False and true teachings

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Sep. 28 2009,16:06)
    Hi BD,
    We have the words of Jesus by which to find out the false teachers.
    You serve another master and god do you not?

    I have given you the very words of Jesus and you have not accepted them either so what does that mean?

    I have never called Muhammad my master and yet you give false testimony that I believe this when I don't, You call the God of Israel another God which is not biblical and you are short on explanation of these bizarre claims, besides all that you have polytheistic urges making Jesus equal or greater than God.


    Hi BD,
    Your master would offer to correct the words of the Spirit of God?
    False teaching.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Sep. 28 2009,17:19)
    Hi BD,
    Your master would offer to correct the words of the Spirit of God?
    False teaching.

    Who is my master, Nick?

    And is God, Jesus?


    Hi BD,
    You put him and his dry words above Jesus.
    Jesus was the one sent by God and filled with His Spirit.

    Wake up.


    Quote (Gene @ Sep. 28 2009,16:14)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Sep. 28 2009,06:26)
    Obsessional ideas are no more true than any other carnal ones.
    Best to stay within what is revealed or folks start to think it is gnostic.

    Nick……….People Here don't even Know what the Gnostic's taught , or they would not be bringing it up so much, Go and read there teachings and compare who is really teaching there Philosophies such as Jesus being a GOD, and HIS PREEXISTENCE. The TRINITY is the direct result of the Gnostic teaching with a little changes here and there,  they also believe Jesus was a GOD, but they basically are the same , and that also applies to your beliefs of Jesus' Persistences they to believe Jesus preexisted.   WE are told to come (OUT) not part way but all the Way OUT NICK. And that includes the teachings of doctrines of devils and demons , All these things are false teachings. And if you don;t come out you will and do recieve of Her Plagues. IMO


    I find it so ironic that you think only your ide's are the truth. Yet I have given Scriptures for instant on the Prexsisting of Jesus and you just ignore them. I go by Scriptures, not what a man is teaching. Just like the trinity doctrine.
    I know that John is hard for some to understand, but I have giving you a verse that clearly says that He became flesh, and again you ignore it, and just believe your way. Don't you think it is better what the Scriptures are saying and then believe them, then your own idea's? An intellect cannot become flesh only the person himself can. So who's intellect is it then in John 1:14. There is no other Human that could fill that place. COME ON NOW YOU ARE EVEN CALLING THOSE DOCTRINE OF THE DEVIL? How dare you!!!! I think you may have to watch out, that you won't be the one if you keep it up and judge people.IMO
    Explain these Scriptures if you can
    Col. 1:15-17
    Rev. 3:14
    and of course
    John 1:1-14
    tell me something how could Jesus create all if He was not there before the world was.
    John 1:3
    And who is us and our in Genesis with the Father.
    What was the glory Jesus had with the Father in
    John 1:17 ” And now O Father glorify Me together with Yourself with the glory I had with You before the world was.”
    Peace and Love Irene


    Irene………..All these things have been explained Here time and time again, You either understand them or Not Show me (ONE) Scripture that (CLEARLY) without forcing the text SAYS JESUS PREEXISTED HIS BERTH HERE ON EARTH. Not some thing you think suggests, it but (CLEARLY SAYS IT). Jesus could have been just as easily telling the Jews that He was in GOD'S plan way before Abraham ever existed.  GOD (PLAINLY) said HE ALONE AND BY HIMSELF created the heavens  and the earth and everything it it. Why do you preexistences want to rob GOD of HE Glory?,  YOU say the (US) means Jesus in Genesis, but Jesus' name is not there so you preexistences add it in, that is called forcing the text. Again You preexistences say the (WORD) Which is supposed to be Spirit became Flesh , But Jesus said Spirit is (NOT) FLESH, and He even said the WORDS WERE (NOT) HIS WORDS HE WAS speaking so how could His FLESH become the WORD it SELF. Now if you say the words of GOD were being spoken by Jesus i would agree with you but you are saying they (are) Jesus, But Jesus disagrees with you. Irene your still hanging on to some of the false teachings of the TRINITARIANS. Irene come all the way out of those false teaching and be regenerated anew in your heart and mind be set free from those false teachings.  Jesus did (NOT) preexist HIS berth on earth , there is (NO) reincarnation of any one. It would make (NO) sense For GOD to take an already perfect being Kill HIM and rebirth Him and Kill Him again, that would prove (Nothing) to Us at all. Jesus in that case would (NOT) truely be exactly Like we are would He. He would have a (Hugh) advantage over us and He could not say to us to overcome as He did could He?..Because He was already perfect before He was ever born then.  NO GOD took a truly Human Being (EXACTLY) like one of US, perfected HIM and gave him eternal life after he was resurrected from the dead. Just as (HE) said. Me saying this should not weaken your faith in Jesus  it should strengthen it. Jesus was one of US 100% one of US our Brother (NO) difference form any of US. Except that He was uniquely born by GOD suppling DNA in MARY'S womb. That is the way I see it Irene.

    Peace and love to you and Georg………………gene


    Gene The Scriptures I gave you do say in
    Col.1:15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.
    What can you not understand about that. Or don't you know what a firstborn is?
    Then in verse 16 it says
    ” For by Him all things were created that are in Heaven and that are in Earth.
    Oh, Jesus said that He was before Abraham. No He did not say what you are implying.
    If He created all, He had to be in exsisting already before He can create all.
    Rev. 3:14 These says the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, THE BEGINNING OF THE CREATION OF GOD.” Again do you have a firstborn, we do His name is David,.
    verse 17 He was before all things. What don't you understand about that?
    I am not forcing these Scriptures and it says what it does., that Jesus was in exsisting before we were and before the World was.
    And even
    John 17:5 shows that He was with the Father as a Spirit Being before the World was. Jesus said this Himself.
    You believe that the Spirit of Jesus cannot become a man? God can do any thng He wants to do.
    In John 17:5 clearly explains that He had a glory with the Father before the World was, and He wanted it back. What did He become again , was it not Spirit? If not then what was He? All this is not forcing the text. It plainley explains it all. That is your copout. Because you can't see it, that is not my fault.
    These are not Doctrine of the Devil, you making that one up. You are good at that. An interllect by it self cannot become flesh.
    John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word AND THE WORD WAS GOD, AND HE WAS WITH GOD.
    Hebrew 1;8 But Jesus never was the Almighjty God. That is our Heavenly Father. Why did God have to send Jesus into to the world? And where did He send Him from? You do not answer any of those Questions I put to you, and only by your interpetation of the Scriptures I gave you. I will always go by Scriptures., and not by interpeting them.


    You say everyone who does not accept your additions to scripture lacks understanding.
    But you have told us these are just your ideas so why do you insist we believe them?


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Sep. 28 2009,17:36)
    Hi BD,
    You put him and his dry words above Jesus.
    Jesus was the one sent by God and filled with His Spirit.

    Wake up.

    Who is “him”?

    And do you worship Jesus as God?

    Is it wrong to Worship God in Spirit and truth?

    Do you prefer to worship God in Jesus?


    Hi BD,
    The man who wrote your teachings.
    Only those in Christ share his Spirit and can worship God in their body temple.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Sep. 29 2009,07:59)
    Hi BD,
    The man who wrote your teachings.
    Only those in Christ share his Spirit and can worship God in their body temple.

    Were believers before Christ “in Christ” and if so wouldn't all believers be “in Christ”?


    Hi BD,
    So those in Christ are greater than John the Baptist.
    Christ Jesus is greater than all the prophets but all shared in the Spirit of God.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Sep. 29 2009,12:26)
    Hi BD,
    So those in Christ are greater than John the Baptist.
    Christ Jesus is greater than all the prophets but all shared in the Spirit of God.

    Even if he is greater, he says “what you do unto the least of these you do unto me”

    Therefore the spirit of God is not a respector of persons


    Hi BD,
    Those in Christ are one with him.
    Small and great are the same.

    But Islam is not of Christ.
    They are no part of him.

    The altars of belial and God are not the same.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Sep. 29 2009,12:43)
    Hi BD,
    Those in Christ are one with him.
    Small and great are the same.

    But Islam is not of Christ.
    They are no part of him.

    The altars of belial and God are not the same.

    Islam preaches Christ so according to Paul

    Philippians 1:17-19 (King James Version)

    17But the other of love, knowing that I am set for the defence of the gospel.

    18What then? notwithstanding, every way, whether in pretence, or in truth, Christ is preached; and I therein do rejoice, yea, and will rejoice.

    19For I know that this shall turn to my salvation through your prayer, and the supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ,

    Islam confirms that Jesus is The Christ and born of a Virgin and will return.

    Are these things true? Not even Paul preached that Jesus was born of a virgin.


    Hi BD,
    Many false religions speak of Christ.
    But you do not offer him as a foundation stone.

    So you stumble


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Sep. 29 2009,14:26)
    Hi BD,
    Many false religions speak of Christ.
    But you do not offer him as a foundation stone.

    So you stumble

    Ephesians 2:19-21 (King James Version)

    19Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens with the saints, and of the household of God;

    20And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone;

    21In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord:

    You seem to always want to leave out those other than Christ Jesus. The Quran speaks like verse 20 but you forget all those who paved the way for Christ Jesus and instead make Christ a demigod.


    Hi BD,
    Chief cornerstone .
    Check the building in Rev21 and no sign of Islam showing.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Sep. 29 2009,15:29)
    Hi BD,
    Chief cornerstone .
    Check the building in Rev21 and no sign of Islam showing.

    What do you mean?


    Hi BD,
    Better get on board the boat going to safety.

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