FAITH Part 15

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    By (the teaching of) grace those of faith understand that God (the Father) needs to create Christ in His children through His work upon them because this is God’s GIFT to His children, so that they would not “boast” (that they did anything) because we are saved by grace (God at work) through the faith that believes in this gift of God (Eph 2:10-8).

    Only perverted believers remove grace (this work of God) from their gospel, and because of THIS (removal) God says they are cursed (Gal 1:6-9) because they are into pleasing people, rather than (learning how to) serve Christ (Gal 1:10). It is these so-called believers who share the false gospel which tells people that “they alone” can bring Christ into their heart which IS against the scriptures (Rom 10:6-7).

    This is why only the truth makes us free providing we know it by continuing in His word learning, as disciples (Jn 8:32-31). Without this instruction (of grace in all of its teaching) we cannot have the understanding to speak these things, therefore all we can do is serve sin (within error) (Jn 8:34), because we are without the knowledge of God’s divine power which can give us all the things needed to live godly in this life, so that we can partake of the divine nature AFTER we have escaped the corruption in the world through lusts
    (2 Pet 1:3-4).

    This is why we need God given diligence through the Spirit, to ADD to our faith:

    a) Knowledge (of the power of God at work) so that we can have b) Temperance (to live a moderated lifestyle unto being given c) Patience (to wait upon God to give us) d) Sincere love towards the brethren (2Pet 1:5-7).

    HAVE YOU BEEN GIVEN THE PATIENCE TO WAIT FOR THIS RIGHTEOUSNESS BECAUSE YOU HAVE THIS HOPE THROUGH FAITH? (Gal 5:5). If so, then you have been given the faith that works by love (5:6) If not, WHAT is hindering you from obeying this truth (5:7) so that you can be given the liberty to sincerely love others as yourself, rather than using any occasion for (the desires of) your flesh? (Gal 5:13-14).

    Those who ARE Christ’s have already crucified the lusts of their flesh (Gal 5:24).

    NOTE- Just in case you are ignorant of the works of the flesh, read and meditate upon these things: (Gal 5:19-21)

    1. Adultery (looking at anyone including your spouse with lust)
    2. Uncleanness (living in lusts, and impure motives)
    3. Unbridled Lust (in excess without shame)
    4. Idolatry (the worshipping of false gods, ie people, career, money, possessions)
    5. Witchcraft (the deceptions and seductions of idolatry)
    6. Hatred (because of a carnal mind, which is against the things of God)
    7. Contention (striving with people)
    8. Envy (jealousy caused by indignation)
    9. Wrath (uncontrolled anger)
    10. Dissension (caused by divisive attitude)
    11. Heresy (our opinions, rather than sound doctrine)
    12. Murder (from hatred and wrath)
    13. Drunkenness (drink to get intoxicated)
    14. Rioting (indulges in serious partying, and drinking all night)
    15. Inordinate affection (comes from lust)
    16. Evil (self-motivated deeds)
    17. Lust (craving and desires for what is forbidden/against God)
    18. Covetous (greedy desires to have more)
    19. Slander (backbiting against people)
    20. Lies (deceiving deliberately)


    This is why it is said, that those who ARE Christ’s have already crucified the lusts of their flesh (Gal 5:24). Believers who are WITHOUT ALL THIS FRUITFUL KNOWLEDGE OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, are BLIND (unrepentant) and cannot see (to understand) their NEED to be purged/crucified from their old sins (2Pet 1:8-9).

    Have you obtained this precious faith through the righteousness of God? (2Pet 1:1) If so, then God is revealing to you that you need to come from (your) faith to (Christ’s) faith so that you can live just by His faith (Rom 1:17 with Gal 2:20), Without which you are ignorant, and unfruitful, because you have not received grace so that you would have obedience to the faith for His namesake (Rom 1:13, 1:5).

    By the will of God He sends a minister unto us to impart the spiritual gift (of grace in all of its teaching) so that we can be established, and comforted in the mutual faith (Rom 1:11-12). WE CANNOT HAVE OBEDIENCE TO THE GOSPEL WITHOUT A GOD SENT PREACHER TO TEACH US THESE GOOD THINGS, SO THAT WE CAN BELIEVE (Rom 10:16-14).

    Are you following after THIS righteousness of faith? (Rom 9:30) If not, you have established “your own righteousness” in ignorance, because you have not submitted yourself to the righteousness which is of God. Furthermore you might even have a “zeal” for God, but it’s NOT according to knowledge (Rom 10:3-2).

    Faith comes by hearing the whole word of God, not just the gospel (Rom 10:17). Those who are of God can hear these words of God (Jn 8:47), WITHOUT HEARING WE ARE IN LUSTS, AND IN “OUR OWN WILL BE DONE” BECAUSE WE ARE NOT ABIDING IN THIS TRUTH (Jn 8:44). The truth reveals the grace of God at work (Col 1:6, Eph 2:10-8) which those that have sincere love can rejoice in, rather than some other iniquity (of what they can do) (1Cor 13:6).


    Ztheberean………………Amen again, this is truly from the Spirit, Many profess God (BUT) deny the Power there of , Putting the power of their salvations into their own Hands, By such things as so-called (FREE WILL) Choices, and there by deny the (GRACE) God's work on the heart. We truly are saved by GRACE and that (NOT) of ourselves.

    peace and love to you and yours……………………………………………..gene


    Why do you offer sermons and not enter into dialogue about your words?


    Quote (Gene @ Mar. 04 2009,08:49)
    Ztheberean………………Amen again, this is truly from the Spirit, Many profess God (BUT) deny the Power there of , Putting the power of their salvations into their own Hands, By such things as so-called (FREE WILL) Choices, and there by deny the (GRACE) God's work on the heart. We truly are saved by GRACE and that (NOT) of ourselves.

    peace and love to you and yours……………………………………………..gene


    You “Amen” Zthebereans' post and speak of “Free Will.”

    If one does that long list of sins he posted and practice the disobedience he eludes to, is it because the “devilade them do it”? I hear you saying they do not have free will to choose.
    Am I hearing you worng?




    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 05 2009,05:11)
    Why do you offer sermons and not enter into dialogue about your words?

    I do enter into dialogue, with people when I feel led by the Spirit to do so, however the bible speaks about avoid foolish and unlearned questions because all they do is cause strife, not unity.


    Quote (SEEKING @ Mar. 05 2009,05:43)

    Quote (Gene @ Mar. 04 2009,08:49)
    Ztheberean………………Amen again, this is truly from the Spirit, Many profess God (BUT) deny the Power there of , Putting the power of their salvations into their own Hands, By such things as so-called (FREE WILL) Choices, and there by deny the (GRACE) God's work on the heart. We truly are saved by GRACE and that (NOT) of ourselves.

    peace and love to you and yours……………………………………………..gene


    You “Amen” Zthebereans' post and speak of “Free Will.”

    If one does that long list of sins he posted and practice the disobedience he eludes to, is it because the “devilade them do it”?  I hear you saying they do not have free will to choose.
    Am I hearing you worng?



    Yes, that is correct, because if we have free will, we can only choose to be in disobedience, and not have God working upon us, so that we would not be in this disobedience.
    So, it's all about ASKING God to work, which is naturally against our will, so God needs to deliver us from our will, so that we can be into His will.


    Hi Z,
    You can specify the multiplicity of human sin but only one is relevant.[Jn3,16]
    Sins are only the natural expression of serving the father of natural men.
    They are not the biggest problem but unbelief in the Son is.
    All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.

    God is not counting but rather forgiving the sins of those in His beloved son Jesus Christ


    Hi Z,
    God does not want us so busy examining ourselves for sin that we do not walk and serve Him.
    That would show we never really believed we were forgiven in the waters of baptism.


    Hi Z,
    The false way of self perfectionism is a philosophical vanity.

    ” there is a way that seems right in the eyes of men but ends in death”


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 05 2009,06:42)
    Hi Z,
    You can specify the multiplicity of human sin but only one is relevant.[Jn3,16]
    Sins are only the natural expression of serving the father of natural men.
    They are not the biggest problem but unbelief in the Son is.
    All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.

    God is not counting but rather forgiving the sins of those in His beloved son Jesus Christ

    The natural man has a carnal mind which is against the things of God, AND is walking after their flesh, which CANNOT please God (Rom 8:7-8), this is why the deeds of our body need to be mortified through the Spirit, so that we can live after the Spirit and please God because we are no longer living after out flesh in the above sins (Rom 8:13-14, 8-9).

    Those who have forgiveness from God, also have deliverance from the above sins which are against the things of God, and the liberty to love others (strongs Greek # 859).
    No one has forgivesness from God without the above fruit of deliverance, remission, and liberty.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 05 2009,06:44)
    Hi Z,
    God does not want us so busy examining ourselves for sin that we do not walk and serve Him.
    That would show we never really believed we were forgiven in the waters of baptism.

    We must examine ourselves to prove IF we are in the faith that believes its all about God working, NOT us working for our salvation because this is a gift of God, by His grace through the faith that believes. (2Cor 13:5, Eph 2:10-8)

    No one is forgiven by the sprinking of water, I just gave you the scriptures for that before.


    Hi Z,
    No but obedient faith is required.
    Airy fairy affirmations are irrelevant.

    Scripture tells us what to do through the mouth of Peter in Acts 2
    Nothing has changed since then except the foolish theologies of men.


    Hi Z,
    Baptism did not save Simon Magus.

    But God knows the heart of obedient repentant seekers and cleanses their consciences in the blood.


    Nick………..Z… right , and what was written to you is clear, if a person is not changed from there sin behavior then what good is baptism of the Spirit . If we confess our sins as scripture shows we recieve forgiveness, (AND CLEANSING) if not what good is it to confess them. What you and some Hate is the fact that its not by you so-called (FREE WILL) Choices we are saved, if the truth be known. Without even realizing holding on the this false ideology is a bigger sin the most sins are.

    You say No but obedient faith is (REQUIRED), and (Airy Fairy) affirmations are irrelevant , then you wounder why Z doesn't want to engage you in discussions. Why should Z put up with your stupid accusations . You so-called (obedient self faith requirements) are Just that (self works) and have nothing to do with true Faith or overcoming by the Spirit of GOD , they are (self works) as the Pharisees had outward show, but inward were not really changed, by GOD. Anyone can put on a show brother. IMO

    The whole truth is you Hate the fact its GOD (ALONE),THAT CREATES Righteousness in us>BY GRACE and Has nothing to do with our so-called (FREE WILL) Choices as Ztheberean brought out, So you start your usual personal attacks. Same old rhetoric Nick.

    love and peace to you and yours………………………………..gene


    Seeking………Not sure what you are saying or driving at, but the issue of a so-called free will has been descuessed Here extensicely before, you can find the thread a read my as well as others commit. Let me Just say this to you Free Will is a creation of religion , the is not scripture that says we have a (FREE) Will, we have Wills but they are hardly (FREE) Will they are influenced WILLS , big difference. There is no such thing as a (FREE WILL). GO the the free will thread and you will see our reasonings on this . But if your have any question ask and i will try to answer it.

    love and peace to you and yours…………………………gene


    Quote (Gene @ Mar. 06 2009,09:23)

    The whole truth is you Hate the fact its GOD (ALONE),THAT CREATES Righteousness in us>BY GRACE and Has nothing to do with our so-called (FREE WILL)

    I observe you have not repplied to some of my questions. I do hope you will share your thoughts with me on these queries.

    Rom 16:26 but has now been disclosed and through the prophetic writings has been made known to all nations, according to the command of the eternal God, to bring about the obedience of faith–

    This passage does seem to imply that the only motivator for
    response to God's grace is faith that what He said is true. That “faith” response looks to be called “obedience.” Obediece is simply “active hearkening or submission” according to Strong's.

    Php 2:13 for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.

    This passage does say that it is ALL GOD. He creates the will to do what He wants and the motivation to work, all”for His good pleasure.”

    Are we though, bound to do His bidding and incapable to refuse? How would these passages unwrap if that be the case:

    Mat 10:32 So everyone who acknowledges me before men, I also will acknowledge before my Father who is in heaven,
    Mat 10:33 but whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my Father who is in heaven.

    Is that denial impossible today?




    Hi Z,
    Did Paul have complete deliverance from sin in the flesh[Rom7]?


    Oh, I wish there was complete deliverance from sin in this flesh…..ah….that would be HEAVEN! :;):


    Hi not3,
    Death brings freedom.
    Meantime we battle.


    It certainly is hard to do battle when you can't remember where you put your armour.
    Maybe t8 can loan me some of his? He looks well equiped these days!

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