False teachers

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    Amen and Amen


    Jeremiah 23:36
    “For you will no longer remember the oracle of the LORD, because every man's own word will become the oracle, and you have perverted the words of the living God, the LORD of hosts, our God.


    Nick…….you are transposing something said to the (CARNAL MINDED) to the Spiritual MINDED hardly fits . Jesus said the comforter or Holy Spirit would brign back into our minds his word and we are not as vulnerable as you are portraying, that is (IF) you have GODS Spirit in you. You shouldn't confuse the two covenants. IMO

    peace ………..gene


    Hi GB,
    You said in another thread
    ” There were many things Jesus did not understand, …”

    Are you saying he was carnally minded and you are not?


    Nick…….there you go again putting words in my mouth. Jesus overcame His carnal mind Just like we are supposed to by the power of God's spirit. He was tempted in all points as were are therefore he had to have been born with carnal nature. Because the Father (CAN NOT) be (TEMPTED) by sin, But Jesus was tempted as we are also, therefore in order for that to have happened he had to have a carnal mind also, and had to put His Will to death as we are supposed to also. Your problem is you do not see Jesus as we are, and therefore don't believe he overcame his own nature by the power of GOD in Him, just like we are to also. YOU without realizing it are trying to make another GOD besides the FATHER. This is something Jesus never did, Nick, Jesus is our example of (HOW) to be saved and it the same way he was saved by the power of God. For The FATHER is the (ONLY ONE THAT IS GOOD) Just as Jesus said. You and others are giving Jesus advantages He never Had, he was (TOTALLY) reliant on the FATHER just like we have to be. You need to quite separating Jesus from our Identity and stop putting him on a equal par with the FATHER.

    I am not saying that Jesus was carnal minded and i am (NOT). what i am saying is that Jesus and I have been born with Carnal minds and we both have to overcome them, by the ONE AND ONLY TRUE GOD> You view of Jesus excludes yourself from being like him and so you cannot honestly say he is your brother can you, because in your mind he is different then you. He is in fact your GOD and you therefore are in a state of Idolatry. “For you shall have (NO) other GODS besides ME,” the Father said. And Jesus said the greatest commandment is to love the LORD THY GOD, with all thy HEART, and Soul, and mind., You need to follow what Jesus said.

    peace and love to you………….. gene


    Hi GB,
    So you say this carnal man spoke from ignorance and the apostles falsely recorded his words?
    Do you know the Spirit of God inspired him and the apostles so all they wrote is truth?
    God anointed him and them and if you were of that spirit you would know this.
    Perhaps you do not know of what spirit you are speaking.
    It leaves only your own ideas to stand on.


    Nick…..where did i say this Carnal man spoke (from Ignorance) and the apostles falsely recorded his words. I believe you are the one speak from (IGNORANCE) of what i said. But as in the past it does not seam to bother you to misrepresent what other say. And please don't ask me stupid questions as if i did not know Jesus and the Apostles were inspires by GOD”S Spirit, your inferences only show you lack of understanding and a good question would be, do you know of what spirit you are of, i doubt you do.


    Hi GB,
    You have told us you believe in determinism and universalism. You say Jesus was carnal and did not understand things and that the apostles wrote according to their limited understandings. So why would you try to teach and lead others if your own grasp of the ways of God is so tenuous?


    Nick…….again where did i say Jesus did not understand any thing as you are trying to make it out to be , i said Jesus did not have (ALL) knowledge and HE said that HIM self, so quite trying to twist up what i said. I do not believe my grasp of GOD is tenuous at all thats just your opinion not everyone else's. Your constant condescending on me and others only shows your own heart and lack of knowledge and understanding. IMO


    False teachers promote the ideas of men.
    There is safety in referring men to the TEACHER


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Nov. 18 2008,08:47)
    False teachers promote the ideas of men.
    There is safety in referring men to the TEACHER

    “The Teacher said”, Matt.15:24 …24 Now He, answering, said, “I was not commissioned except for the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Nov. 18 2008,08:47)
    False teachers promote the ideas of men.
    There is safety in referring men to the TEACHER

    False teachers also promote “the one eternal gospel for all”


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Aug. 17 2008,06:47)
    Hi GB,
    You said in another thread
    ” There were many things Jesus did not understand, …”  

    Are you saying he was carnally minded and you are not?

    Nick….Please show where i said Jesus was Carnal mined and i am not. I never made such statement ever. Why didn't you finish my quote Nick. Must you constantly lie about what people say. Don't you know all liars are not going into the kingdom of GOD, you talk about your FEAR religion you HAVE , but don't seem to mind lying. Interesting.

    As far as me saying Jesus didn't not know all things<Jesus said out of his own mouth he didn't. "for no one knows when the hour comes no not even the son of man or the angles in heaven , but the FATHER (ONLY). Read the scriptures and think about thein Nick



    Why do you not like what you say back reflected to you for your review?
    Why does it make you so angry?


    NIck……..please do reflect back on me what i wrote, but all of it not only a few words taken out of context as you do Scripture also.

    Please post the whole thing or at least the whole sentence. You have a real problem Nick, you may not see it, but believe me and others you really do brother.

    peace and love……………..gene


    well lesson taught, you cannot protest to a person understanding of scriptures, when they have been taught with the incorrect ones, one could read the scriptures and come to the conclusion that there is only one true and living God, others may come to understand that jesus is their god, all in the teaching process and who is doing the teaching, oh, how the orthodox must feel at times when they know they are teaching lies to little ones, truly the milestone that will be on their necks,

    stand fast to what is good, if you do not know what that is, go to your hebrew scriptures, you will be given a good lesson in love.


    You may heve rose tinted glasses on when you read your doctrines
    but they are inadequate and deficient of a rock foundation.


    Nick……..Still foaming out your ignorance i See. Don't You have nothing constructive to say . If why i and others have said then it your obligation to prove it , and not with mouth service and condescending words . If what i have said is deficient of a rock foundation then prove it with the truth, not some trashing suppositions of yours.



    So false teachers offer their own teachings not being appointed to the role.
    1 Timothy 2:7
    Whereunto I am ordained a preacher, and an apostle, (I speak the truth in Christ, and lie not;) a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and verity.
    2 Timothy 1:11
    Whereunto I am appointed a preacher, and an apostle, and a teacher of the Gentiles.

    They do not rely deeply on the oracles of God.
    Hebrews 5:12
    For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat.

    They appear among us bringing heresies such as universalism.
    2 Peter 2:1
    But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.

    They are often popular and gain a following among the worldly.
    2 Timothy 4:3
    For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;


    To All…..if someone is against posted Scriptures or any post they have a obligation to disprove what is posted , not just say it some evil satanic Doctrine or False teaching of some Kind, without any proof of what they are saying. I have found people who accuse and make such statement are themselves ignorant of the subject matter. most are indoctrinated in so organization that have a particular set of beliefs and can only reason only within the confines of what they have been taught, So instead of proving there points with sound reasoning they simply start attacking the person themselves though not directly but through vague insults or imply they are speaking falsely but never able to defend their position on the subject in question.

    They are very good at using words like (Worldly Logic) (humanism) (having itching ears) (Not enduring sound doctrine) and so on, as if they have sound Doctrine. all Smoke and Mirrors used to dodge the truth regarding subject matter. If we cant back up and prove what we believe then we truly don't understand what we are saying. Truth is sound and logical, What we believe Should make good sound since. Or why should any of us believe it. Even the Disciples ask Jesus what he was talking about many times and He explained it to them. He never said believe it because i said it.

    love and peace to you all………………….gene

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