False teachers

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  • #194348

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 27 2009,12:26)
    I think the most identifiable characteristics of a false teacher are his unteachableness and his lack of concern when he is shown his obvious deviation from scriptural truth. That shows the fear of God does not reside there. The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.

    Nick……….Are you describing yourself?. It seem to me you are the most unteachable person Here at times. As me and other have noticed often. Perhaps your own word will come to haunt you, yourself.

    peace and love…………………gene



    If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own soul, he cannot be my disciple.” (Lu 14:26

    this means to have love of Christ above all other love,in common language YOU LISTSEN FIRST TO GOD AND CHRIST BEFORE YOU DO ANYONE ELSE.




    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ June 06 2010,17:16)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 27 2009,12:26)
    I think the most identifiable characteristics of a false teacher are his unteachableness and his lack of concern when he is shown his obvious deviation from scriptural truth. That shows the fear of God does not reside there. The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.

    Nick……….Are you describing yourself?. It seem to me you are the most unteachable person Here at times. As me and other have noticed often. Perhaps your own word will come to haunt you, yourself.

    peace and love…………………gene


    Ro 2:19 And art confident that thou thyself art a guide of the blind, a light of them which are in darkness,
    Ro 2:20 An instructor of the foolish, a teacher of babes, which hast the form of knowledge and of the truth in the law.
    Ro 2:21 Thou therefore which teachest another, teachest thou not thyself? thou that preachest a man should not steal, dost thou steal?
    Ro 2:22 Thou that sayest a man should not commit adultery, dost thou commit adultery? thou that abhorrest idols, dost thou commit sacrilege?
    Ro 2:23 Thou that makest thy boast of the law, through breaking the law dishonourest thou God?



    Terricca………..Again i see your accusing Mouth just can't quite accusing people , As i said before Satan is the Accuser of the Brethern. seems you fit that more than any here.

    If you have a commit on what topic is being discussed that is fine but you go beyond that and start to accuse people as if you even remotely begin to know them or there life. It would be more Christian of you to encourage and explain better what you believe to be true then vomiting out accusations on others. IMO

    peace and love……………………………gene


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Sep. 11 2010,09:10)
    Terricca………..Again i see your accusing Mouth just can't quite accusing people , As i said before Satan is the Accuser of the Brethern. seems you fit that more than any here.

    If you have a commit on what topic is being discussed that is fine but you go beyond that and start to accuse people as if you even remotely begin to know them or there life. It would be more Christian of you to encourage and explain better what you believe to be true then vomiting out accusations on others.  IMO

    peace and love……………………………gene


    like you say it is only your opinion,

    no the truth so it really does not stands for anything but you opinion.

    Ro 2:19 And art confident that thou thyself art a guide of the blind, a light of them which are in darkness,
    Ro 2:20 An instructor of the foolish, a teacher of babes, which hast the form of knowledge and of the truth in the law.
    Ro 2:21 Thou therefore which teaches another, teaches thou not thyself? thou that preachiest a man should not steal, dost thou steal?
    Ro 2:22 Thou that sayest a man should not commit adultery, dost thou commit adultery? thou that abhorrest idols, dost thou commit sacrilege?
    Ro 2:23 Thou that makest thy boast of the law, through breaking the law dishonourest thou God?

    this is scriptures not opinion,you are teaching others but only teach your opinion ,and try to make it look as being out of scriptures,,,,look at your own quotes and volume of opinions you proclaim to in scriptures,it is your own written statements that are against you not me ,



    Terricca……..I am at least honest to say it is my opinions , an i have and do quite many scriptures . To support those opinions, But you on the other hand are going through the bible and post scriptures and cast them on others that you yourself are the worst offender of Here. Those scripture you quote describe you more than any one here as others have said. The Hatred in you Heart indulges in that Evil and you Spew it out of your mouth. Because that is what is in your heart. Can't you see what your accusations are doing to you yourself?

    You accuse others of wanting to be a teacher when in fact that is exactly what you are trying to do. What you have quoted describes YOU EXACTLY> IMO and OTHERS.

    peace and love and yours……………………..gene


    Gene and Pierre!  It seems that you both are accusing each other of wrong doing.  Is it not wise just to go by Scriptures and stop the personal attack???? Even though there are Scriptures like Math. 15:9 do so only to some that teach other doctrines that are not according to Scriptures….. only go by Scriptures……. did you miss me?  I was in the Hospital for two nights and just came Home today….. I am just fine…… God is good…… So lets be nice to each other and worship Him alone…… Our Heavenly Father and Almighty God……. Amen     Irene


    Quote (Baker @ Sep. 11 2010,12:37)
    Gene and Pierre!  It seems that you both are accusing each other of wrong doing.  Is it not wise just to go by Scriptures and stop the personal attack???? Even though there are Scriptures like Math. 15:9 do so only to some that teach other doctrines that are not according to Scriptures….. only go by Scriptures……. did you miss me?  I was in the Hospital for two nights and just came Home today….. I am just fine…… God is good…… So lets be nice to each other and worship Him alone…… Our Heavenly Father and Almighty God……. Amen     Irene

    hi Irene

    nice to see you back,and in good spirit ,how is georg i miss him too



    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Sep. 11 2010,10:05)
    Terricca……..I am at least honest to say it is my opinions , an i have and do quite many scriptures . To support those opinions, But you on the other hand are going through the bible and post scriptures and cast them on others that you yourself are the worst offender of Here. Those scripture you quote describe you more than any one here as others have said. The Hatred in you Heart indulges in that Evil and you Spew it out of your mouth. Because that is what is in your heart. Can't you see what your accusations are doing to  you yourself?

    You accuse others of wanting to be a teacher when in fact that is exactly what you are trying to do. What you have quoted describes YOU EXACTLY> IMO and OTHERS.

    peace and love and yours……………………..gene


    IMO,is for people who do not know and only have a vague view of what they believe and read,
    there is no understanding were there are only OPINIONS.

    the only truth you have stated is ;Terricca……..I am at least honest to say it is my opinions ….

    on the other hand I know Gods will for me and i are submit to it,but this does not mean that i have to let the robber rob me.
    unless it is in the name of God that i am rob.


    Ed J

    Quote (Baker @ Sep. 11 2010,05:37)
    Gene and Pierre!  It seems that you both are accusing each other of wrong doing.  Is it not wise just to go by Scriptures and stop the personal attack???? Even though there are Scriptures like Math. 15:9 do so only to some that teach other doctrines that are not according to Scriptures….. only go by Scriptures……. did you miss me?  I was in the Hospital for two nights and just came Home today….. I am just fine…… God is good…… So lets be nice to each other and worship Him alone…… Our Heavenly Father and Almighty God……. Amen     Irene

    Hi Irene,

    Sorry you had to be Hospitalized :(, but GLAD you're feeling better !

    God bless
    Ed J


    Quote (Baker @ Sep. 11 2010,05:37)
    Gene and Pierre!  It seems that you both are accusing each other of wrong doing.  Is it not wise just to go by Scriptures and stop the personal attack???? Even though there are Scriptures like Math. 15:9 do so only to some that teach other doctrines that are not according to Scriptures….. only go by Scriptures……. did you miss me?  I was in the Hospital for two nights and just came Home today….. I am just fine…… God is good…… So lets be nice to each other and worship Him alone…… Our Heavenly Father and Almighty God……. Amen     Irene

    Irene……….Sorry to hear you were in the Hospital I am Glad your feeling better.

    Peace and Love to you and Georg……………………….gene


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Sep. 11 2010,09:10)
    Terricca………..Again i see your accusing Mouth just can't quite accusing people , As i said before Satan is the Accuser of the Brethern. seems you fit that more than any here.

    If you have a commit on what topic is being discussed that is fine but you go beyond that and start to accuse people as if you even remotely begin to know them or there life. It would be more Christian of you to encourage and explain better what you believe to be true then vomiting out accusations on others.  IMO

    peace and love……………………………gene


    i do explain what i believe but you have to read it ,

    and it would not be of any interest to you,and i do not say this to be rude to you ,but we have already establish most of our differences,

    and those difference will make a big difference in the view of my believe of scriptures ,

    for example me if i understand something in scriptures and latter find that there is a scripture (yes only one) who will state the opposite of what i have understood ,i will stop to believe in it until i find the exact and true understanding.

    in this way i know God will keep me out of being put to shame.

    Do not believe i do not love you ,it would be wrong of you,you have live and it is God who has given it to you the same to all of us ,

    but what is not true is not true…



    Terricca…………You life before God is open as well as Mine he know all hearts , and what we all (truly) know. so let him do the judging not you or me. Why judge you another mans Servant, for unto his own master he shall stand or fall and stand he will because God is able to make him stand. If you need me to post the scripture i can.

    peace and love……………………….gene


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Sep. 17 2010,09:05)
    Terricca…………You life before God is open as well as Mine he know all hearts , and what we all (truly) know. so let him do the judging not you or me.  Why judge you another mans Servant, for unto his own master he shall stand or fall and stand he will because God is able to make him stand. If you need me to post the scripture i can.

    peace and love……………………….gene


    i know that scripture,

    but we will be judged by the words spoken .



    Terricca………..Point (IS) let GOD DO THE JUDGING. It is one thing to disagree with a persons post and quite another to personally attack his character as you do at times. Remember when Jesus said He (HATED) the (DEEDS) of the Nicholatians , but He did not say he Hated them , We are told to Judge or condemn nothing before the time. God is able to correct and Save anyone He choses to at any time He choses to it is all up to Him> We are the Clay HE is the POTTER so we need to humble ourselves before the Hand of GOD and He will lift us up in due time. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours…………………………gene


    Hi All! Just noticed all of you well wishes, thank you for that….Irene


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Sep. 19 2010,08:24)
    Terricca………..Point (IS) let GOD DO THE JUDGING. It is one thing to disagree with a persons post and quite another to personally attack his character as you do at times.  Remember when Jesus said He (HATED) the (DEEDS) of the Nicholatians , but He did not say he Hated them , We are told to Judge or condemn nothing before the time. God is able to correct and Save anyone He choses to at any time He choses to it is all up to Him> We are the Clay HE is the POTTER so we need to humble ourselves before the Hand of GOD and He will lift us up in due time. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours…………………………gene


    i do not hate you ,this would be a mistake if you believe that.

    just remember ,i only see your post ,but the question how is a person do differentiate the character from the words of his hearth??



    Do you go to church? If so where?


    IMO, False teachers are #1, those that do not teach the doctrine of Christ crucified as savior and Lord. #2, those that teach that they are exclusively saved by way of their doctrine (I think that was what Paul preached about  works, that your religion can't save you, only the grace that comes from Jesus can) #3, any religious leader claiming to be anything other than a sinful man.   Great example would be Scientology, written by a science fiction writer, thast teaches that bad comes from the 'orbs' floating  around because 70 million years ago a planatary ruler sent his overpopulation to earth to be blown up with hydrogen bombs on volcanos, and their sprits are bad “orbs” that stick to you. When you join they send someone to your house to hook you up to a machine to 'audit” you, and it cost money to get rid of them. Also far eastern religions that believe that you are rightious in your own self, you just have to get rid of your problems by meditations and such to get to “nirvana”…  Jim Jones/Gyana tragety, Heavans Gate etc. etc. I could keep going and it would be just as wacky. I believe Jesus was God's son who took my sin upon his sholders and saved me, through the perfect sacrifice that makes me complete, not because of anything I've done, but  because of what he did. Peace and love- Mark


    Quote (mikeangel @ Sep. 21 2010,04:42)
    Do you go to church? If so where?

    hi MA

    i do not belong to men made church,i left religion 38 years ago.it is me the word of God and my father God the creator.

    the truth is in his word,if you believe that then fallow it ,this would be your prove of your faith,in this way the truth would be in you,since it is the truth of God the preachings of Christ they both will be with you and in you,
    do you understand what i try to say to you ??

    when you give yourself up to God out of your freewill ,you now do not own yourself any longer you belong to God and Christ,so if you do not now submit to God you become a rebel
    against God,read the bible about the history of Israel and see what happen to those that rebel against God.



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