Eternal torment

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  • #92808

    Hi GM,
    Yes Jesus came from heaven as the bread of heaven.
    He said so and I for one do not know better than him.


    As a symbolic way as bread not that a being came directly that is my thology. Jesus came to earth by conception whose origins are from Mary by power of the Holy Spirit.


    Hi GM,
    2But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting.


    Yes his origins are from God who is from eternity to eternity that is in the mind of God and as the 'word' of God which was in the beginning with that One God. And also he is the root and ofspring of David and 'seed' of the woman what more you need to prove Micah 5:2. it doesn't need to prove Jesus has to exist as a being from eternity as mystically begotten by God as 'monogenes son' as often you claim.


    Hi GM,
    Was the mind of God with Him and not of Him?


    No comments please.




    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 15 2008,16:04)
    Hi GM,
    Was the mind of God with Him and not of Him?

    Hi Nick, sorry I could not follow your question.


    gollamudi……..Don't get discourage, as i told you before those who God has allowed to See and Hear do, and those who he has blinded are blind they just can't get it, don't get discouraged brother, You quoted it right God took from their brethren and raised up a man, Jesus as He said He would, and He was prophesied to come before the foundations of the word, that why it who's origins were from long ago. You have it right don't let them deceive you brother, with their false assumptions and theologies.

    Adam continue to trust God the Father He will not let you believe their deceptions and twisting of scriptures. This is spiritual warfare but remain faithful to God word and what He has allowed you to see, and a crown of righteousness will be yours.

    Love and peace to you and yours…………..gene


    Thanks brother Gene,
    You are always my encouragement in understanding scriptures. Do share some thing under the topic “the Holy Spirit” I want you to clarify certain doubts you can see my post to LU there.
    Peace to you


    Quote (gollamudi @ June 17 2008,01:33)
    Thanks brother Gene,
    You are always my encouragement in understanding scriptures. Do share some thing under the topic “the Holy Spirit” I want you to clarify certain doubts you can see my post to LU there.
    Peace to you


    I noticed you tend to try to align your thinking with Genes….

    Brother you can understand these scriptures BY YOURSELF…with prayer and the help of GOD's holy spirit…

    Follow the scriptures…they are inspired…Just because Gene says GOD showed him what a particular scripture means does not mean you have to immediately agree with him…Pray that the spirit shows YOU…You may be surprised at the results

    No offence intended to either you or Gene…just some observations…


    Hi borther DK, You are misunderstanding my posts see for your self where I contributed irrespective of any influence I think you are thinking that I am a puppet to agree to any individual. See for your self what reasoning I am agreeing, I can agree to what God has already revealed to me.
    You are only making it a big thing because you don't like these understandings.
    please take care


    Quote (gollamudi @ June 20 2008,03:34)
    Hi borther DK, You are misunderstanding my posts see for your self where I contributed irrespective of any influence I think you are thinking that I am a puppet to agree to any individual. See for your self what reasoning I am agreeing, I can agree to what God has already revealed to me.
    You are only making it a big thing because you don't like these understandings.
    please take care

    If you think I misunderstand..I apologize..but I have a quick question….name some things you think Gene has wrong in scriputure?


    You are the one making Gene wrong you should be interested in that. I can say one thing that no one is perfect here. We are all releasing our inhibitions so that fullness of Truth can be revealed as a whole not that any one single knows every thing. I don't agree with you or some of the brothers here because your doctrines are so much confusing you believe monotheism which is similar to Arians which was disputed so many years in the history. How can I believe such mythology of creating Jesus some preexsting spirit which some say the light, some say an angel some say Michael so on and so forth.
    I can not agree with these dogmas that's why I don't say amen to those posts. If this is your burning with me I can not help that.
    Sorry for the strong words. You only made it a big thing.
    Please take care


    Quote (gollamudi @ June 20 2008,03:55)
    You are the one making Gene wrong you should be interested in that. I can say one thing that  no one is perfect here. We are all releasing our inhibitions so that fullness of Truth can be revealed as a whole not that any one single knows every thing. I don't agree with you or some of the brothers here because your doctrines are so much confusing you believe monotheism which is similar to Arians which was disputed so many years in the history. How can I believe such mythology of creating Jesus some preexsting spirit which some say the light, some say an angel some say Michael so on and so forth.
    I can not agree with these dogmas that's why I don't say amen to those posts. If this is your burning with me I can not help that.
    Sorry for the strong words. You only made it a big thing.
    Please take care

    For the record I agree with Gene on a lot of different things…but you failed to answer my 1 thing you disagree with Gene on?


    That is not the topic my brother please don't divert it.


    Quote (gollamudi @ June 20 2008,03:59)
    That is not the topic my brother please don't divert it.



    Hi DK,
    What do you think of Jesus a god, demi-god, super being, an angel, the light on the day one, Michael, preexisting spirit, Melchizedek, Go of God, Light of Light, True God of True God, begotten not created, begotten assexually, homoousios with the Father, begotten before the time began, eternally begotten,begotten God, monogenes son, hypostasis with Father, so on and soforth?


    Hi Dk,
    perhaps you could answer in an appropriate thread?


    DK….It's not about me it's about truth,Stop and think a monent if You say something i agree with i would say amen brother, and i as well as Adam and others have said this to each other all the time, the Spirit does have a ring to it and to me some seem to have it more than others. I did not teach Adam what He knows the Spirit of God did not me, i only expressed my opinions and they simply aliened with His and some others also. I think i even said amen to one or two of your posts, No one is following no man or women here, we just express things as we see them. But i do believe the Spirit of truth does give unity to those who have it, not that anyone has all the truth we Just see in part thats all.

    love and peace to you and your………….gene

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