False teachers

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 26 2009,11:06)
    So a carnal mind is all you need?
    That is how denominations form when men follow men who claim superior understanding.

    If I was you I would just parrot scripture till you can see with more depth.

    Nick………there you go again mis applying what was said, you really are good at doing that , It really doesn't seem to bother you to add or distract from what people say does it. Don't you know by now that not right to do that you have been told that many times here but it never seem to sink in. If you are going to quote or say something some one says please have the descents to say it exactly as the person said it OK. Give it a try, you can do it if your really try. Thank.

    love and peace to you and your……………….gene


    Parrot till you get the gist of it and do not add.


    Nick………is that what your are doing till you get it right Nick?



    So we have one teacher, Jesus Christ.
    He is our guide as to what the bread of life, scripture reveals.

    Since we wish to be found faithful by our Master when he comes we should abide in his teachings.

    Matthew 24:45
    ” Who then is the faithful and sensible slave whom his master put in charge of his household to give them their food at the proper time?


    Nick……… maybe try praying to GOD the Father as Jesus our master said to, and Let The Father's Spirit teach you, because without the Spirit you will never understand what Jesus was talking about. Thats why we are told to knock, seek, and ask. because it takes more then parroting scripture to understand it. If you truly believe Jesus then obey him and do what he says. IMO



    Your teachings are not aligned with scripture but the thoughts of men so not a good example.
    Why not abide in what is written as the speculative tangents you follow offer little.


    Nick………Quite wrong Nick…Show me where they are not in aligned , It your understanding thats not in line with scriptures.



    It may be easier to show you where they are aligned as the humanist influence is so strong.


    To all……………here is again a list of what i believe is false teachings by apostate churches and false wed site preachers.

    the doctrine of the TRINITY

    the doctrines About DEVILS & DEMONS

    the doctrine of the PREEXISTENCE OF JESUS

    the doctrine of FREE WILLS OR FREE CHOICES

    the doctrine of CHRISTMAS

    the doctrine of EASTER

    the doctrine of SUNDAY WORSHIP

    the doctrine of TITHING

    all of these are false teaching and used today to control and create false ideologies They have there origins in paganism and apostate Church teachings. IMO

    love and peace to you all……………………gene


    I agree with you, except for Jesus pre-exsitence and I wonder how paganism is connected to this in your mind.


    David ………if your talking about the preexistence point, it because the Ideology of Trinity demands a preexistence in order to teach it, so they both have their origin in paganism.

    love and peace to you and yours…………………………gene


    That makes sense, or at least, I understand why you would file it under paganism. But it's not directly linked, like the trinity, like Christmas, easter, etc.


    Hi TT,
    You said in another thread
    “Second, the Protestant Reformers taught “sola fide” (or, faith alone). Are you prepared to label the protestant reformers, Luther, Calvin, Zwingli and others as “false teachers”?”

    Absolutely unless their teachings are also found in the mouth of God.
    Reformation of the whore was an impossible task.

    God knows those who are His and denominations are just another name for carnal human divisions.

    The body of Christ is one.


    David……I left out another one “Holy Mary mother of GOD”, there is another having it's origins in pagan Idolatrous teachings. These all stem from the Great Whore Church and Her daughters. IMO We are told to come out of these false teachings or we will recieve of Her plague (Mystery BABYLON) confusion is (HER) Plague.

    love and peace to you and yours………………………gene


    Gen You bailed out of the other post and what are you doing here accusing others of being with the whore? Have you not learned yet, you did it once in the W.W.C. of God and now what possessed you to do it again? Why because they believe that Jesus preexisted? They have Scripture on their side
    I took Satan first.
    Mark 1:13 And He was there in the wilderness forty days and was tempted by Satan, and was with the wild beast, and then the angels ministered to Him.

    In Luke He (Satan) is testing Jesus, He said:
    Luke 2:1 Then Jesus filled with Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness.
    Verse 2 being tempted by for forty days and night He has ate nothing or drank anything, the devil said
    Verse 3” If you are the Son of God command these stones to turn into bread to eat.” He was going to give Him everything, but Jesus said:” GET BEHIND ME SATAN! FOR IT IS WRITTEN “ YOU SHALL WORSHIP THE LORD YOUR GOD AND HIM ONLY SHALL YOU SERVE.”

    Ask yourself if this could be possible if all this is in a mind of a person, test yourself, that is not what it says. Satan is a real being, that fell from heaven when He sinned against God and wanted to be like God and take over His Throne.
    Rev. 12:9 So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceived the whole world, he was cast to the earth, and his angels with him.
    Now we go to the preexsisting of Jesus.

    Col. 1:12 giving thanks to thew Father who has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light.

    verse 13 He has delivered us from the power of darkness and translated us into the kingdom of the Son of His Love.

    verse 14 ” in whim we have redemption through His blood the forgiveness of sins.

    verse 15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.

    verse 16 “For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones, or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him,
    and for Him.

    verse 17 And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist

    of the dead, that in all things He will have preeminence.

    I have given you scriptures to prove what I believe and IMO it is the truth. And some of the Brethren like Kathi and David, and Nick and t8 we all share this understanding.
    And Gen it took me awhile to understand after one of the J.W. who came to our Door, told me so.
    I told Him that He was crazy. I had to eat my words after God revealed all to me.
    Peace and Love Irene


    Irene……..i love you and Georg both, But we will just have to agree to disagree on this issue, I believe with full assurance in my heart there is (NO) real being call Satan, serpent, devil, beast, When ever a person is being a adversary of God He is all of them, He is being and evil adversary (SATAN) himself, as Jesus showed with Peter, Judas, the Pharisees also. Man himself is very capable of being these himself. And God Holds man accountable for them also. No invisible spook and boogie man going around jumping in and out of People. That whole teaching comes fro the apostate church. as well as Jesus Preexistence IMO

    I love you and Georg with much love………………………………gene


    I think the most identifiable characteristics of a false teacher are his unteachableness and his lack of concern when he is shown his obvious deviation from scriptural truth. That shows the fear of God does not reside there. The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.


    These all stem from the Great Whore Church and Her daughters. IMO

    Yes, but my question is: What are you basing your “honest opinion” on? Do you have any references that state that Jesus pre-existence is somehow linked to paganism.

    (I'm not doubting that such references exist. It's just, I'd like to know what you are basing your opinions on.)


    David……….simple you couldn't have a Trinity doctrine with out it right. The doctrine demands a persistence Jesus in order to work. One developed with the other.

    love and peace to you and yours………………..gene


    I make no apology for my active involvement here.
    The site is a magnet for false teachers who preach trinity and worse.
    We offer the scriptures to the interested to counter this expression of the widespread rebellion of carnal men.

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