False teachers

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    Quote (shimmer @ Oct. 24 2010,20:31)
    Irene, Mark, I thought Catholics were Amillenial in their beliefs ?

    Amillenial is…Now is the millenium, now is when the Gospel is taken through the earth, now is when the full power of Satan is limited, now is the time when people are being saved, 'thousands' of years. Satan will soon be let loose for a short time, to decieve the whole world.

    Thats what you get when you hear the words of Jesus, and others,, “This Good News of the Kingdom will be preached in the whole world for a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come” That is what's happening today…Then the end will come. This is in revelations, but revelations is a symbolic book which is hard to understand.

    What is the point in having a thousand year millenium, as you see it, exactly ?

    No, the Catholics do not believe that the Kingdom of God has come. Also the Millennium has not happend yet. Satan will not just be somewhat chained. Hr will be chained in darkness, and will not be able to influence any Mankind….And that has not happened yet.
    Peace and Love Irene

    Tim Kraft

    Quote (Baker @ Oct. 24 2010,23:08)

    Quote (shimmer @ Oct. 24 2010,20:31)
    Irene, Mark, I thought Catholics were Amillenial in their beliefs ?

    Amillenial is…Now is the millenium, now is when the Gospel is taken through the earth, now is when the full power of Satan is limited, now is the time when people are being saved, 'thousands' of years. Satan will soon be let loose for a short time, to decieve the whole world.

    Thats what you get when you hear the words of Jesus, and others,, “This Good News of the Kingdom will be preached in the whole world for a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come” That is what's happening today…Then the end will come. This is in revelations, but revelations is a symbolic book which is hard to understand.

    What is the point in having a thousand year millenium, as you see it, exactly ?

    No, the Catholics do not believe that the Kingdom of God has come.  Also the Millennium has not happend yet.  Satan will not just be somewhat chained.  Hr will be chained in darkness, and will not be able to influence any Mankind….And that has not happened yet.
    Peace and Love Irene

    Lets see if we get the same picture in our minds if we use different word for same meaning:

    …now is the time when the full power of darkness, misunderstanding of the truth, lack of light, outright lies…

    ….deception is already on the loose, and those that buy into it know not truth. If a deceiver comes to you to tell you a story that you know beforhand he is known to be a liar, why would you choose freely to believe his lies?

    Jesus said to those standing by him, “there are some of you standing here now, who won't see death before the son of man comes in power.

    Every parable Jesus gave about the sower sowing the words of God ended with the evil taken away or removed and the good inherit the earth.

    now, when two are standing and one is taken, who do you think leaves?

    Jesus said the disciples would not finish going through the cities and villiages before the son of man comes/manifests!

    Is your satan omnipresent like God? No, only one can be omnipresent. Is there good AND EVIL or if good is everywhere then where is evil? Adam chose to believe in evil and he died.
    Maybe if we reject evil and believe only in the tree of life we will live forever!! If death is not a part of you how can you die?
    How do you chain a spirit and what kind of walls can hold a spirit captive?

    We must wash away our doctrinal ignorance before we can fill with the whole spirit. If we eat,consume,partake of,believe in, choose only life/good/God/ that is what we become. TK


    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Oct. 25 2010,04:42)
    IMPORTANT SCRIPTURES FOR REFERENCE:  The end of the world was the end of the old testament, the law, and the religious organization that was into rituals, works, sacrifices et.al.! They were in darkness and sin! We should follow the new way of righteousness by faith.

    The Kingdom of God:
    1)Time is fulfilled, the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!(Mark1:15)
    2)Change your thinking,(repent) the Kingdom is at hand!(Matt.3:2)
    3)Just after Johns ministry Jesus began to preach, repent, the Kingdom of God is at hand.(Matt.4:17)Matt.4:23 preaching the Kingdom is the gospel!
    4)The Lords prayer, thy Kingdom come, thy will be done.(Matt.6:10)
    5)Jesus said if I cast out devils/deceptive thinking/error thinking then the Kingdom of God is come unto you. (Matt.12:28)
    6)Time if fulfilled, Kingdom of God is here. (Mk. 1:14&15)!
    7) The comforter, the spirit of truth, & Jesus, the words of God, dwelleth with you and shall be in you–(John 14:17)
    …the Kingdom of God cometh not with observation:…neither shall they say, Lo here or lo there! For, behold, the Kingdom of God is within you. (Luke 17:20&21)
    …Behold, we go up to Jerusalem, and all things that are written by the prophets concerning the Son of man shall be accomplished/completed!
    (Luke 18:31)
    …when you see these things come to pass, know ye that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand. Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled. (Luke 21:31&32)
    (Luke 22:15-18)…With desire I have desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer: For I say unto you I will not any more eat thereof, until it be fulfilled in the kingdom of God….and he took the cup…for I say unto you, I will not drink of the fruit of the vine, until the kingcom of God shall come.(Luke 24:43 & 44)…and he took it, and did eat before them and said unto them, These are the words which I spake unto you while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the law of Moses and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning me…    
    ….(Mark 1:15)…The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent (turn from the way you are going) ye and believe the gospel.                                                                                                8) If a man love me (Jesus) he will keep(believe) my words—and my father will love him and we will come unto him and make our abode/house, home, temple, dwelling place IN HIM!(John14:23)
    …Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you.(John 15:2)

    9) ….I (Jesus) have chosen you and ordained you….(John15:16)
    10) Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.(John17:17)
    11)..He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation: but is passed from death unto life.(John5:24)
    12)…the work of God is to believe (Jesus’ words) whom he sent.(John6:29)
    13)…he that believeth (Jesus) hath everlasting life…(John6:47)
    14)…he that eateth my flesh (words) and drinketh my blood (spirit), dwelleth in me (Jesus) and I in him…(John6:56)
    15)…the words that I speak (Jesus) unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.(John6:63)
    16)…there are some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the kingdom of God…(Luke9:27)
    17)..the Law and the prophets were until John: since that time the kingdom of God is preached, (yet) every man presseth into it…(Luke 16:16) (each man still tries to work his way to God under the Law!
    18)…and from the days of John the baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffered violence, and the violent (Jews) take it by force (works, effort)…for all of the prophets and the law prophesied until John. (Matt.11:12)
    1)…the son of man is not come to destroy mens lives, but to save them…(Luke 9:56) (I guess Jesus is not coming back to fight a great war against mankind…)
    2)…in the time of the harvest, I will say unto the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them; but gather the wheat into my barn…(Matt.13:30)
    3)…so shall it be in at the end of the world: the angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked from among the just and cast them into the furnace of fire..(Matt.13:49)
    1)…who taketh away the sin of the world…(John 1:29)
    2)…Master who did sin, this man, or his parents that he be born blind….Jesus said, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents…but that the works of God should be made manifest in him I must work the works of him who sent me…(John 9:3)
    3)…by the law is the knowledge of sin…(Rom.3:20)
    4)…sin is not imputed where there is no law…(Rom.5:13)
    5)…being made free from sin…(Rom.6:18)
    6)…Jesus manifested to take away our sin (1John 3:5)
    7)…Jesus appeared to put away sin…(Heb.9:26)
    8)…We have been made free from sin & death…(Rom. 6:18)
           V:22…but now being made free from sin…(Rom. 8:2)
    9)…anyone that commiteth(abides/agrees with) sin, is a servant of sin…(John8:34)
    10)..Jesus taketh away the sin of the world…(John1:29)
    11)..Sin: To miss the mark, to err, offend, offense, trespass!
    12)..the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin(1John3:7)
    13)..if we confess our sin, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and                    
          to cleanse us from all unrighteousness(1John 1:9)
    14)..repentance(change former thinking) for the remission(washing away of                              Old thinking) of sin should be preached…(Luke24:47)
    15)..whosoever is born of God sinneth not….(1John5:18)
    16)  If a man keep my saying, he shall never see death…(John8:51)

    1)…now ye are clean through the word(John 15:3)
    2)….he is faithful and just to cleanse us from all unrighteousness( 1John1:9)
    3)…what God hath cleansed call not un-clean (Acts 10:15)&(Acts 11:9)
    4)…the blood of his son Jesus Christ
    5)…we are cleansed by the washing of the water of the word of God (Eph 5:26)
    6)…the blood of Christ cleanseth us from all sin…(1John 1:7)
    7)…Jesus saw a man which was blind from birth and his disciples ask him, who did sin, this man or his parents, that he was born blind? Jesus answered, “neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents”….(John9:3)
    The Law:
    1) The Law and the Prophets were until John, since then the Kingdom (Luke 16:16)
    2)…The prophets and the law were until John…(Matt. 11:13)
    3)…All things written in the Law, the prophets, and the Psalms were fulfilled in Christ (Luke 24:44)
    4)…the law won’t pass until all is fulfilled (Matt. 5:18)
    5)…time is fulfilled, the Kingdom of God is here….(Mark 1:15)
    6)…change thinking, the Kingdom of God is at hand…(Matt. 3:2)

    God bless all, TK


    you are covering and mixing many different times,and seasons.

    at what point you start to take into your own hands Gods destiny,and forecast your own little views.

    i wander if all the scriptures you quoted ,if the interpretation you are given to it ,is in reality the interpretation that was mend by the writers???

    well i guess it must sound right to your hears.



    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Oct. 24 2010,22:42)

    Quote (shimmer @ Oct. 24 2010,21:34)
    TK, I can understand what you are saying. If you look for peace you will find peace, if you look for love you will find love, if you look to build others up, you will do that, if you let deceptions into the mind, anger, confusion, jealousy, etc, your intents get broken apart, you start to fail, is that what you mean ?

    You said

    Devil spirits (words) are Lies and deceptions against the truth.

    Do you believe Devil spirits are words ? What about things like thoughts, actions, etc,

    Shimmer:  Religion has told us we are fighting temptation to do or not do certain things that are evil. This is not true.

    Man and God were always in union or dis-union in the mind!

    When man decided there was evil it was thoughts apart from or against life/God. The fall of man, away from God was always mental or mind beliefs. There can be no real separation from a God who is within and without. Only if a man believes he is separated from God and that is an illusion of truth. Its not the truth, yet he believes it, so to him it is truth. What a human being believes is what he is, to himself. It either aligns with the truth/God or it is a created illusion of mans own truth.

    New Testament: The war has continued for thousands of years between mans created, religious ideas about God and the truth about God. God had no man that the majority would listen to so evil/error/sin kept coming back into mans mind. The war continues until John comes and paves the way for cousin Jesus. The change intended to be made was to destroy religion as it was and effectuate the truth of God from a man above all others before. His works of faith and power proved who he was.

    The truth of God was now being diseminated from God with power and proof. It is still a mind game. Its all in the mind. Its all either accepted or rejected as the recipients choice.

    The kingdom had come for Gods will to be done on earth as in heaven. Jesus was the light that came to inlighten the people who were in darkness as to sin and God. We don't fight against flesh and blood. We fight the good fight of faith or believing God or the old religious way of sin, unworthness, et.al.

    Thoughts are words, floating in the ether, previously expressed by human beings.Every thought remains. They are energy capsules that carry various frequencies. Gods words vibrate at the highest frequency there is. Truth is really all there, like God there is only truth. Lies are man made thoughts that are near dead, evil, dark.

    We have filled our minds with man made truth some not as destructive as other but if it doesn't align with Gods words it is evil, dark, destructive.

    We have religion that for centuries has mixed truth with untruth. Like God loves you but he might kill you! You are cleansed from sin, but you better not do any more sins or you still go to mans created hell. These are the contradictions of  truth and lies that we are fighting 24/7!

    The Bible (mostly old testament) is loaded with man made un-truth. Even the new testament was translated by men who were extremely religious with old testament type religion.

    If a human hears and accepts from God the words Jesus gave which cleans up his thoughts (about himself, not others) he will then have peace in his heart, love for all, joy in the holy ghost, happiness, meekness, kindness, generosity, compassion, willingness, gratitude, thanksgiving, respect and every other good and perfect gift that come down from above.

    If God does not judge you (and he doesn't) stop judging yourself. The truth you choose to accept is what will judge you. If you believe that sin and evil still exist in you after hearing the truth then so be it. You will suffer that lie!

    If you believe in your God given perfection in every way, every day, all the time, totally free to express love it will show in your daily walk. If it doesn't no matter, so be it!

    If all people were filled with those loving gifts what would their deeds or actions most likely be?  You express who you believe you are!!  TK

    Tim Kraft…………..There is much truth to be gleaned from this post brother. The kingdom of GOD is indeed withing a person, and the adversarial thinking in people is the satan in them, not some spook or elusive being going around jumping in and out of people. Jesus' flesh was given for our (JUSTIFICATION) and His Blood (the life that was in him) was indeed the CHRISTOS which was the SPIRIT of GOD, and if we eat and drink (take to ourselves) both his flesh (for justification) and His life (SPIRIT) we do indeed HAVE ETERNAL LIFE AND SHALL NEVER TRULY PARISH. IMO

    Good to see you posting again brother.

    peace and love to you and yours…………………….gene


    Quote (shimmer @ Oct. 24 2010,20:31)
    Irene, Mark, I thought Catholics were Amillenial in their beliefs ?

    Amillenial is…Now is the millenium, now is when the Gospel is taken through the earth, now is when the full power of Satan is limited, now is the time when people are being saved, 'thousands' of years. Satan will soon be let loose for a short time, to decieve the whole world.

    Thats what you get when you hear the words of Jesus, and others,, “This Good News of the Kingdom will be preached in the whole world for a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come” That is what's happening today…Then the end will come. This is in revelations, but revelations is a symbolic book which is hard to understand.

    What is the point in having a thousand year millenium, as you see it, exactly ?

    What I believe is most do not take into account the scriptur you quoted Shimmer 2 peter 3v8 “This point must not be overlooked, dear friends. In the lords eyes, one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years are as a day” Also as you mention, Revalations are symbolic truths that IMO no mortal man has complete understanding of. I do agree with what TK says about being in a state of “grace” after accepting Jesus into your life, but what I do not understand until God shows me is the differance between “forgiven”, “complete” which is what Jesus believing humans are imo, and “perfect”. I still make mistakes, so does that mean I am not in union with him? Is there anyone that will claim that they are perfect and never makes mistakes? Peace-Mark

    Tim Kraft

    Quote (mikeangel @ Oct. 25 2010,23:51)

    Quote (shimmer @ Oct. 24 2010,20:31)
    Irene, Mark, I thought Catholics were Amillenial in their beliefs ?

    Amillenial is…Now is the millenium, now is when the Gospel is taken through the earth, now is when the full power of Satan is limited, now is the time when people are being saved, 'thousands' of years. Satan will soon be let loose for a short time, to decieve the whole world.

    Thats what you get when you hear the words of Jesus, and others,, “This Good News of the Kingdom will be preached in the whole world for a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come” That is what's happening today…Then the end will come. This is in revelations, but revelations is a symbolic book which is hard to understand.

    What is the point in having a thousand year millenium, as you see it, exactly ?

    What I believe is most do not take into account the scriptur you quoted Shimmer 2 peter 3v8 “This point must not be overlooked, dear friends. In the lords eyes, one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years are as a day”  Also as you mention, Revalations are symbolic truths that IMO no mortal man has complete understanding of. I do agree with what TK says about being in a state of “grace” after accepting Jesus into your life, but what I do not understand until God shows me is the differance between “forgiven”, “complete” which is what  Jesus believing humans are imo, and “perfect”. I still make mistakes, so does that mean I am not in union with him? Is there anyone that will claim that they are perfect and never makes mistakes? Peace-Mark

    Mikeangel/Mark: There is no time to measure in spirit/eternal truth. When truth comes, that is the start, it never stops.
    When the day of the lord came with Jesus, now it comes to

    us through light, that is the truth, if you accept, it is forever.
    Like a ring of truth with no end, given by Jesus, we step into the ring at various points of knowledge and understanding and begin our trek unto God.

    Eternal truth came, is here, is coming and will come, forever!

    We are fighting a mental war for truth. The adversary against us are preachers, teachers, friends, neighbors, brothers and sisters that don't yet know the truth. From these well meaning people yet misguided people come darkness to cover the light.

    We are all forgiven. We are all cleansed by the words of Jesus from the father. We are ordained for the faith works of God to administer to any or all who will recieve. We have the father, son, holy spirit, and the kingdom of God within ready to produce the fruit of God. Goodness, kindness, mercy, compassion, perfection, forgiveness, sinlessness, worthiness etc.!

    This is what the works of Jesus did for mankind. Its done, finished, completed. There is nothing for Jesus to come back physically to do that he hasn't already done. Now its up to us to take the free gift from God and share with others.

    God made us perfect. Would we seat ourselves above God and say we are not perfect? God said in acts, what God hath cleansed call not unclean. Perfection is not in what you know, or what you see, or how much you do or help or anything else.

    If you don't have an answer for what perfection is then I think I would just agree with God almighty. He can't lie because whatever he says goes!!

    One more thing. How can you make a mistake where there are no rules or laws? If you don't like a choice you made make another choice. PEOPLE PLEASE STOP CONDEMNING YOURSELVES OR OTHERS. Why make a law to yourself where a law does not exist?? Blessings to all, TK


    Quote (mikeangel @ Oct. 26 2010,00:51)

    Quote (shimmer @ Oct. 24 2010,20:31)
    Irene, Mark, I thought Catholics were Amillenial in their beliefs ?

    Amillenial is…Now is the millenium, now is when the Gospel is taken through the earth, now is when the full power of Satan is limited, now is the time when people are being saved, 'thousands' of years. Satan will soon be let loose for a short time, to decieve the whole world.

    Thats what you get when you hear the words of Jesus, and others,, “This Good News of the Kingdom will be preached in the whole world for a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come” That is what's happening today…Then the end will come. This is in revelations, but revelations is a symbolic book which is hard to understand.

    What is the point in having a thousand year millenium, as you see it, exactly ?

    What I believe is most do not take into account the scriptur you quoted Shimmer 2 peter 3v8 “This point must not be overlooked, dear friends. In the lords eyes, one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years are as a day”  Also as you mention, Revalations are symbolic truths that IMO no mortal man has complete understanding of. I do agree with what TK says about being in a state of “grace” after accepting Jesus into your life, but what I do not understand until God shows me is the differance between “forgiven”, “complete” which is what  Jesus believing humans are imo, and “perfect”. I still make mistakes, so does that mean I am not in union with him? Is there anyone that will claim that they are perfect and never makes mistakes? Peace-Mark

    Mark, I have had times when I am so close to God and so close to understanding, and times where I feel lost and alone. The times like this are hard, and I long to go back to what I had.

    I think we all feel like that especially as (we) ? are only 'young' in all of this.

    Sometimes I think what am I doing, trying to find something on forums…what am I trying to find ? Why does it take over my mind so much ? Is it a trick Satan uses? Do I go to church like the others, try to forget they have errors, try to get something out of what they say ?

    What church ?

    My parents are Catholics, maybe I could go with them, but theres all the statues, and prayers to Mary, and calling a man Father,

    I dont know.

    The Adventists, I like them, but they demand a tithe of 10%, is that biblical ? I know someone who 'owed them' as they hadnt paid it…and the strict saterday sabbath,

    Do we walk alone, be with God as our only guide, the Lord as our sheppard, I think maybe thats the only way for me, I dont know.


    TK, I understand some of what you say, but Jesus said not a dot of the law has changed, we are sinners who need the laws of God to keep us obeying God.


    Quote (shimmer @ Oct. 26 2010,08:38)

    Quote (mikeangel @ Oct. 26 2010,00:51)

    Quote (shimmer @ Oct. 24 2010,20:31)
    Irene, Mark, I thought Catholics were Amillenial in their beliefs ?

    Amillenial is…Now is the millenium, now is when the Gospel is taken through the earth, now is when the full power of Satan is limited, now is the time when people are being saved, 'thousands' of years. Satan will soon be let loose for a short time, to decieve the whole world.

    Thats what you get when you hear the words of Jesus, and others,, “This Good News of the Kingdom will be preached in the whole world for a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come” That is what's happening today…Then the end will come. This is in revelations, but revelations is a symbolic book which is hard to understand.

    What is the point in having a thousand year millenium, as you see it, exactly ?

    What I believe is most do not take into account the scriptur you quoted Shimmer 2 peter 3v8 “This point must not be overlooked, dear friends. In the lords eyes, one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years are as a day”  Also as you mention, Revalations are symbolic truths that IMO no mortal man has complete understanding of. I do agree with what TK says about being in a state of “grace” after accepting Jesus into your life, but what I do not understand until God shows me is the differance between “forgiven”, “complete” which is what  Jesus believing humans are imo, and “perfect”. I still make mistakes, so does that mean I am not in union with him? Is there anyone that will claim that they are perfect and never makes mistakes? Peace-Mark

    Mark, I have had times when I am so close to God and so close to understanding, and times where I feel lost and alone. The times like this are hard, and I long to go back to what I had.

    I think we all feel like that especially as (we) ? are only 'young' in all of this.

    Sometimes I think what am I doing, trying to find something on forums…what am I trying to find ? Why does it take over my mind so much ? Is it a trick Satan uses? Do I go to church like the others, try to forget they have errors, try to get something out of what they say ?

    What church ?

    My parents are Catholics, maybe I could go with them, but theres all the statues, and prayers to Mary, and calling a man Father,

    I dont know.

    The Adventists, I like them, but they demand a tithe of 10%, is that biblical ? I know someone who 'owed them' as they hadnt paid it…and the strict saterday sabbath,

    Do we walk alone, be with God as our only guide, the Lord as our sheppard, I think maybe thats the only way for me, I dont know.

    Shimmer, Only you know what your concience tells you after you reflect. Mine tells me that my church has gone crazy and mad with power like the pharassees, but like joseph of arimethia? who came to get Jesus' body the church has “a few who haven't soiled thier clothes” and IMO Jesus told me #1 to love my enemys (even if it turned out to be my priest or preacher) and #2 that what credit would I get if I only love those who love me back? Its the road I feel God has given me to walk.  But I do know the answer to one of your questions—  “Do we walk alone, be with God as our only guide”….. Thats kinda ambiguious. With god you are never alone. You also have us( for better or worse, but most mean well), but there is someone you know you can share God with. If not tham if I were me I would go with my parents. heres why imo. It may be believed by a bunce in the rcc about mary and saints etc. etc. but it is not required I am not required to look or pay homage to anything or say a rosery or call the pope holy father ,,, The only thing I still do I dont totally agree with is call them father so- in so etc  but like you said on time, with my eyes focused on jesus a lovin God would not punish me forever for being a dumbdonkey. IMO. I can't stand some of the people I go with , but some I wouldn't trade for anything in the world, and the pope can do whatever he wants to I'll never have to see him.  Anyway if that is against your concience that you shouldn't go because it would be a sin. Get with some other believers and pray together. Above all trust Jesus. Peace and love- Mark


    One more thing that came to mind- Remember going to church as a kid? Not knowing theology, but thinking that was where god was? Good things and playing with other kids without lust, greed, jeliousy, hatred etc.etc. When I was very young I used to look up in the sky in a puffy clowdy day and look for God and Angels, cause thats wher I was told they were., I think If I grew up and didn't accept doubt I could see them. Anyway, Peace sister, you are not alone…..


    Mark, you know what I mean by 'walk alone'

    No I dont think God would punish us for being 'dumbdonkeys', not if were trying.

    God knows I try, and God knows I ask, I get led astray easily, God knows Iv been like that since I was little ! Im one confused person, always have been ! Always wondering, thinking, not getting it !

    I read the other day it might have something to do with my bloodgroup.. Actually theres all these conspiracy theories about people with my blood – (the rare blood rh O Negative which does all sorts of strange things such as builds antibodies and fights to destroy any unborn child with opposite blood…as if its an alien thing…strange) – and people with the blood seem to have similar things happen in their life, spiritual things, seeing things, getting confused, so these conspiracy theorists think that they are Fallen Angels, Reptilians, Isreal of the Old Testement, all sorts of things ?..dont worry i dont buy into all the conspiracy theories, But maybe I have a good excuse !

    But, I agree with you, we are trying. We cant get everything right.

    From what iv learnt, people can study and study. But they fail to see, the second commandment,

    “Put on therefore, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, a heart of compassion, kindness, lowliness, humility, and perseverance;  bearing with one another, and forgiving each other, if any man has a complaint against any; even as Christ forgave you, so you also do.  Above all these things, walk in love, which is the bond of perfection.  And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful.”

    “Love is patient and is kind; love doesn't envy. Love doesn't brag, is not proud,  doesn't behave itself inappropriately, doesn't seek its own way, is not provoked, takes no account of evil; doesn't rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.”

    (Maybe a thread should be started on that!)


    Quote (mikeangel @ Oct. 26 2010,15:10)
    One more thing that came to mind- Remember going to church as a kid? Not knowing theology, but thinking that was where god was? Good things and playing with other kids without lust, greed, jeliousy, hatred etc.etc.   When I was very young I used to look up in the sky in a puffy clowdy day and look for God and Angels, cause thats wher I was told they were.,  I think If I grew up and didn't accept doubt I could see them. Anyway, Peace sister, you are not alone…..

    “Unless you become like a child”

    Peace to you too mark.


    Yuup, Love, love is the answer.  It's the next morning, and I thought about this last night. You know how many problems I have with the RCC, and how much ZI believe they have become like the Pharasees, and erred in alot of ways. It, like the rest of the world, has become like babylon, but like in Jeramiah he told the people not to fear the idols they were to experience, and the idols could do nothing , and God would be with them. I feel thats me.   My dad was diagnosed terminal in 05. and I went back to St. Williams every sunday(about an hour from where I live) so ZI could see him once a week. He got chronic in 4-07 and died 6-07. I am so glad I did that. It was great to go to church with him in his last functioning days. Since he died I really have had a hard time with this crap. I wrote letters, one was to the bishop. I told him the pope being called “holy father” was contrary to God's teaching. I told him St. Peter would never have concented to being called that. I told him about the Abominations in Isreal, Elvis' statue in a Jerusalem suburb, etc. etc. and ZI sent the letter to him and three other priest, who knew me. You know the response I got? nothing. not a peep. But that was and still is a great witness to me about God living in me. It's what he would want me to do. They have been told, from the inside. At the end of the letter I told him the responsibility was on them to correct it. It is……. Later that year, ( I had been a 3rd degree knight for 25 years, my father was a 4th, the highest) I applyed to become a fourth degree knight. I was just about to go through the degree when I discovered that in the hierarchy, there would be an officer called “supreme master”. Blew my mind. How could they be soooo ignorant. I went to send a e-mail to a few other knights withdrawing from the knights, and i pushed the wrong group, and sent it to most of the church.  It read “For reasons that have been revealed to me, I request to be removed form the rolls of the K of C. I renounce all the secrets and rituals ZI have participated in. Out of respect for my dad and brother (my brother and brother in law were officers) I will not reveal any of the secret proceedings ZI have witnessed, but I reject them”  Woah. I got a few letters of support, and some pretty angry ones. Peoople were calling my Mom and sister and asking “is mark ok? I then realised I was doing what Jesus would have done. I faux-finished the whole back of the church in a faux marble, and over the tabernacle I wrote “Jesus is 'the king' ” in response to what I found out about thast shrine to elvis ina Jerusalem suburb.  I honestly feel at peace. I do not participate in anything against my concience, any pray God comes soon and fixes this, because that is the only thing imo that will. Even if not with your parents, go out into a secluded place like Jesus did, Pray, and then do something good for God. Visit the sick, spend some time with a forsaken old person, give food to a food bank etc. etc. These acts won;t save you but they do make God happy IMO. I hope yo find peace like I have. No one dares ask me anything at church, they know where I stand, and noone has the guts to throw me out. Peace- Mark

    Tim Kraft

    Quote (shimmer @ Oct. 26 2010,08:42)
    TK, I understand some of what you say, but Jesus said not a dot of the law has changed,  we are sinners who need the laws of God to keep us obeying God.

    Shimmer: Jesus did say not a jot or tittle of the law would change, UNTIL ALL WAS FULFILLED!!

    Did Jesus fulfill the Law and the prophets? Yes!

    Has the law changed? We don't offer sacrifices under the law!

    We don't follow sabbath laws or ceremonial washings! I would say more than a jot or tittle of the law has changed.

    The only reason that people get confused IMO is that they are trying to hold on to doctrines they have been told were truth and make them fit. They won't fit. When you find the truth of God it perfectly fits.

    When I quote Jesus as saying (luke16/16) “the law and the prophets were until John, SINCE THEN the Kingdom of God is preached…”! what does that say to all? I didn't make it up I found it. THATS JESUS TALKING! If you just believe Jesus and

    not liers on utube and at the first church you now know that the law ended when Jesus came. The prophets', prophesies' ended or were fuflilled when Jesus came to set up the kingdom of God, inside of mankind, that will never end.

    In Daniels interpretation of the Kings dream, the forth Kingdom was the Roman Empire, in the days of those Kings the stone cut from the mountain, Jesus, would set up a Kingdom that will never be destroyed…!

    There is much denying of Christ going on. He said “they wouldn't finish going through the towns and villages before the kingdom came with power…” Shall we still deny Jesus
    and look for the kingdom to come.

    Jesus said he wouldn't eat or drink of the fruit of the vine with them again until all was fullfilled. Then Luke24:43 &44 and he took and did eat before them to fulfill those words.

    I will post scriptures below please read, hear and change your mind to follow Jesus. God bless, TK

    Tim Kraft


    The Kingdom of God:
    1)Time is fulfilled, the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!(Mark1:15)
    2)Change your thinking,(repent) the Kingdom is at hand!(Matt.3:2)
    3)Just after Johns ministry Jesus began to preach, repent, the Kingdom of God is at hand.(Matt.4:17)Matt.4:23 preaching the Kingdom is the gospel!
    4)The Lords prayer, thy Kingdom come, thy will be done.(Matt.6:10)
    5)Jesus said if I cast out devils/deceptive thinking/error thinking/ then the Kingdom of God is come unto you. (Matt.12:28)
    Do you hear? When error is removed from the mind, the Kingdom of God remains.

    6)Time if fulfilled, Kingdom of God is here. (Mk. 1:14&15)!
    7) The comforter, the spirit of truth, & Jesus, the words of God, dwelleth with you and shall be in you–(John 14:17)
    …the Kingdom of God cometh not with observation:…neither shall they say, Lo here or lo there! For, behold, the Kingdom of God is within you. (Luke 17:20&21)
    …Behold, we go up to Jerusalem, and all things that are written by the prophets concerning the Son of man shall be accomplished/completed!

    (Luke 18:31)
    …when you see these things come to pass, know ye that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand. Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled. (Luke 21:31&32)
    (Luke 22:15-18)…With desire I have desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer: For I say unto you I will not any more eat thereof, until it be fulfilled in the kingdom of God….and he took the cup…for I say unto you, I will not drink of the fruit of the vine, until the kingcom of God shall come.(Luke 24:43 & 44)…and he took it, and did eat before them and said unto them, These are the words which I spake unto you while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the law of Moses and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning me…

    ….(Mark 1:15)…The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent (turn from the way you are going) ye and believe the gospel. 8) If a man love me (Jesus) he will keep(believe) my words—and my father will love him and we will come unto him and make our abode/house, home, temple, dwelling place IN HIM!(John14:23)
    …Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you.(John 15:2)

    9) ….I (Jesus) have chosen you and ordained you….(John15:16)
    10) Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.(John17:17)
    11)..He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation: but is passed from death unto life.(John5:24)

    12)…the work of God is to believe (Jesus’ words) whom he sent.(John6:29)
    13)…he that believeth (Jesus) hath everlasting life…(John6:47)
    14)…he that eateth my flesh (words) and drinketh my blood (spi
    rit), dwelleth in me (Jesus) and I in him…(John6:56)

    15)…the words that I speak (Jesus) unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.(John6:63)
    16)…there are some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the kingdom of God…(Luke9:27)

    17)..the Law and the prophets were until John: since that time the kingdom of God is preached, (yet) every man presseth into it…(Luke 16:16) (each man still tries to work his way to God under the Law!
    18)…and from the days of John the baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffered violence, and the violent (Jews) take it by force (works, effort)…for all of the prophets and the law prophesied until John. (Matt.11:12)
    1)…the son of man is not come to destroy mens lives, but to save them…(Luke 9:56) (I guess Jesus is not coming back to fight a great war against mankind…)

    2)…in the time of the harvest, I will say unto the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them; but gather the wheat into my barn…(Matt.13:30)
    3)…so shall it be in at the end of the world: the angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked from among the just and cast them into the furnace of fire..(Matt.13:49)

    1)…who taketh away the sin of the world…(John 1:29)
    2)…Master who did sin, this man, or his parents that he be born blind….Jesus said, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents…but that the works of God should be made manifest in him I must work the works of him who sent me…(John 9:3)

    3)…by the law is the knowledge of sin…(Rom.3:20)

    God has blessed us all with the truth, TK


    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Oct. 27 2010,00:44)

    Quote (shimmer @ Oct. 26 2010,08:42)
    TK, I understand some of what you say, but Jesus said not a dot of the law has changed,  we are sinners who need the laws of God to keep us obeying God.

    Shimmer: Jesus did say not a jot or tittle of the law would change, UNTIL ALL WAS FULFILLED!!

    Did Jesus fulfill the Law and the prophets? Yes!

    Has the law changed? We don't offer sacrifices under the law!

    We don't follow sabbath laws or ceremonial washings! I would say more than a jot or tittle of the law has changed.

    The only reason that people get confused IMO is that they are trying to hold on to doctrines they have been told were truth and make them fit. They won't fit. When you find the truth of God it perfectly fits.

    When I quote Jesus as saying (luke16/16) “the law and the prophets were until John, SINCE THEN the Kingdom of God is preached…”! what does that say to all? I didn't make it up I found it. THATS JESUS TALKING! If you just believe Jesus and

    not liers on utube and at the first church you now know that the law ended when Jesus came. The prophets', prophesies' ended or were fuflilled when Jesus came to set up the kingdom of God, inside of mankind, that will never end.

    In Daniels interpretation of the Kings dream, the forth Kingdom was the Roman Empire, in the days of those Kings the stone cut from the mountain, Jesus, would set up a Kingdom that will never be destroyed…!

    There is much denying of Christ going on. He said “they wouldn't finish going through the towns and villages before the kingdom came with power…” Shall we still deny Jesus
    and look for the kingdom to come.

    Jesus said he wouldn't eat or drink of the fruit of the vine with them again until all was fullfilled. Then Luke24:43 &44 and he took and did eat before them to fulfill those words.

    I will post scriptures below please read, hear and change your mind to follow Jesus. God bless, TK

    Tim!  I read someof your posts , however I don't believe that the Law was done away with.  it changed, but Jesus also gave us the great Commandment in

    Mat 22:36   Master, which [is] the great commandment in the law?  

    Mat 22:37   Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.  

    Mat 22:38   This is the first and great commandment.  

    Mat 22:39   And the second [is] like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.  

    Mat 22:40   On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.  

    and the New Covenant in

    Luk 22:20   Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, This cup [is] the new covenant in my blood, which is shed for you.

    Jesus also magnifier the Law and made it Holy on the Sermon ion the Mount….  

    The Sabbath never was for us Gentiles.  It was a sign between God and the Children of Israel.

    Exd 31:16   Wherefore the children of Israel shall keep the sabbath, to observe the sabbath throughout their generations, [for] a perpetual covenant.  

    Exd 31:17   It [is] a sign between me and the children of Israel for ever: for [in] six days the LORD made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested, and was refreshed.  

    Perpetual means forever. That is why they even today still keep that perpetual Covenant……..

    Now since I did not read all of the posts you made, if you believe all of this, then disregard it what I said……Peace and Love Irene


    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Oct. 27 2010,02:44)
    Shimmer: Jesus did say not a jot or tittle of the law would change, UNTIL ALL WAS FULFILLED!!

    Hi TK. Jesus did say this but also – untill heaven and earth pass away. Heaven and earth are still here and have not passed away yet.

    “For most certainly, I tell you, until heaven and earth pass away, not even one smallest letter or one tiny pen stroke shall in any way pass away from the law, until all things are accomplished.” Matt 5:18


    But Tk, the law was written on our hearts, it was summed up in two things, love of God and love of neighbour.

    Tim Kraft

    Quote (shimmer @ Oct. 27 2010,07:20)

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Oct. 27 2010,02:44)
    Shimmer: Jesus did say not a jot or tittle of the law would change, UNTIL ALL WAS FULFILLED!!

    Hi TK. Jesus did say this but also – untill heaven and earth pass away. Heaven and earth are still here and have not passed away yet.

    “For most certainly, I tell you, until heaven and earth pass away, not even one smallest letter or one tiny pen stroke shall in any way pass away from the law, until all things are accomplished.” Matt 5:18

    shimmer; Good question. I was reading that scripture about heaven and earth passing away and I thought to myself, there would be nothing left anywhere. If both heaven and earth go away there is nothing.

    Look up the greek word that was translated “pass” and odly enough you will find it can more accurately say, “heaven and earth will come together as one”. It is the awareness of the spirit of God being together in mankind that he was refering to.
    In other words they will be under the law until Jesus comes and reveals the truth of God in us as from the beginning.

    If you don't yet see that Jesus accomplished the entire work of God you may be more comfortable under the law. If you believe you are still under the law you best start sacrificing unto God!

    If the sacrifice is completed then so is the law! TK

    Tim Kraft

    Here are some helpful scriptures.
    1) The Law and the Prophets were until John, since then the Kingdom (Luke 16:16)
    2)…The prophets and the law were until John…(Matt. 11:13)
    3)…All things written in the Law, the prophets, and the Psalms were fulfilled in Christ (Luke 24:44)
    4)…the law won’t pass until all is fulfilled (Matt. 5:18)
    5)…time is fulfilled, the Kingdom of God is here….(Mark 1:15)
    6)…change thinking, the Kingdom of God is at hand…(Matt. 3:2)

    If scripture won't change your mind, then you are not ready to accept this part of the truth yet. Truth comes in stages, line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little, and there a little. When we do find the truth one thing we know for sure, it will make us FREE! TK

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