Mikeboll’s belief in a flat world

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  • #864464

    t8 (then):

    t8: “I will look into it.”

    t8: “I haven’t watched the video yet but I will”


    t8 (now):

    t8: “I may do it, but have more important things to do lately”


    Scared much? Man of your word? What’s up?


    I said I will watch it when I have some time, so I will.

    Just saying it is not really worth my time proving to you why it is wrong.

    Done that so many times and no impact.

    That video I posted proves my point.

    You have so much invested in this that not even the truth will convince you.

    But as I said before, I will watch it because there is entertainment value in watching FE videos.

    If something stands out and requires little or no work, I will certainly point that out to you.


    Of course, It would only be fair that you at least address my last three points.

    How about it.

    It is okay to say you are stumped.

    It’s not about being brilliant or challenged by science, it is really about the truth Dig.

    Put your best foot forward. Don’t be afraid. Be honest. Then God will be with you.

    If you have to resort to ignoring questions and hiding good globe points, then you are playing with darkness because you are hiding from the light.

    Let your light shine and see what happens.


    My suggestion is to spend a little more time doing what you said you would do and less time judging and pretending to be the arbitrator of truth.


    I hope the “Proclaimer” is doing alright. Still haven’t heard back from him.


    Your post tells me two things.

    1. You are still deceived.
    2. You think your post that I need to answer is actually evidence.

    When my work calms down a bit and family commitments are taken care of, then I might waste some time to refute your evidence. However, judging by other refutations here, I think it will be done in vain. To you the earth is flat, even if you saw it with your own eyes. You will come up with a theory that you were implanted into the Matirx and saw a false earth.




    Just a reminder of how ignorant you guys are of Antarctica


    Not sure what that’s supposed to point out but I do understand that it’s just a stalling tactic. Can’t answer the question you said you would but got time for that?

    So, is the “Proclaimer” now Muslim? Sure looks like a crescent moon on your icon.


    Stalling, hahahahaha. I’m on the ropes. I’m hanging by a thread. Lol.

    The video shows some ordinary tourists who are travelling around the world and included Antarctica on their itinerary. Notice that they got on the frozen continent, stayed for months, took videos and photos, and even aerial shots. Doesn’t quite match the ‘no one is allowed there’ philosophy and no patrol boats to be seen anywhere. Explain that. Oh yeah, they are paid shills.

    But yeah, back to being on the ropes. I’m stalling. That video you posted is just too good and if word gets out about it the whole globe thing will crumble. I need to wait for the next answer to give by asking a superior. Will get back when one of the lizard people tell me what to say next.

    Ed J

    Just a reminder of how ignorant you guys are of Antarctica

    Hi Digger,

    There was a little caveat in that video, indicating that it was “Summer” during their
    stay in Antarctica. He said he was getting tired of it being light all the time.

    Any comments on that Digger?


    Of course not Ed J.

    Facts like that are like water of a ducks back. Zero absorption of facts that go against the narrative.

    In NZ we experience substantial increased daylight and then night throughout the year. By my estimation there is around a 5 hour difference from the shortest day to the longest. It increases the further south you go too. Pretty logical to assume then that Antarctica would have 24 hours sunlight for a time being much further south again.

    I actually experienced perhaps 20 hours of daylight each day when I was in northern Norway. If I got there earlier in the year I would have experienced 24 hours of daylight. It’s no different in the far south.

    The conclusion is we are Definitely the antipodes.


    Still stalling and distracting I see. Just do what you said you would do and let’s move on. It was a very simple and short video so why not do what you said and respond to it? My guess is that you don’t have an answer and now want to go back on your word and forget all about it. Am I right? Prove me wrong.


    My guess is that you don’t have an answer and now want to go back on your word and forget all about it. Am I right?

    You got me man. Lol.

    Or maybe I haven’t seen the video yet.

    Tell you what. Let’s both do the work here. I’ve already proved a visible distant object on a globe was possible. I’ll posts those stats. Then you can post the stats of this other object. If it is less, then no point debating it. If it is even further etc, I will then have a gauge and can make an intelligent guess from there. Go.


    No, why don’t you keep your word?


    I said I would watch the video at some point when more important things are taken care of.

    Please post the distance, height of observer, and height of object. I’ll do the same with Ruapehu. Then I can make a comparison and know what I’m dealing with.

    Just trying to use my time wisely before God.


    Please keep your word.


    Will do. Look forward to the stats. It will help. We will work on this together to find the truth.


    Enjoy this footage from the south pole

    Amen! Our God is an awesome God. He has even set eternity within our hearts.

    God created the earth as a globe and he created the Antarctica at the South Pole. Diggles doesn’t believe though. He believes that God did not create a continent called Antarctica. If not, then who created it?

    For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities–his eternal power and divine nature–have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. 

    Dig believes that creation sits atop a tortoise or some other similar physical foundation. Please pray for him that his eyes would be open to the truth.


    No, I believe the Scripture, you know like keep your word!?

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