False teachers

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  • #116572

    Truth is LOGICAL?
    No human wisdom is logical.
    Sacred Scripture is the wisdom of God[lk11]

    Stay with what is proven to be pure and true and do not put so much faith in men.


    6Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience.

    7Be not ye therefore partakers with them.

    8For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light:

    9(For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth;)

    10Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord.

    11And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.

    12For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret.

    13But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light.

    14Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.

    15See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise,

    16Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.

    17Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.


    Nick…………if truth is not logical to you then you simply don't understand it. The Spirit of Truth is the ability to understand Spiritual thing. Blind faith just believes it because it is written , if you can understand something you can't truly believe it, You simply have suppositions and that all. Thats not the Sound Spirit GOD gave us. Of truth and understanding. If you don't understand things of GOD , then you have eyes that see not and ears that hear not. A person like that is simply not of GOD. IMO

    love and peace to you …………………gene


    Then how did you get so lost?


    Nick…….that your opinion, but then again you might be the one that lost brother, I let the FATHER be the judge of that .

    peace and love to you………………………..gene


    There is a way back.
    Learn to respect the Son of God and his God given teachings.

    9Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son.

    10If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed:

    Forget the world's teachers


    Nick…….you need to take your own advice as it told many times, Show us one doctrine of Christ i have transgressed. Because you lack understanding doesn't mean i out of the way, it simply means you lack Spiritual understanding are are unable to coper hind the thing of GOD.
    did you ever think about that?



    Satan for one.
    When you can accept what Jesus teaches there we can move to others.


    Nick……because you don't really comprehend what Jesus meant by what he said , and all the false indoctrination by the Pagans into the Church about doctrines concerning demons . which you believe in , Doesn't make us teaching false doctrines , but makes you ignorant of what Jesus was really saying. Come out of Her we are told to do, Don't recieve of Her teaching that you will not recieve of Her plagues. Those plagues are believing in doctrines about devil and demons thy delude the minds of those that believe in them.

    peace and love to you……………gene


    So GB,
    If we believe what scripture says and not what strangers say we are servants of the whore?


    Nick………the doctrine about demon and devil was give by the whore Church. GOD forbid the teaching about demons and devils event to the point of death. Jodi as well as i have given many many scriptures to support our stand and you were never able to show them to not be right. But started attacking here and I personally.

    love and peace………………..gene


    Why not believe the bible?


    Nick…..Good the why do you believe in the DOCTRINES or teachings about devil and demons. the when the word of God speaks against it.

    You received those TEACHING not from the spirit of truth but from the teaching of the WHORE CHURCH and her DAUGHTERS THEY ARE STOOPED IN THE DEVIL AND DEMONS TEACHINGS which deludes the minds of people that believe them. That is their plague they have received. We are told to come out of Her or we will recieve of her plagues. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours………………..gene


    HMMM GB,
    Jesus spent a lot of time casting them out, do you not make up a name for them? free intellects?


    NIck………no i think thats your name you made up for them, not mine.



    So GB you never called them free intellects?
    Funny that.


    You said in another thread
    “To All….i think clean and unclean Spirits is more descriptive . Jesus said when a unclean spirit leaves a man His house becomes clean and the Spirit is said to go out into (arid) places looking for rest, so evidently they need water or moister of some kind, which kind of fits where Jesus command the legion of them to come out of the possessed Man, and they begged Him to let them go into the pigs I think they wanted moisture of some kind. Jesus said something about being born of water and spirit, so maybe water plays a part in the new bodies we will have, just speculation .”

    Are these unclean spirits? Did you not also say this
    “What i want to bring out is who has a description what a (SPIRIT) is. I will tell you what I think it is. Jesus said the (words) He spoke were Spirit and Life. Somaybe life with intellect is Spirit no Matter if it's good or evil its still Spirit because it contains intellect of some kind. We are also told to try the Spirits to see if they are of God. So what are we trying is it not words, which are intellects. I have come to think of Spirits as intellects that all ready exist and we attach to then or they can attach to us. if we attach to a unclean intellect we will demonstrate that quality in our lives. And some people are more easily effected then others because of some Physical or mental condition they have. Jesus said when an unclean spirit leaves a man His house is clean, but what happened it came back and brought more with it, and the last state of the man was worse then the first. Now when the mans mental house was clean had He filled it with clean spirit the house would have been filled and the unclean could not have reentered. Therefore Spirits are intellects that control a mind and therefore control the person. And unless they are removed they will continue to influence the person, but they can be cast out and the person can be restored. Just my opinion, that all.”


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Jan. 05 2009,13:45)
    Nick……because you don't really comprehend what Jesus meant by what he said , and all the false indoctrination by the Pagans into the Church about doctrines concerning demons . which you believe in , Doesn't make us teaching false doctrines , but makes you ignorant of what Jesus was really saying. Come out of Her we are told to do, Don't recieve of Her teaching that you will not recieve of Her plagues. Those plagues are believing in doctrines about devil and demons thy delude the minds of those that believe in them.  

    peace and love to you……………gene

    In another thread you said
    “To All….i think clean and unclean Spirits is more descriptive . Jesus said when a unclean spirit leaves a man His house becomes clean and the Spirit is said to go out into (arid) places looking for rest, so evidently they need water or moister of some kind, which kind of fits where Jesus command the legion of them to come out of the possessed Man, and they begged Him to let them go into the pigs I think they wanted moisture of some kind. Jesus said something about being born of water and spirit, so maybe water plays a part in the new bodies we will have, just speculation .”

    Does this mean you have not come out of her if you still believe at times what the bible says? Or is this just speculation?


    Nick……..Are you still lying , show Us where i said they were (FREE INTELLECTS) and if you have the since to see, i said “TO ALL….I THINK” , (shows is was not preaching it as doctrine, as you FALSELY accuse me of it was just what i thought about the subject we were talking about , and If your not so ignorant you will see i also said “JUST SPECULATION”. But you in your corrupt mind you turned it into i was preaching false doctrines, and opinion is not teaching as doctrine its just an opinion. You just can't keep yourself from lying can you Nick.


    So now we lie and are corrupt
    because we show your inconsistency?

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