God worked in union with Christ in our salvation. It was the work of both the Father and the Son. But the “God in Christ” statement is misused by anti-trinitarians to deny that Jesus was the Savior in His own right. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, the scripture explicitly declares that Jesus Christ is the “SOURCE” of eternal salvation:

    HEBREWS 5:9:

    and, once made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him NIV

    And being made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey him, ESV

    And having been made perfect, He became to all those who obey Him the source of eternal salvation, NASB

    Read it and weep Gene!



    Hi TT,
    So Jesus was not the God of Israel abiding in him.
    He was GIVEN powers and authority by a greater Being, his God.
    Now he is made to be the source for those in his body for many blessings


    Quote (thethinker @ Jan. 04 2010,12:54)
    Gene said:

    GOD was (IN) Jesus Christ reconciling the world unto (HIMSELF). The world did not recognize Him,  (GOD) was (IN) the man Jesus through the ANOINTING He had. Trinitarians understand GOD'S presents , but fail to see GOD was (IN) the MAN and the MAN Jesus WAS (NOT) the GOD that was (IN) him.

    TO ALL:

    It is Gene who fails to see that God “in” Christ means that God worked in union with Christ in our salvation. It was the work of both the father and the Son. But the the “God in Christ” statement is misused by anti-trinitarians to deny that Jesus was the Savior in His own right. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, the scripture explicitly declares that Jesus Christ is the “SOURCE” of eternal salvation:

    HEBREWS 5:9:

    and, once made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him NIV

    And being made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey him, ESV

    And having been made perfect, He became to all those who obey Him the source of eternal salvation, NASB

    Read it and weep Gene!


    Quote (thethinker @ Jan. 04 2010,12:54)
    It is Gene who fails to see that God “in” Christ means that God worked in union with Christ in our salvation.


    True! Their assertion that because the Father was in Jesus is proof he cannot be God is a straw

    For noone would say because Jesus is “in the Father” that the Father is not God!



    WJ ….> So you and thinkers Jesus, was lying right? So the FATHER was (NOT) really (IN) Jesus as He said, and it was (NOT) really7 the FATHER who was Doing the WORK , and Jesus do (NOT) said He could do nothing of himself, And GOD did (NOT) really raise HIM from the DEAD, did He?, On and ON it goes constant denial of Jesus' words, twisting and turning straight forward scriptures into false Mystery Religion teachings. JESUS PLAINLY SAID “FOR THOU ART THE (ONLY) TRUE GOD. AND GOD THE FATHER HIMSELF SAYING “THOU SHALL HAVE (NO) OTHER GOD BESIDE ME.


    Quote (Gene @ Jan. 05 2010,05:20)
    WJ ….> So you and thinkers Jesus, was lying right? So the FATHER was (NOT) really (IN) Jesus as He said, and it was (NOT) really7 the FATHER who was Doing the WORK , and Jesus do (NOT) said He could do nothing of himself, And GOD did (NOT) really raise HIM from the DEAD,  did He?,  On and ON it goes constant denial of Jesus' words, twisting and turning straight forward scriptures into false Mystery Religion teachings. JESUS PLAINLY SAID “FOR THOU ART THE (ONLY) TRUE GOD. AND GOD THE FATHER HIMSELF SAYING “THOU SHALL HAVE (NO) OTHER GOD BESIDE ME.

    The word “in” simply means “in union with.” WJ has proven this meaning in that Christ was also “in” the Father. Did Christ's being “in” the Father mean that the Father had no part as you say it means in reference to Jesus?

    Hebrews 5:9 says that Jesus Christ became the SOURCE of eternal salvation to all who obey HIM.

    Was the author to the Hebrews lying Gene?



    thinker………So now your saying, i am saying that the FATHER had no PART, (WRONG) more the opposite It (WAS) the FATHER (IN) Christ reconciling the WORLD to HIMSELF. Is there on end to you Trinitarians twisting what is said . Jesus did (BECOME) the source to all who OBEY HIM , that is because HE Obeyed GOD who sent HIM. Why do you TRINITARIANS keep MOVING GOD the FATHER out of the Picture all the time and Push Jesus in his place, Jesus sure did not do that, He said I have GLORIFIED (YOU) (GOD the FATHER), ON the earth. You ans WJ need to start doing the same. IMO


    you confusing the confused but not me,you are totally twisting the scriptures,you placing your own words of views to prove your personal point.


    Quote (Gene @ Jan. 05 2010,05:57)
    thinker………So now your saying, i am saying that the FATHER had no PART, (WRONG) more the opposite It (WAS) the FATHER (IN) Christ reconciling the WORLD to HIMSELF. Is there on end to you Trinitarians twisting what is said . Jesus did (BECOME) the source to all who OBEY HIM , that is because  HE Obeyed GOD who sent HIM. Why do you TRINITARIANS keep MOVING GOD the FATHER out of the Picture all the time and Push Jesus in his place, Jesus sure did not do that, He said I have GLORIFIED (YOU) (GOD the FATHER), ON the earth. You ans WJ need to start doing the same.   IMO


    If the Father's being “in” Christ means that Christ had no part, then by YOUR OWN LOGIC Chist's being in the Father means that the Father had no part. The word “in” simply means in union with for the Father and the Son mutually acted “in” each other and therefore both had His own  proper part.

    Again, Hebrews 5:9 says that Christ became the SOURCE of eternal salvation to all who obey HIM.

    How do you sleep at night after coming here and posting so many lies every day? Have you no shame?



    Quote (terraricca @ Jan. 05 2010,06:01)
    you confusing the confused but not me,you are  totally twisting the scriptures,you placing your own words of views to prove your personal point.

    terraricca………where have i twisted the word at, please be specific as to what you are referring to.

    peace and love………..gene



    this is your;……..let me paraphrase Jn1: 9-12…….> The true light that gives light (Spirit of GOD gives Understanding is the light of man) to every man, was coming into the world, and though the world was made through him (GOD) the world did not recognize him. He (GOD) came to that which was his own, but his own did not recieve him (GOD). Yet to all who recieved Him (GOD), to those who Believed in his name (GOD), He GOD gave the right to become childern of GOD.

    GOD was (IN) Jesus Christ reconciling the world unto (HIMSELF). The world did not recognize Him, (GOD) was (IN) the man Jesus through the ANOINTING He had. Trinitarians understand GOD'S presents , but fail to see GOD was (IN) the MAN and the MAN Jesus WAS (NOT) the GOD that was (IN) him. But others did see it over time. We need to understand GOD the FATHER was cohabiting in Jesus' body with him through the HOLY SPIRIT. GOD CAN INDWELL US WITH HIS SPIRIT , WHY CAN'T PEOPLE UNDERSTAND THAT?
    The teaching of the TRINITY (exclusives that) making GOD and JESUS AND HOLY SPIRIT all one excluding any one else, Which is the exact opposite of what GOD the FATHER and JESUS WAS SHOWING AND SAYING. GOD was Showing man kind what he could do (IN) us and it is the (EXACT) same thing he did in Jesus, our brother. IMO

    this is mine;the word is not God because it is there in the beginning and God has no beginning ,it is not God who comes to us in the flesh it is the word,John says it clearly,the holy spirit is not an being,God is SPIRIT and HOLY,

    you trinity believers you like to crochet and twist things around your way of thinking ,
    there is no trinity there never was one in the scriptures.

    what the scriptures tells us to some it up is this;
    first God was alone.
    secondly God created the WORD.
    third God created all other things including man.

    because of the rebellion in is creation plans were made that the Word will come down to save man,
    and became the Christ (Jesus)
    this done ,Now what remains to be seen is the final action that development,
    Judgment,reward given,and punishment ,
    and finally new creation.under God the Father with the submission of the WORD(SON)


    t……….But that is the point i posted , because the word was (IN) the Beginning as GOD was also, is not saying the word (HAD) a beginning , you are saying that not the text. Can we at least agree on this? GOD always existed and His words existed with him.

    peace and love………….gene



    IT IS folly to believe that John was talking about God ,no one knows when his beginning is not even the son,John was talking about Christ because that was relevant to us and to make us understand why we have someone in heaven to represent us and explain who he was and when Christ said he was the Son of God this explain it to the fullest when he says the only begotten Son ,so Gods very first creation,
    no mystery no trinity ,no contradiction with other scriptures it confirm them.


    t………Why should you say it is folly that John should be talking about GOD the FATHER, Jesus certainly did most of the time. The FATHER with HIS own WORDS were in (THE) (Definite article)  Beginning. And because there is no word saying what beginning we must conclude it is the Beginning of (ALL THINGS). God was (IN) Jesus via HIS WORDS (expressed intellects) So in this sense GOD was (IN) Jesus through HIS WORDS which (IS) GOD, or don't you believe what Jesus said “THE FATHER (IS) (IN) ME”. and again the FATHER said Dsstory this temple and in three days (I) Shall raise (IT) Jesus' body UP, that was GOD the FATHER speaking direct through Jesus' mouth>. GOD the FATHER was TRULY (IN) JESUS, and Can be in US also, but that does not make Jesus a GOD no more then it would Make US a GOD. “There is ONLY ONE TRUE GOD”>  IMO

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